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Wishes Will Be Corrupted
Basically someone says they wish for something and someone responds that it's granted but something bad happens.
Example: I wish I had a new book
Example response: Granted, but its old and wrecked
To start off. I wish that the bins in the kitchen wouldnt have to be emptied twice a day because of all the crap we go through
Granted. They gain sentience and come after you.
Ironbite-I wish for three pounds of fish.
Granted, you may masturbate three times with any fish.
I wish Chell would stop trying to kill me.
Granted: They suceed.
I wish 40K Titans were real and I owned one.
--- Quote from: Scotsgit on January 04, 2012, 03:35:08 pm ---Granted: They suceed.
I wish 40K Titans were real and I owned one.
--- End quote ---
Granted, but they are unstable, and cause all the uranium on earth to reach critical mass after 5 minutes
Also, Chell already has suceeded, twice, in fact, so you didn't grant my wish...
I wish Wheatley would shut up.
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