Author Topic: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?  (Read 120031 times)

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #120 on: November 16, 2012, 02:32:31 pm »
Who called the troll a whole five pages ago? Moi.

I agree, true. I let it pass for a while. But the urge to educate the ignorant is sometimes overriding of my good sense.
The material needs a defender more than the spiritual. If there is a higher power, it can defend itself from the material. Thus denotes 'higher power'.

"Not to know is bad. Not to want to know is worse. Not to hope is unthinkable. Not to care is unforgivable." -Nigerian Saying

Offline Bezron

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #121 on: November 16, 2012, 02:32:52 pm »
I trust in God with all my heart, but that doesn't mean I have to slavishly obey a book written thousands of years ago halfway across the world, in a language I can neither speak nor read, by men who lived in a patriarchal, militaristic theocracy. God's world has changed and grown, and as His follower I must change and grow with it.
And therin is your problem. The 1611 King James Holy Bible is the literal infallible word of God. You cannot trust in God while making a mockery of his word. And this is why I pray for your soul.

[citation needed]

And just to make it an official direct question:  where is your proof that this version is the correct translation?

Also, a clue (all it a gift from me to you):  if you join this board and spout shit like that, you're gonna have a bad time.  Like, really really bad.  I'm pegging you at either Baptist or AoG, which is it?

Attention Pastor Dave

There are two (2) direct questions in the quote above.  This was posted prior to your last return to the threads.  I expect that these will be answered in some fashion.

According to board rules, which you are expected to know prior to posting, when asked a direct question, you must answer.  While you may not have actually read the board rules (nor the bible, if your current postings are any indication), this rule has now been pointed out at least three (3) times for you.

I require answers to these questions, and I am completely open in the fact that I am attempting to nail you down on a few things prior to debating you in earnest (namely, whether you are for real or if you are just a troll who thinks they are clever). 
        Satan is the author of confusion, remember that. If Satan can't get you to deny the Scriptures, then he'll try to get you to doubt the Scriptures. If Satan can't get you to deny or doubt the Scriptures, then he'll try to confuse you concerning “which Bible” to use. The 1611 King James Bible is God's inspired, infallible, inerrant, impeccable and preserved Words of God. That's what it is. We have God's inspired Words in the English-speaking language, without error. I fully realize that most King James Bibles published today are based upon the 1769 Oxford text (an edition of the 1611 version). The authorized 1611 King James Version has never been revised, only edited. The main purpose of the 1762 and 1769 editions was the standardization of spelling. This in no way altered the meaning or preservation or inspiration of the 1611 King James Bible. We can trust our 1611 King James Bible.
The false prophets who say that the King James Bible is not inerrant, also embrace the modern corrupt versions (such as the New International Version) as being God's Word too. They view all Bibles as being inferior and inerrant; but anyone with a brain can see that all of the modern Bible versions ATTACK the deity of Jesus Christ. As for your second question I am a Independent fundamentalist Baptist that proudly brandishes the sword of the Lord.

You're a troll.  This is proof right here.  This is the exact over top wording that trolls who are trying to emulate fundies use.

No Baptist who is actually attempting to convert people would actually say (or type) this line of reasoning.

Nice try.  Little hint, next time just ignore the people who are trying to nail you down and take the ban.  It's only for a week or so, you can actually get by with the trolling for a good month or so before the account is banned for a year.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 02:36:09 pm by Bezron »

Offline PastorDave

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #122 on: November 16, 2012, 02:33:49 pm »
Anyways, Pastor Dave, I have a question for you. You brought up Hebrews 13:4, which says "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge" Awesome! But the problem is it does little to address the original question. See, being a whore means trading some sort of goods or services in exchange for sex. And adultery means at least one person in the relationship is married. But what the original question is talking about is premarital and (I'm assuming) with no thought to any kind of payment. Your verse did mention marriage is honorable, but it said nothing at all about premarriage. If you could address that, please, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Mariage is honorable in all, and the bed vndefiled: but whoremongers, and adulterers God will iudge.
Marriage is the ONLY honorable institution where sex can take place. Outside of a holy union of a Man and a Woman it is debaucherous fornication which is a sin. God will judge those who indulge in pre-marital sex just as he judges whoremongers and adulterers. This is what this passage means.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 02:37:13 pm by PastorDave »
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you" Exodus 20:12

Offline Bezron

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #123 on: November 16, 2012, 02:37:47 pm »
Anyways, Pastor Dave, I have a question for you. You brought up Hebrews 13:4, which says "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge" Awesome! But the problem is it does little to address the original question. See, being a whore means trading some sort of goods or services in exchange for sex. And adultery means at least one person in the relationship is married. But what the original question is talking about is premarital and (I'm assuming) with no thought to any kind of payment. Your verse did mention marriage is honorable, but it said nothing at all about premarriage. If you could address that, please, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Earlier this morning, a couple pages ago, I brought this up. Looking back, there are no question marks there. Mea Culpa. But we can fix that right now. How does Hebrews 13:4 (which you brought up and I'm using your quote text for) deal with premarital sex?

