Change your name to "50" if you want, I resent that you share my middle/preferred name when your posts all reek of the same creepy as "Chris-chan." Seriously, who the hell do you think you're fooling? "Hi, my name is Fiddy, I'm a friend of a guy who got ganon-banned here and I just want to post something he said in explicit detail I totes didn't write myself and I'm most definitely, certainly, assuredly, not using a pseudonym in the hopes nobody will notice the similarities in our linguistic style.
Cause, y'know, people make a damn living studying forensic linguistics, right? Being able to tell who someone is based on how and what they write? Did you think nobody here had that ability? I'll throw my hat into the ring, -raises hand- I have that ability.
I give your trolling 0/10, wouldn't partake again.