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Community => Entertainment and Television => Topic started by: Cloud3514 on January 05, 2012, 02:21:31 am

Title: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on January 05, 2012, 02:21:31 am
Because why not?

Because the last one we had was dominated largely by Warhammer 40k, I'd say let's continue on that thread with me mentioning how much I want the new Tau codex. BS 4 Fire Warriors? Kroot Master Shaper HQ? 3 Battlesuits as Troops for every Battlesuit Commander? Yes please.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Sour Grapes on January 05, 2012, 03:09:18 am
Play Warhammer Fantasy.  Skaven, which are surprisingly cheap, points-wise.

Played a three-on-three with a couple of my friends with a 1500 point game.  They only had a couple of blocks of units, a couple of heroes and a lord.

I had four units of core, a gray seer lord, and four heroes.  Ended up being a draw, but then, my Skaven spent most of the battle, sitting there, eating cheesy popcorn, watching the other two  (Demons of Khorne and Vampire Counts) annihilate each other.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Vypernight on January 05, 2012, 05:34:23 am
Twerps, Mythic, and Legends of Wrestling.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: erictheblue on January 05, 2012, 11:09:01 am
I'm going to start running a Vampire: the Requiem Dark Ages game next Wednesday. I have the story and NPCs built, and my players will build their PCs at the first game.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Scotsgit on January 05, 2012, 12:24:10 pm
AM putting together an army that is a mix of Cadian arms and assorted bits on the bodies of Empire State troops.  It's coming out a lot better than I'd hoped! 8)
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Oriet on January 05, 2012, 03:41:46 pm

I have actually created a site dedicated to talking about tabletop games, whether it's roleplaying, wargaming, cards, or what have you. While it is primarily focused on house rules, rules interpretations (which are essentially house rules light), custom/new rules, etc, it also has a place for talking about campaigns. I've been using it to post synopses of my sessions, so that everyone can reference it to remember what all has been going on or to just enjoy what's happening in a campaign.

Here it is, in all it's glory! (http://houserulegaming.com/smf/index.php)

Everyone is very welcome to use it to talk about their games, even if you're not into house rules and only wish to use it as a place to talk about your campaigns. If there's a category or game you want added in I'll do it as soon as I know.

Do not take this to mean you should only talk about game stuff there, as that is not at all what I want. I want people to continue talking about stuff on FSTDT, but I'd also like people to know about and use my site for more in depth discussions and such on tabletop gaming, and would love it if people would also share it with people they game with who otherwise wouldn't want to be or be wanted on the FSTDT forums.

HouseruleGaming (http://houserulegaming.com/smf/index.php) has no official affiliation with FSTDT. Both sites are fully independent of one another with different focuses on their content. While this post is made as an endorsement of HouseruleGaming it is me doing so as a user of FSTDT and not as a Moderator.

All that being said...

I've been running a Star Wars campaign for the last several months. People can read the synopses of all of its sessions here (http://houserulegaming.com/smf/index.php?topic=9.0). Basically it started the same as Episode One, except the characters were replacing Jinn and Kenobi as Republic black ops/negotiators. The characters have done so much to both thwart and aid Palpatine's plans and goals, as well as greatly changed the power balance in the Republic and the standing of the leadership of the Jedi Order. Some of the characters have had so much influence that they are being given a lot of power, and so will be retired as NPCs.

I'm also planning on running a Star Trek campaign, though I'm still not quite sure when it'll start. I still have to finish writing all of the rules into a single document and flesh them out some more, as it is a fully custom system I've been making. I'm also changing how some of the technology and society will be working to make it more believable and not so über powerful, while making sure that the general feel and capabilities are still intact.

I've also been playing in a Dark Heresy game (with a lot of house rules I've made, though some are going to be tweaked), which has been a lot of fun.

I also enjoy playing Warhammer 40K. I have a Tau army and a Space Marine army, which can both field around 1,500 points. I can also play small games (500-1,000) with Imperial Guardsmen and Witch Hunters (though not nearly as many Sisters as I'd like), and have started an Ork army.

In the past I've played D&D (2nd, 3rd, and 3.5), Pathfinder, d20 Star Wars, d20 Modern, Alternity, GURPS, WEG d6 Star Wars, Buck Rogers:High Cliffhangers, Vampire the Masquerade, and Big Eyes Small Mouth (not the d20 version). For card games I've played Pokémon, Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Mechwarrior.

So, yeah. If you couldn't tell I'm pretty big into tabletop gaming.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Mechtaur on January 05, 2012, 05:20:33 pm
I've been big into table top gaming for a while, with pretty much anything being given a spin.

I've played D&D 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and Essentials.

Pathfinder for a very short spat.

Various home made RPGs, ranging from Phantasy Star Universe to Resident Evil to Star Wars and every other kind of genre.

I play Pokemon, Magic, Yugioh, and just recently got into the UFS with the Soul Calibur cards. I also have been working on making a card game of my own.

If anyone wants to help work out a system so we can play a game here at the forums or on an IM, I'd totally look into it.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: ironbite on January 05, 2012, 07:09:42 pm
So I'm thinking about homebrewing up my own Kamen Rider class for a d20 system.  Why am I doing this?  Because I've been inspired by a new game.  Think of it as....a bridge between 3.5, Pathfinder, and 4.0.  That game is called Legend (http://www.ruleofcool.com/).  It seems cool but I'm not entirely satisfied with the so called "Vigilante" Track.  Just doesn't do enough for me.  But I think I have a plan to create a viable Kamen Rider class that can be used in a d20 system.  Such as Pathfinder or even D&D.

Ironbite-should be fun to do.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on January 06, 2012, 12:34:51 am
Magic, Yugioh

For Magic, my main decks were my old tournament Wither deck from Lorwyn/Shadowmoore and Alara and the burn deck I made for fun. Currently, I use just the Wither deck because I retooled the burn deck into a burn/counterspell deck and didn't like the result, but have been too lazy to retool it back.

For Yu-Gi-Oh, my main deck is a Dragunity (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragunity) deck because I only relatively recently (August) got back into the game and the Dragunity Structure Deck made a good starting point.
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Mechtaur on January 06, 2012, 12:59:44 am
*Whistles* Not a bad deck you have there Waldorf, but as a personal criticism, I might recommend focusing a tad bit more on the actual Draguinities (But that's just me). Just curious though, do you play on Duel Network?

