Author Topic: Worst of Social Justice  (Read 1571942 times)

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Even Then

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7095 on: September 27, 2015, 09:51:44 am »
Apparently being peeved at having one's experienced delegitimized as just tumblrina faking delusional special snowflake bullshit is "tribalism" now? Also, yeah, people making new terms to explain and make sense of their emotional experiences is totally on the same level as conservativism, these aren't diametrically opposed concepts or anything.

Also, here's someone with an actual certified doctorate acknowledging the issue and providing sources. But yeah, whatever, no actual discrimination at all, nope~ Tell me, what's the minimum amount of discrimination that has to exist before you can be bothered to acknowledge it?

But yes. Positing that this is on the exact same level of severity as homophobia and transphobia by making a direct comparison would be fucking asinine and offensive. I acknowledge that. It's a damn good thing I never did that, though; all I said (or tried to get across) was that if you have a problem with people of one sexual/romantic/gender identity being discriminated against but gleefully mock another one because it sounds "fake" and "made-up" enough for you to safely indulge in cognitive dissonance without remorse or misgivings, then you've got another think coming.
Alright, I think you've got the wrong idea here. Nobody here is mocking asexuals as a whole, or saying they don't really exist and are just attention seekers, we're taking the piss out of a small subset of idiots on Tumblr (who may or may not actually be asexual themselves) who just make up nonsense like "queerplatonic" just to make something as mundane as being friends with people seem unique and special. That's the kind of thing we're dismissing as special snowflake bullshit. Again, we all know that asexuality is indeed a real, medically proven trait, nobody is trying to mock or dismiss asexuality itself.

You know how we love to take the piss out of idiots who make up their own genders (nonsense like "quirogender", "voidgender", "purplegender", "demiquasiblowblowgender" and the like), yet that doesn't mean we're dismissing or mocking actual transpeople? This is pretty much the same sort of thing. If we managed to hit a nerve that badly (or "triggered" you, if you will, heh heh), you may want to take some time to calm down before posting in this thread some more.

Quote from: Damen
Feel fine enough being alone that you don't have a screaming need for an intimate relationship? Nope, you're not an adult who's just fine being alone; you're "aromantic." You're not just a walking hormone that wants to fuck anything upright but still like to have an orgasm or two every once in a while and hope those orgasms are with another person if possible? Nope, you're not an adult who isn't defined by how often they fuck, you're "asexual."

Uh-huh. Yeah. Sure. My ass that was all that was going on. (Also, "trigger" jokes? In 2015?)

Still. I admit that in my anger, I lashed out at people who might not have had it coming and have been relatively reasonable, expressed myself poorly and oversimplified the issue. I'd like to take a moment to apologize to everyone who isn't Damen or Ironchew for that. I can see where you're all coming from with the attitude that people who make neopronouns and new terms for sexuality and gender are delegitimizing LGBT people. I don't share that attitude, obviously, but I've calmed down enough to acknowledge it.

yeah, see, now, because you're angry, you're making an ass of yourself.

if you read the thread in its entirety, you'll see why we're jaded about a lot of what tumblr has to offer. for example, fictionkin and objectkin. those are silly and delegitimize the trans movement by taking away necessary attention to it, namely when fictionkin say they experience disphoria.

tribalism would be more along the lines of "believing everything you read on the internet". we know that tumblr is a hotbed of teenage attention-seeking, so that's why we have two threads to talk about social justice. the "worst", where we showcase the asses, and the "best", where sensible things are posted. we also have the "things" threads where we can post things not directly related to social justice. around here, skepticism is the norm, and most of us read everything with a grain of salt.

there is discrimination everywhere, of course, but baby steps. most humans are simple creatures who can only be bothered with the flavor of the week. 10 years ago in the usa, gay marriage would never have passed. then came civil unions, marches, legislation, and look where we are. progress is maddeningly slow, and most people don't even know the existence of asexuals, because it's misunderstood. what do we do? we don't cry about it, we tackle bigger more flashy issues until the populace can accept it, in a sort of positive trickle-down effect.

