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Student goes effing LOCO about OWS related project at NYU

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Here are some bits of the email she sent to the President of NYU:

"The way I interpret this statement is that Professor Zaloom asked me to stop expressing my views in class—by the way,according to the American Constitution, and many academic policies, this is both my legal and academic right, but whatever, I guess that doesn't matter when you're Caitlin Zaloom—-because she realized I was right, or because she could not argue with me without recognizing that the assignment was completely illegitimate and a farce?

If you have any thoughts on this, please feel free to reach out! [REDACTED] is my mobile phone number and it will be on all night, as I will be waiting up until 9 am rolls around...

3. Although it went against my core values, moral beliefs, and also made me feel unsafe, I ultimately did go to Occupy Wall Street with my class group——-two other young girls, who are quite attractive and thin, and don't look particularly physically fit enough to take on a potential predator, rapist, paranoid schizophrenic, etc.——just to see if I was being as melodramatic as Professor Zaloom made me feel I was.

***I won't go into detail here, but let me just tell you that if anything, I had previously underestimated how awful Occupy Wall Street was, and I left the park feeling as though I had escaped an extremely dangerous—-and even, life-threatening—-situation.***

4. After sending various emails to Professor Zaloom's account, in which I expressed my discomfort with the assignment for legal, academic, ethical, moral, and safety reasons, and also mentioned these things in class, she finally agreed to meet with me one last time."

Here is the professors rating at

It gets worse...


All I hear is "Woe is me, I'm a conservative being oppressed by liberal professors because of my political beliefs."

Seriously, is it really hard to visit a couple of people in Zucotti park in broad fucking daylight with police everywhere. Fuck, for a sociology class project I visited and conducted interviews in a homeless shelter where I talked to people who WERE ACTUALLY unstable and I didn't bitch.

Grow up.

She doesn't get what free speech  means, either. From what I understood, she had her say, her professor listened and responded, and because the response wasn't what she wanted, she started screaming, "Free speech! I has none!!!!11!"

Free speech to these type of people means they get to say what they want and anything criticizing it or contrary to to it is oppression.


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