I use either a deck based around the Gradius game ships (except without the original Gradius card), or a Princess deck based on Pikeru and Curran.

As for Magic, I might recommend Phyrexia's poisonous traits from the recent trek back into Mirrodin. Basically, they got a special ability that is Wither... Only better.

I usually use either my Eldrazi, being a fan of that kind of play, or I use an old Kamigawa deck based around the Zubera's and the Myojin.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on January 06, 2012, 03:37:46 am
*Whistles* Not a bad deck you have there Waldorf, but as a personal criticism, I might recommend focusing a tad bit more on the actual Draguinities (But that's just me). Just curious though, do you play on Duel Network?

I do have a DN account, but I only use it with friends. Also, KagetoKage is in there for easy summoning of Utopia and Light and Darkness Dragon is in there for a combo with Dragunity Arma Leyvaten. Masked Dragon is there for Dragon searching and Shield Wing is in there for defense. Garuda and Hunter Owl are the only ones that are really out of place if you ask me. I'd probably drop Garuda if I could find a Dragunity Phalanx.

As for Magic, I might recommend Phyrexia's poisonous traits from the recent trek back into Mirrodin. Basically, they got a special ability that is Wither... Only better.

I fucking HATE Infect. Its a god awful, broken mechanic that I got sick of halfway through Besieged and I don't even play tournaments anymore. Its not "Wither, only better" its "Wither, only broken."
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Mechtaur on January 06, 2012, 11:11:42 am
*Whistles* Not a bad deck you have there Waldorf, but as a personal criticism, I might recommend focusing a tad bit more on the actual Draguinities (But that's just me). Just curious though, do you play on Duel Network?

I do have a DN account, but I only use it with friends. Also, KagetoKage is in there for easy summoning of Utopia and Light and Darkness Dragon is in there for a combo with Dragunity Arma Leyvaten. Masked Dragon is there for Dragon searching and Shield Wing is in there for defense. Garuda and Hunter Owl are the only ones that are really out of place if you ask me. I'd probably drop Garuda if I could find a Dragunity Phalanx.

As for Magic, I might recommend Phyrexia's poisonous traits from the recent trek back into Mirrodin. Basically, they got a special ability that is Wither... Only better.

I fucking HATE Infect. Its a god awful, broken mechanic that I got sick of halfway through Besieged and I don't even play tournaments anymore. Its not "Wither, only better" its "Wither, only broken."

*Nods* fair enough.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Mechtaur on January 30, 2012, 03:08:52 pm
Hey, got some good/bad news everyone. Wizards of the Coast recently announced that the 5th Edition of D&D was put into planning. While there isn't much information, they have given a few points of interest. One of the major ones is how it is going to be played, it is supposed to be modular, allowing each DM to build the rules how they want to play. How exactly this going to work isn't clear yet, but they are allowing an open playtest in the future and are already accepting applications (I signed up).

As people can guess, this has already started yet another edition war. To make matters worse, all of the editions are being asked what to include, so there are a lot of flame-y conversations going on.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: ironbite on January 30, 2012, 06:03:24 pm
Also heard that character creation is gonna be a ton different then it used to be which has set off a bunch of flame-wars already.

Ironbite-I'll stick to 3.5, Pathfinder, and Legend thank you very much.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: NonProphet on January 30, 2012, 06:27:45 pm
I'm actually interested in seeing what 5th edition will be like.
The edition-fanatics and their constant flamewars seem silly to me. The same thing happened when 2nd edition was announced. And 3rd. And 3.5. And 4th.
D&D changes. Hell, it HAS to in order to continue selling. I still don't understand the people who vehemently hate all later editions (one guy I know thinks Birthright is the most perfect system ever, but that it "needs more math").

I've played D&D Original, 1e, AD&D, 2nd ed., 3.0, 3.5, Pathfinder, 4e & Essentials. I like 3.5, Pathfinder, and 4e. All have their merits, and I enjoy the level of control over my characters I have in all of them.

As for other games, I also play:
Shadowrun (latest edition)
BESM/Big Eyes Small Mouth - both TriStat and d20
D20 Modern
Call of Cthulhu (usually d20 as well)
The latest batch of White Wolf's "Vampire" & "Changeling" games
Star Wars: Saga Edition

I have played GURPS, Hero System, and Rifts; unfortunately, I just couldn't get into them.
I'm currently building 2 BESM campaigns. One is anime-based, the other one is superheroes... because the system is PERFECT for superheroes.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Osama bin Bambi on January 30, 2012, 07:02:24 pm
3.5e and Pathfinder were just fine. 4e turned D&D into a fucking board game and gave absolutely no flexibility with character classes. They actually tried to shoehorn character classes into different "roles", as if they're telling the player how they should use their character (as opposed to letting the player experiment to find the different uses for that class' abilities). The fact is that more and more RPGs are going classless, to lend the player more flexibility in mechanics and roleplaying.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: NonProphet on January 30, 2012, 08:10:55 pm
3.5e and Pathfinder were just fine. 4e turned D&D into a fucking board game and gave absolutely no flexibility with character classes. They actually tried to shoehorn character classes into different "roles", as if they're telling the player how they should use their character (as opposed to letting the player experiment to find the different uses for that class' abilities). The fact is that more and more RPGs are going classless, to lend the player more flexibility in mechanics and roleplaying.
A board game? Are you referring to the miniatures thing? The entirely optional miniatures?
See, I like minis. But I don't always use them, and they are in no way necessary for 4e. Also, the "roles" for the classes are suggestions, not hard-and-fast set-in-stone rules. It's not "Rogues are strikers, get over it"; it's "Rogues are best suited for being strikers, if you're not sure what role you want to play."
At least you didn't pull out the oft-repeated (and oft-refuted) "4e makes roleplay impossible" line.

I like classes. I like classless, too. It depends on the system. I would love a classless D&D, if it were done properly.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Mechtaur on January 31, 2012, 11:23:47 am
http://www.enworld.org/index.php?page=dnd5e#ddi (http://www.enworld.org/index.php?page=dnd5e#ddi)

This is probably the best source of information I can find.

