General Category > Bug Reports
Locked out
Lana Reverse:
For some reason, I get an error message when I try to access the website normally. I'm only able to post this via a proxy, and even then, it's a crapshoot.
......oh boy.
Had the same issue at mornings for a while now.
Lana Reverse:
And now it's happening again.
Kradorex Xeron:
From some analysis, it appears as if the DNS provider of the and domain names has been experiencing chronic, ongoing issues with their server infrastructure. Given this is outside of our control at Digibase (the host for this forum), we can't do much to resolve this issue at our end, but I'll make an effort to consult with shy on this issue.
Perhaps we could arrange something to improve the performance of the DNS resolution for the domain names.
Thanks and Securely,
K. Xeron,
Digibase Operations, Research and Development
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