you've given us three sources, sure. two blogs and the huffpost. frankly, it's niche at best. i'm not saying it doesn't exist, i'm saying that people don't care because they don't even know aces exist in the first place. does that make them cold? no, they treat it like generalized rape. which it is. you wanna tackle the ace rape problem? tackle a bigger fish, like rape (of all kind and against all victims).

and unfortunately, with hyperbole being difficult to separate from the truth on the internet, yes, people who post do believe their issue is the single most important one. hell, most people find it hard to concentrate on two things at once (for example, abortion clinic bombings and gay rights). you get jaded after a while.

there, i believe i said all that should be said about your angry rant in a calm collected manner.

- "Believing everything you read on the Internet" makes no sense because the Internet is a communication vehicle same as anything else. You might as well say "oh, you just heard of that on the television so it's definitely not real lol"

- "no, they treat it like generalized rape. which it is." if the rape is directed at someone specifically for having a specific sexuality or whatever, then it's not generalized rape. quod erat demonstratum.

- "you've given us three sources, sure. two blogs and the huffpost." well what do you know? I've developed the mystical ability to see into the future. still, at least you're acknowledging that the issue exists, and I can acknowledge that you're acknowledging it. I can admit that my number of sources is low, but at the moment I was trying to show that the issue even exists and affects ace people specifically.

- see, your comments about how I need to "tackle a bigger fish" and "tackle more flashy issues" would be excellent and valid criticism if I was actually hosting a political rally or a protest or whatever. only that's not what I'm doing. I'm one person, screaming into the void on a forum.

- "with hyperbole being difficult to separate from the truth on the internet, yes, people who post do believe their issue is the single most important one. hell, most people find it hard to concentrate on two things at once (for example, abortion clinic bombings and gay rights)." I'm pretty sure that people who talk about one issue aren't ignorant of or trivializing other issues while they're talking about the first issue. people can be aware of several things at once. it's not like I can't understand your cynicism, but if I don't literally see someone say "this is the most important issue ever and all other issues are shit to me", I lean more towards idealism.

- How's this? Am I being calm enough to be taken seriously now? I'm not even being facetious (mostly).

Some of them will insist they are unique or oppressed because of a nonsensical condition they create for themselves (headmates are an example)

Dissociative Identity Disorder is an actual thing, documented by actual psychologists. Pardon me, but I call bullshit on this whole "lol look at this tumblrina making up conditions" attitude.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7096 on: September 27, 2015, 10:07:05 am »
Some of them will insist they are unique or oppressed because of a nonsensical condition they create for themselves (headmates are an example)

Dissociative Identity Disorder is an actual thing, documented by actual psychologists. Pardon me, but I call bullshit on this whole "lol look at this tumblrina making up conditions" attitude.

Of course DID is an actual thing. That's not what we're referring to. We're referring to people who don't have DID but still purposefully create fun headmates for themselves because, like I said before, they lack a sense of identity and want to fit in somewhere. Doing that completely fucks over those who have DID because it makes it seem like a non-issue, when it reality it can disrupt your entire life.
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

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Even Then

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7097 on: September 27, 2015, 10:12:50 am »
Again, I can understand your cynicism (after all, I was being cynical and assuming you didn't think DID is a thing), but when I see people talking about headmates, I don't think "they're making it up for attention", I think "they probably have DID or something resembling DID (but maybe not an actual diagnosis) so they're using terms like 'headmates' to express their experiences and problems"

I'm probably just a bleeding-heart idealist about this, though, or at least by FQA standards. Maybe that's the problem.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2015, 10:19:02 am by Even Then »