Whoremongering is actually the chasing or use of whores.  This does not detract from or change the original question or point in any fashion.

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #124 on: November 16, 2012, 02:40:39 pm »
How do you know its true? It has literally 1611 years removal from Jesus. It's in a completely foreign language and was translated from the Greek (Not Aramaic) bibles. One thing that really lends Catholics credibility on this subject is because they tend to admit that most of the books were written after the fact and most weren't eyewitness. With some debate over Saint John the Divine supposedly 100 year life and Mark being really young child follower of Jesus at the time. Also... you said Saints are Evil. If Saint John the Divine is evil, you called the Gospel of John AND Revelation evil. Trying to contain my mockery laughter is hard.

I'd prefer to have my sword made of steel and then tempered with the Holy Spirit, personally. I shall then put on my white cross and batwing helmet, and ride you down as a Teutonic Knight, you Heretic!

Reminds me trying to argue with my roommate about the Bible and belief structures when he approaches it like a fundie Protestant and I approach it as a Liberal Catholic. I use a different bible, have a vastly different tradition, and was much more deeply embedded than him. I'm an agnostic and he's an atheist, but still. Though he's also one of those people who believes all his opinions to be facts and all his assumed knowledge to be facts.
It's true because it is the true written word of the Lord, It's all right there, just open your eyes and heart. My opinions are not opinions, they are a truth that you will one day be faced with.
But all you're doing is saying something is true and then, when asked why it's true, repeatedly insisting that it is true. Repeating an assertion is neither an argument nor is it evidence.

Offline PastorDave

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #125 on: November 16, 2012, 02:41:34 pm »
I trust in God with all my heart, but that doesn't mean I have to slavishly obey a book written thousands of years ago halfway across the world, in a language I can neither speak nor read, by men who lived in a patriarchal, militaristic theocracy. God's world has changed and grown, and as His follower I must change and grow with it.
And therin is your problem. The 1611 King James Holy Bible is the literal infallible word of God. You cannot trust in God while making a mockery of his word. And this is why I pray for your soul.

[citation needed]

And just to make it an official direct question:  where is your proof that this version is the correct translation?

Also, a clue (all it a gift from me to you):  if you join this board and spout shit like that, you're gonna have a bad time.  Like, really really bad.  I'm pegging you at either Baptist or AoG, which is it?

Attention Pastor Dave

There are two (2) direct questions in the quote above.  This was posted prior to your last return to the threads.  I expect that these will be answered in some fashion.

According to board rules, which you are expected to know prior to posting, when asked a direct question, you must answer.  While you may not have actually read the board rules (nor the bible, if your current postings are any indication), this rule has now been pointed out at least three (3) times for you.

I require answers to these questions, and I am completely open in the fact that I am attempting to nail you down on a few things prior to debating you in earnest (namely, whether you are for real or if you are just a troll who thinks they are clever). 
        Satan is the author of confusion, remember that. If Satan can't get you to deny the Scriptures, then he'll try to get you to doubt the Scriptures. If Satan can't get you to deny or doubt the Scriptures, then he'll try to confuse you concerning “which Bible” to use. The 1611 King James Bible is God's inspired, infallible, inerrant, impeccable and preserved Words of God. That's what it is. We have God's inspired Words in the English-speaking language, without error. I fully realize that most King James Bibles published today are based upon the 1769 Oxford text (an edition of the 1611 version). The authorized 1611 King James Version has never been revised, only edited. The main purpose of the 1762 and 1769 editions was the standardization of spelling. This in no way altered the meaning or preservation or inspiration of the 1611 King James Bible. We can trust our 1611 King James Bible.
The false prophets who say that the King James Bible is not inerrant, also embrace the modern corrupt versions (such as the New International Version) as being God's Word too. They view all Bibles as being inferior and inerrant; but anyone with a brain can see that all of the modern Bible versions ATTACK the deity of Jesus Christ. As for your second question I am a Independent fundamentalist Baptist that proudly brandishes the sword of the Lord.

You're a troll.  This is proof right here.  This is the exact over top wording that trolls who are trying to emulate fundies use.

