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Ruined Forever

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So, I'm reading the DDD tweets just now and get one where they announce that Kim Kardashian will be guest starring for season 4. My automatic response was to reply:

--- Quote ---@DropDeadDiva @KimKardashian You've just ruined season 4 for me.
--- End quote ---

I know I'm probably jumping the gun and season 4 will be faboo, but I can't help but worry.

So, what are your favorite shows/movies/books/graphic novels that have been Ruined FOREVER and what did it?

Naruto-Tobi "Not Madara" Uchiha sums it all up for me. He introduced an endless chain of asspulls, total retcons, deus/diabolus ex machina, & filler that the series shows no sign of recovering from.

FFXII-I was interested in that game for the first couple areas. There was backstabbing, monster hunts, & giant battles. Then it showed what it was really going to be like. I dealt with the shoddy gameplay, the Guide Damn Its, & the lazy level design well enough. It was the multi-dungeon crawls & sudden drop in story scenes that finally did it in for me.

By extension, XII basically killed whatever shred of tolerance I had left for the "Ivalice Alliance." I don't care what anyone says, they are not canon. It is insultingly obvious that these games were never planned to go together, & were haphazardly thrown together for marketing purposes.

And that's pretty much it. It takes a lot to get me to actually start hating something I used to love. Mostly, I just hate its many flaws, but accept the good of it.

Star Wars
ruined by: crappy prequels which had the potential to be so awesome

I've already bitched about it at length, but...

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Ruined by: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.

While I'm on the subject:

Star Wars: The Jedi Knight series. Ruined by: Jedi Academy.

Burn Notice. Ruined By: Going on too damn long.

Mythbusters. Ruined By: Doing all the well-known myths, going on too long. (Sorry guys, I still love you!)

Simon and Garfunkel. ALMOST Ruined by: The Graduate.

Yeah, it takes a LOT to ruin something I fact, I can't point to things in any series I like that make me go "RUINED FOREVER."  Mostly because I tend to judge things based on a per game/episode/book/whatever basis...but, I have some near-misses:

Ultima.  Nearly screwed by Ultima IX: Ascension.  This game is the single reason I will never have any love for Electronic Arts whatsoever.  Not only did they halt The Lost Vale, the expansion for Ultima VIII which had the potential to make it go from okay to epic, but this game was an absolute, utter travesty.  A list for every single nitpick the Ultima fanbase has been able to find in Ultima IX.  There's 506 of them in total...that's more than every other fucking game in the series put together.  It had the potential, much like its direct predecessor, to be an absolutely breathtakingly epic of the first 3D RPGs with a large, open world.  So much potential...fucked by EA.  For that one blunder, EA can burn in gaming hell for the rest of eternity.

Thief.  Nearly screwed by Thief: Deadly Shadows.  Now, Thief III was a fair game in and of itself...but, it suffered a very similar problem to Ascension: excessive executive meddling.  Ion Storm, if I remember correctly, was originally going to make their own, homebrew engine specifically for this game.  But, due to executive bullshit, they had to kludge a stealth system into the Unreal engine.  Even then, it could've been an excellent game, worthy of being a descendant of the most excellent Thief II, had it not been for the seriously buggy release, initial lack of modding tools, and, worst of all...the Keeper Enforcers.  These guys had the potential to be thoroughly terrifying enemies, but, as it would turn out...they were nothing more than retarded killing machines who would spend most of their time killing innocent civilians.

I'm sure there are more, but my brain's gone to Uselessville on me, unfortunately...


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