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Community => Entertainment and Television => Topic started by: wrightway on August 05, 2013, 02:22:02 am

Title: WoW
Post by: wrightway on August 05, 2013, 02:22:02 am
I'm considering getting my account back when I get a laptop, but I've heard upwards of a quarter of the user base split over the new patches. Are they really that bad?
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cloud3514 on August 05, 2013, 03:08:07 am
Having just canceled my account due to getting bored from a lack of people to play with (again. A shame, too. I at least wanted to last as long as it took to kill Garrosh Hellscream as I hate that bastard), no, its never that bad. The fanbase just whines over everything because WoW has one of the worst general communities I've ever experienced in an MMO, and I played Tera for a while.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Zygarde on August 05, 2013, 12:04:23 pm
No, it's not that bad but I don't know the state of things now since I left the game around the time Cataclysm came out which was a year ago I think.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: wrightway on August 05, 2013, 12:11:15 pm
There's been a huge issue with win traders since Panderians are cross faction. But most of the complaints I've heard have to do with the new patch. Though, hearing you two, I'm wondering if the whining isn't because the new patches were supposed to curb that.

I never made it off Outlands with my highest. And my ex had just gotten to Panderia with his when we gave up our account. Who takes over the Horde if you get to kill off Hellscream?
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cloud3514 on August 05, 2013, 05:22:41 pm
Some are speculating that Thrall is coming back, but Blozzard says otherwise. The last speculation I heard was Vol'Jin since he' the one organizing the rebellion against Hellacream. Personally, I want Baine Bloodhoof so the Tauren can actually do something if consequence for once.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Witchyjoshy on August 05, 2013, 07:00:00 pm
WoW has no greater haterbase than its own fans.

Incidentally, that applies to pretty much every fandom today, whether it's video games or otherwise.

As for myself, I can't afford the monthly fee for WoW.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: wrightway on August 05, 2013, 08:49:07 pm
I would love to see some decent justification for why the Taurin are in the Horde when they seem to have more of an Alliance attitude. Speaking as someone who much prefers playing Horde.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Witchyjoshy on August 05, 2013, 09:05:14 pm
I would love to see some decent justification for why the Taurin are in the Horde when they seem to have more of an Alliance attitude. Speaking as someone who much prefers playing Horde.

Probably because the Alliance wouldn't take them.

Same with the Blood Elves, really.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cerim Treascair on August 05, 2013, 10:28:18 pm
I play Tauren, and I can't wait to see Vol'jin as the new Warchief.

That being said, the reason for the rage lately is the lackluster patches, and that they're going to be implementing a real-money AH... because we saw just how well THAT worked out for Diablo 3, right?
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cloud3514 on August 05, 2013, 10:39:32 pm
I would love to see some decent justification for why the Taurin are in the Horde when they seem to have more of an Alliance attitude. Speaking as someone who much prefers playing Horde.

Probably because the Alliance wouldn't take them.

Same with the Blood Elves, really.

The Tauren are with The Horde because Thrall helped them relocate to Mulgore, where they're now based. It helps that Cairne Bloodhoof was Thrall's best friend and closest ally. The Blood Elves joined The Horde with The Forsaken's help because they felt betrayed by The Alliance.

I'm sure that the Tauren could have joined The Alliance if they really wanted to as they're quite close to the Night Elves and their beliefs and culture aren't incompatible with The Alliance.

EDIT: Also, I swear that having the players take down Hellscream was only because Blizzard failed to realize that the fans HATED him. I honestly think that Blizzard wanted us to like him and accept him as Warchief, especially with them going out of their way to have him do things that are closer to what Thrall would have done, despite being completely out of character for him.

Not to mention that it was absurd to hand that unstable asshole The Horde in the first place. If Thrall was being as smart as he normally would have been, he would have handed the title of Warchief over to Cairne as he was The Horde's second in command, Thrall's best friend and greatly respected among the Orcs. There are only two explanations of Hellscream being named Warchief: 1, Blizzard honestly expected fans to like Hellscream as Warchief or 2, Blizzard colossally fucked up writing that idea.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Witchyjoshy on August 06, 2013, 12:38:15 am
People like charismatic assholes.

People hate uncharismatic assholes.

People on the outside just see people liking some asshole and hating others.

Incidentally, I know enough about Garrosh to want to garrot him.

