Community > The Lounge

Things That Annoy You

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My chronic migraines.

Having eye-tearing headaches every day of your life for 20 years fucking sucks.

The fact that I have to go do a paper route in 2 and a half hours but I don't want to sleep.

The bone-piercing cold in my parents' 15-year-old cheap ass trailer with literal holes in the floor and mold all over the place. Also the sore throat and cough I got from going outside today TO GET INTO THE COURTHOUSE from my car.

The new forums are preventing me from getting any sleep...

Shane for Wax:

--- Quote from: VirtualStranger on January 04, 2012, 03:45:22 am ---The new forums are preventing me from getting any sleep...

--- End quote ---

It is so shiny, no?


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