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Re: Smites
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2012, 11:20:08 am »
What's the solution, then? Wait for more votes?

Also, mods, is it actually possible to have only Exalts on here?
Guys, this is getting creepy. Can we talk about cannibalism instead?

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Re: Smites
« Reply #31 on: August 27, 2012, 12:31:06 pm »
Also, mods, is it actually possible to have only Exalts on here?
For the current system, nope.

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Re: Smites
« Reply #32 on: August 27, 2012, 12:33:43 pm »
Bullshit.  On another forum that used Simple Machines, they made it so you could only give "street cred" or positive karma.

Ironbite-you can do it here as well.


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Re: Smites
« Reply #33 on: August 27, 2012, 01:41:07 pm »
Bullshit.  On another forum that used Simple Machines, they made it so you could only give "street cred" or positive karma.

Ironbite-you can do it here as well.
I said the current system, we'd have to either dig up a module for this or write one to be able to do it.

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Re: Smites
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2012, 01:50:04 am »
I'm a big late to the party, but has smites really caused drama? I must have missed it. I don't really pay attention to them, since I've noticed some of our oldest and most respected members have more negative votes than positive, so it doesn't really mean anything.

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Re: Smites
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2012, 05:53:12 pm »
Cait came back and her fuck nos skyrocketed into the 200s.

Ironbite-you tell me if they didn't cause drama.

Offline Dantes Virgil

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Re: Smites
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2012, 11:20:35 am »
On several occasions I've watched my smites climb after just posting something sympathetic to someone having a bad time.  I can't imagine it was done for anything other than spite -- who really dislikes simple expressions of care or encouragement?

In some cases, smites seem to be well deserved.  In other cases, it appears to be a passive aggressive way for a few people to try to indicate to someone "I don't like you."  If the exalt/smite system isn't working like it was intended to, maybe it's time to remove it.  As others have pointed out here and elsewhere, this was an issue on a previous board and we got rid of it happily then and only a few people complained.  After we removed the system, some posters would literally write "exalt for you" or something when they posted to indicate they liked or didn't like the post, which worked out well if you felt you wanted to tell someone about it.  Would removing the smites get rid of the root of passive aggressive behavior?  Of course not.  But, it does mean that if someone has a problem with someone else and they want to express it, they now have to actually write about it instead of hiding behind a smite. 

In the long run, it only matters as much as you personally care about it.  Abuse of the smite system is certainly not going to keep me from expressing my opinion on this board just because a few people have issues.

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Re: Smites
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2012, 04:26:21 pm »
On several occasions I've watched my smites climb after just posting something sympathetic to someone having a bad time.  I can't imagine it was done for anything other than spite -- who really dislikes simple expressions of care or encouragement?

In some cases, smites seem to be well deserved.  In other cases, it appears to be a passive aggressive way for a few people to try to indicate to someone "I don't like you."  If the exalt/smite system isn't working like it was intended to, maybe it's time to remove it.  As others have pointed out here and elsewhere, this was an issue on a previous board and we got rid of it happily then and only a few people complained.  After we removed the system, some posters would literally write "exalt for you" or something when they posted to indicate they liked or didn't like the post, which worked out well if you felt you wanted to tell someone about it.  Would removing the smites get rid of the root of passive aggressive behavior?  Of course not.  But, it does mean that if someone has a problem with someone else and they want to express it, they now have to actually write about it instead of hiding behind a smite. 

In the long run, it only matters as much as you personally care about it.  Abuse of the smite system is certainly not going to keep me from expressing my opinion on this board just because a few people have issues.

Exactly, same with me.  Honestly, yeah, there are people here I don't like, but would I hide behind smites?  Eeh, not my way.  I prefer to just ignore 'em.

I will say that it still baffles me as to fucking why so many people clamored to bring the system back when they were around for its demise on ProBoards.  Just...what the fuck?  How could you not see this coming?  It happened before, it happened again.  I seriously hope, should we (for whatever reason) move boards again, that we keep this fucking system off it, and that everyone learns the bloody lesson, and learns the damned pattern that this system can and will be abused, its only a matter of time.

The "karma" system on forums is nothing more than a popularity pissing contest.  I've seen it far too many times to be deluding myself otherwise, hell, on the NoX forum, they literally fucking call it "E-Cock."  That's all it ever is, that's all it ever has been, and that's all it ever will be.  We don't need it, it'll make oversensitive people whine, so just...get rid of it.  Again.  This time, let's make sure that sticks, mm'kay?
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