Author Topic: More proof that Christianity is true.  (Read 18615 times)

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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2018, 09:03:33 am »
Nowhere in the bible does it say that the messiah has to be of exclusively paternal lineage.

2 Samuel 7:12-16
And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.

Psalm 89:29-36
His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgements;If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me

1 Chronicles 17:11 King James Version (KJV)
11 And it shall come to pass, when thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers, that I will raise up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons; and I will establish his kingdom.

1 Chronicles 22:10 King James Version (KJV)
10 He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever

2 Chronicles 7:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.

That's a sausage fest dude, more swinging dicks than a sauna in the seventies.

And that's not the end of it, Jesus fails Messiahood on a number of counts.

Specifically, the Hebrew Scriptures (any translation will do) state that the REAL Messiah of the Jews will be recognized as the true one by fulfilling the following prophecies:

The Messiah will be totally human;

The Messiah will be an observant Jew,from the Tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17; Deuteronomy 17:15);

The Messiah will be a direct male descendant of Davidic bloodline (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Jeremiah 39:17; Psalm 89:29-38; 1 Chronicles 17:11, 1 Chronicles 22:10, 2 Chronicles 7:18);

The Messiah will gather all the Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12, 27:12-13, 43:5-6; Jeremiah 23:8, Jeremiah 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5);

The Messiah will restore the Jewish People to full observance of the Torah (Isaiah 2:2-4, Isaiah 11:10, Isaiah 42:1; Jeremiah 33:15);

The Messiah will build the Third Temple in Jerusalem (Micah 4:1; Jeremiah 33:18; Ezekiel 37:26-28);
THEN the Messianic Era shall begin,[5] and the Messiah will be recognized and enthroned as the King of Israel by the Jewish People in the Holy Land;

The Messiah will bring peace to the world and the God of the Jews will be recognized as the only one, true God (Isaiah 2:3-4, Isaiah 11:6; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9); he will end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease.[5] As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2:4);

The Messiah will spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel (Isaiah 11:9, Isaiah 40:5; Zephaniah 3:9-13), which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world – on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).

Christianity is predicated on Jesus being part divine, therefore not totally human. Scratch one. Two, bloody doubtful, three nope-see "sausage fest." Four, never happened. Five, specifically Jesus led Jewish people away from full observance of the Torah because it's a new religion. Six, that temple-it's a mosque. Seven, unless the crown of thorns counts-spoilers it doesn't for the same reason that "crown of gold" doesn't donate kingship in GoTR. Eight, just lol. Nine, Christianity couldn't even stay united let alone the rest of the bloody world and it's divisions predate the Protestant reformation. Ten, courtesy of your favourite film.

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Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2018, 11:52:38 am »
Nowhere in the bible does it say that the messiah has to be of exclusively paternal lineage.

2 Samuel 7:12-16
And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.

Psalm 89:29-36
His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his throne as the days of heaven. If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgements;If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless my loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me

1 Chronicles 17:11 King James Version (KJV)
11 And it shall come to pass, when thy days be expired that thou must go to be with thy fathers, that I will raise up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons; and I will establish his kingdom.

1 Chronicles 22:10 King James Version (KJV)
10 He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever

2 Chronicles 7:18 King James Version (KJV)
18 Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.

That's a sausage fest dude, more swinging dicks than a sauna in the seventies.

And that's not the end of it, Jesus fails Messiahood on a number of counts.

Specifically, the Hebrew Scriptures (any translation will do) state that the REAL Messiah of the Jews will be recognized as the true one by fulfilling the following prophecies:

The Messiah will be totally human;

The Messiah will be an observant Jew,from the Tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17; Deuteronomy 17:15);

The Messiah will be a direct male descendant of Davidic bloodline (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Jeremiah 39:17; Psalm 89:29-38; 1 Chronicles 17:11, 1 Chronicles 22:10, 2 Chronicles 7:18);

The Messiah will gather all the Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12, 27:12-13, 43:5-6; Jeremiah 23:8, Jeremiah 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5);