Garrot Garrosh!

Garrot Garrosh!

Title: Re: WoW
Post by: wrightway on August 06, 2013, 07:24:45 pm
We have an historian on the forum. I didn't know a quarter of that about the Turin.

While most of the leaders amongst the Horde do severely questionable things (oh Sylvanis, I love you but you're a well intentioned bitch) they do them for good reasons. Garrosh is just an extremist who needs his ass kicked. His reaction to the Panderians was terrifying.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: starseeker on August 06, 2013, 07:46:04 pm
I play Tauren, and I can't wait to see Vol'jin as the new Warchief.

That being said, the reason for the rage lately is the lackluster patches, and that they're going to be implementing a real-money AH... because we saw just how well THAT worked out for Diablo 3, right?

From what I read it's not a real money AH, it's some vanity gear for real money. The ingame purchases thing is for Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean servers officially, where they pay by the hour. They're not stupid enough to put it on the other servers...I hope...because if they did the forums would implode even more spectacularly than normal (I'm on EU so the forums are smaller but quirkier).

Title: Re: WoW
Post by: ThunderWulf on August 07, 2013, 12:21:27 am
One of my friends convinced me to get Pandaria when it came out and we got our mains to end level and were raiding for a while, but I haven't been back in since, god I don't even know when.  Last patch I played was the first Thunder King patch.  It honestly wasn't all that bad, but like Waldorf said, I had almost nobody to play with.  I think I only know like 3 people who still have active WoW accounts.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Sylvana on August 15, 2013, 02:52:20 am
I don't really have anything spectacular to add, but I am thinking of joining wow again. The thing for me is that my primary mode of play is to play solo and explore the landscape while trying to not get killed.

The feeling I got was that wow has become somewhat lackluster. The big patches are not having as much pull or retraining people as well anymore. So Wow is probably reaching the mid stage of the slow spiral into death. Which is a pity because it is one of the most immersive MMO's out there.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: PosthumanHeresy on August 15, 2013, 04:43:13 am
It's sad, I never play WoW but know what everyone's talking about because both of my parents do (and last I checked, my mother has two or three maxed out characters and tons of other high level ones).
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: wrightway on August 15, 2013, 12:30:20 pm
WoW needs to suck it up and undo some of the patches that have allowed people to make the game harder on others. Like same faction on a realm that has allowed wintrading.

I think WoW has a lot of potential for solo play. I didn't like dungeons (though I was a pvp beast) and I rarely participated in guild events. I spent my time doing the quests and immersing into the story lines.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: starseeker on August 15, 2013, 04:40:01 pm
WoW needs to suck it up and undo some of the patches that have allowed people to make the game harder on others. Like same faction on a realm that has allowed wintrading.

I think WoW has a lot of potential for solo play. I didn't like dungeons (though I was a pvp beast) and I rarely participated in guild events. I spent my time doing the quests and immersing into the story lines.

Think the devs have stated multiple times that they're not gonna undo developments. Though seeing people bitch that their formerly empty PvP realm is now busy and they get ganked is really quite funny to watch.

Even as it is I think WoW still has 5 times the subscribers of the #2 MMO.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Witchyjoshy on August 15, 2013, 05:33:54 pm
People whine when the famous MMO of its time decides to make the game more newcomer friendly by restricting the ganking to specific servers (which were the first PvE and PvP servers), and they even whined so much that they made their own MMO because of it.  (Filled with blackjack and hookers!)

And now they're whining that they're playing on PvP servers and actually getting ganked.

This is why I have such disdain for gamers online.  No matter what, someone's going to whine about something, and they're going to get people on their bandwagon, and they're going to whine about it EVERYWHERE THEY POSSIBLY CAN.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: starseeker on August 15, 2013, 06:27:40 pm
5.4 trailer's out. Most likely date for release is early to mid-september.

Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cerim Treascair on August 15, 2013, 07:27:03 pm
It *almost* makes me wish I could afford to re-sub.  Almost.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Sour Grapes on August 15, 2013, 09:06:42 pm
I can't afford it.  And the one time I tried a demo, I wasn't impressed.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cerim Treascair on August 15, 2013, 10:01:50 pm
The only reason I played was because my friends did.  My guild is down to about... two regulars.  At our height, we had dual ten-man raids and a weekly 'shits and giggles' old content 40-man run.  This was during Cata, mind...
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Witchyjoshy on August 15, 2013, 10:25:26 pm
I can't afford it.  And the one time I tried a demo, I wasn't impressed.

