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Guest 07:08:30 pm Viewing the topic The Funny/Stupid Pics Thread.
Guest 07:08:27 pm Viewing the topic Scriptural argument shows that there's no free speech in christendom.
Guest 07:08:19 pm Viewing the topic Westboro Baptist Church fights illleracy.
Guest 07:08:10 pm Viewing the topic Westboro Baptist Church fights illleracy.
Guest 07:08:01 pm Viewing the topic Westboro Baptist Church fights illleracy.
Guest 07:07:59 pm Viewing the topic Gallery of Cringe.
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Guest 07:07:49 pm Viewing the topic worst response to a rebuttal of the moral arguement for god?.
Guest 07:07:48 pm Viewing the topic Gamer IDs.
Guest 07:07:42 pm Viewing the topic I believed in God before he confirmed his existence.
Guest 07:07:38 pm Viewing the topic Laser weapons: they're not just science fiction anymore..
Guest 07:07:38 pm Viewing the topic This is an example of a creationist taking advantage of someone mucking up?.
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Guest 07:07:21 pm Viewing the topic Erwin Schrodinger's 126th Birthday.
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Guest 07:07:13 pm Viewing the topic On a somewhat lighter note, this is amusing.
Guest 07:07:11 pm Viewing the topic Pope Francis: Gays, Abortion Too Much Of Catholic Church's Obsession.
Guest 07:07:00 pm Viewing the topic Depravity of the xian moral position exposed..
Guest 07:07:00 pm Viewing the topic Funny/Stupid Videos.
Guest 07:06:52 pm Viewing the topic Dear Quebec, there's something known as being too secular.
Guest 07:06:49 pm Viewing the topic Pastor pulls a fast one on his congregation - or maybe not..
Guest 07:06:39 pm Viewing the topic Street-legal flying car cleared for takeoff.