Author Topic: The FQA Blog  (Read 40953 times)

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Offline Her3tiK

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Re: The FQA Blog
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2013, 08:39:53 pm »
I'm considering doing a basic intro to Celtic Paganism, as it were. Nothing in-depth, just a way of separating Celtic Paganism from other things such as Wicca. People tend to mix and match with them both but I wouldn't say it's wrong to. Just that you need to figure out which thing is a part of what religion.

I was also hoping to write an article about animal totems. The problem is there's a lot of stuff to sift through to find the true stuff and what is people making assumptions. I would like to have someone help me with fact checking but we have to be able to get along and they have to be able to give me the time of day for more than a few minutes.

And to do something non-religious, I want to do something with anthropology. Explaining Out of Africa theory, etc.,
Given the forum's general take on religion, are the former topics going in a religion category, or a mythology category?

And just for a general update; do we have a site for this, yet?

Considering what was said before, there's no reason to go completely agnostic, is there? Though it really depends. It could be either one. To get peoples' facts straight. Since people tend to go for stereotypes and such no matter the religion.
Considering that all religions have the same amount of evidence backing them up, I'd say we have a good reason to approach them all as agnostics. It's all well and good to explain the differences between Celts and Wiccans, but we'd be doing our skeptic stance a disservice by treating any such beliefs as true by default.
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Offline Shane for Wax

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Re: The FQA Blog
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2013, 09:33:49 pm »
That isn't what I meant. Like, at all. I was talking about staying completely away from religion. Which, as we talked about, isn't something that we should do.

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Offline Sigmaleph

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Re: The FQA Blog
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2013, 10:56:32 pm »
We could have a single "religion" category, that includes religions not actually practised. Seems the best solution.

Remember that thing I said I was writing? I wrote it:

Now tell me if/how I can write it better.

Offline Shane for Wax

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Re: The FQA Blog
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2013, 11:32:45 pm »
It does. I'd be fine with that, tbh.

"The human race. Greatest monsters of them all."
"Ke barjurir gar'ade, jagyc'ade kot'la a dalyc'ade kotla'shya."
Fucking Dalek twats I’m going to twat you over the head with my fucking TARDIS you fucking fucks!

Offline Her3tiK

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Re: The FQA Blog
« Reply #49 on: September 08, 2013, 12:45:53 pm »
That isn't what I meant. Like, at all. I was talking about staying completely away from religion. Which, as we talked about, isn't something that we should do.
Ah. Sorry for misunderstanding.
Her3tik, you have groupies.
Ego: +5

There are a number of ways, though my favourite is simply to take them by surprise. They're just walking down the street, minding their own business when suddenly, WHACK! Penis to the face.

Offline Neith

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Re: The FQA Blog
« Reply #50 on: September 08, 2013, 10:38:13 pm »
We could have a single "religion" category, that includes religions not actually practised. Seems the best solution.

I agree. Many people would be turned off by having their beliefs categorized as mythology, but I think almost any believer who isn't a fundy can at least acknowledge myths as other people's religions.

Wordpress can do subcategories, and one post can be put into several categories at once. You might, for example, categorize Hinduism as "Ancient religion," "Currently practiced religion," and "Polytheism," all at the same time.