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Holy Shit - What the Fuck is happening in Israel!
From bombing News Buildings, killing Palestinian kids, resuming land and smashing Palestinian owned businesses, it is so sad to see the irony of history repeating itself and the cycle of violence as people descended from victims of the holocaust now engage in their own bit of ethnic cleansing.
It's 2014 all over again, and just wait for anyone who points out how fucked up it is (don't forget, Palestinians are also being forcibly and illegally evicted from their homes in, say, East Jerusalem--when a Palestinian went on TV and called it out he was arrested the next day by the IDF) to be smeared as an anti-Semite, because being against the actions of the state of Israel in this case must mean you hate all Jews everywhere, including the ones who are against the actions of the state of Israel in this case. (They, of course, are self-hating Jews.)
The difficulty is so many anti-semites get involved it provides a convenient smear.
--- Quote from: dpareja on May 18, 2021, 03:25:24 am ---It's 2014 all over again, and just wait for anyone who points out how fucked up it is (don't forget, Palestinians are also being forcibly and illegally evicted from their homes in, say, East Jerusalem--when a Palestinian went on TV and called it out he was arrested the next day by the IDF) to be smeared as an anti-Semite, because being against the actions of the state of Israel in this case must mean you hate all Jews everywhere, including the ones who are against the actions of the state of Israel in this case. (They, of course, are self-hating Jews.)
--- End quote ---
That kinda bullshit is why I stay way, way the fuck away from sayin' any kind of real shit about any country that isn't my own anywhere but here. Say that Xi Jinping wants to be Mao 2.0? Clearly, I hate Chinese people, or maybe even Asians, in general. I point out how insanely toxic Japanese work culture is and how its basically going to end up with their demographic annihilation if left unchecked? I may as well say we should've lobbed a few more nukes their way. Say that Netanyahu and the Israeli government should be brought up on charges of crimes against humanity for the brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing they've undertaken in Palestine? Whelp, guess I'm the second coming of ol' Uncle Adolf, because I just said we should gas all Jews.
I've been saying this to people in private so now I'm gonna make it public.
You could have an International Dog and Cat Shelter in the Gaza Strip get bombed by the IDF and the IDF would justify it saying Hamas was in the basement doing werepeople studies in order to make super soldiers to attak Israel and everyone would just nod their heads and agree with them on that.
Ironbite-I hate people.
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