Author Topic: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington  (Read 463977 times)

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Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3721 on: January 08, 2021, 08:13:28 am »
Yeah some are coming out and saying Trump was being held at gunpoint or that it was a deep fake. They're going to be in denial for a while.
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Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3722 on: January 08, 2021, 08:57:14 am »
In some sense he is being held at metaphorical gunpoint: if he persists in insisting that the election was stolen and refuses to acknowledge that there will be a different administration come January 20, he might well see the House impeach and Senate convict, which can, if the Senate chooses, carry with it the penalty of being disqualified from holding office in future, which would kill any aspirations Trump might have of running again in 2024. And given that Trump just incited a mob that put Senators' lives in danger, they might well be inclined to do just that.


Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

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Offline DarkPhoenix

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3723 on: January 08, 2021, 10:31:31 am »
Didn't you know?  That was ANTIFA storming the Capitol Building yesterday, to make Donald Trump and his supporters look really bad!  Ignore that a bunch of them have been identified (and yep, tons of white supremacists), Fox News and Matt "Florida Man" Gaetz says it was ANTIFA dammit, so it was! /s

It's no less stupid than claiming the antifa and BLM rioters last year were "actually" alt-right. Remember that?

This happened partly because of establishment and leftist types normalizing violence and undermining confidence in the electoral process. You wanna crow about how your rioting is getting positive results? Don't be surprised if other people try it. You wanna scream "all cops are bastards"? Don't be surprised if other people turn on law enforcement. And if you want to insist Trump couldn't have won without foreign interference... well, don't be surprised if people insist Biden couldn't have won without fraud.

Like it or not, actions have consequences. This is the chickens coming home to roost. Am I trying to justify what happened? No. What I'm trying to do is explain that when you try to normalize a tactic or an idea, it will inevitably be used against you. Pro-slavery politicians justified their stances based on states' rights, then started whining when Northern states passed personal liberty laws to prevent the return of runaway slaves in defiance of the Fugitive Slave Act. Trotsky endorsed violence and terror against political dissidents, then bitched and moaned when Stalin persecuted his followers. Nazi Germany committed terror bombing against Polish and British cities, then cried foul when the Allies did the same thing to Germany in retaliation. Things like this have happened over and over again. And they'll probably keep happening for as long as humanity exists.

Offline Vanto

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3724 on: January 08, 2021, 11:39:26 am »
BLM protests were mainly peaceful and remind me how many people were killed or if these people were chanting for death to their enemies?

This "protest" at the capitol happened after ages of right-wing talking heads promoting it and telling people to take grab their guns and riot if Trump loses. Before it happened Trump was at a rally telling people to march to capitol and that he would be right there with them. Heck, there was at least one elected and newly sworn in politician proudly taking part in the charge. There is a world of difference in the rhetorics of BLM protests and this latest protest. These people were screaming for a civil war.

That they now try to both claim it was an ANTIFA false flag operation and meant to be peaceful AND at the same time claiming the dead are martyrs to the cause is hypocritical. Heck, the dude in the buffalo costume was branded an ANTIFA member but he himself came out saying that he's a Qanon believer (which actually has been well documented. He was a known figure, not some random person who just popped up for this riot.)

And the people who accused Trump of collusion with Russia were holding peaceful protests, no deaths there. Heck, the Russia investigation did uncover a bunch of crimes and the only reason the precident wasn't charged with crimes was because he is the president and he would have had to be removed from office first. Mueller said so himself. Meanwhile none of the 50+ court cases from the latest election led to anything. The usual proceeding was "lawyers rant about evidence of wrongdoings at press meetings, but when in court and under oath, they admit that they have no evidence and are not suggesting that anything illegal happened." If you are going to accuse someone of the violence that happened at DC, it would have to be the Republican politicians like Trump or Ted Cruz who have been pouring gasoline all over the country for years and handing out matches to anyone who looked unstable. And note how there was no national guard keeping the peace at DC. Trump refused to let them be called in. That's like taking out all the fire extinguishers and then acting surprised that your firebomb was so devastating.

As it is, Vanto's "but whatabout the leeeeft" rant is pitiful last attempt to save face after their own buddies shot themselves in the foot repeatedly. Just another example of people who can not live knowing that not only is something their own damn fault, but that other people can also see it clearly.


You can call them "mostly peaceful" all you want, but at least 19 people died in them and over $1 billion in property damage was incurred. And if you think BLM has never spouted violent rhetoric.. well, I have evidence showing that's very much not the case.

