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Offline Jacob Harrison

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« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2018, 09:28:26 pm »
On your Harry Potter yammering among other things: no. Nobody has to edit their books for your Church or any church any more. This isn't the middle ages - this is 2018. We don't have to edit books for your religion, nor do we have to change evolutionary theory for it.

Nobody cares who was canonized or when. Get over it.

1. But isn’t it concerning that children who read Harry Potter won’t learn the difference between good magic and witchcraft since witchcraft is traditionally considered evil? It could cause teens to try to buy Ouija boards and use them to summon spirits which could lead to demonic attacks. Demonic attacks from ouija boards have been documented by numerous testimonies throughout history as well as YouTube videos.

2. It is not changing evolutionary theory as evolution is irrelevant to both atheism and religion. Only religious evolution deniers and certain atheists create the false dichotomy of atheism vs evolution denial. It is part of the bigger false dichotomy of religion vs science. You can be both religious and scientific as many scientists throughout history were religious.

3. You should care, because America has Anglo Saxon cultural heritage and therefore the pre 1688 English monarchs are our forefathers. You should therefore be outraged that the Jacobite successors have been deprived of their rightful thrones of England, Scotland, Ireland, and France.

So uh, correct me if I'm wrong, history isn't my strong suit, but wasn't America founded by a rebellion against the British monarchy

It was a rebellion against the tyrannical post 1688 illegitimate monarchy, and the corrupt Parliament that illegally siezed power in the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688. The pre-1688 great Stuart monarchs treated the colonies far better. The United States did not invite the Jacobite claimant Charles Edward Stuart to be crowned King of America but that doesn’t matter because Charles Edward Stuart never claimed the American throne.

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« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2018, 09:35:24 pm »
1. But isn’t it concerning that children who read Harry Potter won’t learn the difference between good magic and witchcraft since witchcraft is traditionally considered evil? It could cause teens to try to play with the occult such as buying Ouija boards and use them to summon spirits which could lead to demonic attacks. Demonic attacks from ouija boards have been documented by numerous testimonies throughout history as well as YouTube videos.
No. No, it isn't. This is of course completely unrelated to the fact that it's all make believe. Harry Potter, oija boards, demons, Christianity and magic of all varieties. What's more concerning is the sheer number of grown ass adults who take magic seriously.

Offline dpareja

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« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2018, 09:37:29 pm »
The Stuarts tended toward personal rule; afterward, monarchs tended to defer to Parliament. If any monarchs were being tyrannical, it's the former.

Parliament, being a body representative of the governed, had every right to determine who and under what conditions the de jure chief executive would be. Would you have preferred a nice long bloody war?

The American Revolution had nothing to do with who the monarch was. It was a matter of principle, that nobody should be taxed without a voice in the decision to levy that tax (but tell that to DC...), and later American envoys to the United Kingdom stated that had the colonies been given fair representation in the Commons and the Lords, they would not have rebelled. It was the British assertion of their supposed right to legislate for their colonies without those same colonies having any voice in the decision that sparked the rebellion.

I am a fan of monarchy, and I prefer it to (almost) any form of republic, but I favour parliamentary constitutional monarchy, in which Parliament exercises the legislative power and determines through the confidence mechanism who shall exercise, de facto, the executive power, and the monarch, while still the de jure chief executive, actually wields only the reserve powers and then only at direst need.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline niam2023

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« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2018, 10:21:21 pm »
I do not give half a crap about your traditions or who is king or queen or whatever is going on about the church.

I am sure I can find YouTube videos discussing proof of lizard people. Do I believe them? Ssscertainly not!

I do not care about what some backwards morons did or what heritage people have. It is not important to who anyone really is what guy ruled in 1638 or whatever.

Some geezer can rant about it, but the fact is we young people these days want to fuck, lift, look great, and hang out with other handsome and beautiful people. So take your talk of Gackobites and shove it so far up your ass you digest it again.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline Jacob Harrison

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« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2018, 10:24:56 pm »
The Stuarts tended toward personal rule; afterward, monarchs tended to defer to Parliament. If any monarchs were being tyrannical, it's the former.