No Baptist who is actually attempting to convert people would actually say (or type) this line of reasoning.

Nice try.  Little hint, next time just ignore the people who are trying to nail you down and take the ban.  It's only for a week or so, you can actually get by with the trolling for a good month or so before the account is banned for a year.
You can shoot the messenger all you would like however you cant destroy the message. My child posted here at one time. Thats why I am here. My child fell into the pitfall of drugs and pre-marital sex and this cesspool called a forum is symptom of the problem. If I can save one soul here then the Lord will be pleased.
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you" Exodus 20:12

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #126 on: November 16, 2012, 02:41:58 pm »
That's not what it says. It says the marriage bed is honorably in all. If you're married to each other, go nuts. It says whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. So buying and selling sex is out. As is cheating on one's spouse. It doesn't say a damn thing about sex where two people aren't married and who aren't paying. Marriage is honorable in all. Not Only marriage is honorable. Stop putting words in God's mouth.

Hold up. Are you implying that we drove your child into drugs and premarital sex? Direct question and I want a direct answer right fast.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 02:43:59 pm by rookie »
The difference between 0 and 1 is infinite. The difference between 1 and a million is a matter of degree. - Zack Johnson

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I'll stop eating beef lamb and pork the same day they start letting me eat vegetarians.

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #127 on: November 16, 2012, 02:42:43 pm »
Who is this "Child?"
The material needs a defender more than the spiritual. If there is a higher power, it can defend itself from the material. Thus denotes 'higher power'.

"Not to know is bad. Not to want to know is worse. Not to hope is unthinkable. Not to care is unforgivable." -Nigerian Saying

Offline Bezron

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #128 on: November 16, 2012, 02:44:39 pm »
I trust in God with all my heart, but that doesn't mean I have to slavishly obey a book written thousands of years ago halfway across the world, in a language I can neither speak nor read, by men who lived in a patriarchal, militaristic theocracy. God's world has changed and grown, and as His follower I must change and grow with it.
And therin is your problem. The 1611 King James Holy Bible is the literal infallible word of God. You cannot trust in God while making a mockery of his word. And this is why I pray for your soul.

[citation needed]

And just to make it an official direct question:  where is your proof that this version is the correct translation?

Also, a clue (all it a gift from me to you):  if you join this board and spout shit like that, you're gonna have a bad time.  Like, really really bad.  I'm pegging you at either Baptist or AoG, which is it?

Attention Pastor Dave

There are two (2) direct questions in the quote above.  This was posted prior to your last return to the threads.  I expect that these will be answered in some fashion.

According to board rules, which you are expected to know prior to posting, when asked a direct question, you must answer.  While you may not have actually read the board rules (nor the bible, if your current postings are any indication), this rule has now been pointed out at least three (3) times for you.

I require answers to these questions, and I am completely open in the fact that I am attempting to nail you down on a few things prior to debating you in earnest (namely, whether you are for real or if you are just a troll who thinks they are clever). 
        Satan is the author of confusion, remember that. If Satan can't get you to deny the Scriptures, then he'll try to get you to doubt the Scriptures. If Satan can't get you to deny or doubt the Scriptures, then he'll try to confuse you concerning “which Bible” to use. The 1611 King James Bible is God's inspired, infallible, inerrant, impeccable and preserved Words of God. That's what it is. We have God's inspired Words in the English-speaking language, without error. I fully realize that most King James Bibles published today are based upon the 1769 Oxford text (an edition of the 1611 version). The authorized 1611 King James Version has never been revised, only edited. The main purpose of the 1762 and 1769 editions was the standardization of spelling. This in no way altered the meaning or preservation or inspiration of the 1611 King James Bible. We can trust our 1611 King James Bible.
The false prophets who say that the King James Bible is not inerrant, also embrace the modern corrupt versions (such as the New International Version) as being God's Word too. They view all Bibles as being inferior and inerrant; but anyone with a brain can see that all of the modern Bible versions ATTACK the deity of Jesus Christ. As for your second question I am a Independent fundamentalist Baptist that proudly brandishes the sword of the Lord.

You're a troll.  This is proof right here.  This is the exact over top wording that trolls who are trying to emulate fundies use.

No Baptist who is actually attempting to convert people would actually say (or type) this line of reasoning.

Nice try.  Little hint, next time just ignore the people who are trying to nail you down and take the ban.  It's only for a week or so, you can actually get by with the trolling for a good month or so before the account is banned for a year.
You can shoot the messenger all you would like however you cant destroy the message. My child posted here at one time. Thats why I am here. My child fell into the pitfall of drugs and pre-marital sex and this cesspool called a forum is symptom of the problem. If I can save one soul here then the Lord will be pleased.

