Author Topic: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion  (Read 20810 times)

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Offline BobRumba

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Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« on: June 30, 2017, 11:58:24 am »
About time we created a special thread for this crazy bitch.  Since she generates so much interest.

To the uninitiated, she created her own channel called "Faith & Religion" on Disqus.  If you are a Disqus member, I invite you to try posting anything on her channel and seeing how long it takes before she removes it and bans you.  Because her "faith and religion" channel isn't about faith & religion.  It's a fundie echo chamber, where your opinion must match hers in every respect in order to not get removed.  And even then, chances are it will when you run afoul of her.  The BULK of the people who are banned from there are Christians of other denominations (She is Seventh Day Adventist).  Atheist?  Don't even think about it.  Your very existence offends her to the core of her being.  Same with homosexuals.

She has supposedly over 70,000 members on her channel.  She has banned probably 99.5% of them.  In fact the only people posting there are the same ten or so people over and over.  She often comments only "amen" to things they say, and she calls her channel faithful her "saints" (really enough to make you puke your guts out).

She goes through lapdogs like tissues.  Currently the lapdog is a guy called Mick Williams who is ABSOLUTELY the shittiest artist you've ever seen, but Lady Checkmate reveres him as though he were Jack Chick himself.  Speaking of whom, JC is worshiped by Lady C.

She is the most fascinatingly unpleasant Christian online, and I urge everyone to have fun with her.
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2017, 12:02:37 pm »
A couple of posts that were snuck in prior to her removal of them:

« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 01:41:37 pm by Jocasta McFucken »
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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2017, 06:43:42 pm »
I don't believe she's genuinely lying about the death threats so much as she probably has an "interesting" definition of "death threats."

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2017, 06:53:40 pm »
You disagree with me therefore you're threatening me with death?


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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2017, 07:25:48 pm »
Something along those lines if not crazier.

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2017, 08:15:02 pm »
Oh yes Lady Checkmate is all kinds of crazy.

Funny though, I think I know what she has done...she was so completely despised for being a whiny pain in the ass on Disqus before she got her own channel, and I think she had in mind all along to build a small elect group of "God's Army" on her channel which meant that she had planned it so that she would ban most of the people who just used the place to show up and chat as they would have expected to do anyplace else. 

The problem is she misrepresents her channel - it ISN'T about "Faith & Religion", it is a political channel focused on extreme right wing politics and gay bashing under the guise of Christian fundamentalism.  Which would be FINE if she would sell it that way.

But what is inexcusable is telling people who say something she disagrees with to read her stupid channel rules.  They haven't broken them, and her next move is to quietly ban them before they have even had a chance to react.  And more often she doesn't warn, she just bans and removes you so it looks like you were never even there. It's really draconian and unnecessary.  And then she plays the holier than thou card with her "saints".  No, she is nuts.
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2017, 03:17:45 am »
Brinkmanship. If getting banned is so easy - where is the sport? Play the game to win. Go for a high score, the greatest number of posts still standing. She knowns the players from reading posts on CNN. Make your posts on F&R so neutral, so non-threatening so completely logical and non-controversial - then she what she does?
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2017, 09:00:23 am »
If she sees that an account is brand new, she assumes troll and instantly bans it - no questions asked.  Did I mention that she is completely paranoid?

Trolling isn't really the goal with her.  What she fears most is being exposed.
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2017, 12:59:06 pm »
The stupid, stupid bitch has just posted a rant on her channel about a story which was a parody from a parody website.  One of her own people had to tell her that. TOO funny.

See it before she realizes she's been duped and removes it:
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Offline Bob J.

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2017, 02:54:24 am »
What she fears most is being exposed.

That is probably why her blogs are closed in less than 24 hours from being posted.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ―Obi-Wan Kenobi

Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2017, 05:07:50 pm »
I was  told I was mentioned on Checkmate's post so I went to see it. The only checkmate I have known is by her upvotes for Amos. The post said many unneccessary things about me and about a newer Poster, Enrico. Enrico disappeared completely including every one of his posts!
When I went back to the comments it had disappeared, of course, but in it's stead is the about Lady Checkmate herself:

What You Need To Know About Lady Checkmate, The Non-Christian Bigot From Hell - Please Circulate
1. She has long been despised on the Disqus forums, even predating her ownership of a channel. Simply Google "Lady Checkmate" and "Duck_Season" for examples of Lady Checkmate not following forum rules, and generally causing trouble. Duck_Season is a thoroughly decent and fair moderator who has taken his share of nonsense from Lady Checkmate over the years. Simply Googling Lady Checkmate's name shows countless threads started up by people who were unfairly and unnecessarily banned by her. A little over a year ago when Disqus allowed people to start their own channels, Lady Checkmate sealed her reputation early with instant banning of people who she disagreed with (most of them Christians). For this reason we know that Lady Checkmate trying to present her channel as a forum for Christians is a lie. It is a forum for ultra-right wing hateful Christians who want to execute homosexuals and Catholics.
2. She complains viciously about "sock accounts" but that's her game playing - ANYONE can see that the only way to have a conversation with her on her channel is to create a new account with every single response, which wouldn't be necessary if she wasn't so insecure that she felt the need to prevent every single thing from being read and treating every single person visiting her channel with disgust and disdain. She isn't interested in two-way dialogue. What she's interested in is dominating the proceedings and allowing only things she can control to be seen. This is possibly the greatest single indicator of her instability and the number one reason she should not be allowed to run a forum or a channel.
3. She has a martyr complex that does not quit. All the people who are annoyed with her behavior will tell you that it's to do with how unreasonable she is as a channel moderator, the way she bans practically every single person for having an opinion that doesn't match hers. But watch her turn this into persecution against Christians, persecution against blacks, etc. All the things no one cares about, in other words.
4. Her paranoia is such that she imagines the backlash against her to be the work of "a single troll" - once again, Google her name and see how many people she has enraged. She simply refuses to let herself acknowledge how despised she is and it's caused entirely and unnecessarily by her own behavior.
5. When she posts outright lies on her channel (example, that Canada has legalized bestiality) and you show up to prove her wrong, which is often very easy to do, she will delete your post because she doesn't want to admit that she posted something wrong.
6. When she says she is receiving death threats, she is lying. Neither me nor anyone I know has ever threatened her, for one thing it would be impossible to locate her and for the other we aren't interested in killing anyone, merely exposing their lies and evil.

