Rubbish > Preaching and Worship
Make fun of RR thread.
Osama bin Bambi:
Yeah I can't help but LOL when a Christian fundie claims that they know Judaism better than the Jews do. They only, you know, wrote the entire Old Testament.
--- Quote from: Wykked Wytch on January 20, 2012, 09:24:25 pm ---Yeah I can't help but LOL when a Christian fundie claims that they know Judaism better than the Jews do. They only, you know, wrote the entire Old Testament.
--- End quote ---
This is my favorite rant on that subject:
If more "Christians" were Christ-followers instead of "Paulians", this site probably wouldn't exist. Yay fundies.
You know, it bothers the shit out of me that theologians, when assembling the bible and deciding what books would make it and which ones wouldn't (and there are a lot of those that didn't), nobody took a moment to realize that ONLY PAUL was saying the things he was. None of the other 12 Apostles or (more importantly) Jesus himself said anything like what Paul was saying.
This didn't throw up a red flag?
Nobody took a moment to question this?
...fucking WHY?
I'm no expert, but here goes...
Most of the fundamentalists of the likes you see on RR have an some sort of inferiority complex but are really dissatisfied with the fact that they don't excel at everything or feel special about their lives. Then along comes Jesus, (or you have it drilled in your head from singing "Jesus Loves Me" for the thousandth time) that they're going to have a big mansion in Heaven and a seat next to Jesus if they try really REALLY hard, and the people who they don't like are going to be burning in a Lake of Fire for all eternity.
Thing is, isn't this exactly what happened 2000 years ago with the populist religion, who were trying to alienate everyone who didn't agree with them and had their priests trying to meddle in politics to get the entire populace to pander to them?
I am now curious as to whether or not this was actually happening 2000 years ago or this was just a big myth to further minimize the "competition." Many Christians insist that the Jews can't reconcile their sins. I know for a fact that this isn't true.
Another point to bring up is that it is almost impossible to find a fundamentalist Christian who doesn't have a huge list of Scriptures that support his opinion and uses those as the basis of being right. I wasn't aware that Jesus was dissing the lawyers in "God's corrupt church" only to create new ones who did the same thing as their predecessors.
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