These are the "don't be a dick" rules:
Don't be a dick.
Do not make personal attacks outside of Flame & Burn.
Do not make racist, sexist, or other attacks against a person's genetic or formative traits, or for their creed or beliefs.
Keep name-calling to a minimum outside Flame & Burn.
Do not make accusations about another person and call them facts without being able to back it up.
Do not make a second account.
Do not share your account.
Address the points given by others in as civil a manner as you can (i.e. with a minimum of flaming).
Address questions given to you, either by answering them or saying why you won't (such as "I don't know," "I'm not comfortable answering that," "it's personal and I don't feel it's your business," etc.).
Do not persist on a point or question that another has said they won't address.
Do not flame someone for ignorance on a topic or about another person's actions or posting habits.
Do not make posts, or start a thread, with the intent to bait someone into a potentially rules violating response.
If a discussion is spiralling out of control or rapidly derailing, either start a new thread on the topic (in Flame & Burn if necessary) or use PMs.
Do not bring outside arguments with other users to the forum.
When making a post, make sure to give an explanation or description of linked content, and to provide your own thoughts on said linked content. (Simply saying "Discuss," or similar is not acceptable, but asking for clarification on the content is permissible.)
Looking back on the thread, he has violated at least 8 of these rules. As for now, I can either move this to F&B, P&W or just lock the thread.