The papacy also has a long history of ecumenism and noble giving. It depends on the Pope, because they are people. People during the 1200-1600s turned the Papacy into a position of physical power instead of spiritual, and the reformation drove the need for the Papacy to return to being, well, a decent individual in that seat. Luther and Calvin wanted to reform the church from Within, their followers created the split.
Just to get this out now. Pope=/=Catholic, Infallible, Emperor.
you went Catholic bashing
,Catholic bashing? That's like bashing muggers and drunk drivers. Yes I AM vehemently Anti-Catholic as if you could not tell.
Are you for real?
Are you? I just. I've never met someone in my life some vehemently viral to those whom he doesn't agree with.
I mean, I've met protestants before. Once I cleared up the whole "We don't worship Mary and Saints" Thing they were perfectly happy to get along with me. A nice ecumenical moment brought to you by understanding and not having blinders on.