Community > Religion and Philosophy
File-Sharing, in Sweden its a religion
--- Quote ---Kopimism is the brainchild of philosophy student Isak Gerson, who founded the church in 2010 to protect his beliefs that copying and sharing information is a good thing. (If Kopimism has a Ten Commandments equivalent, I'm guessing "Thou shall not steal" didn't make the cut.)
Before you dispute Kopimism as hogwash, there are some things to consider. According to TorrentFreak, the movement has a couple thousand followers, and the number is expected to rise with its official status.
Reaching this point wasn't easy, however. Since the church's founding, Gerson made several attempts and failed to get Sweden to recognize the organization as an official religion. It was only after the group formalized a way of praying/meditation that the church got the official blessing.
Kopimism leaders hope the official recognition of their religion could be a positive factor in court cases. I wouldn't expect it to work like a "Get out of jail free" card, though I'm sure that won't stop Gerson from preaching the message of Kopimism.
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You know out of all the religions out there, I think this is one I could get behind and support. What do you all think? Could you get behind this "religion"?
Art Vandelay:
Self-entitled twats who just want to get away with piracy? No, I don't think I can get behind that at all.
Da Rat Bastid:
Praise be to Kopimism!
N. De Plume:
Uh, how about, “No.â€Â
Osama bin Bambi:
If it was a secret occultic society where we dressed up in fancy robes and did satanic blood sacrifice rituals on webcam, then maybe.
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