Community > The Lounge
The "I'll be gone temporarily" thread.
Hello all,
I'm ting from my phone so not a lot will be said. I have suffered another mental breakdown again, second time in a month. I may be hospitalized for a few days at Pine Rest and hopefully get this under control. I hopefully will be gone for up to 3 or 4 days but it might be longer. Right now, I am currently at Metro Hospital awaiting to hear back from the social worker, as I might also just be sent home. I'm just giving a head's so ya'll don't wonder why I ain't active in the chat or the forums in the next few days.
Certainly hope you get to feelin better, Rads. And, remember, you always got us to talk to. Best impromptu internet family ever.
I'm still not here, but I should be in making appearances throughout April and hopefully on a more permanent basis after that.
Going to be gone for a little while, combination of getting finished in preparation for moving and possibly going to have to make a small stay at a hospital over brain reasons (Physical and mental).
Shane for Wax:
I was hospitalized. Dunno when I'll be back.
I love you all. Even if we do fight.
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