General Category > Bug Reports
What’s going on with
...and, just as quickly, it’s back to normal again?
Dr. Weird:
Shy recently popped up, finally:
--- Quote from: Shy ---Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
I've just been having some major mental-health issues and IRL drama therefrom. I'm setting up a committee / co-ownership thing for FSTDT, so if I disappear, someone else is in charge. All the mods also have my mobile now. I'm really sorry for worrying anyone! I love you guys, and I hope you can forgive me.
--- End quote ---
Oh good.
Ironbite-glad to hear he's alive.
Not trying to be an ass, but what constitutes a mod? I have access to pubadmin, I can view people's IPs, edit comments, and even ban people. However, I've not been contacted with any information on any communication platform I've got.
Was reading up on the main page just fine like 5 minutes ago but then I clicked on a quote and got another error.
I'm glad its at least working on and off and glad Shy is doing sort of ok.
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