Author Topic: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists  (Read 13142 times)

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #60 on: May 03, 2019, 12:00:33 pm »
Then why don't you put it on record what you do say about your beliefs.

That is, if you have any, and aren't just a concern troll and tool trying to control the conversations.
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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #61 on: May 03, 2019, 05:11:37 pm »
Notes with interest Chaos utterly missed the post about the NRA meeting with representatives from an Australian political party with rep for blatant racism going back decades and gave them PR advice on how to handle the media in the event of a mass shooting.

Mere months after an Australian racist committed a horrific mass shooting in NZ.

That's a mighty weak argument. Since I don't know much about One Nation, I'm willing to take your word for it that they're racists, but you can associate with racists while not being racist yourself.

Listen to what?  You continuing to blabber about how the Left and Right are both evil so we should just all be Centrists and do nothing?

When did I ever say that?
It's a weak argument don't know how Google works?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 05:16:42 pm by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #62 on: May 03, 2019, 05:19:47 pm »
And why is it not surprising that Chaos would argue empowering racists isn't racist.

Offline Chaos Undivided

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #63 on: May 03, 2019, 06:23:50 pm »
Then why don't you put it on record what you do say about your beliefs.

That is, if you have any, and aren't just a concern troll and tool trying to control the conversations.

How much detail do you want me to go into?

And why is it not surprising that Chaos would argue empowering racists isn't racist.

Well, for one, meeting with racists doesn't mean you're racist yourself. The topic of their meeting wasn't "how to better suppress Asians" or anything like that, it was about public relations in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shooting.

Also, is the post page screwy for anyone else?
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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #64 on: May 03, 2019, 07:08:26 pm »
Then why don't you put it on record what you do say about your beliefs.

That is, if you have any, and aren't just a concern troll and tool trying to control the conversations.

How much detail do you want me to go into?

And why is it not surprising that Chaos would argue empowering racists isn't racist.

Well, for one, meeting with racists doesn't mean you're racist yourself. The topic of their meeting wasn't "how to better suppress Asians" or anything like that, it was about public relations in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shooting.

Also, is the post page screwy for anyone else?
No, their meeting was on the totally innocent topic of telling a bunch of racists (One Nation Australia, google it seriously) how to spin mass shootings, not long after an Australian Nazi transversed the Tasman and committed a racially motivated mass shooting in NZ.

So they're cool with racists and willing to help a cracker out-if that cracker is racist that don't make them racist, what a ghastly notion. I guess palling around with racists is an NRA tradition, but hey-let's give them the Chaos benefit of the doubt. Maybe they advised those Aussie racists to sing Kumbaya? Maybe they're still endorsing Matt Shea because they're hoping he gives all those bad racists he tweets to a strong talking to. Some of us think if it walks and quacks like a duck, it's a duck however.

But, you're right one meeting with Aussie bigots could have a totally innocent explanation and "Asia" could refer to the ancient Roman province of Anatolia. What else is there...

LaPierre called for a return to a white male president, saying “eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough.”
NRA board member Jay Printz posted a meme on his Facebook page that said, “Liberals think conservatives are violent because we own guns. When was the last time a group of conservatives blocked a freeway, turned over cop cars, rioted, looted, threw Molotov cocktails, burned buildings?” The meme was clearly in reference to groups protesting racial injustice.
NRATV commentator Bill Whittle said black people are intellectually inferior to people of other races.
NRA board member Todd Rathner posted a photo on Facebook of a sign that prohibited eating, drinking, and smoking in a hearing room, and then complained the Spanish-speakers were not abiding by the sign.
LaPierre has used the idea of the “dangerous black man” in his stump speech for years. The idea of the “mugger, murderer, or rapist” — the NRA boogeyman — serves as code for “black.”
The NRA has blamed the “violent left” for protesting racial injustice in Missouri, Baltimore, and other cities, effectively sending the message: “Hey, white America — this is why you need guns.”
Earlier this year, the NRA released a disgusting, violent, and divisive ad that urges gun owners to take action against demonstrators advocating for civil rights, rejecting the racist Muslim ban, and protesting police brutality against people of color.
Then there is Ted Nugent — the NRA’s most prominent, unabashed bigot. “The Noog” has served as an NRA board member for years and has never been shy about his despicable views on race. Here are just a few of his comments:

He publicly called President Barack Obama a “subhuman mongrel.”
He celebrated the use of the n-word in a column.
He said Civil Rights leaders Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton speak in “ebonic mumbo-jumbo.”
He openly mused that if he saw an undocumented immigrant, he’d like to “shoot them dead.”
He wrote that Travyon Martin was an example of “the same mindless tendency to violence we see in black communities across America.”
On The Alex Jones Show, Nugent said, “The food stamp scam, the welfare scam — blacks can fix the black problem tonight if they…put your heart and soul into being honest, law-abiding, [and] delivering excellence at every move in your life.”