Parliament, being a body representative of the governed, had every right to determine who and under what conditions the de jure chief executive would be. Would you have preferred a nice long bloody war?

The American Revolution had nothing to do with who the monarch was. It was a matter of principle, that nobody should be taxed without a voice in the decision to levy that tax (but tell that to DC...), and later American envoys to the United Kingdom stated that had the colonies been given fair representation in the Commons and the Lords, they would not have rebelled. It was the British assertion of their supposed right to legislate for their colonies without those same colonies having any voice in the decision that sparked the rebellion.

I am a fan of monarchy, and I prefer it to (almost) any form of republic, but I favour parliamentary constitutional monarchy, in which Parliament exercises the legislative power and determines through the confidence mechanism who shall exercise, de facto, the executive power, and the monarch, while still the de jure chief executive, actually wields only the reserve powers and then only at direst need.

The Stuart’s were not tyrannical. They had near absolute power, but they did what was in the best interests of their country. Cromwell was the real tyrant. He established a fanatical puritanical regime outlawing so many things and commiting horrific atrocities against the Irish. The English resented his regime so much that they cheered the return of Charles II.

And Parliament had no right to overthrow King James II because at that time, the King’s Power legally was over Parliament and King James II didn’t do anything bad. Parliament was against him because he was a Roman Catholic(before Joan of Arc was canonized) and allowed tolerance of Protestant sects that were not Anglican. What was tyrannical about that?

I am aware what the American Revolution was about and the justified reasons the colonists rebelled. I am saying that the Stuart’s mostly left the colonies alone and focused more on mainland England so the tyranical oppression would never have happened had Charles Edward Stuart been King.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2018, 10:40:44 pm »
I do not give half a crap about your traditions or who is king or queen or whatever is going on about the church.

I am sure I can find YouTube videos discussing proof of lizard people. Do I believe them? Ssscertainly not!

I do not care about what some backwards morons did or what heritage people have. It is not important to who anyone really is what guy ruled in 1638 or whatever.

Some geezer can rant about it, but the fact is we young people these days want to fuck, lift, look great, and hang out with other handsome and beautiful people. So take your talk of Gackobites and shove it so far up your ass you digest it again.

The YouTube videos I am talking about don’t discuss proofs of demonic attacks, they actually show footage of them. And there is also a documentary on the phenomena of sleep paralysis where people talk of their experiences of being attacked by demons. And don’t you realize that fucking with multiple people instead of with one partner makes fucking less romantic and special.

And the heritage is YOUR heritage because your an American. You should be patriotic and honor our countries heritage. And I am not an old geezer, I’m 19.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 10:42:28 pm by Jacob Harrison »

Offline niam2023

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« Reply #36 on: May 13, 2018, 11:01:00 pm »
And again I can show you videos demonstrating what seems like proof to the video maker of lizard people. Does this make them remotely true? No.

And again - I do not care what wankers showed up, or what the jacrobites are. You don't own patriotism and you certainly can't own how people live their lives.

The most I can tell you now is just go try and find people to fuck - women, men and in any combination thereof to date your loins. You don't need some Anglo heritage bullshit. Whatever your folks or whatever told you, its stupid and wrong.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline Jacob Harrison

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« Reply #37 on: May 13, 2018, 11:34:23 pm »
And again I can show you videos demonstrating what seems like proof to the video maker of lizard people. Does this make them remotely true? No.

And again - I do not care what wankers showed up, or what the jacrobites are. You don't own patriotism and you certainly can't own how people live their lives.

The most I can tell you now is just go try and find people to fuck - women, men and in any combination thereof to date your loins. You don't need some Anglo heritage bullshit. Whatever your folks or whatever told you, its stupid and wrong.

1. I know that many videos are bullshit and have CGI. I am talking about eyewitness testimonies, and footage of people getting attacked. In some of them, they are even on security cameras.

2. I don’t own patriotism but our nation in which we are citizens of does.

3. How is what my family taught me stupid? I don’t see how you could argue that fucking around with whoever is better than a committed loving romantic relationship. And fucking around with multiple partners also gives you AIDS.