The Messiah will restore the Jewish People to full observance of the Torah (Isaiah 2:2-4, Isaiah 11:10, Isaiah 42:1; Jeremiah 33:15);

The Messiah will build the Third Temple in Jerusalem (Micah 4:1; Jeremiah 33:18; Ezekiel 37:26-28);
THEN the Messianic Era shall begin,[5] and the Messiah will be recognized and enthroned as the King of Israel by the Jewish People in the Holy Land;

The Messiah will bring peace to the world and the God of the Jews will be recognized as the only one, true God (Isaiah 2:3-4, Isaiah 11:6; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9); he will end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease.[5] As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2:4);

The Messiah will spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel (Isaiah 11:9, Isaiah 40:5; Zephaniah 3:9-13), which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world – on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).

Christianity is predicated on Jesus being part divine, therefore not totally human. Scratch one. Two, bloody doubtful, three nope-see "sausage fest." Four, never happened. Five, specifically Jesus led Jewish people away from full observance of the Torah because it's a new religion. Six, that temple-it's a mosque. Seven, unless the crown of thorns counts-spoilers it doesn't for the same reason that "crown of gold" doesn't donate kingship in GoTR. Eight, just lol. Nine, Christianity couldn't even stay united let alone the rest of the bloody world and it's divisions predate the Protestant reformation. Ten, courtesy of your favourite film.

2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Chronicles is referring to David's son Solomon succeeding him after he dies. And what Psalm 89 means by his seed is any descendant of him. It doesn't say "his male seed," it says "his seed." The word "His" is referring to David, not male descendants.

Now I will address the points of rational wiki

1. They don't have a scriptural citation for the 1st one.
2. Jesus was an observant Jew from the tribe of Judah
3. I addressed this earlier in this comment.
5. Jesus fulfilled the law of the Torah with his new covenant. "Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. [18] For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. [19] He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."-Mathew 5:17-19 Douay-Rheims version
4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. These unfulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled during Christ's second coming.

Offline dpareja

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2018, 02:26:30 pm »
4, 6-9. How convenient.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2018, 05:04:05 pm »
Quote with thy fathers, that I will raise up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons;

Fathers, sons, dudes everywhere. Clearly the OT was all about the cock, we always knew it was but now we're getting specific.

Now I will address the points of rational wiki

1. They don't have a scriptural citation for the 1st one.
2. Jesus was an observant Jew from the tribe of Judah
3. I addressed this earlier in this comment.
5. Jesus fulfilled the law of the Torah with his new covenant. "Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. [18] For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. [19] He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."-Mathew 5:17-19 Douay-Rheims version
4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. These unfulfilled prophecies will be fulfilled during Christ's second coming.

Number one, Christians believe Jesus was at least semi divine but the OT begs to differ. "Numbers 23:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 God is not a man"
Jesus said nobody comes to the father except through me, that's not classic Judaism son! Jesus isn't coming back, you lot have been predicting his second coming for the last two thousand years plus, you've always been wrong!
« Last Edit: October 10, 2018, 05:07:26 pm by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2018, 05:57:43 pm »
Quote with thy fathers, that I will raise up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons;

Fathers, sons, dudes everywhere. Clearly the OT was all about the cock, we always knew it was but now we're getting specific.
And, “thy sons” is referring to David’s successors as Kings of Israel, not the messiah.  Yes the OT emphasizes Fathers and Sons because it was the fathers that determined tribal status and it was mainly sons who inherited, but that does not prove that the messiah has to be a paternal descendant, since daughters could inherit in the absence of sons.
Number one, Christians believe Jesus was at least semi divine but the OT begs to differ. "Numbers 23:19 King James Version (KJV)
19 God is not a man"
Jesus said nobody comes to the father except through me, that's not classic Judaism son! Jesus isn't coming back, you lot have been predicting his second coming for the last two thousand years plus, you've always been wrong!