1. She has long been despised on the Disqus forums, even predating her ownership of a channel. Simply Google "Lady Checkmate" and "Duck_Season" for examples of Lady Checkmate not following forum rules, and generally causing trouble. Duck_Season is a thoroughly decent and fair moderator who has taken his share of nonsense from Lady Checkmate over the years. Simply Googling Lady Checkmate's name shows countless threads started up by people who were unfairly and unnecessarily banned by her. A little over a year ago when Disqus allowed people to start their own channels, Lady Checkmate sealed her reputation early with instant banning of people who she disagreed with (most of them Christians). For this reason we know that Lady Checkmate trying to present her channel as a forum for Christians is a lie. It is a forum for ultra-right wing hateful Christians who want to execute homosexuals and Catholics.
2. She complains viciously about "sock accounts" but that's her game playing - ANYONE can see that the only way to have a conversation with her on her channel is to create a new account with every single response, which wouldn't be necessary if she wasn't so insecure that she felt the need to prevent every single thing from being read and treating every single person visiting her channel with disgust and disdain. She isn't interested in two-way dialogue. What she's interested in is dominating the proceedings and allowing only things she can control to be seen. This is possibly the greatest single indicator of her instability and the number one reason she should not be allowed to run a forum or a channel.
3. She has a martyr complex that does not quit. All the people who are annoyed with her behavior will tell you that it's to do with how unreasonable she is as a channel moderator, the way she bans practically every single person for having an opinion that doesn't match hers. But watch her turn this into persecution against Christians, persecution against blacks, etc. All the things no one cares about, in other words.
4. Her paranoia is such that she imagines the backlash against her to be the work of "a single troll" - once again, Google her name and see how many people she has enraged. She simply refuses to let herself acknowledge how despised she is and it's caused entirely and unnecessarily by her own behavior.
5. When she posts outright lies on her channel (example, that Canada has legalized bestiality) and you show up to prove her wrong, which is often very easy to do, she will delete your post because she doesn't want to admit that she posted something wrong.
6. When she says she is receiving death threats, she is lying. Neither me nor anyone I know has ever threatened her, for one thing it would be impossible to locate her and for the other we aren't interested in killing anyone, merely exposing their lies and evil.
Her wacky, hateful, anti-Christian material is regularly submitted to the website Fundies Say the Darndest Things, along with some of the more unbelievable things posted on her channel. Everyone seems to have a Lady Checkmate story to tell about how they were banned - why not come over and tell us yours?
Here's where you can see the items that have been submitted by Lady Checkmate, and read the comments made by the FSTDT users:
Alternately, you can just go to the main page on and enter her name in the box labelled "fundie"

God bless!
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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2017, 08:10:35 pm »
Have you got a link to that, Sharon?
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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2017, 09:27:26 pm »
I'll look around my computer, but I think I just saved the letter. I was banned once I saw the comment on myself and then I went back to see if it had been deleted, and found this letter posted at the beginning of the site's board. I grabbed it figuring it would be taken down immediately and that I had found it by accident. It was on her Religion Disqus page, where the note focusing on Enrico and I was. BTW Enrico disappeared completely  never to be heard from again so far.

The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
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Offline Sharon_at_home

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2017, 08:44:22 am »
Jocasta I looked around and could not find the link provided by me. There was a note discussing Enrico and myself and Enrico messaged me about it. I went to the link and  there was comments about both of us. I went off to write a reply to Lady Checkmate and when I went back to the site the letter had been posted, I took a copy of it, and tried to post my reply to Lady Checkmate, and was told that I had been banned by the site. It's the Religion and Philosophy site I believe, that I copied it from.
Does that help?
The Word of God is Truth; if it is not in the Word of God, it is not Truth.
The Gospel is the instructions to be a better Christian and to become more like Christ. This will show our good works, and show a light that will give Glory to God.

Walk daily with the Lord and learn his ways.

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Offline BobRumba

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Re: Lady Checkmate on Disqus - Faith & Religion
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2017, 12:13:42 pm »
Jocasta I looked around and could not find the link provided by me. There was a note discussing Enrico and myself and Enrico messaged me about it. I went to the link and  there was comments about both of us. I went off to write a reply to Lady Checkmate and when I went back to the site the letter had been posted, I took a copy of it, and tried to post my reply to Lady Checkmate, and was told that I had been banned by the site. It's the Religion and Philosophy site I believe, that I copied it from.
Does that help?
Yes, just curious because Lady Checkmate would never leave anything that defamatory towards herself up very long...maybe it took her a while to see it.  What you posted is a very damning expose of Lady Checkmate and her practices and having it posted on her channel for any length of time would be like acid burning her skin.
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