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7098 on: September 27, 2015, 10:40:05 am »
Horseshoe theory in action, courtesy of ace tumblr:
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7099 on: September 27, 2015, 10:41:08 am »
Uh-huh. Yeah. Sure. My ass that was all that was going on. (Also, "trigger" jokes? In 2015?)
Huh, you're right, I must've missed that. I suppose it's now up to Damen to continue this argument, if he so desires.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7100 on: September 27, 2015, 12:09:07 pm »
Even Then, maybe wait a little while and check through posts from the profiles of people who made you angry in this thread. Every one that you cited as being wrong-headed or ignorant is in fact intelligent and fairly knowledgeable, very much including Damen and Ironchew and Sleepy, etc. Socio-Political views and personalities differ pretty widely around here, though, even if the majority range from center to far left.

This thread, "Worst of Social Justice", is just a counter to "Best of Social Justice". The name of FQA is Frequently Questioned Answers for a reason, in that we mostly are a bit suspicious of extraordinary "answers" and claims on the web; extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof or reasoning.
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I sympathize completely. However, to use against us. Let me ask you a troll. On the one who pulled it. But here's the question: where do I think it might as well have stepped out of all people would cling to a layman.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7101 on: September 27, 2015, 12:41:11 pm »
The thing with headmates, ET, is that from what I've seen, they tend to be completely self-diagnosed, much like the people who self-diagnose with autism.  Sure, some of them may legitimately have the issue and, if they do, they need to seek professional help.  However, a lot of those who self-diagnose are merely doing it as a cover for their more, shall we say, problematic tendencies?  Like claiming to be autistic to cover the fact that you're just an asshole.  Now, if they have a proper diagnosis from someone who spent nearly a decade learning to do that very thing, then fine, they have the issue, case closed.  Also, I'll back you up on calling Damen on his bullshit.  What he said, to me, is like saying "you're not just a man who wants to fuck other men, you're 'homosexual'," and its every bit as offensive.  "Asexual" and "aromantic" are succinct terms used to describe broader concepts.  Like "transsexual" or "bipolar."  Heaven forbid we communicate efficiently.
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Offline guizonde

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7102 on: September 27, 2015, 12:53:56 pm »

- "Believing everything you read on the Internet" makes no sense because the Internet is a communication vehicle same as anything else. You might as well say "oh, you just heard of that on the television so it's definitely not real lol"
no, it means take everything you read with a grain of salt, precisely because gullability leads to bad things.

- "no, they treat it like generalized rape. which it is." if the rape is directed at someone specifically for having a specific sexuality or whatever, then it's not generalized rape. quod erat demonstratum.
i meant that rape is rape. if there are aggravating circumstances, that's for the courts to decide. else you risk minimizing certain types of rape in favor of others. and that makes it worse in my book.

- "you've given us three sources, sure. two blogs and the huffpost." well what do you know? I've developed the mystical ability to see into the future. still, at least you're acknowledging that the issue exists, and I can acknowledge that you're acknowledging it. I can admit that my number of sources is low, but at the moment I was trying to show that the issue even exists and affects ace people specifically.
i wasn't criticizing or minimizing the sources. i was listing them to show i had read your post thoroughly. however, blogs and the huffpost are more hip to the social justice plights around the world, moreso than the washington post, for example. therein lies the confusion.

- see, your comments about how I need to "tackle a bigger fish" and "tackle more flashy issues" would be excellent and valid criticism if I was actually hosting a political rally or a protest or whatever. only that's not what I'm doing. I'm one person, screaming into the void on a forum.

nearsightedness is a problem. you can't convince people if you aim for the details.

- "with hyperbole being difficult to separate from the truth on the internet, yes, people who post do believe their issue is the single most important one. hell, most people find it hard to concentrate on two things at once (for example, abortion clinic bombings and gay rights)." I'm pretty sure that people who talk about one issue aren't ignorant of or trivializing other issues while they're talking about the first issue. people can be aware of several things at once. it's not like I can't understand your cynicism, but if I don't literally see someone say "this is the most important issue ever and all other issues are shit to me", I lean more towards idealism.

you're not as jaded as me, good on you.