1. Numbers was written before Jesus incarnated himself in a human body.

2. It is unknown when Jesus will return, so it taking 2000 years is not proof that he isn’t coming back.

Offline dpareja

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2018, 06:59:23 pm »
2. How very convenient.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Art Vandelay

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2018, 07:03:27 pm »
He's not coming back for the same reason Ragnarok isn't going to happen. Because it's all make believe, you fucking gullible little mouth breather.

Offline Skybison

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2018, 01:59:04 am »
How do we know Jesus is going to do that stuff when he comes back?  You only say he will because he's the messiah, but the only messiah predictions he fulfills are the easy ones that thousands, if not tens of thousands of people fulfill, (namely being a Jewish gut descended from David).  If he hasn't done any of the hard stuff yet why should I assume he will?

Also note that the Jewish predictions of the messiah don't say anything about dying and coming back to life, Jesus's big claim to fame.

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #23 on: October 11, 2018, 02:09:12 am »
1. Numbers was written before Jesus incarnated himself in a human body.

We get take backsies with the bible now? Hello even bigger can of worms, for you!

2. It is unknown when Jesus will return, so it taking 2000 years is not proof that he isn’t coming back.

Yeah, yeah he's always coming soon. It's not "proof" but it doesn't add credibility to your claim that it'll ever happen given that we've had two grand plus eighteen years of Xtian's breathlessly predicting it'll be "soon."

And Jacob, the Messiah is supposed to be a king-you of all people should know how this stuff works, a king in a culture where kingship was transferred through a paternal bloodline. You're real keen on boring genealogy when it comes to demented plots to kidnap hapless Aussies and force them to fap for mother England but seem to lose interest when those same genealogical rules are applied to whoever the fuck the Messiah is supposed to be!
« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 02:12:40 am by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2018, 08:18:51 am »
How do we know Jesus is going to do that stuff when he comes back?  You only say he will because he's the messiah, but the only messiah predictions he fulfills are the easy ones that thousands, if not tens of thousands of people fulfill, (namely being a Jewish gut descended from David).  If he hasn't done any of the hard stuff yet why should I assume he will?

Also note that the Jewish predictions of the messiah don't say anything about dying and coming back to life, Jesus's big claim to fame.

As I said before, Isaiah 53 predicts Jesus dying for our sins. And there were more prophecies Jesus fulfilled as shown in the New Testament than merely being a Jew descended from David.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2018, 08:21:36 am »
1. Numbers was written before Jesus incarnated himself in a human body.

We get take backsies with the bible now? Hello even bigger can of worms, for you!

2. It is unknown when Jesus will return, so it taking 2000 years is not proof that he isn’t coming back.

Yeah, yeah he's always coming soon. It's not "proof" but it doesn't add credibility to your claim that it'll ever happen given that we've had two grand plus eighteen years of Xtian's breathlessly predicting it'll be "soon."

And Jacob, the Messiah is supposed to be a king-you of all people should know how this stuff works, a king in a culture where kingship was transferred through a paternal bloodline. You're real keen on boring genealogy when it comes to demented plots to kidnap hapless Aussies and force them to fap for mother England but seem to lose interest when those same genealogical rules are applied to whoever the fuck the Messiah is supposed to be!

I said and proved before that in Ancient Israel, women could inherit in the absence of sons. Mary didn’t have any brothers.

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2018, 10:05:54 am »
1. Numbers was written before Jesus incarnated himself in a human body.

We get take backsies with the bible now? Hello even bigger can of worms, for you!

2. It is unknown when Jesus will return, so it taking 2000 years is not proof that he isn’t coming back.

Yeah, yeah he's always coming soon. It's not "proof" but it doesn't add credibility to your claim that it'll ever happen given that we've had two grand plus eighteen years of Xtian's breathlessly predicting it'll be "soon."

And Jacob, the Messiah is supposed to be a king-you of all people should know how this stuff works, a king in a culture where kingship was transferred through a paternal bloodline. You're real keen on boring genealogy when it comes to demented plots to kidnap hapless Aussies and force them to fap for mother England but seem to lose interest when those same genealogical rules are applied to whoever the fuck the Messiah is supposed to be!