Part of their urban outreach program perhaps?

« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 07:34:31 pm by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline Chaos Undivided

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #65 on: May 03, 2019, 07:12:53 pm »
Then why don't you put it on record what you do say about your beliefs.

That is, if you have any, and aren't just a concern troll and tool trying to control the conversations.

How much detail do you want me to go into?

And why is it not surprising that Chaos would argue empowering racists isn't racist.

Well, for one, meeting with racists doesn't mean you're racist yourself. The topic of their meeting wasn't "how to better suppress Asians" or anything like that, it was about public relations in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shooting.

Also, is the post page screwy for anyone else?
No, their meeting was on the totally innocent topic of telling a bunch of racists (One Nation Australia, google it seriously) how to spin mass shootings, not long after an Australian Nazi transversed the Tasman and committed a racially motivated mass shooting in NZ.

Direct question: was the meeting about racial issues? Yes or no?

So they're cool with racists and willing to help a cracker out-if that cracker is racist that don't make them racist, what a ghastly notion. I guess palling around with racists is an NRA tradition, but hey-let's give them the Chaos benefit of the doubt. Maybe they advised those Aussie racists to sing Kumbaya? Maybe they're still endorsing Matt Shea because they're hoping he gives all those bad racists he tweets to a strong talking to. Some of us think if it walks and quacks like a duck, it's a duck however.

Why do you keep harping on something that happened decades ago? It just makes you look desperate for something, ANYTHING to insult the NRA with.

And I already told you that you haven't proven they endorsed Matt Shea. You only proved that they RATED him. Just admit you've lost on both these points. We'll all be happier if you stopped your argumentum ad nauseum.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 07:14:56 pm by Chaos Undivided »
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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #66 on: May 03, 2019, 08:07:25 pm »
Direct answer: I've told you already what the meeting was about and there's a link. I'm not repeating myself for your shits and giggles and the meeting with One Nation and the NRA happened in 2019.

Also this:
Shea, who boasted of an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association and the NRA-PVF’s endorsement on his 2018 re-election site, has proposed that “Liberty” be the nation’s 51st state and lists among his reasons that Washington “Doesn’t Respect the Right to Bear Arms."
The 2019 endorsements aren't completed yet, so hang on to that thin reed if you like.

There's also LaPierre's totally not racist take on the Obama years “eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough” or Nugent's blunter "subhuman mongrel."
G'wan, lets see your spin about how those comments are not racist. Because unless the NRA starts flying swastikas out their front window there's nothing they can do that might suggest to you in the slightest that they're racist. They can canoodle with racists, say racist shit and have racism boiled into their history but we can't call them racist unless there's a pic somewhere of every single one of them posing for a group photo wearing Klan hoods, even then you'd probably try to pass the hoods off as capirotes.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 08:16:28 pm by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline Chaos Undivided

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #67 on: May 03, 2019, 08:45:17 pm »
Direct answer: I've told you already what the meeting was about and there's a link. I'm not repeating myself for your shits and giggles and the meeting with One Nation and the NRA happened in 2019.

Then you know the meeting had nothing to do with racial issues, so using it as "evidence" of the NRA being racist is tenuous at best.

Also this:
Shea, who boasted of an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association and the NRA-PVF’s endorsement on his 2018 re-election site, has proposed that “Liberty” be the nation’s 51st state and lists among his reasons that Washington “Doesn’t Respect the Right to Bear Arms."
The 2019 endorsements aren't completed yet, so hang on to that thin reed if you like.

I saw his re-election site (at least, I think that was what you linked me before). There was no endorsement, only a rating. Show me the endorsement. And even if they endorsed him, that wouldn't prove them racist. Maybe it would prove that they put too much emphasis on a candidate's record on gun laws, I can give you that.

