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Community => Entertainment and Television => Topic started by: DogmasDemise on December 13, 2012, 05:35:52 pm

Title: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: DogmasDemise on December 13, 2012, 05:35:52 pm
So I was wondering what you guys think of each of these four YouTube channels made by atheist activists.

- TheAmazingAtheist
- ZOMGitsCriss
- Thunderf00t
- PatCondell

I chose them in particular because they're the ones with the most subscribers (80k or more). All of them are critical of religion in general, particularly Christianity (with the exception of Pat Condell who focuses more on Islam).

Do you find that they are "voices of reason" or at least doing a good job trying promote secularism and highlighting some of the negative aspects of religion? Or perhaps the contrary, maybe you find them biased, rude or even bigoted, and unlikely to change people's mind? Or maybe, you see them more as entertainment for people who were already atheists or agnostics when they found the channels, rather than effective activism and ultimately everyone needs to do their homework and decide if their worldview is plausible? Or maybe you just hate them or don't care what they have to say. (I've seen mixed reactions among other atheists about them from both extremely positive or extremely negative.)

I would say they're alright, I'm not under some illusion that they're these exceptional, never-seen-before beacons of rationality and hope that some people think they are, (although Thunderf00t is a scientist IRL and pwns the crap out of creationism and pseudo-science) but overall I'm glad they're there, speaking out and encouraging other atheists to speak out. I doubt they "deconvert" many people, (and honestly who suddenly changes his entire worldview by watching a few YT videos?) but they (along with this whole "new atheism movement" by people like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens or Sam Harris) I think has certainly tilted the balance a bit and made it more socially acceptable to be openly atheist than a decade or two ago. And yeah, they're pretty entertaining too.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Saturn500 on December 13, 2012, 05:49:39 pm
I've heard that TheAmazingAtheist is considered a jackass.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: lazerfrog on December 13, 2012, 07:12:01 pm
The AA has caught flak for generally being obnoxious and for wishing for a rape victim to relive their experience because said victim was a feminist.  He also acted pretty entitled during his time at That Guy with the Glasses, and later complained that they didn't start promoting his stuff immediately as soon as he started doing videos for them. 
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Art Vandelay on December 13, 2012, 07:34:07 pm
Pat Condell is a conspiracy nutter. Amazing Atheist is an ass and an e-begger. I've never watched the other two so I can't really comment on them.

Though if you're after a halfway decent Youtube atheist, I'd highly recommend CultOfDusty.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Witchyjoshy on December 13, 2012, 07:45:20 pm
TheAmazingAtheist is the only one I've really had experience with, and it would be more accurate to describe him as "TheAntagonizingAtheist"

Seriously, he's got at least twelve sticks shoved up his arse.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Distind on December 13, 2012, 08:15:12 pm
AA's a dick, no question.

Thunderfoot has had his moments, on both ends. I've never really come across the other two.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Sigmaleph on December 13, 2012, 08:31:26 pm
I've seen some of ZOMGitsCriss' videos and she's pretty good. Manages to be both funny and insightful. Plus, helps remind people that not all atheists are American and British men.

I've liked those Thunderf00t videos I've seen, but there was that weird debacle when he joined FreeThoughtBlogs, and then everyone was an asshole to everyone else, and then he left. I've yet to disagree with him on any subject other than that, though.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Whore of Spamylon on December 13, 2012, 09:01:07 pm
The AA has caught flak for generally being obnoxious and for wishing for a rape victim to relive their experience because said victim was a feminist.

Or maybe the supposed victim's username ICumWhenIKillMen might of set him off.

While I deplore how he handled the situation, I come from the line of thought that dictates that sexual assault is no excuse for misandry, just as being mugged by a racial minority isn't an excuse for racism.

This isn't necessarily directed at you, since you may not have been given the whole story, but I am tired of people asserting that AA was simply out to prey on an innocent victim. 
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Moltar on December 13, 2012, 09:33:32 pm
What about Aronra?
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: lazerfrog on December 14, 2012, 12:06:47 am
The AA has caught flak for generally being obnoxious and for wishing for a rape victim to relive their experience because said victim was a feminist.

Or maybe the supposed victim's username ICumWhenIKillMen might of set him off.

While I deplore how he handled the situation, I come from the line of thought that dictates that sexual assault is no excuse for misandry, just as being mugged by a racial minority isn't an excuse for racism.

This isn't necessarily directed at you, since you may not have been given the whole story, but I am tired of people asserting that AA was simply out to prey on an innocent victim.