I said and proved before that in Ancient Israel, women could inherit in the absence of sons. Mary didn’t have any brothers.
You struggle with the definition of this word "proof" don't you?

It's not "can inherit at all" it's "can inherit the Davidic kingship."
« Last Edit: October 11, 2018, 10:08:37 am by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2018, 10:56:43 am »
1. Numbers was written before Jesus incarnated himself in a human body.

We get take backsies with the bible now? Hello even bigger can of worms, for you!

2. It is unknown when Jesus will return, so it taking 2000 years is not proof that he isn’t coming back.

Yeah, yeah he's always coming soon. It's not "proof" but it doesn't add credibility to your claim that it'll ever happen given that we've had two grand plus eighteen years of Xtian's breathlessly predicting it'll be "soon."

And Jacob, the Messiah is supposed to be a king-you of all people should know how this stuff works, a king in a culture where kingship was transferred through a paternal bloodline. You're real keen on boring genealogy when it comes to demented plots to kidnap hapless Aussies and force them to fap for mother England but seem to lose interest when those same genealogical rules are applied to whoever the fuck the Messiah is supposed to be!

I said and proved before that in Ancient Israel, women could inherit in the absence of sons. Mary didn’t have any brothers.
You struggle with the definition of this word "proof" don't you?

It's not "can inherit at all" it's "can inherit the Davidic kingship."

Well the Bible never says that nobody can inherit the throne through maternal descent so therefore since women can inherit, they can inherit the throne since it does not say otherwise.

Offline dpareja

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2018, 12:16:47 am »
Finally, just as there are different emphases in the genealogies, so too there are different explanations for the dissimilarities between them. Matthew traces his genealogy through David’s son Solomon, while Luke traces his genealogy through David’s son Nathan. It may be that Matthew’s purpose is to provide the legal lineage from Solomon through Joseph, while Luke’s purpose is to provide the natural lineage from Nathan through Mary.

Mary? The patriarchal old Israelites insisted that Messiah's came from a paternal Davidic line.

Or it could be that the two different authors didn't talk to each other and produced different excuses  genealogies. Occam's razor m8.

It could also be that Matthew and Luke are both tracing Joseph’s genealogy— Matthew, the legal line, and Luke, the natural line. As such, the legal line diverges from the natural in that Levirate Law stipulated if a man died without an heir his genealogy could legally continue through his brother (Deuteronomy 25:5–6). Obviously, the fact that there are a number of ways to resolve dissimilarities rules out the notion that the genealogies are contradictory.

Yeah, but guys the main problem ain't the brother-it's the mother. I have little doubt that Jacob buys all that virgin birth hooey, problem is-if he does it doesn't matter who Jacob's parents were, that legal line he's talking about is a patrilineal line, through the fathers. If the kid had a mum but not a dad then it doesn't matter who his stepdad was "natural lines" not withstanding.

Let it not be left unsaid that the "number of ways" to resolve the dissimilarities rely on hypotheticals that aren't explicitly there in the text. If you say X. Y and Z you haven't resolved the dissimilarities you've merely hypothesized that they aren't there because of new information you've no evidence for existing.

It should be noted that Luke's list is composed of males (with the exception of Mary).Therefore she was clearly a descendant of David and Abraham. Today Jewish descent has to be through the mother - something which those Jews who use this objection must find hard to answer? Gen.3:15 describes the Messiah as the seed of the woman; it is fitting, therefore, that Messiah's matrilineal genealogy should be provided, and that his Messianic descent (i.e. as the seed of Abraham and David) should be shown through his mother's line. It should be remembered too that the daughters of Zelophehad had inheritance rights and were allowed to trace their inheritance, showing that it is not an immutable Divine principle that inheritance cannot go through women (consider Num.26:33; 27:1-7; 36:2-11).