There's also LaPierre's totally not racist take on the Obama years “eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough” or Nugent's blunter "subhuman mongrel."
G'wan, lets see your spin about how those comments are not racist. Because unless the NRA starts flying swastikas out their front window there's nothing they can do that might suggest to you in the slightest that they're racist. They can canoodle with racists, say racist shit and have racism boiled into their history but we can't call them racist unless there's a pic somewhere of every single one of them posing for a group photo wearing Klan hoods, even then you'd probably try to pass the hoods off as capirotes.

Nugent I'll give you, and I've had my own suspicions about LaPierre. But here's the thing: their comments do not make the NRA a racist organization. Some prominent members making racist statements does not mean the entire organization is racist. I don't think the New York Times is anti-Semitic just because of a certain cartoon they recently published.

And even if you're right and the NRA is racist, your initial comment was about "second amendment types" in general, not just the NRA.

P.S. Stop being a dick. I don't mind you debating about this, but your mockery and condescension is over the line.
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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #68 on: May 03, 2019, 10:06:59 pm »
Racists in an organization, a history of racism and very recent palling about with racists don't make them racist-to you because defending anyone short of an out an proud Nazi means you'll grant them the benefit of the doubt. Which is a discernible pattern on your part. Again.

I'm under no obligation to "prove" my case to you or treat the arguments of someone who uses a 'black friend' argument knowing full well that it's a furphy with any seriousness. You can fall back on the rules to the extent that the mods give a damn, I'm not fussed. Good luck with that.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 10:19:16 pm by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline niam2023

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #69 on: May 03, 2019, 10:34:44 pm »
Direct answer: I've told you already what the meeting was about and there's a link. I'm not repeating myself for your shits and giggles and the meeting with One Nation and the NRA happened in 2019.

Then you know the meeting had nothing to do with racial issues, so using it as "evidence" of the NRA being racist is tenuous at best.

Also this:
Shea, who boasted of an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association and the NRA-PVF’s endorsement on his 2018 re-election site, has proposed that “Liberty” be the nation’s 51st state and lists among his reasons that Washington “Doesn’t Respect the Right to Bear Arms."
The 2019 endorsements aren't completed yet, so hang on to that thin reed if you like.

I saw his re-election site (at least, I think that was what you linked me before). There was no endorsement, only a rating. Show me the endorsement. And even if they endorsed him, that wouldn't prove them racist. Maybe it would prove that they put too much emphasis on a candidate's record on gun laws, I can give you that.

There's also LaPierre's totally not racist take on the Obama years “eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough” or Nugent's blunter "subhuman mongrel."
G'wan, lets see your spin about how those comments are not racist. Because unless the NRA starts flying swastikas out their front window there's nothing they can do that might suggest to you in the slightest that they're racist. They can canoodle with racists, say racist shit and have racism boiled into their history but we can't call them racist unless there's a pic somewhere of every single one of them posing for a group photo wearing Klan hoods, even then you'd probably try to pass the hoods off as capirotes.

Nugent I'll give you, and I've had my own suspicions about LaPierre. But here's the thing: their comments do not make the NRA a racist organization. Some prominent members making racist statements does not mean the entire organization is racist. I don't think the New York Times is anti-Semitic just because of a certain cartoon they recently published.

And even if you're right and the NRA is racist, your initial comment was about "second amendment types" in general, not just the NRA.

P.S. Stop being a dick. I don't mind you debating about this, but your mockery and condescension is over the line.

You're an etchisketch concern troll who water carries for tinpots and nutjobs.

I am in fact going to continue not taking you seriously or honestly debate you. If this pisses you off so much, unleash all that retribution you've threatened.

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Offline Chaos Undivided

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #70 on: May 03, 2019, 10:39:58 pm »
Racists in an organization, a history of racism and very recent palling about with racists don't make them racist-to you because defending anyone short of an out an proud Nazi means you'll grant them the benefit of the doubt. Which is a discernible pattern on your part. Again.

I'm under no obligation to "prove" my case to you or treat the arguments of someone who uses a 'black friend' argument knowing full well that it's a furphy with any seriousness. You can fall back on the rules to the extent that the mods give a damn, I'm not fussed. Good luck with that.

A "history" of racism? You mean shit that happened in the 1960s? You're about 50 years late on that. Or should I call the IGLA a bunch of pedophiles because they used to be affiliated with NAMBLA?