Ah, sorry.  I've seen the Amazing Atheist's exact quote, but I never saw a screenshot that included what he was actually replying to.  In my defense, after being exposed to his dislike of feminists and general reactionary nature, my first conclusion wasn't exactly one I needed moon boots to jump to. 

And like you said, even the apparent stupidity it takes to call yourself "ICumWhenIKillMen" doesn't justify making fun of her for something horrific that she actually went through.  Any reasonable adult person could have drawn the conclusion that she was probably still dealing with the emotional fallout of the event, and while that's her own responsibility to deal with, it's reasonable to expect more maturity out of a grown man than to come back with an equally emotional and offensive response.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: ThunderWulf on December 14, 2012, 12:48:04 am
TAA used to be good a long time ago, but then he kind of lost it and is now just in it for the drama and tries to be as shocking as possible just to get a reaction out of anyone he can.

Never watched any ZOMGitsCriss videos, so I can't comment on that one.

Thunderf00t is more level headed from what I've seen, actually makes good points, and has had videos of him rescuing baby squirrels. :)

PatCondell is, as previously mentioned, a conspiracy theorist nutjob.  On top of that he has the biggest hate boner for Muslims you have ever seen.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Mechtaur on December 14, 2012, 01:06:46 am
I have to join the "AA is an ass" group. If anything, he has probably hurt people's views of atheism more than anything else.

I have honestly never heard of the others. But then again, I don't search out videos of that nature at all often.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: syaoranvee on December 14, 2012, 02:03:49 am
I prefer TheThinkingAtheist (http://www.youtube.com/user/thethinkingatheist)
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Dakota Bob on December 14, 2012, 06:16:43 am
TheAmazingAtheist is a nutty MRA. thunderf00t is alright but he did leak private e-mails when he was at Freethoughtblogs. I haven't seen much of zomgitscriss. Pat Condell seems to hold a little bit of a grudge against Muslims as an entire group.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Material Defender on December 14, 2012, 01:53:26 pm
I don't tend to seek out anyone who considers themselves an atheist and are vocal about it because a good number are dickchoppers.

I have met a number of atheists online that were still heavily against homosexuality because they thought it was gross. The "If we destroy religion, it will fix all the world's problems" types of atheists.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: ironbite on December 14, 2012, 01:55:37 pm
Oh DD likes AmazingAtheist?

Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Osama bin Bambi on December 15, 2012, 07:22:25 pm
>YouTube atheists

Stopped reading right there. I don't consider any of them particularly good. It's just an echo chamber of drama and one side bashing the other all the time.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: Auggziliary on December 16, 2012, 08:37:30 am
I like Thunderfoot since his videos are more about debunking creationism with detailed facts instead of bashing religion.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: DogmasDemise on December 17, 2012, 08:22:10 am
What about Aronra?

He's this badass Texan who exposes crazy Christian conservatives in America.

(But I wish he'd say a few words about CAIR as well.)

He also has a 15-clip series debunking creationism and clarifying misconceptions about evolution.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: gomer21xx on December 17, 2012, 09:41:19 am
Despite his asshole-ness, I do enjoy some of TAA's videos from time to time.  And ZOMGItsCriss is plain awesome! =)

Also, if you're also counting atheists who don't currently focus on atheism and religion, there's Laci Green. =)  Right now, she's more focused on her Sex + series, but her older videos on religion and atheism are worth a watch.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: wrongfrog on December 17, 2012, 06:53:01 pm
You have to tread lightly with TheAmazingAtheist. He's a dick, is an active MRA, and exaggerates a lot of his social commentary; most of it is along the lines of "SOCIETY'S FALLING APART WE'RE ALL FUCKED SCREAM SCREAM". However, he does sometimes put out good videos, such at this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhgRS091iiQ

Granted, his sentiments aren't exactly original, but the kinds of fans he has don't commonly pay attention to gender issues and I appreciate him talking about it.

Also, I enjoy his arguments with conservatives more than anything else. He's not perfect, but he is entertaining, especially in arguments that don't particularly involve feminism. Also, he's spoken out about why Ron Paul isn't the messiah and I'm glad for that.

I watch him from time to time, but it's best to take everything he says with quite a few grains of salt, and you have to be careful about his ego.
Title: Re: Popular YouTube Atheists
Post by: kefkaownsall on December 18, 2012, 05:07:31 pm
Zimma Jones is okay sometimes