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Newt wins South Carolina

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--- Quote ---CHARLESTON, S.C. — Former House speaker Newt Gingrich scored an easy victory Saturday in the South Carolina primary, blowing a hole in Mitt Romney’s aura of inevitability.

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Well this is a disturbing development.

Newt won? Well, this is quite an odd development, but one which might well expedite a Democratic Victory in 2012.

Lt. Fred:
After a campaign of race hatred and a career of anti-liberal outright bigotry, Newt Gingritch wins the most conservative area in the history of the universe, a place that would lynch Genghis Khan for being a pinko.

So last I checked, IIRC Romney won Iowa, Santorum was shown to have won New Hampshire after the fact, and now Gingrich has won South Carolina.

Who the fuck is winning?


--- Quote from: Eniliad on January 22, 2012, 04:41:03 am ---So last I checked, IIRC Romney won Iowa, Santorum was shown to have won New Hampshire after the fact, and now Gingrich has won South Carolina.

Who the fuck is winning?

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...Charlie Sheen?


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