I can accept that there's a racist element among the NRA's members, but calling the organization as a whole racist? Nope. You know why? Because of this. This internal split proves that there is significant viewpoint diversity among the NRA's membership, meaning that calling all of them racist would be inappropriate.

You're an etchisketch concern troll who water carries for tinpots and nutjobs.

I am in fact going to continue not taking you seriously or honestly debate you. If this pisses you off so much, unleash all that retribution you've threatened.


OK. You asked for it.
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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #71 on: May 05, 2019, 04:47:11 am »
"Because Antifa is kicking up and getting ready to defend, right?”

Getting ready to defend... did he just essentially admit antifa was acting in self defense against fascist nutjobs like himself? Or is this just extremely inarticulate?


"Well, for one, meeting with racists doesn't mean you're racist yourself. The topic of their meeting wasn't "how to better suppress Asians" or anything like that, it was about public relations in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shooting."

Yeah, it was about how to come up ways to prevent largely popular forms of gun law reform and blame literally anything but the systems that allowed a racist madman like the shooter to do what he did.

And I'm saying that as someone who's probably more "pro gun" than all the liberals.

Also stop bringing up the internal controversy about Castille because that proves nothing. It was part of the rank and file that were getting fed up with the hypocritical cowardly vile people who run it. The organization itself is rotten at the top. It doesn't reflect on all members necessarily, but it explicitly reflects on the organization as a whole. I wouldn't be shocked if most reasonable people have already left the NRA.

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #72 on: May 07, 2019, 08:18:25 am »
Well, I believe Lana is back.
Does anyone take Donald Trump seriously, anymore?

Offline DarkPhoenix

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm up because of Communists
« Reply #73 on: May 07, 2019, 09:25:50 am »
Meadows’ own backyard will be part of the political battlefield as she and other right-leaning groups target U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath, D-Marietta, who represents Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District. Last year, McBath unseated then-incumbent Karen Handel, R-Roswell, who has announced her intention to run for the seat again.

“There will be more than one person in the race, but we'll get that seat back,” Meadows said. “But it is wrong to say like McBath said, that the reason she won was because of her anti-gun stance. That didn't have anything to do with it — it had to do with being a minority female. And the Democrats really turned out, and that's the problem we have with conservatives — we don't turn out as well.”


Nope, no racism here.  It's just a white woman implying that a black woman won her seat (Newt's old seat in rural Georgia, BTW) because of her blackness...

Offline Chaos Undivided

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Re: GOP politician telling people to arm upecause of Communists
« Reply #74 on: May 07, 2019, 01:08:03 pm »
"Well, for one, meeting with racists doesn't mean you're racist yourself. The topic of their meeting wasn't "how to better suppress Asians" or anything like that, it was about public relations in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shooting."

Yeah, it was about how to come up ways to prevent largely popular forms of gun law reform and blame literally anything but the systems that allowed a racist madman like the shooter to do what he did.

And I'm saying that as someone who's probably more "pro gun" than all the liberals.

What are you talking about? IIRC, the shooter bought his guns in his native Australia. Though that's just what I'm remembering, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Also stop bringing up the internal controversy about Castille because that proves nothing. It was part of the rank and file that were getting fed up with the hypocritical cowardly vile people who run it. The organization itself is rotten at the top. It doesn't reflect on all members necessarily, but it explicitly reflects on the organization as a whole. I wouldn't be shocked if most reasonable people have already left the NRA.

The fact that they took an unusually long time to make a statement implies that there was some dissent at the top too. When a jury deliberates for a while, you know there's debate going on.

And honestly, it seems like you and I judge organizations using different criteria. Maybe that's part of why we're disagreeing.

Meadows’ own backyard will be part of the political battlefield as she and other right-leaning groups target U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath, D-Marietta, who represents Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District. Last year, McBath unseated then-incumbent Karen Handel, R-Roswell, who has announced her intention to run for the seat again.

“There will be more than one person in the race, but we'll get that seat back,” Meadows said. “But it is wrong to say like McBath said, that the reason she won was because of her anti-gun stance. That didn't have anything to do with it — it had to do with being a minority female. And the Democrats really turned out, and that's the problem we have with conservatives — we don't turn out as well.”


Nope, no racism here.  It's just a white woman implying that a black woman won her seat (Newt's old seat in rural Georgia, BTW) because of her blackness...

Well, it's nice that you acknowledge saying someone only got their job because of their race without any evidence to support it is racist.
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