Personally, I'm gonna stick with Essentials for now, but keep my eyes on this.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: SCarpelan on February 03, 2012, 04:04:56 am
I bought the Battlestar Galactica boardgame last week and holy shit it's good. It captures the atmosphere of the remade series very well and if you are interested in a co-operative survival game with intrigue, politics and backstabbing I recommend you give this game a try.

The players play as characters from the series and try to help the fleet reach Kobol before the supplies run out or the Cylons destroy Galactica. The catch is that one or two of the players are secretly Cylons and have the opposite goal. Even if you start as a human you may find out in the halfway point of the game that you are actually a Cylon sleeper agent. The human players try to not only survive but also find out who the Cylons are while the Cylons try to harm the humans while waiting for a tactically wise moment to reveal themselves.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: erictheblue on February 04, 2012, 11:10:07 am
My fiancee started up a Mage: the Awakening game. I am playing a Moros, focusing on Death Arcana. The idea of the game is that all the PCs had their Awakening the night before. (We were forced into it by a slightly-insane Fate mage.) The topic of mage sight came up and the NPC who was giving us guidance said there is a type of mage sight for each Arcana, and we could use that sight if we had the right Arcana. My character had already figured out he has Death magic.

Without missing a beat, I looked at my fiancee and said (completely in character) "I see dead people?"
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 15, 2012, 02:35:45 am
In the latest chapter of Tau need a new fucking codex so they can stop being the worst fucking army in the game, there's now a rumor that their new codex won't be out until 2013, despite the fact that everything's been done for months now. Its like GW doesn't want Tau player money.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Eniliad on February 15, 2012, 02:52:55 am
I enjoy playing Pathfinder. If any of you aren't familiar, it's basically what happens to players who say "I thought D&D 3.5 got way out of hand, and I'd like something simpler, and I really don't like 4th Edition." Overall, it's a really good system, with a more basic form, but still complex enough to allow for interesting conflicts to develop. I don't own as much material for it as I'd like (I have the Core Rulebook, a Bestiary, and the Advanced DM Guide), but I can generally play/run a decent game.

Over time, though, we've modified some of the finer points of the game, because we find them to be... bullshit. If I recall correctly, an Orc (CR 1/3) has a +6 Falchion! I mean Jeezus! So, okay, not only are these assholes getting +6 to their attack rolls, but their bonus alone is enough to put down a non-tank like a wizard or a sorcerer, in one hit. Land a crit, and you might well kill them in one hit.

Keep in mind, these guys are supposed to be a minimal challenge for a Level 1 party! That's just bullshit in our eyes. So we take off the enhancements for low level encounters, because nothing says fun like having your level 2 rogue overwhelmed and killed in an encounter meant to be nothing more than walking xp and loot. Right.

We also add in rules for epic play, which are admittedly still a bit unrefined (we don't often reach epic levels). Basically, we force multiclassing once you reach max level for your character's main class, either into a prestige class or another base class. If you pick another base class though, we give bonuses to accelerate your growth in the new class, so you'll actually have time to use the new class features before finishing your final quests and ascending to godhood, or immortality, or whatever.

Basically, Eniliad Dragonsbane was a Ranger 20 / Druid 5 by the time he died, but he had the power equivalent to a Ranger 20 / Druid 10, with some extra epic-tier perks. That's pretty much how we calculated CR, and it went pretty well. Basically, by Level 30, you'd be a 20 / 20 with benefits, assuming you went single-class for both cases.

We also modify rules on the fly if a situation comes up and the desire to apply the Rule of Cool, Awesome or Funny rears its head. For example, my friend's first character was a half-orc with two shields. His fighting style was to basically charge and bash shit. Normally, that's a pretty dumb strategy, since a shield technically isn't a weapon and you can't use weapon-related feats, and the AC bonus for 2 shields won't stack. But we reasoned that hey, if that's how he fought his entire life, he'd make it work, right? So we modified the rules to make it work. It was always hilarious when he would answer every combat situation with "CHARGE *SLAM*" Less so for me when he solved diplomacy that way, but more hilarious for the other players.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Yaezakura on February 15, 2012, 03:34:35 am
3.5e and Pathfinder were just fine. 4e turned D&D into a fucking board game and gave absolutely no flexibility with character classes. They actually tried to shoehorn character classes into different "roles", as if they're telling the player how they should use their character (as opposed to letting the player experiment to find the different uses for that class' abilities). The fact is that more and more RPGs are going classless, to lend the player more flexibility in mechanics and roleplaying.

You mean the 4 traditional archetypal roles encapsulated by "fighting-man, thief, cleric, and magic-user"? The roles that have always been the core of the game, but never explicitly spelled out? The roles every class in the history of the game were some variation or melding of? Sorry to say, but these roles have always been part of the game. They're part of what defines the game. And historically, the less clearly defined a class's role, the less playable they were. There's a reason no one picked a Bard as a core party member--Bards were amazing 5th wheels, but you don't count on one to hold the entire party together in 3.5.

And 3.5 was far from "just fine". The system punished you for playing a class without a spell list, and the "redeeming feature" of increased attack bonus was meaningless because only a real idiot of a monster would stay perfectly still every round to allow you multiple attacks. And then there's the Druid, who even with only the core rulebooks is the strongest class 3.5 ever saw, and it got stronger with pretty much every single book released. The Druid was so toxic to game balance that any decent group banned it outright. For the price of a single feat, it could shapeshift into a form able to melee better than any class you could choose, while still retaining spellcasting power comparable to a Cleric.

I'm hardly going to sit here and say 4th edition is perfect, because no game system is. One thing that jumps immediately to mind is that I hate the way 4th edition handles skills. While I do like that they cut a lot of useless fat from 3.5's skill list, I feel people get too good at skills for no investment as time goes on. I do, however, feel it improves on a lot of 3.5's flaws, namely making it so every class got to feel like it had a chance to be awesome, and you weren't useless no matter what you chose to play.