Lying is a sin.  Not only that, but it also breaks the 9th commandment.  You are lying because you are lying.

Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #129 on: November 16, 2012, 02:44:44 pm »
Who called the troll a whole five pages ago? Moi.
I tried to give him a chance but you are indeed correct. Not only that, it's not nearly as much fun as I anticipated. Well, I know what time it is...

Offline Bezron

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #130 on: November 16, 2012, 02:46:43 pm »
I was hoping for a Nautical level debate thread.  Instead we got Skyfire.

Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #131 on: November 16, 2012, 02:47:00 pm »
I trust in God with all my heart, but that doesn't mean I have to slavishly obey a book written thousands of years ago halfway across the world, in a language I can neither speak nor read, by men who lived in a patriarchal, militaristic theocracy. God's world has changed and grown, and as His follower I must change and grow with it.
And therin is your problem. The 1611 King James Holy Bible is the literal infallible word of God. You cannot trust in God while making a mockery of his word. And this is why I pray for your soul.

[citation needed]

And just to make it an official direct question:  where is your proof that this version is the correct translation?

Also, a clue (all it a gift from me to you):  if you join this board and spout shit like that, you're gonna have a bad time.  Like, really really bad.  I'm pegging you at either Baptist or AoG, which is it?

Attention Pastor Dave

There are two (2) direct questions in the quote above.  This was posted prior to your last return to the threads.  I expect that these will be answered in some fashion.

According to board rules, which you are expected to know prior to posting, when asked a direct question, you must answer.  While you may not have actually read the board rules (nor the bible, if your current postings are any indication), this rule has now been pointed out at least three (3) times for you.

I require answers to these questions, and I am completely open in the fact that I am attempting to nail you down on a few things prior to debating you in earnest (namely, whether you are for real or if you are just a troll who thinks they are clever). 
        Satan is the author of confusion, remember that. If Satan can't get you to deny the Scriptures, then he'll try to get you to doubt the Scriptures. If Satan can't get you to deny or doubt the Scriptures, then he'll try to confuse you concerning “which Bible” to use. The 1611 King James Bible is God's inspired, infallible, inerrant, impeccable and preserved Words of God. That's what it is. We have God's inspired Words in the English-speaking language, without error. I fully realize that most King James Bibles published today are based upon the 1769 Oxford text (an edition of the 1611 version). The authorized 1611 King James Version has never been revised, only edited. The main purpose of the 1762 and 1769 editions was the standardization of spelling. This in no way altered the meaning or preservation or inspiration of the 1611 King James Bible. We can trust our 1611 King James Bible.
The false prophets who say that the King James Bible is not inerrant, also embrace the modern corrupt versions (such as the New International Version) as being God's Word too. They view all Bibles as being inferior and inerrant; but anyone with a brain can see that all of the modern Bible versions ATTACK the deity of Jesus Christ. As for your second question I am a Independent fundamentalist Baptist that proudly brandishes the sword of the Lord.

You're a troll.  This is proof right here.  This is the exact over top wording that trolls who are trying to emulate fundies use.

No Baptist who is actually attempting to convert people would actually say (or type) this line of reasoning.

Nice try.  Little hint, next time just ignore the people who are trying to nail you down and take the ban.  It's only for a week or so, you can actually get by with the trolling for a good month or so before the account is banned for a year.
You can shoot the messenger all you would like however you cant destroy the message. My child posted here at one time. Thats why I am here. My child fell into the pitfall of drugs and pre-marital sex and this cesspool called a forum is symptom of the problem. If I can save one soul here then the Lord will be pleased.
I won't call you a liar but I will post this picture of Homer Simpson with his pants on fire:

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #132 on: November 16, 2012, 02:47:59 pm »
Nothing here but liberal, drug using, Atheists and Catholics who voted for Obama. Cesspool of society. Repent and accept Jesus.
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you" Exodus 20:12

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #133 on: November 16, 2012, 02:49:27 pm »
Yeah, cause that's how you get people to believe you. I wish if it was a Troll, he was attempting to be good at being a Troll.
The material needs a defender more than the spiritual. If there is a higher power, it can defend itself from the material. Thus denotes 'higher power'.

"Not to know is bad. Not to want to know is worse. Not to hope is unthinkable. Not to care is unforgivable." -Nigerian Saying

Offline Rabbit of Caerbannog

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Re: Why Is Sex Outside of Marriage A Sin?
« Reply #134 on: November 16, 2012, 02:49:34 pm »
Who is this "Child?"
Michael McDoesntexist.