There are other examples of this. Jair's father was of the tribe of Judah (1 Chron.2:22); yet in Num.32:41 he is described as " the son of Manasseh" , showing that his mother must have been of the tribe of Manasseh. His descent was reckoned for some reason through his mother rather than his father. 1 Chron.2:34 records that Sheshan " had no sons, but daughters" . According to the Jewish objection that genealogy cannot be reckoned through the woman, Sheshan would have no subsequent genealogy. However, he is described in 1 Chron.2:31 as having a son, presumably from the fact that he gave his daughter in marriage to his Egyptian servant (1 Chron.2:34). Thus his seed was still reckoned through a woman. Hiram is described as " the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan" (2 Chron.2:14). Other examples of this could be given.

Y'know, it's really convenient that Jewish tradition is relevant when it "explains" a contradiction in the Bible but irrelevant when it proves that the Bible orders abortion in certain cases.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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Re: More proof that Christianity is true.
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2018, 11:20:21 am »
Finally, just as there are different emphases in the genealogies, so too there are different explanations for the dissimilarities between them. Matthew traces his genealogy through David’s son Solomon, while Luke traces his genealogy through David’s son Nathan. It may be that Matthew’s purpose is to provide the legal lineage from Solomon through Joseph, while Luke’s purpose is to provide the natural lineage from Nathan through Mary.

Mary? The patriarchal old Israelites insisted that Messiah's came from a paternal Davidic line.

Or it could be that the two different authors didn't talk to each other and produced different excuses  genealogies. Occam's razor m8.

It could also be that Matthew and Luke are both tracing Joseph’s genealogy— Matthew, the legal line, and Luke, the natural line. As such, the legal line diverges from the natural in that Levirate Law stipulated if a man died without an heir his genealogy could legally continue through his brother (Deuteronomy 25:5–6). Obviously, the fact that there are a number of ways to resolve dissimilarities rules out the notion that the genealogies are contradictory.

Yeah, but guys the main problem ain't the brother-it's the mother. I have little doubt that Jacob buys all that virgin birth hooey, problem is-if he does it doesn't matter who Jacob's parents were, that legal line he's talking about is a patrilineal line, through the fathers. If the kid had a mum but not a dad then it doesn't matter who his stepdad was "natural lines" not withstanding.

Let it not be left unsaid that the "number of ways" to resolve the dissimilarities rely on hypotheticals that aren't explicitly there in the text. If you say X. Y and Z you haven't resolved the dissimilarities you've merely hypothesized that they aren't there because of new information you've no evidence for existing.

It should be noted that Luke's list is composed of males (with the exception of Mary).Therefore she was clearly a descendant of David and Abraham. Today Jewish descent has to be through the mother - something which those Jews who use this objection must find hard to answer? Gen.3:15 describes the Messiah as the seed of the woman; it is fitting, therefore, that Messiah's matrilineal genealogy should be provided, and that his Messianic descent (i.e. as the seed of Abraham and David) should be shown through his mother's line. It should be remembered too that the daughters of Zelophehad had inheritance rights and were allowed to trace their inheritance, showing that it is not an immutable Divine principle that inheritance cannot go through women (consider Num.26:33; 27:1-7; 36:2-11).

There are other examples of this. Jair's father was of the tribe of Judah (1 Chron.2:22); yet in Num.32:41 he is described as " the son of Manasseh" , showing that his mother must have been of the tribe of Manasseh. His descent was reckoned for some reason through his mother rather than his father. 1 Chron.2:34 records that Sheshan " had no sons, but daughters" . According to the Jewish objection that genealogy cannot be reckoned through the woman, Sheshan would have no subsequent genealogy. However, he is described in 1 Chron.2:31 as having a son, presumably from the fact that he gave his daughter in marriage to his Egyptian servant (1 Chron.2:34). Thus his seed was still reckoned through a woman. Hiram is described as " the son of a woman of the daughters of Dan" (2 Chron.2:14). Other examples of this could be given.

Y'know, it's really convenient that Jewish tradition is relevant when it "explains" a contradiction in the Bible but irrelevant when it proves that the Bible orders abortion in certain cases.

This article debunks your claim that the bible orders abortion.