Community > Politics and Government

First Trump came for Portland

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Say, anyone got any Lay's?  I ran out of the sour cream and onion bag I had and I desperately want crisps as I watch this shitshow.

Yes, Dr. King condemned rioting. And rightly so.

But what he was pointing out is that people do not turn to rioting as a first resort, as a "just for the hell of it" sort of thing. (Unless you're in Vancouver and the Canucks just lost Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals.) It's only once they've been ground down so hard had their faces driven into the mud and the shit kicked out of them so much, for so long, that they resort to riots as the only way remaining to them to get any sort of attention from their oppressors, to try to force their pain, their cause into the spotlight, even if the resultant attention is negative as a result of how they sought it.

Of course to someone whose argument is BOTH SIDES BAD, even when 95-100% of the current problem is caused by the fascists in charge, that just means that someone is actually more at fault than the opposite party. Which means there can't be VERY FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES. Which completely disproves and invalidates Vanto's whole style of argument.

He's the kind of person the Nazis had really appreciated back in the 30s. People like him basically made it seem like there was no clear moral choice, and thus because everyone was equally bad, Hitler could then portray his side as "at least we're effective".


--- Quote from: niam2023 on July 31, 2020, 05:45:37 pm ---Of course to someone whose argument is BOTH SIDES BAD, even when 95-100% of the current problem is caused by the fascists in charge, that just means that someone is actually more at fault than the opposite party. Which means there can't be VERY FINE PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES. Which completely disproves and invalidates Vanto's whole style of argument.

He's the kind of person the Nazis had really appreciated back in the 30s. People like him basically made it seem like there was no clear moral choice, and thus because everyone was equally bad, Hitler could then portray his side as "at least we're effective".

--- End quote ---

So basically, a sort of "useful idiot".

And for Trump and his alt-right conservative allies, they see someone like that similarly. People so desperate to have balance and see the "good" in both sides of the argument they're willing to lend credence and ideological equality to literal fascists.

Vladimir Putin was eager to portray everyone as equally culpable, and Trump had eagerly played along to try and impress him.

The Nazis love a sort of "one true liberal" like Dave Rubin - someone describing themselves as a "classical liberal" or a "liberal who's also against political correctness" because that inevitably leads people down the rabbit hole to first ironic / joke fascism then to outright actual fascism.

People like you, Vanto, you might as well be fascist recruiters.


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