Community > Religion and Philosophy

Morinville Schools...Again

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Since the old thread disappeared with the old forums, I'll give you guys a refresher on what the issue was and what's been going on with it...

Okay, Morinville, Alberta has four schools, all run by the Catholic School Board while claiming to be public and offered "religious optional" classes for the non-Catholics. The problem with this was that they had religion permeating through ALL of their lessons. In my opinion, the education offered at these schools is horrible (my 12 year old niece didn't even know the United States was our neighbour to the south and that ALBERTA was her fucking home province!). Now, I could understand the schools working this way fifty years ago when 80% of the population of Morinville identified as being Catholic. But now only 30% of the population does, so of course, the parents wanting a secular education (after having issues with their children talking about religion and hell at home) want a good secular option, which the school itself was very resistant to provide.
Finally, they caved in... slightly. I found out that what they did was move a few mobile outbuildings to the sides of the school... small buildings. And the school said that without the religious aspect of the school in the ciricullum (sp?) that the students seeking non-religious instruction would only get about AN HOUR of schooling in a day!
My sister says it almost seems like they're segregating the non-believing students from the believers. She knows some parents that are paying upwards of $300-$400 to have their kids bussed out to neighbouring towns so they can get proper education. My niece described watching a video in her class about the crucification of Jesus Christ and that he had blood pouring down his face from the fucking thorn crown! My sister and her husband don't have the money to bus their kids off, so they're stuck. They either keep them in the religious classes or stick them in a room overcrowded with students to get one hour worth of lessons a day.

Yup, that's fair to all! (sarcasm)

Fuck... Religious... Schools.

Osama bin Bambi:

--- Quote from: Nightangel8212 on January 07, 2012, 07:07:38 pm ---Since the old thread disappeared with the old forums, I'll give you guys a refresher on what the issue was and what's been going on with it...

Okay, Morinville, Alberta has four schools, all run by the Catholic School Board while claiming to be public and offered "religious optional" classes for the non-Catholics. The problem with this was that they had religion permeating through ALL of their lessons. In my opinion, the education offered at these schools is horrible (my 12 year old niece didn't even know the United States was our neighbour to the south and that ALBERTA was her fucking home province!). Now, I could understand the schools working this way fifty years ago when 80% of the population of Morinville identified as being Catholic. But now only 30% of the population does, so of course, the parents wanting a secular education (after having issues with their children talking about religion and hell at home) want a good secular option, which the school itself was very resistant to provide.
Finally, they caved in... slightly. I found out that what they did was move a few mobile outbuildings to the sides of the school... small buildings. And the school said that without the religious aspect of the school in the ciricullum (sp?) that the students seeking non-religious instruction would only get about AN HOUR of schooling in a day!
My sister says it almost seems like they're segregating the non-believing students from the believers. She knows some parents that are paying upwards of $300-$400 to have their kids bussed out to neighbouring towns so they can get proper education. My niece described watching a video in her class about the crucification of Jesus Christ and that he had blood pouring down his face from the fucking thorn crown! My sister and her husband don't have the money to bus their kids off, so they're stuck. They either keep them in the religious classes or stick them in a room overcrowded with students to get one hour worth of lessons a day.

Yup, that's fair to all! (sarcasm)

Fuck... Religious... Schools.

--- End quote ---

In Ancient Greece, a certain philosopher (I'm blanking on the name right now) would demonstrate people's idiocy by pretending to be an idiot himself, and asking simple questions that showed they were hypocrites.

That's what I would do if I was the student in this situation.

Canadian Mojo:
I think it might be time for the citizens of Morinville to find a lawyer that is willing to make a challenge under the charter of rights. Other options include organizing a tax revolt and refuse to pay the school portion of their bill or getting elected in mass to the board and force the changes.

If none of those options are viable, violence.


--- Quote from: Wykked Wytch on January 07, 2012, 07:09:49 pm ---
In Ancient Greece, a certain philosopher (I'm blanking on the name right now) would demonstrate people's idiocy by pretending to be an idiot himself, and asking simple questions that showed they were hypocrites.
--- End quote ---

Er. Socrates?

Osama bin Bambi:

--- Quote from: MaybeNever on January 07, 2012, 09:38:55 pm ---
--- Quote from: Wykked Wytch on January 07, 2012, 07:09:49 pm ---
In Ancient Greece, a certain philosopher (I'm blanking on the name right now) would demonstrate people's idiocy by pretending to be an idiot himself, and asking simple questions that showed they were hypocrites.
--- End quote ---

Er. Socrates?

--- End quote ---

Yeah, What's-his-face!


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