Community > Religion and Philosophy

YEC (Young Earth Creationist) tactics

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D Laurier:
I've noticed a tendency among YECs;
They start with an absurd claim.
Then when you demonstrate the absurdity of their claim, they tell that you believe something equaly absurd.
When you point out that you do not in fact believe the nonsense they attribute to you, they resort to ridicule and belittlement.
When you point out the immaturity of their actions, they respond with threats to sick their god on you.

Sometimes they declare that they were "once just like you", and then give a "testamonial" that shows how utterly un-like you they were.

They also tend to not learn from their own mistakes.

So what YEC tactics has everyone here experienced?

The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist:

For a handy list of arguments favoured by YECs.

Argument from design, begging the question, circular reasoning, and ad hom. are, of course, the bread and butter of creationists.

Each time you refute one of their arguments, they jump to another one. You can shoot down 10 "proofs" of a young earth, and they'll give you an 11th without missing a beat, like THAT's the one that'll convince you for sure.

Similarly, even if you dismantle an argument so hard even THEY admit it's wrong, they'll go on to use the exact same argument with the next person.

The Gish Gallop. Creationists love to throw out so many falsehoods you are unable to adequately address all of them. It is an excellent debate tactic (if dishonest), but horrible for finding out the truth.

They start with the conclusion (creationism) and try to force the data to fit that conclusion, no matter how ridiculous, poorly thought out, and self-contradictory.  Anything that differers from their conclusion is either flat-out denied, handwaved away (god's intervention) or they deny the physical law they've just contradicted.  If they're caught so deeply in their own bullshit that they can't escape, there's always "we don't understand everything because we're not God" or "God works in mysterious ways."


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