Author Topic: Worst Political Cartoons  (Read 1958010 times)

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Offline Lt. Fred

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1575 on: August 02, 2012, 06:20:29 pm »
That's not even funny. LEARN TO HUMOUR.
Ultimate Paragon admits to fabricating a hit piece on Politico.

The party's name is the Democratic Party. It has been since 1830. Please spell correctly.

"The party must go wholly one way or wholly the other. It cannot face in both directions at the same time."

Offline Kristine

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1576 on: August 02, 2012, 09:34:17 pm »

Yes, because contracting skin cancer and being shot are the same.

Offline kefkaownsall

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1577 on: August 02, 2012, 09:41:16 pm »

Yes, because contracting skin cancer and being shot are the same.
I wonder if the guy gets that there is an increase in skin cancer due to tanning beds

Offline Auri-El

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1578 on: August 02, 2012, 10:49:03 pm »
So, what, there's someone out there holding a lens on 60 people to focus the sunlight and give them cancer? 'Cause I can't think how else that might be comparable.

Offline Veras

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1579 on: August 02, 2012, 11:33:38 pm »
Why does the anchorman have a sink on his desk?
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Offline Kristine

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1580 on: August 03, 2012, 12:54:54 am »
Why does the anchorman have a sink on his desk?
lol - I think it's supposed to be a screen.

Offline Lt. Fred

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1581 on: August 03, 2012, 04:11:19 am »

It was just a natural disaster; nothing can be done, no policy can prevent or lessen the chances of recurrence and nobody is responsible.
Ultimate Paragon admits to fabricating a hit piece on Politico.

The party's name is the Democratic Party. It has been since 1830. Please spell correctly.

"The party must go wholly one way or wholly the other. It cannot face in both directions at the same time."

Offline MadCatTLX

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1582 on: August 03, 2012, 05:54:21 pm »

Yes - because an organized army with flintlock rifles = a single paranoid nut with 20 assault rifles...

Be as paranoid as you want(I might think it's unwarranted) and have as many guns of all shape and size as you want(Can I shoot that mini-gun?), just don't be a dumbass and shoot someone accidentally or intentionally. Most of the people I know of that have more than a couple guns follow the basic rules of gun safety more then anyone else. Unless someone poses an actual threat to you, don't shoot them, that means has a weapon pointed in your direction. If someone breaks into your house generally you holding a gun is more then enough to make them listen to you when you say "hands up, and lay on the floor" then have someone else call the police, or if you want to humiliate the guy more make him call the police himself.
History is full of maniacs, my friend, men and women of intelect, highly perceptive individuals, who's brilliant minds know neither restraint nor taboo. Such notions are the devils we must slay for the edification of pony-kind. Even if said edification means violating the rules of decency, society, and rightousness itself.
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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1583 on: August 03, 2012, 06:58:23 pm »

Yes - because an organized army with flintlock rifles = a single paranoid nut with 20 assault rifles...

Be as paranoid as you want(I might think it's unwarranted) and have as many guns of all shape and size as you want(Can I shoot that mini-gun?), just don't be a dumbass and shoot someone accidentally or intentionally. Most of the people I know of that have more than a couple guns follow the basic rules of gun safety more then anyone else. Unless someone poses an actual threat to you, don't shoot them, that means has a weapon pointed in your direction. If someone breaks into your house generally you holding a gun is more then enough to make them listen to you when you say "hands up, and lay on the floor" then have someone else call the police, or if you want to humiliate the guy more make him call the police himself.

MadCat...that last bit, was fucking brilliant.  You get a karmic bump for that'un.
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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1584 on: August 06, 2012, 01:26:56 am »
Not a political cartoon but still stupid:

Offline Witchyjoshy

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1585 on: August 06, 2012, 02:46:38 am »
It's funny because "Strawman has a point"

The two statements are neither hypocritical nor inconsistent.  In fact, they greatly agree with each other.  The first statement encourages the freedom of speech while also exercising freedom of speech by criticizing how other people use their freedom of speech.  The second statement is much the same.  It's just a lot more whargarbly (and I won't deny that many people on the left are also masters of whargarbl)

It's like conservatives don't understand that one can use one's first amendment's rights to react to another person's first amendment's rights.


That being said, while my opinion about Chick-Fil-A is the same, it's not news to me, and I'm not about to go on a screaming tirade, and I will treat anyone who does so the same way I would treat anyone who went on a screaming tirade about rainboreos. ;D
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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1586 on: August 06, 2012, 10:22:22 am »
^^ This. Both are about calling out idiots for being bigoted assholes, plain and simple. Attempting to complicate the issue by whinging on about free speech isn't going to change that.
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Offline Barbarella

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1587 on: August 06, 2012, 09:32:58 pm »

Are you fucking kidding me?! :o

If they keep projecting like this they might put someone's eye out.

The reality is that the three donkeys should be three elephants.

Offline Barbarella

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1588 on: August 06, 2012, 09:50:03 pm »
What is this I don't even...

The Fascists & Nazis should be on the Far-Right.

Offline Barbarella

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Re: Worst Political Cartoons
« Reply #1589 on: August 06, 2012, 09:51:58 pm »

This one's linked for size...

Homophobic, Transphobic & Ethnibigoted! Is that weird monkey-creature-looking-thing supposed to be a BLACK MAN?