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Channel Awesome Drama

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For the past few weeks twitter and youtube have been blowing up with the exodus of Channel Awesome producers like Todd in the Shadows and Linkara (two of their most popular members) this is the 2nd or 3rd time in the past decade.

Currently the guy who does those cool "Down the Rabbit Hole" videos is streaming it:

(edit: stream is up and archived, it's 5 hours long)

He's reading the google doc Obscurus Lupa, Marzgirl, and Lindsay Ellis put together of various complaints. You can read the entire 69 (almost 70) pages worth of shit that Michaud and the Walker brothers have pulled at the link below

There's also a fan doc & the contributors doc should link to it

As best as I can tell, here are the producers that have left Channel Awesome in the wake of #ChangeTheChannel, in no particular order (I was going to do popularity, but then I looked at their YouTube numbers and saw that it's basically impossible for me to determine that order):

Todd in the Shadows
Mike J
Film Brain
The Rap Critic
Diamanda Hagan
The Omega
SF Debris

And considering that Linkara, Todd in the Shadows and The Rap Critic were a few of their biggest names by a long shot, this should have lit a fire under Channel Awesome's ass. And what's the official response? "We regret that you feel that way." Such a fucking bullshit non-apology.

Meanwhile, in the dark hellscape of a Fourth World...

Darkseid, or as we know him, Mike Michaud, raged at the defections and escapes from his world. "Was it you, Kalibak, who could not impede their escape?"

The cat-like imbecile shook his head, trembling in fear.

Granny Goodness assuaged her dark lord's rage, "Do not worry, sire, I have a foolproof plan to drag those smelly carcasses back to Channel Awepokolips."

I used to like watching their videos but then got bored for some reason.

Doug's overall quality seemed to have declined over time. He tried to do stuff other than Nostalgia Critic for a while but people liked NC better than his other stuff and after the revival there isn't as much heart in it now.


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