And I have to ask... what do other systems going classless have to do with D&D? A classless system is not and never will be D&D. Undoubtedly, those systems allow you to do things D&D doesn't. But that's not the point. D&D is a game where you take on the role of an archetypal hero. The idea of the fighter, the rogue, the cleric, the wizard, are essential elements of the D&D experience. They're a huge chunk of what makes the game what it is.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: ironbite on February 15, 2012, 08:07:34 pm
Sometimes you get a party that kinda sorta understands this and has decided to limit itself on what it can do.  Take my Pathfinder game.  We've got a Rouge, a Barbarian, a Ninja, a Cleric, a Sorcerer, and a Summoner.  No Druid or Bard in sight.  Why?  Cause why not?  Druids are alright in the early levels but once you hit Wildshape and get Natural Spell, you're done.  I think they could've done something like put Natural Spell at a higher level so Druids are worthwile to play.  Otherwise you'll have a DM who, in an effort to actually give the party a challenge, will throw a combat where the party really has no hope of beating if the druid goes down.

Ironbite-Wild Shape is definitely broken.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 16, 2012, 02:36:29 am
So I take it that 3.5/Pathfinder Bards are as broken as Druids?
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Witchyjoshy on February 16, 2012, 02:51:58 am
So I take it that 3.5/Pathfinder Bards are as broken as Druids?

Actually, we DID have a bard, but he died before I even got to join.  My next character in concept is a bard, though.

Essentially, though, bards are much different from 3.5

Playing a song is a standard action.  Continuing a song is either a swift or a free action, I don't recall which.  So a Bard can take a swing at someone and then continue playing a song.  And they get feats that allow them to cast a spell as part of a song, meaning they don't have to stop playing.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: ironbite on February 16, 2012, 03:36:42 am
Druids are...special.  You only play them if you really want to be part of an OP party.  If they're not there, it's all Kay because at least you can have a battle that doesn't end in 2 seconds.  Well...unless your Barbarian has a flaming burst greatsword and Great Cleave.

Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Scotsgit on February 16, 2012, 09:02:10 am
For the 40K fans.....  A friend of mine is trying to paint a Nurgle Daemon to look like Matt Ward.  If it goes well, he wants to put in for the Golden Demon awards. ;D
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 16, 2012, 02:08:31 pm
For the 40K fans.....  A friend of mine is trying to paint a Nurgle Daemon to look like Matt Ward.  If it goes well, he wants to put in for the Golden Demon awards. ;D

I approve of this.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Witchyjoshy on February 16, 2012, 03:40:21 pm
Druids are...special.  You only play them if you really want to be part of an OP party.  If they're not there, it's all Kay because at least you can have a battle that doesn't end in 2 seconds.  Well...unless your Barbarian has a flaming burst greatsword and Great Cleave.


Wait, you used Mott as an OP example?

What about Huntryn, our ninja that can kill people in one unarmed attack?  Using non-lethal damage?

He punched one guy's head off.  And then he did two attacks in one round to another guy and turned him into a fine red mist ala Fist of the North Star.

With non-lethal damage.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: ironbite on February 16, 2012, 06:29:29 pm
Oh yeah...forgot about that.

Though that's still not as bad as Growl who at 10th level could make 40 attacks with one press of a macro each doing a minimum of 21 points of damage...on a 1d2+20 roll.

Ironbite-Growl was so OP it's not even funny.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Witchyjoshy on February 16, 2012, 08:17:52 pm
Oh yeah...forgot about that.

Though that's still not as bad as Growl who at 10th level could make 40 attacks with one press of a macro each doing a minimum of 21 points of damage...on a 1d2+20 roll.

Ironbite-Growl was so OP it's not even funny.

That's some serious metagaming right there.  Glad he isn't in our campaign XD
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: ironbite on February 16, 2012, 09:08:26 pm
Growl was special.  And made by the same dude who's playing the Ninja btw.

Ironbite-I only had a Gunslinger Kobold for that game.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Mechtaur on February 18, 2012, 12:30:56 pm
The above are reasons I stopped playing 3.5/Pathfinder.

I like it when the game has some actual challenge, not when it becomes a math-a-thon.

I just recently got into Gamma World, loving the absurdity of it all.

Exploding Slime? Electrokinetic Wheeled (Electricity shooting car)? Felinoid Saurian? Yes please.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Eniliad on February 18, 2012, 08:46:28 pm
I have to say, I don't notice as much math in our (slightly modified) Pathfinder games. Then again, we don't minmax either. We're actually pretty heavy on the roleplaying side of the game, since one thing we have in common is that minmaxing is the #1 thing we hate about MMOs... so why do it here?

Plus, I design campaigns that are set to be challenging vs. the current players, so it's usually a decent fight no matter what. You don't have to be uber to do well in my campaigns, but you do have to be a decent RPer willing to try to RP. Diplomacy and deal-making play a pivotal role in several adventures, which is of course always spliced with fights to keep it from getting boring.

All in all, the times when we have to stop and do math don't seem that much heavier than a typical D&D campaign.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 22, 2012, 02:39:37 am
Looks like GW's getting a big release coming for Space Wolves and Tyranids.


Tyranid players should be happy to hear about an actual Turvigon model, but I don't care about Tyranids. I'm happy about one specific Space Wolves release: Plastic. Thunderwolf. Calvary.

Allegedly, the price is going to be US$45 for three of them. Before this announcement, the same amount of Thunderwolves was $150 because you had to buy multiples of Canis Wolfborn and convert them into Thunderwolf Calvary. That was the only reason I don't run them. I can't wait to get my hands on those badasses.

Fenrisian Wolves are nice as well, but I never had a problem with cannibalizing Goblin Wolf Riders.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Yaezakura on February 22, 2012, 03:03:35 am
Looks like GW's getting a big release coming for Space Wolves and Tyranids.


Tyranid players should be happy to hear about an actual Turvigon model, but I don't care about Tyranids. I'm happy about one specific Space Wolves release: Plastic. Thunderwolf. Calvary.

Allegedly, the price is going to be US$45 for three of them. Before this announcement, the same amount of Thunderwolves was $150 because you had to buy multiples of Canis Wolfborn and convert them into Thunderwolf Calvary. That was the only reason I don't run them. I can't wait to get my hands on those badasses.

Fenrisian Wolves are nice as well, but I never had a problem with cannibalizing Goblin Wolf Riders.

Personally, I'm wanting to see new Eldar stuff. I kinda feel like they're getting left in the dust with all the nifty new toys all the other armies are getting. When the friggin' Necrons have more unit variety than you do, you start to feel kind of shafted.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 22, 2012, 03:18:07 am
Looks like GW's getting a big release coming for Space Wolves and Tyranids.