Besides, I said that I am not sexual enough to fuck because I get sexually turned on not by the thought of a women’s vagina butcby the thought of me masterbating to a female hence my nightmares. Do you know how I can cure my fetish?

Offline niam2023

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« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2018, 03:03:45 am »
1) And a lot of those videos you talk about are people being tortured by their folks - who are convinced those people have demons in them. People've been murdered for "seeming demon possessed" by their own folks.

2) And being that heritage is only ever brought up by alt-right shitweasels and others of their sort, I see no reason to take any sort of pride in heritage. My dad said it best "people who are proud of their heritage have nothing else to be proud of."

3) Because as we're seeing now, people have decided they don't WANT to be committed to one person. And fucking around only gives you AIDS if you're not careful.

Uh, just try unwinding and having some sex, man. You won't know till you go out and try.
Living Life, Lifting, Waiting for Summer

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2018, 07:28:35 am »
The Stuart’s were not tyrannical. They had near absolute power, but they did what was in the best interests of their country. Cromwell was the real tyrant. He established a fanatical puritanical regime outlawing so many things and commiting horrific atrocities against the Irish. The English resented his regime so much that they cheered the return of Charles II.

And Parliament had no right to overthrow King James II because at that time, the King’s Power legally was over Parliament and King James II didn’t do anything bad. Parliament was against him because he was a Roman Catholic(before Joan of Arc was canonized) and allowed tolerance of Protestant sects that were not Anglican. What was tyrannical about that?
Yes, Cromwell was a dick but coming from an anti sexual revolution, anti feminist guy whose only acceptable variant of sexual activity is fapping furiously before reluctantly sticking his end into a certified virgin's vagina is signalling his opposition to...fanatical puritanism?

Come again?

Yes, yes the pun was intentional, and terrible, for that alone I'm truly sorry!

Offline Jacob Harrison

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« Reply #40 on: May 14, 2018, 09:31:26 am »
1) And a lot of those videos you talk about are people being tortured by their folks - who are convinced those people have demons in them. People've been murdered for "seeming demon possessed" by their own folks.

2) And being that heritage is only ever brought up by alt-right shitweasels and others of their sort, I see no reason to take any sort of pride in heritage. My dad said it best "people who are proud of their heritage have nothing else to be proud of."

3) Because as we're seeing now, people have decided they don't WANT to be committed to one person. And fucking around only gives you AIDS if you're not careful.

Uh, just try unwinding and having some sex, man. You won't know till you go out and try.

1. Actually in a lot of cases, their folks don’t believe their testimonies. And in most cases of demon possession, the families get a priest to perform an exorcism. Exorcisms have also been documented.

2. So you are not proud of our forefathers who made this nation great? You are not proud of our founding fathers for founding this nation? You are not proud of the first REPUBLICAN President Abraham Lincoln for keeping our nation together and crushing the treasonous DEMOCRAT slaver confederate rebellion? You are not proud of our soldiers who fought for our country in the World Wars defending our nation? You are not proud of Martin Luther King Jr, for defeating the racist DEMOCRAT power in the South and getting the Civil Rights Act passed?

3. That is a problem today. People who have promiscuous sex eventually get depressed because they are not in loving relationships. They begin to feel worthless. And few people want to date them because they don’t trust that they won’t cheat on them. Those are reasons why I don’t want to have promiscuous sex.

Offline Jacob Harrison

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« Reply #41 on: May 14, 2018, 09:44:53 am »
The Stuart’s were not tyrannical. They had near absolute power, but they did what was in the best interests of their country. Cromwell was the real tyrant. He established a fanatical puritanical regime outlawing so many things and commiting horrific atrocities against the Irish. The English resented his regime so much that they cheered the return of Charles II.

And Parliament had no right to overthrow King James II because at that time, the King’s Power legally was over Parliament and King James II didn’t do anything bad. Parliament was against him because he was a Roman Catholic(before Joan of Arc was canonized) and allowed tolerance of Protestant sects that were not Anglican. What was tyrannical about that?
Yes, Cromwell was a dick but coming from an anti sexual revolution, anti feminist guy whose only acceptable variant of sexual activity is fapping furiously before reluctantly sticking his end into a certified virgin's vagina is signalling his opposition to...fanatical puritanism?