Why don't you stop making assumptions about what I believe and actually engage with me like a rational human being? You're a mod, you're supposed to be above this petty mudslinging.

Question about personal responsibility. You'd condemn these people even if those tinfoilers are correct and agent provocateurs really did get the ball rolling, right? That's what I'd do. After all, even if antifa started it, they could've chosen not to do the same.

Honestly mate if the tinfoilers were correct I wouldn't worry at all about personal responsibility at all because, y'know-tinfoil. It'd be obvious that any happening involving "people" would be due to adrenochrome-powered mind control rays aimed by the space lizard/Democrat/Jew/antifa/commie/free space here.

That's what the foil is for. Obviously!

Why don't you stop the non sequitur and answer the question? It's a simple yes or no question.

You know what? I'm fucking done with you, don't bother responding to this.

How about no? You can't be bothered to not like an asshole to me, so why should I grant you anything you ask of me?


There's a lot to unpack with this one.

1. You know what's ironic? I've seen that exact same strawman of centrists come from people on the right, just in the opposite direction. See, criticizing two different factions doesn't automatically mean you consider them "equally bad".

2. American left-wingers have done far worse than just punch people. Remember that Bernie supporter who shot up a practice for the 2017 congressional ball game? The inhumane detention camps existed under Obama too, and child separation happened under the Obama administration as well. They may very well continue under the Biden administration.

3. You can make an argument that "the right" in America is worse than "the left", but that wouldn't suddenly make everything "the left" does okay. I personally think Hitler was worse than Stalin since even if we go with the 20 million estimate for Stalin's excess morality compared to the Holocaust's ~11 million death toll, Hitler had 12 years in power compared to Stalin having almost 3 decades. But that doesn't mean I'm going to defend Stalin.

Didn't you know?  That was ANTIFA storming the Capitol Building yesterday, to make Donald Trump and his supporters look really bad!  Ignore that a bunch of them have been identified (and yep, tons of white supremacists), Fox News and Matt "Florida Man" Gaetz says it was ANTIFA dammit, so it was! /s

It's no less stupid than claiming the antifa and BLM rioters last year were "actually" alt-right. Remember that?

This happened partly because of establishment and leftist types normalizing violence and undermining confidence in the electoral process. You wanna crow about how your rioting is getting positive results? Don't be surprised if other people try it. You wanna scream "all cops are bastards"? Don't be surprised if other people turn on law enforcement. And if you want to insist Trump couldn't have won without foreign interference... well, don't be surprised if people insist Biden couldn't have won without fraud.

Like it or not, actions have consequences. This is the chickens coming home to roost. Am I trying to justify what happened? No. What I'm trying to do is explain that when you try to normalize a tactic or an idea, it will inevitably be used against you. Pro-slavery politicians justified their stances based on states' rights, then started whining when Northern states passed personal liberty laws to prevent the return of runaway slaves in defiance of the Fugitive Slave Act. Trotsky endorsed violence and terror against political dissidents, then bitched and moaned when Stalin persecuted his followers. Nazi Germany committed terror bombing against Polish and British cities, then cried foul when the Allies did the same thing to Germany in retaliation. Things like this have happened over and over again. And they'll probably keep happening for as long as humanity exists.

Oh, real mature. What are you, five?
Stop the timeline, I wanna get off.

Offline Tolpuddle Martyr

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3725 on: January 08, 2021, 03:59:30 pm »

Question about personal responsibility. You'd condemn these people even if those tinfoilers are correct and agent provocateurs really did get the ball rolling, right? That's what I'd do. After all, even if antifa started it, they could've chosen not to do the same.

Honestly mate if the tinfoilers were correct I wouldn't worry at all about personal responsibility at all because, y'know-tinfoil. It'd be obvious that any happening involving "people" would be due to adrenochrome-powered mind control rays aimed by the space lizard/Democrat/Jew/antifa/commie/free space here.

That's what the foil is for. Obviously!

Why don't you stop the non sequitur and answer the question? It's a simple yes or no question.

I did answer it, sarcastically, but I still answered it.

Your hypothetical "if" is based on a scenario that's implausible and fictional, I responded in the same  implausible and fictional tone. That's a sequitur, a non sequitur does not follow.

