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"Voluntaryist" The Libertarian Superhero

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OH DEAR GOD! I have seen some bad comics in my days and this certainly is in the bad enough to be funny category.

...I cannot believe that this isn't meant to be against Libertarianism.

Voluntaryist tells the story of BRAVE AND BEAUTIFUL voluntaryist superheroes (the writer is not very good at making up names) who fight agaisnt the STATISTS who are trying to enslave everyone on Earth...

They had an Indiegogo campaign with the target of 10'000 dollars and are cheering after getting less than 4 thousand...

--- Quote ---
I am excited to announce that we have completed our Voluntaryist Origins Indiegogo comic campaign!

While we did not reach our lofty backing goal, we did reach AMAZING heights with this campaign that make Voluntaryist Origins the MOST SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN EVER.

In this campaign, we:

    Hit the No. 1 spot on Indiegogo comics!
    Reached over 5,200 fans on our Facebook!
    Reached 97 backers – BEATING ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS!

Because of this, I can tell you that not only will this comic be the longest in our production history, but it will be the first full industry-standard comic book we have completed in one shot.
--- End quote ---

That's it, I am calling Poe's law. They can't be serious.

I mean, the free comic on the website has "statist zombies" who bite people and turn them into undead monsters who immediately start repeating phrases like "but who will build the roads," "think of the children" and "support our troops."

If you want to laugh take a look at it, just try not to drink anything while reading.

Surprised this thread didn't get any replies.

I mean look at this

--- Quote ---SPONTANEOUS ORDER: The name of a loose organization of hackers who work together to undermine the government’s plans and help the Voluntaryists. They will often don masks of Frederic Bastiat and Lysander Spooner to show solidarity.
--- End quote ---
All the statist characters are Red and evil and one of them is literally a guy with a swastika and a hammer & sickle on his chest.

A literal Commie-Nazi

You mean "Kaiser Kim" the cyborg ruler of North Korea? Yeah, this comic is well in the "so bad that it is actually good" territory if only to laugh at how the Libertarian apparently sees the world.

The writer understands so little about politics and economy that they actually have negative amounts of information.

They've actually been covered on a bunch of libertarian-sphere websites

If you don't remember Free Keene, these were the guys who were in this skit of The Colbert Report years ago

One of the members named Chris Cantwell was eventually kicked out for being an absolute trashfire of a human being and he eventually became a full-on neo-nazi and became known as "Crying Nazi" after having an emotional breakdown and crying on camera at the Charlottesville Alt-Right rally.

I'm thinking of having Voluntaryist show up in a crossover RP over on TVTropes.

Namely, he gets bitten in half by Sobek, a DC comics villain, in his first scene.


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