Community > Politics and Government

Rep. Giffords to Resign

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Sad to see her go, concerning her surviving despite the circumstances.  Still, it's true though, you sometimes have to prioritize when it comes to recovery from something as heinous as she went through.

Like Meshakhad said, mayhap she'll return once she's healed enough.

Osama bin Bambi:
I don't think she'll be as capable as she used to be with the brain injury. A severe brain injury can really change a person, so in some ways she's probably not completely the same person anymore.

Lt. Fred:
Giffords wasn't actually much of a Representative anyway. My understanding is that she was a Republican with DNC advertising money. Obviously, Sarah Palin shouldn't have called out a hit on her, but being a victim of right-wing terrorism doesn't make you a saint.

That said, the worst possible result would be for the attempted assasination being legitimised by a successful Republican campaign against her replacement.

Really, she should run a nationwide speaking tour to denounce fascist violence as soon as she's recovered. It could be a really good thing.


--- Quote from: Lt. Fred on January 22, 2012, 05:26:30 pm ---Really, she should run a nationwide speaking tour to denounce fascist violence as soon as she's recovered. It could be a really good thing.

--- End quote ---

That would be awesome.

That stinks, but given her injury I'm not that shocked.


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