- How's this? Am I being calm enough to be taken seriously now? I'm not even being facetious (mostly).

snark is good. helps keep the hatred away.

Some of them will insist they are unique or oppressed because of a nonsensical condition they create for themselves (headmates are an example)

Dissociative Identity Disorder is an actual thing, documented by actual psychologists. Pardon me, but I call bullshit on this whole "lol look at this tumblrina making up conditions" attitude.

i've got symptoms of did. blame my psychosis on that. but i've got a legitimate medical diagnosis at my back. not everyone on the internet does, and some do it for the attention.
@ guizonde: I think I like the way you think.
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7103 on: September 27, 2015, 02:03:54 pm »
The thing with headmates, ET, is that from what I've seen, they tend to be completely self-diagnosed, much like the people who self-diagnose with autism.  Sure, some of them may legitimately have the issue and, if they do, they need to seek professional help.  However, a lot of those who self-diagnose are merely doing it as a cover for their more, shall we say, problematic tendencies?  Like claiming to be autistic to cover the fact that you're just an asshole.  Now, if they have a proper diagnosis from someone who spent nearly a decade learning to do that very thing, then fine, they have the issue, case closed.

Bullshit self-diagnosis is a thing, no doubt. But...

1) Some things you can in fact self-diagnose. Gender dysphoria, for example, is almost always self-diagnosed. You can be wrong about being autistic, but I'm not sure you can be wrong about having a headmate. (you can lie about having a headmate, but that's a different thing altogether. You can also lie about being professionally diagnosed)

2) Professional diagnosis is not necessarily much more rigorous than self-diagnosis. You can get someone who has years of experiences with people with the disorder and knows all the symptoms back and forth, but you can also get someone who has never had a patient with the disorder who looks up a list of diagnostic criteria, asks you the questions, and if you say "yes" to enough of them gives you the diagnosis. Plus you just sometimes are out of luck and get the one guy who thinks X isn't real.

If you can look up the list of diagnostic criteria and honestly look at each one of them and see if they apply, it's not obvious your self-diagnosis is any worse than a professional one. That doesn't solve the problem of dishonesty, but you can lie to psychiatrists too.

People tend to look at professional diagnosis as confirmation you "aren't making it up", but it's not like there's a blood test for mental disorders. The information you use to self-diagnose is often the same information a professional will use to say "yes, you are X"; often the difference between self- and professionally diagnosed is whether you can afford to have someone confirm it (did you know: it costs about $2,000 to get an autism diagnosis?).

Does this vary by disorder? Yes. Is a professional diagnosis preferable and more reliable than a self-diagnosis? Probably. But I think it's a mistake to draw a sharp line where people who are professionally diagnosed are Legit and everyone else is making it up for attention. Partly because psychiatry is not an exact science, partly because it often doesn't matter if someone Really Is X or just has some symptoms of X, and partly because you end up discriminating against people who can't afford a professional diagnosis.

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7104 on: September 27, 2015, 02:57:51 pm »
Also, I'll back you up on calling Damen on his bullshit.  What he said, to me, is like saying "you're not just a man who wants to fuck other men, you're 'homosexual'," and its every bit as offensive.  "Asexual" and "aromantic" are succinct terms used to describe broader concepts.  Like "transsexual" or "bipolar."  Heaven forbid we communicate efficiently.

If you thought that was anything but a jab at the extremes of the special snowflakes, I will offer my apologies. I'll try to better explain myself and I will cut out the snark for this post.

I am fully aware that asexually exists and is a real thing, as is aromanticism, but I take issue with, and mock, the people who misuse the label in order to feel special. Focusing on asexuality (because I am most familiar with that); to the best of my understanding, asexuality simply means a lack of desire to have sex. The snowflakes (the target of my mockery) however, believe that you can have the desire for sex and still be asexual. To me, that is on par with never having the desire to have sex with other men yet calling yourself homosexual and that is something I find offensive. And please keep in mind, I am not saying asexual people never have sex, I am aware that they do for a number of reasons.

