General Category > Suggestion Box
This one is actually a minor nicety to think about later after everything else is set up.
Simple Machines lets you change the forum theme to suit your tastes. It would be cool if you could install a few (or a lot!) of new themes so people can pick one they really like.
Just for example, I like these:
N. De Plume:
I concur. Get a few options.
I must admit, though, Simple Machines has one of the nicest default themes. Quite attractive and easy on the eyes.
N. De Plume:
Yeah. Not too keen on my username being such a big header, though. Uses up almost half the screen real estate before I get to any actual content. I think part of the problem is that it shows my avatar at its full size.
Osama bin Bambi:
If there was any way to get a black background with white font, it would be easier on the eyes.
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