General Category > Suggestion Box

In The News section

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Star Cluster:
I'm not sure if this is the quite the same thing as Vene proposed in his News Ticker thread, but a section for items that are drawn from the news that don't quite fit any other heading would be good.  The thread under P&G started by Damen entitled A Special Hell is what prompted this.  It doesn't fit under P&G but doesn't really fit anything else either except perhaps General Discussion under General Category. 

Osama bin Bambi:
Agreed. There are some things that are news that don't relate to religion or politics, so there should probably be a separate section for them.

This. I ran into a fascinating article that started out about PETA protesting spider silk garments, which could be P&G, but which mainly highlighted the difficulty of making the cloth and how the government has expressed interest in synthesizing the process because it resembles kevlar. It's not really funny/amazing so it doesn't fit in the lounge. It mixes too many elements for any one section.

In the News would solve this.



--- Quote from: Star Cluster on January 22, 2012, 04:50:28 pm ---I'm not sure if this is the quite the same thing as Vene proposed in his News Ticker thread, but a section for items that are drawn from the news that don't quite fit any other heading would be good.  The thread under P&G started by Damen entitled A Special Hell is what prompted this.  It doesn't fit under P&G but doesn't really fit anything else either except perhaps General Discussion under General Category.

--- End quote ---
Nah, I was thinking about the thing on the top right that says "SMF - Just Installed!" and replacing it with something more amusing. Hell, even some of the funnier snippets of mainpage quotes.


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