Come again?

Yes, yes the pun was intentional, and terrible, for that alone I'm truly sorry!

I am not as extreme as the fanatical Puritan heretics. My views on sex reflect those of conservative Anglicans. And I am not anti feminist, because I believe that women should have equal rights and not have to deal with perverts like you guys objectifying them and putting them in uncomfortable situations. And the Civil Rights Act already makes discriminating against women in the workplace and not giving them equal pay illegal. And I wish I could be more naturally attracted to a women’s vagina but I can’t help that I have such a fetish to the thought of masterbation. No matter how much I look at images of vagina’s on the internet, I am not turned on by them.

I am a victim of the sexual revolution which has caused a rise in degenerate paraphilias. My fapping fetish however is not as bad as other creepy perverted fetishes that people have. My fetish involves thinking of MYSELF fapping while other people’s fetishes involve bizzare and disgusting fantasies about a woman.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 01:54:22 pm by Jacob Harrison »

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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« Reply #42 on: May 14, 2018, 05:11:31 pm »
Yup, back in the day when young virgins were traded as chattel for real estate it was much more feministy.

Uh huh.

And you really don't need to go into any more detail about your fapping, really. We're good. Thanks.

Offline davedan

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« Reply #43 on: May 14, 2018, 06:05:13 pm »
The Stuart’s were not tyrannical. They had near absolute power, but they did what was in the best interests of their country. Cromwell was the real tyrant. He established a fanatical puritanical regime outlawing so many things and commiting horrific atrocities against the Irish. The English resented his regime so much that they cheered the return of Charles II.

And Parliament had no right to overthrow King James II because at that time, the King’s Power legally was over Parliament and King James II didn’t do anything bad. Parliament was against him because he was a Roman Catholic(before Joan of Arc was canonized) and allowed tolerance of Protestant sects that were not Anglican. What was tyrannical about that?
Yes, Cromwell was a dick but coming from an anti sexual revolution, anti feminist guy whose only acceptable variant of sexual activity is fapping furiously before reluctantly sticking his end into a certified virgin's vagina is signalling his opposition to...fanatical puritanism?

Come again?

Yes, yes the pun was intentional, and terrible, for that alone I'm truly sorry!

I am not as extreme as the fanatical Puritan heretics. My views on sex reflect those of conservative Anglicans. And I am not anti feminist, because I believe that women should have equal rights and not have to deal with perverts like you guys objectifying them and putting them in uncomfortable situations. And the Civil Rights Act already makes discriminating against women in the workplace and not giving them equal pay illegal. And I wish I could be more naturally attracted to a women’s vagina but I can’t help that I have such a fetish to the thought of masterbation. No matter how much I look at images of vagina’s on the internet, I am not turned on by them.

I am a victim of the sexual revolution which has caused a rise in degenerate paraphilias. My fapping fetish however is not as bad as other creepy perverted fetishes that people have. My fetish involves thinking of MYSELF fapping while other people’s fetishes involve bizzare and disgusting fantasies about a woman.

So you are not attracted to vaginas but to the idea of a thick hard cock being slowly stroked. What about one being stroked next to yours? ...gets you going right?

Offline dpareja

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« Reply #44 on: May 14, 2018, 06:49:14 pm »
And Parliament had no right to overthrow King James II because at that time, the King’s Power legally was over Parliament and King James II didn’t do anything bad. Parliament was against him because he was a Roman Catholic(before Joan of Arc was canonized) and allowed tolerance of Protestant sects that were not Anglican. What was tyrannical about that?

Except that when a single individual (or group thereof--don't think I think all that highly of the House of Lords), unaccountable to the governed, has power over those who are so accountable, that creates a fundamentally unfair and untenable situation that would almost certainly have eventually exploded into civil war had it not been for the Glorious Revolution. Parliament had every moral right to assert its proper authority, as the representatives of the people, over the unelected monarch.

I ask again: would you have preferred a bloody war?
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.