Author Topic: Ever wondered what US Culture Wars would look like if the right was Islamic?  (Read 6377 times)

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Offline DogmasDemise

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Point taken.

After all US policy does have international implications so yeah I guess we'd all be fucked.

Offline armandtanzarian

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- and refugees would probably be deported back to Saudi Arabia to face blasphemy charges that carry death sentences, you know, like Malaysia did to Hamza Kashgari
A wonderful point about Hamza Kashgari. Hamza is a Saudi Arabian who tweeted that God doesn't exist, which led to calls for his death or arrest. He fled the country as a result, and on that Thursday, we found out he was detained in Malaysia's airport en route to New Zealand to obtain refugee status. When we found out, the local activist groups and Bar Council drafted an order to retain him in Malaysia as a refugee, knowing full well he faced near-certain death in Saudi Arabia.

However, on Saturday/Sunday when the order was completed, the Minister responsible for this came back and told us "nope, we deported him already". He'd spent less than 48 hours on Malaysian soil before he'd been extradited.

Contrast this with the case of the Iranian suspected of bombing 3 Thai locations in February. He was only extradited in June, 4 months after detention and only after a court-ordered extradition.