Tyranid players should be happy to hear about an actual Turvigon model, but I don't care about Tyranids. I'm happy about one specific Space Wolves release: Plastic. Thunderwolf. Calvary.

Allegedly, the price is going to be US$45 for three of them. Before this announcement, the same amount of Thunderwolves was $150 because you had to buy multiples of Canis Wolfborn and convert them into Thunderwolf Calvary. That was the only reason I don't run them. I can't wait to get my hands on those badasses.

Fenrisian Wolves are nice as well, but I never had a problem with cannibalizing Goblin Wolf Riders.

Personally, I'm wanting to see new Eldar stuff. I kinda feel like they're getting left in the dust with all the nifty new toys all the other armies are getting. When the friggin' Necrons have more unit variety than you do, you start to feel kind of shafted.

Well, the new Space Wolves and Tyranid stuff is mostly getting old metal stuff released as Finecast (*grumble*) and new models out for units that didn't have models before. Like I said, before now, to get Thunderwolves, you had to convert Canis Wolfborn and to get Fenrisian Wolves, you had to cannibalize Goblin Wolf Riders.

Besides, it could be worse, Eldar could be as bad off as Tau, who EVERYONE will agree is the worst army in the game and the army in the biggest need of an update, but according to rumors, they keep getting more Space Marine codices on top of their codex. Eldar at least have plenty of tricks up their sleeves with rule changers like making your opponent roll 3d6 for psychic tests, stealthed assassins, long range Marine killers and those fucking Wraithlords. And there's also the fact that Necrons needed an update badly (though debatably not as badly as Tau since Tau's main strength of ignoring rules like Target Priority is moot since those rules don't exist anymore.)
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Yaezakura on February 22, 2012, 03:28:32 am
Well, the new Space Wolves and Tyranid stuff is mostly getting old metal stuff released as Finecast (*grumble*) and new models out for units that didn't have models before. Like I said, before now, to get Thunderwolves, you had to convert Canis Wolfborn and to get Fenrisian Wolves, you had to cannibalize Goblin Wolf Riders.

Besides, it could be worse, Eldar could be as bad off as Tau, who EVERYONE will agree is the worst army in the game and the army in the biggest need of an update, but according to rumors, they keep getting more Space Marine codices on top of their codex. Eldar at least have plenty of tricks up their sleeves with rule changers like making your opponent roll 3d6 for psychic tests, stealthed assassins, long range Marine killers and those fucking Wraithlords. And there's also the fact that Necrons needed an update badly (though debatably not as badly as Tau since Tau's main strength of ignoring rules like Target Priority is moot since those rules don't exist anymore.)

Well, I won't sit here and say the Eldar are helpless. They're not. They can still compete, but it's harder now. Eldar were always the hardest army to play effectively, especially in a tournament situation. Most of their infantry units do one thing exceptionally well, and get absolutely demolished if not doing that one thing. As the other armies get way more diverse thanks to all the added swag, it becomes a lot harder for an Eldar player to build an effective force--high costs on squishy units doesn't translate well unless your force is pretty much perfectly constructed to counter the enemy force.

And the Necrons... I don't know. Sure, they didn't have a lot of variety, but everything they did have was painfully effective. Their bulk and firepower generally made up for whatever they lacked in versatility. I don't begrudge them getting new stuff, and I realize the Tau need new stuff too. But it just feels like Eldar have been neglected for a long time at this point. And every new toy another race gets is literally making the Eldar army weaker.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 22, 2012, 03:38:54 am
That's why I say that Eldar should be next in line after Tau, but like I said, the rumors have Black Templars, Dark Angels, Chaos Legions and standard Space Marines ahead of even Tau. Because THAT'S the way to keep your game balanced. Let the worst army in the game get delayed into 2013 and the second oldest army have more and more problems because they want to release four Space Marine codices before releasing codices that actually matter. Seriously, what is it with GW and all the damn Space Marine codices. They've got the standard one, Chaos Marines, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Black Templars and Grey Knights. Do they really need to update four of those before they update Tau and Eldar?

Granted, I would agree that Templars and Dark Angels could use updates, but they're still Marine chapters and should not be higher priority than the other factions.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 22, 2014, 03:56:15 am

I started a special project today. I used a Grey Knight box and combined it with bitz I already had and made a Space Wolves Librarius for use in Apocalypse. Its the first time I've done kitbashing to this extent:

I was reluctant to use such an obviously Grey Knight bit like the sword with Daemon head, but, frankly, such a pose is equally Space Wolf, I had no excuse to not use it. I need to get some Liquid Green Stuff and fill in the spaces on the legs with the words "MORTIS" and "DAEMON" in them, though, as I can't think of any justification for them whatsoever.

Baldur Thunderfang (Deathwatch version). The model I intend to use as a representation of a Deathwatch character. See the version of him with a jump pack for his fluff. Not a whole lot to say other than I hate the tufts of fur on the top of the Space Wolf beak helmets, so that had to go. I'm probably going to go ahead and call him finished. I might put some Wolf bits on him first, but I can't think of much else to do to him outside of painting.

This guy had some scraping done as I had to remove the Mechanicum symbol on his chest (I wanted another helmeted Rune Priest, but the only Wolf torsos I had left were the ones that go with only a few specific non-helmeted heads) and obviously I removed the tuft on his helmet. I still need to go in with liquid green stuff and cover the words on his legs, though.

I like this guy. The head is from the Space Wolves Terminator kit and I had to reduce the size of the ball joint to make it fit correctly. The pose is badass, the wrist mounted storm bolter is badass. As the words "DOOM" and "FATE" and molded into his legs, I'll probably use Liquid Green Stuff on him, too, though I wouldn't call it as necessary as the other ones.

Man, those skull backpacks were annoying. Due to the Grey Knight torso's Psychic Hood, the skull didn't fit right, so I had to cut off a bit of the skull to make it fit. Otherwise, this guy had the most scraping done to him. There was an Inquisition seal on his left leg that is now gone and I made efforts to turn the Grey Knight book icon on the shoulder and right leg into generic Librarius icons by scrapping off the swords. For completion's sake, I'll probably Liquid Green Stuff in the words on the leg, but, again, that doesn't seem to be vital.