As for the rest of this, I'm just going to stay away from posting in this thread for a while to avoid fanning these flames any higher.
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7105 on: September 27, 2015, 09:59:38 pm »
The thing with headmates, ET, is that from what I've seen, they tend to be completely self-diagnosed, much like the people who self-diagnose with autism.  Sure, some of them may legitimately have the issue and, if they do, they need to seek professional help.  However, a lot of those who self-diagnose are merely doing it as a cover for their more, shall we say, problematic tendencies?  Like claiming to be autistic to cover the fact that you're just an asshole.  Now, if they have a proper diagnosis from someone who spent nearly a decade learning to do that very thing, then fine, they have the issue, case closed.

Bullshit self-diagnosis is a thing, no doubt. But...

1) Some things you can in fact self-diagnose. Gender dysphoria, for example, is almost always self-diagnosed. You can be wrong about being autistic, but I'm not sure you can be wrong about having a headmate. (you can lie about having a headmate, but that's a different thing altogether. You can also lie about being professionally diagnosed)

2) Professional diagnosis is not necessarily much more rigorous than self-diagnosis. You can get someone who has years of experiences with people with the disorder and knows all the symptoms back and forth, but you can also get someone who has never had a patient with the disorder who looks up a list of diagnostic criteria, asks you the questions, and if you say "yes" to enough of them gives you the diagnosis. Plus you just sometimes are out of luck and get the one guy who thinks X isn't real.

If you can look up the list of diagnostic criteria and honestly look at each one of them and see if they apply, it's not obvious your self-diagnosis is any worse than a professional one. That doesn't solve the problem of dishonesty, but you can lie to psychiatrists too.

People tend to look at professional diagnosis as confirmation you "aren't making it up", but it's not like there's a blood test for mental disorders. The information you use to self-diagnose is often the same information a professional will use to say "yes, you are X"; often the difference between self- and professionally diagnosed is whether you can afford to have someone confirm it (did you know: it costs about $2,000 to get an autism diagnosis?).

Does this vary by disorder? Yes. Is a professional diagnosis preferable and more reliable than a self-diagnosis? Probably. But I think it's a mistake to draw a sharp line where people who are professionally diagnosed are Legit and everyone else is making it up for attention. Partly because psychiatry is not an exact science, partly because it often doesn't matter if someone Really Is X or just has some symptoms of X, and partly because you end up discriminating against people who can't afford a professional diagnosis.

Hel, I was professionally diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and am taking prescription drugs that wouldn't help AT ALL if I didn't have the disorder, and since I have to pay a $50 copay to see the shrink 4x/year, it's hardly something I'd do if I didn't have to.  Yet my father insists that I'm making up having an anxiety disorder "for attention."
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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7106 on: September 27, 2015, 10:16:44 pm »
Can you say "five knuckle shuffle?"

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7107 on: September 27, 2015, 10:23:59 pm »
*hits UP with a chair*


Ironbite-*slams UP with a chair before exiting the ring while the theme music plays*

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7108 on: September 27, 2015, 10:41:31 pm »
Hel, I was professionally diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, and am taking prescription drugs that wouldn't help AT ALL if I didn't have the disorder, and since I have to pay a $50 copay to see the shrink 4x/year, it's hardly something I'd do if I didn't have to.  Yet my father insists that I'm making up having an anxiety disorder "for attention."

Ouch. That sucks.

(was the Hel with one L thing intentional? Clever)

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Re: Worst of Social Justice
« Reply #7109 on: September 27, 2015, 11:05:25 pm »
Makes me glad my parents believe  Psychology might be inexact and a bit...screwy, at times, but its as much a science as chemistry or physics.
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