Alright, got the profile figured out. Racial traits will be put up tomorrow.
Higher Bulettes
The creation of a very stupid arcanist, the Bulette order soon became the scourge of horse owners everywhere. However, certain species evolved to live and hunt underground to the point of developing rudimentary sentience and later full sentience. Thus, the Higher Bulette evolved from a long line of very stupid underground hunters to be a slightly stupid underground hunter.
Physical Description: The Higher Bulette's evolution has made most of it's non sentient ancestor's notable features mere vestigial quirks of it's anatomy, leaving it looking very much like a walking shark with a incredibly small row of spines on it's back. It's beady eyes have nictitating membranes that allow it to see somewhat well in the sunlight, though it still walks around like a drunken dwarf with a broken leg in the incredibly bright noon sun. It's fin has receded into it's back, becoming a mere recess.
Society: The Higher Bulette is content to stay in small groups of it's species, raising a small family with it's mate and teaching it's young in the animist religion of it's people. Once per year, the various groups of a region will meet to trade and share stories among one another. This event is one of great importance, as it also serves as sort of a coming out party for adventurers of the species.
Relations: The Higher Bulettes have only recently become a point of interest to other species, with the only interested being crazed religious fundamentalists and scientists. For their part, the Higher Bulettes prefer to live in their solitary existence undisturbed. Woe to the one who tries to disturb them.
Alignment: A Higher Bulette is driven by a need to belong and protect the group, making them excellent additions to a team. While parodied as loner savages, the average Higher Bulette is a all-weather friend for those they trust. As a result of their isolation, they are mostly neutral.
Adventurer: A Higher Bulette adventurer is quite rare, as most tend to stay with their groups instead of journeying out of the world. The fighting of a Bulette is characterized by brute strength, which leads to them leaning towards the profession of Fighter or the path of a Monk.