All in all, I think this was a successful idea and I have to thank a member of the local gaming community for the idea of using Grey Knight torsos for Librarians and Rune Priests. Oddly, though, the Grey Knight torso backs don't line up the same way as other Marine torsos. Its a minor annoyance to lose the guidelines of the torso pegs (which have to be removed to make things fit), but other than that, I learned that I could do good to pick up a pot of Liquid Green Stuff.

And for shiggles, here're the two Rune Priests I had before:

Baldur Thunderfang (Post-Deathwatch version). I wanted to use a Rune Priest with some Sky Claws, but I didn't want to use the same model as my other Rune Priest due to how individualist the Space Wolves are. Instead, I picked up one of the Codex Librarians, swapped out the book arm for a Bolt Pistol, stuck some wolf bits on and gave him a jump pack. I'd also say he's one of my best painted models, which isn't really saying a whole heck of a lot as I really don't feel that I'm that good of a painter. Also my only purely Finecast model, which, aside from an air bubble on the left foot that no one notices except me due to being anal about that kind of thing, I got in fine shape.

As for why a Rune Priest is wearing a jump pack in the first place? Although I did it initially because Precience + Sky Claws = a slaughterhouse, I realize that this fluff inconsistency needs a justification. Thunderfang is a Deathwatch veteran who learned that sometimes a unique way of fighting is necessary. He works with the Wolf Priests in Greybeard's Great Company to find Sky Claws that have the potential for more and he hand picks a unit of Sky Claws to fight along side.

My first Rune Priest and the only purely metal model I own. At the time, I'd consider it a solid paint job, but now, I want to strip him down and repaint him. His face is awful and paint has worn or chipped away at places where either the primer wasn't covering enough or I had to keep regluing before it finally stuck (IE, the axe and bolt pistol, which is a minor conversion as this model only comes with a plasma pistol).
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Meshakhad on February 23, 2014, 04:27:53 am
Last night (Friday night) I had my first ever TPK. I was playing Pathfinder Society, and we lost the entire party. One guy died midway through to a lucky critical hit, the others all perished in the final boss battle.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Askold on February 23, 2014, 04:44:04 am
I'm now in a couple of rpgs, Only War (WH40k where you play Imperial Guard soldiers. Expect to die often.) and a homebrew medieval game (Which is run by a historian.)

I'm also trying trying to see if I can summon up some players for Rogue Trader game. (Also WH40k, but less soldiers and more treachery, merchants, treachery and HIGH ADVENTURE.)
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 23, 2014, 04:59:54 am
Rogue Trader is best described as Star Trek in the 40k universe with more politics. It sounds awesome and was my first choice for running a 40k RPG... but I ended up going with Deathwatch because its easier to GM. A shame we haven't been able to get things off the ground.

That said, if you're planning this Rogue Trader game over the Interwebs, I'd consider joining in.

Also, someone needs to pick up the Borderlands license and make an actual Bunkers and Badasses game.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Askold on February 23, 2014, 06:07:44 am
What timezone do you live in? I'm at GMT+2 which might cause a scheduling problem.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on February 23, 2014, 10:39:06 am
Rogue Trader sounds pretty interesting.  And this is coming from a guy who knows next to nothing about tabletop games or Warhammer 40k.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on February 24, 2014, 04:16:57 am
What timezone do you live in? I'm at GMT+2 which might cause a scheduling problem.

I'm in GMT -6, so its only an 8 hour difference.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on March 02, 2014, 04:14:53 am
So while doing research for a Zone Mortalis (40k format for indoor battles) table made out of Legos, I found this rule book (http://brikwars.com/rules/2005/cover.htm) for a Lego war game. This is hilarious and awesome at the same time.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Askold on March 02, 2014, 04:18:33 am
Well I got a group now and we are going to make the player characters and their ship tomorrow.

I'm a bot nervous since this will be the first time for me as a GM. But as I always say, a horrible failure every now and then does wonders for your self esteem.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Vypernight on April 02, 2014, 07:08:42 pm
I just got All Things Zombie, by Two Hour Wargames, a zombie RPG that can be played solo, head-to-head, or with everyone on the same side.  I also bought some zombie miniatures, but since I couldn't find any human minis that weren't $10 each, I just bought a pack of army men instead. 

Saturday I start my vacation, and I plan to put some gaming time in.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Askold on April 05, 2014, 01:52:28 am
We did a booze raid mission in Only war.

Literally. The regiment is being transported from one warzone to another and since they have some free time one of the officers in our regiment comes up to the players and discreetly tasks them to find enough alcohol for their battalion.

We have never spend this much time and energy planning a mission as we did when our job was to steal booze and better quality food from another regiment (A regiment full of lesser nobles so they had all the best gear and food and booze. Much better than the stuff our penal colony troops had.) We had a strick timetable, my character even got us some ship crew's uniforms and everything. We spent a lot of time planning with the map trying to find out if we could sneak in without being noticed.

Oh, and due to the mission gear roll being really good we also got a heavy stubber for the squad. (There was some debate wether or not to just shoot our way through a friendly regiment but in the end that was concidered plan C in case we couldn't get out otherwise. [plan B was flashbangs and plan D was our psyker causing havoc. {His player would have preferred that to be plan A.}])

And then we just marched right in with our commissar leading the way and claimed it was a suprise inspection to find contrabands. Since Commissar Palmu does not have charm or deceive skills he proceeded to just use Terrify skill and shouts his way in and out.

It didn't excatly work out perfectly. We did get some booze but had to leave the food and dropped a flashbang on our way out. We even managed to discover some illegal proceedings in the regiment as some of the chefs had been making some cheap moonshine and mixing it with their amasec and selling the more expensive alcohol. We just took the distillery with us and let their head chef try to get to the bottom of the mess.

Unfortunately despite our subterfuge and attempts at misdirection we were followed and had to fight off a retaliatory raid by the other regiment.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: R. U. Sirius on April 05, 2014, 11:33:57 am
I mainly play online due to lack of fellow gamers in my area. My main interests are in White Wolf's games.