I tried the "unlimited free trial", and I wasn't impressed either, but for different reasons.

It wasn't the short level cap, because I never hit it.

It wasn't the limited content, because I didn't expect to be able to play expansion-only races and classes.

It was the fact that they cut me off from the others.  I could not chat.  I could not form parties.  I was surprised they even let me use "Say".

I understand it's to cut off the spammers, but at least make it so that when I reach a certain level, I can start talking to people.

It's kinda like making a sampler cake to show off your cake shop... but you don't add any frosting, fruit, or even sugar to it.  People aren't going to want to buy your cake.

Title: Re: WoW
Post by: starseeker on August 16, 2013, 03:41:26 am
You underestimate how determined the spammers get. Usual reasoning is if the limits were removed at a certain level, then there'd just be continual botting in the low level zones as they level up characters for their ads.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Witchyjoshy on August 16, 2013, 06:44:48 am
You underestimate how determined the spammers get. Usual reasoning is if the limits were removed at a certain level, then there'd just be continual botting in the low level zones as they level up characters for their ads.

I've also played games where they don't mute f2p/trial players, and I've seen spam once every six blue moons.  What they did, instead, was limit how many posts you could make in a certain amount of time.  Which I am fine with.

It's just that socialization is 75% of every MMO.  Hence my commentary about the cake missing everything that makes it taste good.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Sylvana on August 16, 2013, 08:09:40 am
I was thinking of re-subbing again, to be honest now I want to do it just to bash in Garoshes face.
Unfortunately it will be some epic raid or dungeon and I wont be able to take part even if I could get my main high enough level.
I am still in Outland, and I only solo, so no kicking in a mean orcs face for me.

I watched that trailer though. what the hell is happening in it? some weird corruption of the pandaren?
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: wrightway on August 16, 2013, 12:00:10 pm
Ah, shit. Over half the characters on my account are sitting in Org right now. I'm afraid by the time I can resub I'm going to log right into a battle ground.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cerim Treascair on August 16, 2013, 02:51:46 pm
Ah, shit. Over half the characters on my account are sitting in Org right now. I'm afraid by the time I can resub I'm going to log right into a battle ground.

Nah, it'll be instanced.  Or the devs will port all players in Org to the nearest friendly city.  Probably TB.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: starseeker on August 19, 2013, 05:41:50 am
Ah, shit. Over half the characters on my account are sitting in Org right now. I'm afraid by the time I can resub I'm going to log right into a battle ground.

Nah, it'll be instanced.  Or the devs will port all players in Org to the nearest friendly city.  Probably TB.

Siege of Org's a raid, so instanced like the tower in Dragonblight was for the Dragon Soul raid. There's some current ground changes, but only really affecting 2 districts.

I was thinking of re-subbing again, to be honest now I want to do it just to bash in Garoshes face.
Unfortunately it will be some epic raid or dungeon and I wont be able to take part even if I could get my main high enough level.
I am still in Outland, and I only solo, so no kicking in a mean orcs face for me.

I watched that trailer though. what the hell is happening in it? some weird corruption of the pandaren?

If you get to level 90 and gear up a bit there's the Looking for Raid mode, which is the easy mode with the automatic matchmaker for less determined players. (best done on Wednesday and Thursday)
The thing with the Pandaren is what's called the Sha, basically 7 incarnations of negative emotions that possess people. They get more explained when you do the Pandaria quests.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: Cerim Treascair on August 20, 2013, 08:52:51 pm
LFR IS a bucket of suck most of the time, sadly.  Incompetent players, rushing players, folks that won't path with the rest of the guild and pull half the fucking instance... and then complain when they eat floor in .023 seconds.
Title: Re: WoW
Post by: starseeker on August 21, 2013, 06:29:04 am
LFR IS a bucket of suck most of the time, sadly.  Incompetent players, rushing players, folks that won't path with the rest of the guild and pull half the fucking instance... and then complain when they eat floor in .023 seconds.

Hence my suggestion to do it Wednes/Thurs, when the competant people do it. I'm just glad I finally got my tier head so I don't need to go back.