I suppose someone decided the swastika is the religious symbol of Nazi Mysticism? :S
But oh my gosh those cartoons are a hoot and a half.
Edited to add- Oh goodness, it's hosted on Aryan-Nation.org? I haven't seen those chaps in a while when it comes to this sort of thing.
Isn't it illegal to show a swastika on German television?
No. Not really. It is illegal to show it in a 'positive light' but if you show that it's educational than no. Many games and documentaries have gotten the educational exception for the swastika. Not to mention you can also have it plastered on a book cover if you like. However, I don't mean animated cartoons. Aryan-Nation.org likewise is not stationed in Germany.
I would like to see how someone in Germany is able to surf to a site like Aryan-Nation.org as I am not knowledgeable in that part of things. I only know of the movies, shows and video games.
And the Swastika isn't even magically linked to Nazi Mysticism. They used a completely different symbol for that. So I'm a little puzzled over replacing it with the 'life rune' which admittedly is used in Nazi Mysticism.
I apologize if I misunderstood the question tho.