Last night, my Scion (think a divine/human hybrid, like Hercules) got promoted to Demigoddess of the Bloody Path. She now has a 600-lb. mastiff that would stand eight feet tall on its hind legs and STILL has no compunctions about trying to crawl into people's laps.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: ironbite on April 05, 2014, 03:56:21 pm
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: chad sexington on April 05, 2014, 08:55:27 pm
Apparently yesterday was International Tabletop Games Day.  I hope you all did something to celebrate!
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Vypernight on April 06, 2014, 05:26:34 am
I'll make up for it today.  Got some zombies to kill!
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: RavynousHunter on April 06, 2014, 07:41:47 am
Apparently yesterday was International Tabletop Games Day.  I hope you all did something to celebrate!

I fought the Zombie!  (But, the Zombie won.)
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: chitoryu12 on April 06, 2014, 12:42:30 pm
Setting up an old west campaign in GURPS on the SJGames official forum. Right now one of the player's is trying to get a chain revolver (basically a gun that uses a looped chain of chambers instead of a revolver cylinder) as his weapon. I've told him about how much it'll cost and how unreliable it'll likely be, but he doesn't seem to care.

I count on that gun lasting two, maybe three fights before it breaks or he tosses it.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Askold on April 06, 2014, 01:30:40 pm
I think I've seen a picture of such chain-pistol. I don't think it worked very well and might have either been some early experimental gun before revolver's got popular.

If I had more time or after some of these current rpg's are over I'd like to play some wild west game. GM is actually thinking about running a game about the railhead. (The PCs would be working for the railroad company as 'troubleshooters' clearing any problems for the railroad and scouting ahead.)

Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: chitoryu12 on April 06, 2014, 09:32:13 pm
I think I've seen a picture of such chain-pistol. I don't think it worked very well and might have either been some early experimental gun before revolver's got popular.

If I had more time or after some of these current rpg's are over I'd like to play some wild west game. GM is actually thinking about running a game about the railhead. (The PCs would be working for the railroad company as 'troubleshooters' clearing any problems for the railroad and scouting ahead.)

A couple of different designs of chain pistol were made, but none of them were popular. Mechanically they're fairly sound, but the size of the exposed chain makes it very vulnerable to damage and it needs a custom holster or sling to carry. My campaign is pretty high on the realism scale, so he's going to be suffering badly from using it.

He's also bringing in a Colt 1855 revolver shotgun. It's a cap and ball gun, which means slow reloads, and it's always at risk of a chain fire breaking the gun and blowing off his supporting hand.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Askold on April 07, 2014, 01:00:29 am
Chain fire is a risk with all blackpowder revolvers and that is why you are supposed to put wax on the chamber to seal it.

Besides, the revolver shotgun is faster to fire than a double barreled shotgun and reloading a single shot takes the same time with either gun. That is why you should carry spare guns or habve buddies who keep you covered while you reload, that is an issue with all cap and ball guns. (Which is still a bit faster than loading a flintlock for example.)
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: chitoryu12 on April 07, 2014, 02:02:48 am
Chain fire is a risk with all blackpowder revolvers and that is why you are supposed to put wax on the chamber to seal it.

Besides, the revolver shotgun is faster to fire than a double barreled shotgun and reloading a single shot takes the same time with either gun. That is why you should carry spare guns or habve buddies who keep you covered while you reload, that is an issue with all cap and ball guns. (Which is still a bit faster than loading a flintlock for example.)

It only takes the same time to reload a cap and ball revolver as a shotgun if that shotgun is a caplock. The game takes place in 1875, when many shotguns are 12 gauge cartridge guns. In GURPS it takes about 10 to 30 seconds to load a single chamber in a caplock gun (depending on whether you've got paper cartridges for revolvers and breech loaders or if you're just using loose powder and ball) and about 3 seconds to reload one barrel in a cartridge shotgun. It's literally the only repeating shotgun available in 1875, which is the appeal, but it has a ton of issues that make it less than ideal (it's also less reliable; in GURPS terms, meaning it takes a lower roll than usual to cause a misfire).

And while chain fire is always a problem with cap and ball guns, most of them simply break the gun and scare the crap out of you. With a revolver rifle or shotgun like the Colt 1855, your supporting hand is right in front of the cylinder where all the projectiles are going to come out. So not only does the gun blow apart, but your left hand is a mangled mess.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Yla on April 08, 2014, 07:24:58 am
I was playing Shadowrun on Saturday. It was nice.

My character was a sniper, who was in a sort of indentured servitude to a corp and was assigned to the rest of the group by the Johnson.
The run's stated objective was to find some missing students from the University. The bus went off the grid somewhere on the highway.
We used our contacts to get satellite images up to where the bus left the road, then followed the trails through the desert. Most of the students had hidded in a warehouse somewhere and we defused the developing situation with a gang boss who wanted to do business in that warehouse. We ended up fighting some guardian spirits the students had summoned for self-defense, but got everyone out alive and happy (especially the gang boss).
The last missing student was in a nearby bar, but when we entered the building, we ended up in a fight between a shaman with three Fire Spirits and a group of bikers. We tried to fight nonlethally at first until we would figure out what was going on, but the spirits were wiping the floor with us. We had to shoot the shaman so the spirits would release.
Turns out the last student had orchestrated the whole thing at the suggestion of the shaman in order to bring him some data she had stolen (with her classmates left in the desert as collateral damage). But she got cold feet and when the shaman became angry, the bikers tried to defend her.
We got all the students home safely, and since our Johnson hadn't told us about the data, we managed to get a bonus out of him before we destroyed the disc.
My character was supposed to ensure that last point anyway (on account of her background), but I hadn't twigged to that, so the GM held back one Karma point.

Funny trivia: despite being a weapons specialist, my char came home without having fired a single shot. All I ended up actually doing in a fight was throwing two bottles of water at the fire spirits.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Vypernight on April 08, 2014, 07:39:04 am
Ran through my third adventure in All Things Zombie, losing all three of my teams in the process (with only my main character surviving).  All of the rest were eaten by zombies, well except for 3:  One got trampled by frantic people trying to escape a building, one got bitten and I had to kill him, and one simply disappeared (random event). 

