Community > Religion and Philosophy

Local Homophobia

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I'll start this by saying I'm a straight, white, male, so I can avoid hate directed at me by denying my (lack of) religion. However I here obvious homophobia almost everyday at school which goes from mild(using gay as an insult) to more extreme examples, the latter of which enraged me enough today to start this thread to vent. By the way I live in rural Oklahoma so this shit is normal.

So today right before the end of school everyone was waiting to be dismissed and we were talking. One person ended up(I don''t remember how the discussion got here to begin with) saying if he ever found out where any "of those damn fags" lived he would douse their house in gasoline and light it on fire.

A year earlier I remember someone saying(paraphrased): "I don't hate gays, but, I my son turn out gay I'll kick him out on the damn street. None of them queers in my house."

Of course no one has a problem with bi and lesbian girls *eyeroll*.

Both time they said it loud enough everyone, include the teacher, could almost certainly hear it, but no one said anything. I didn't because I didn't want to get shit for it("You don't have a girlfriend, I guess you must be then huh?") and I really don't want to get in a fight I might lose (second guy was a stereotypical jock and strong). If I get into a fight I probably wouldn't stop until my opponent is  incapacitated in some manner. I hate being surrounded by ignorant hateful morons.

Your opinions? Similar experiences?

You're not going to believe this, since homophobia and gay-hate is probably my #1 Berzerk Button... but I'm not offended by use of the word gay, as in "that is so gay". Yes, I think it's juvenile and stupid, but honestly, it loses a lot of its meaning when used as a swear word. It's similar to calling something "fucking retarded" - yeah, it's not a phrase you should say, and people who are or know developmentally challenged people have every right to be offended... but in terms of "that's so gay" and shit like that, I choose not to take offense because honestly, there's enough actual hate going around for gay people, that you don't need to start going after middle-and-high-school students for the stupid shit they say.

Now, everything else you mentioned, on the other hand, pisses me off a lot more. Nobody in my high school threatened to beat me up, but they made constant accusations regarding my sexuality, which I would vehemently deny, only to inspire more shit from them. I didn't know any other gay males; the only other gay people I knew in high school were a bisexual girl who dated my friend for a while, and a lesbian who I talked about in my F&B thread.

However, that lesbian classmate ended up being a Closet Key for a Mormon girl I knew, and I later learned after they got married that her parents sent her out of state to a Straight Camp, where she was suicidally depressed until she discovered the lesbian classmate I knew loved her; with that, she escaped the Camp and hitchhiked back to our state and got together with her.

I hope that makes a goddamn bit of sense without using names.

Osama bin Bambi:
Once a girl came out as bi to her class. The very next day, I overheard a conversation about her. "She can't be bi. That's impossible." Of course that person also went on to say that lesbians aren't "real women." Her friend corrected her and said there were lipstick lesbians, but the asshat just said that lipstick lesbians are some third gender pretending to be female. Or something.

My high school was very homophobic which only drove me further into the closet to "fix" myself. One of the biology teachers openly preached homophobia (and xenophobia and creationism) during lunch and after school to the Gifted and Talent kids. Since it wasn't class time it was "okay" to do.

Even in my college years there were fucked up people. My Mormon friend from high school said that she didn't hate gay people but she believes that the government has no rights to protect our rights. Then there are those straight frat guys who says they won't help protect gay rights because it doesn't benefit them.  ::)

First they came for the gays
And I did not speak up because I am not gay.

Then they came for the infertile
And I did not speak up because I am not infertile

Then they came for interracial married couples
And I did not speak up because I did not marry outside my race

And then they came for me
And there was no one left to speak up for me.


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