I treated your question based on a hypothetical with all the seriousness it deserves because you aren't being serious either. This isn't a debate, all I see is are the tired old sideshow tactics of fake outrage and contrarianism. You don't debate bad faith arguments, you mock them, scorn is all they deserve. It's not a simple 'yes or no' question because bad faith questions aren't really closed questions. 'Fuck off, idiot' is an entirely valid third option.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2021, 04:29:20 pm by Tolpuddle Martyr »

Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3726 on: January 08, 2021, 05:05:01 pm »
Let's also consider the police response to BLM/Antifa protests vs the police response to Wednesday's protests. Just go look up what the police presence was on Capitol Hill when there was a BLM protest there some time ago.

And then look at the cops taking selfies with the protesters this time around.

And speaking of them...

Speaker Pelosi has talked with Gen. Mark Milley, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about ensuring that Trump cannot access the nuclear launch codes during his last days in office.

Sen. Sasse (R-NE) has said he is open to removing the President from office upon impeachment due to Trump's breaking his oath of office.

And Trump has said that his supporters "will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!" (He will also not be attending Biden's inauguration, the first President not to attend his successor's inauguration since Andrew Johnson did not attend that of Ulysses S. Grant.)

I'm sure your supporters will be treated with all the respect and fairness due seditious traitors, Donald.
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

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Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3727 on: January 08, 2021, 06:45:08 pm »
(He will also not be attending Biden's inauguration, the first President not to attend his successor's inauguration since Andrew Johnson did not attend that of Ulysses S. Grant.)

Wait, is this his first admission that there will be a Biden inauguration?

Offline KingOfRhye

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3728 on: January 08, 2021, 06:48:28 pm »

Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump

Not too surprising, really.

Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3729 on: January 08, 2021, 06:53:26 pm »
(He will also not be attending Biden's inauguration, the first President not to attend his successor's inauguration since Andrew Johnson did not attend that of Ulysses S. Grant.)

Wait, is this his first admission that there will be a Biden inauguration?

I don't know his exact words, so I don't know if he specifically said Biden or if he just talked about his successor's inauguration. (Which could, going by his delusional "logic", technically be Pence, if Trump somehow found a way to stay in office after January 20, and then got impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate.)
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline Id82

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3730 on: January 08, 2021, 07:02:37 pm »

Permanent suspension of @realDonaldTrump

Not too surprising, really.

I wonder if he'll go to Parler?
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Offline dpareja

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3731 on: January 08, 2021, 07:07:55 pm »
As a brief note on my last post, according to Twitter's blog, the Tweet in which Trump said he would not be attending the inauguration on January 20 only said "the inauguration" on that day. Which is a concession at least that he won't be the one being inaugurated.

(As Twitter noted, though, it's also a signal that he won't be there, so if I were the Biden inaugural committee, I'd be hiring as much security as I possibly could, and arranging with Mayor Bowser, the Capitol Police, Govs. Hogan and Northam, and possibly also Govs. Cuomo, Murphy and Cooper about getting a heavy police and National Guard presence there.)
Quote from: Jordan Duram
It doesn't concern you, Sister, that kind of absolutist view of the universe? Right and wrong determined solely by a single all-knowing, all powerful being whose judgment cannot be questioned and in whose name the most horrendous acts can be sanctioned without appeal?

Quote from: Supreme Court of Canada
Being required by someone else’s religious beliefs to behave contrary to one’s sexual identity is degrading and disrespectful.

Offline niam2023

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3732 on: January 08, 2021, 08:39:05 pm »
Just fuck off and never come back, Vanto.

It's amazing how in your defense of yourself you use the exact same arguments employed by the far right. It's almost like that's where your real allegiances lie.

By the way I'm blocking you and I just assume whenever I see your post you're saying something along the lines of "BUT WHATABOUT!? BUT WHATABOUT!?", and whining about the right wing getting any degree of punishment or their FREEZE PEACH being violated.

Nobody here is going to agree with you. Nobody here is gonna hear you out. Just fuck off.
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Offline Cloud3514

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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3733 on: January 08, 2021, 10:14:44 pm »
Now, now, Niam. It's not fair to say that all of Vanto/Paragon/Reverse/etc's posts are whataboutism. Sometimes, when you back him into a corner, he'll either concede the point only to make the same argument later or will claim he has evidence to disprove you without ever presenting the evidence.
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Re: Mr. Trump Goes to Washington
« Reply #3734 on: January 08, 2021, 10:24:38 pm »
Yeah you're right Cloud.

And he's never going to take the hint he's not wanted until he's banned. And even that's a crapshoot.
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