Also, we encountered a second group in one house and started to work together when the leader of the group, an old man, started arguing with a teen in the group.  I decided, "**** this!" and we left, though when we got far enough away, we noticed the yelling had attacted zombies.  Before we could get close enough, the curious zombies entered the house, the yells turned to screams, and we decided the scenic route was a much better idea.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Askold on April 08, 2014, 11:15:53 am
Things that happened in yesterday's game:

Our clan was finishing up the looting and raiding of a small village and my character came across a random old man with a sword. Most of the defenders had already been slain and we had split up to check the village.  My character was guiding a few of our mercenaries just to make sure that they don't accidentally harm the local shamans (VERY bad idea) or anyone that we weren't at war with. And at this time we are not harming women and children. (We're stealing their foor and more mouths to feed just makes the situation worse for the clan that we are fighting against.)

First I offer the old man the chance to run away but he refuses to do so. Arrow to the face it is then. Except that I shoot poorly so a scratch only make him angry and he charges at us. Five experienced mercenaries and a 16 year old youth. So naturally I tell the others to stand back and charge at him with my axe. And the fight even starts well as I chop off one of his legs.

Then I fumble and have my axe get stuck in the ground. And the old guy loses his sword. So I decide to go to work with my knife. Which he knocks off my hand. And then we wrestle. My character is fighting an ancient one legged guy and LOSING...

In the system which we are using fighting is pretty dangerous but the only weapon that my character is actually good at is his bow while the old man, though frail, is exterely skilled. Except that his injuries and bloodloss mean that he often fails and as his wounds slowly get worse so does his ability to fight. But he did get another good blow that made my main hand nearly useless so I'm not doing much better than him...

The mercenaries and the rest of the players laugh as the fight keeps on going and going. At one point (after I found my knife again) he was completely defenseless but my char just managed to slightly cut his left hand. "He's just lying on his back completely exhausted but when you try to strike he blocks with his hand perfectly."

I did win eventually and got a sword for myself (Swords are really rare and a sign of position and power.) which I unfortunately don't know how to use.

And then we looted a few buildings. Well, naturally we took everything that wasn't nailed down inside the buildings but we also took apart few of them and dragged them with our boats to our home. (Our clan's original dwellings were burnt down by a rival clan and we are playing as the survivors that are trying to get revenge and rebuild the clan.)
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: chitoryu12 on April 08, 2014, 12:04:12 pm
Update on the guy who wants all the unusual guns. He tried to get himself a literal hand cannon. As in a portable artillery piece that fires 1'' or 3'' shells. When I pointed out the ridiculous implausibility of that kind of gun, he started trying to get an 8 bore elephant gun.

He's got this obsession with uniqueness and a sort of spaghetti view of a realistic game world. I mean, he can force the issue all he wants and I could easily approve the crazy crap. But it would all be treated under the same realism rules as the rest of the party and he just wouldn't have fun with it. He said he doesn't want a "cookie-cutter" character, but he's overcompensating and going too far to the other side.

I do need as many players as possible to keep a game going online, where commitment issues can spring up from anyone just if they get bored and leave, but I'm afraid that his duo isn't going to last long unless he shapes up.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Zygarde on April 11, 2014, 06:45:50 pm
So this Wednesday my group of friends (four of us) played some D&D with me as the GM and gods was it funny nothing is never as satisfying as seeing my friends dick of a paladin get eaten by a pack of dire wolves.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: chitoryu12 on April 20, 2014, 11:59:21 pm
I'm currently running a GURPS old west treasure hunting campaign on the official SJGames forum with an eclectic group of characters: a pair of Italian brothers (one is an obese and greedy merchant/explosives expert and the other is a giant of a gunslinger with Marfan Syndrome), a frontiersman tracker, an Irish doctor, and a female ranch hand. Right now they're in the middle of an attempt on their lives at a hotel in Independence, Missouri.

The fat brother was given mild arsenic poisoning while eating (still hasn't figured it out and just thinks he's got food poisoning or something), and during his trip to the bathroom he's now being shot at by an assassin. So we've got a fat guy with super diarrhea ducking down into a lavatory stall with his pants around his ankles ducking bullets being shot through the stall partition, while the frontiersman and giant brother watch through the doorway before responding.

I don't think any of them know about the bomb the guy has yet.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: Random Gal on April 29, 2014, 10:09:54 pm
I've run a campaign twice with different groups of players; the first in D&D 3.5 and the second in Pathfinder. There have been some good moments.

Especially noteworthy was this one guy in the first group who was an extreme risk-taker adrenaline junkie type in real life. He carried this trait over to the game world, and as a result, four of the six deaths in the campaign happened to characters played by him. My personal favorite of these was when the rest of the party had gone into a dungeon ahead of his fighter. He decided to walk down a corridor full of muddy water without checking for hazards carefully enough. There was a ten-foot pit (underwater) in the middle of the corridor and he was wearing full plate armor.

He's also brought a lot of grief on the party by instantly grabbing the shiny things without looking first.

As a DM, I've also had a lot of fun knowing that a pool of water and a pool of concentrated hydrochloric acid are really difficult to distinguish from one another. Both parties managed to avoid getting hurt, but I did have to remind the second party's cleric that summoning a celestial dog and sending it into the pool just to see if it died would be considered an evil act.

Also, stringing several different traps together into one massive conga line of pain can be amusing.
Title: Re: Tabletop games thread
Post by: chitoryu12 on April 30, 2014, 01:04:57 am
I'm having loads of fun fucking with my party in the ongoing GURPS old west game. None of them really know what kind of danger they're in by participating in the treasure hunt (i.e. none of them prepared for assassins attacking them from day 1), so they didn't really prepare for a fight and they're not thinking clearly. They don't seem to expect the bad guys to be smart, and they act like there's not information being hidden from them.

As expected, none of them knew about the bomb. Even worse, when the guy dug his hand into his coat pocket and threatened to "blow us all to hell", the big strong Italian giant decided to yank his arm out of his coat.

His hand came out holding the end of a friction igniter.

Currently the Italians are bolting out the door, while the frontiersman is crawling for the opposite end of the bathroom to avoid the explosion. Not only does this make him terrifically vulnerable (he's unarmed due to local laws), but he's still in the room with the bomb!

And no, they haven't predicted that it's an incendiary grenade, rather than just a simple iron sphere full of black powder.

Current plan is for the assassin to bolt out after the Italians, drop the bomb in the T-intersection just outside the door to block both the lobby and the bathroom with an explosion and flames, and run out the back. Both parties will need to work together to rescue the guy in the bathroom from the fire, and the assassin likely escapes to attack them again.