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Community => Politics and Government => Topic started by: KZN02 on October 08, 2012, 06:31:01 pm

Title: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: KZN02 on October 08, 2012, 06:31:01 pm
PETA has made it's own Pokemon parody game (http://features.peta.org/pokemon-black-and-white-parody/)

I wonder if they know about Team Plasma?
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: TheL on October 08, 2012, 06:33:23 pm
The only difference between this and Team Plasma's view of Unova is that we can see the blood.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: ironbite on October 08, 2012, 06:41:59 pm
.....wait how late are they on this?

Ironbite-cause Black/White's been out so long they got sequels
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 08, 2012, 06:44:05 pm
Is anyone else surprised that it took them this long to do this?
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 08, 2012, 11:52:51 pm
Wow, this was awful. Truly, truly awful.

I just...are they actually trying to say that the game Pokemon teaches children to be cruel? Aren't there legitimate animal rights issues out there to fix without resorting to imaginary problems?
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: TheUnknown on October 09, 2012, 12:09:10 am
Is anyone else surprised that it took them this long to do this?

Actually, yeah.  You'd think with how old this idea is, and how many times it's been touched on in the past, PETA would have jumped on it a while ago.  It's weird they choose to do it now with the first game that brings it up in universe.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Osama bin Bambi on October 09, 2012, 12:10:01 am
WARNING: If you don't want to raeg, don't read any further. Seriously.

I actually subjected myself to this entire game. Not only is the game design shitty (you battle four people with a cutscene in between where you get scripted "hidden" treasures that aren't really hidden at all), but it's disturbing as fuck. The trainers you battle all have psychotic grins on their faces and their clothes are bloodstained. One man even wears a cloak made out of Pokémon skin, with their empty faces stitched onto the cloak. Even Nurse Joy (who has supposedly decided to join your cause after seeing the abuse Pokémon face) has bloodstains on her hat, and I seriously don't know why, considering she's one of the good guys but does absolutely nothing but show up once and disappear. She doesn't even heal you.

Oh, and the gore doesn't extend to the enemies. The Pokémon themselves are battered, bloody, and show signs of injury and abuse. Pikachu has bandages and a piece of his ear torn out. Snivy still has a syringe sticking out of its body. Oshawott has been shaved from the neck down. Tepig is covered in bruises.

For fuck's sake, even the surroundings are covered in blood. It looks like a war zone. The trees have bloodstains just thrown haphazardly on them as if a tomato truck exploded there a few moments ago. For some reason, there are barb-wire fences everywhere that also have mangled bits of bloody flesh in them. Also, there are so many (bloody!) bear traps scattered on the ground that one wonders if they are not planted by humans, but rather springing up from the ground like some sort of fucked-up Venus flytrap.

Oh, and those "treasure chests" contain nothing but videos of factory farms, wallpaper of the game, and the like. One of them contains a Mudkip, and a reference to the actual meme ensues. It's awkward and horrible. If you thought the "so i herd u liek mudkipz" meme couldn't get any worse... it just did. PETA got their grubby hands on it.

The final boss in this game is Ash Ketchum, who is apparently your former trainer. (However, Pikachu starts the game by escaping from another trainer of his, which implies that perhaps he were traded or something... I don't know.) Some extremely out-of-character dialogue ensues. (Did I mention that all the Pokémon in this game can talk with humans?) Ash Ketchum, in defiance of everything we know about his character, says that he only cares about making money as a performer in the "Pokémon Battle Entertainment Industry" and that he does not care about Pikachu's well-being. After you beat him, he repents and proceeds to carry out Pikachu's plan of hacking the broadcasts in Unova to display PETA propaganda.

By the way, the battle system is a butchered version of the original. Each Pokémon who joins your party (there are four) has two moves lifted directly from the game, and then two "PETA"-themed moves that were especially designed for this shitload of fuck. The PETA moves are largely useless, but their names carry extremely unfortunate implications. One of Tepig's PETA moves is called "Shame," implying that PETArds should shame the opposition into disagreeing with them. It gets worse: one of Oshawott's PETA moves is called "Recruit," but instead of persuading the foe, it summons your cronies to attack the foe for you. Yes, PETA just used Pokémon to advocate mob attacks as a way of forcing people to agree to your agenda. (Pikachu's PETA moves are "Group Hug" and "Protest," and I remember that one of Snivy's PETA moves is "Educate," which basically consists of throwing papers at the enemy, which also raises your Defense... somehow.) Oh, and there is no Items screen or "run" screen either, not that you need it; the fights are incredibly easy. Part of this is because switching out Pokémon does not seem to take up an entire turn (though I may be wrong about this, and I sure as hell am not playing this shit again).
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Osama bin Bambi on October 09, 2012, 12:41:58 am
Yeah, and Ghetsis is the one who wears the aforementioned creepy Pokémon-skin cape mentioned in the above post.

Funnily enough, the Pokémon call out Ghetsis on his hypocrisy. Even evil has standards, I guess.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Dakota Bob on October 09, 2012, 02:41:42 am
Oh, PETA still kicking around? from Wytch's description I'm gonna save myself the time and not play this.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Sylvana on October 09, 2012, 04:15:48 am
I finished the first fight and just stopped, it was just too painful to play. Not because of the bloodstains and abuse themed content but the game was just too terrible and the self righteousness was nauseating. I have never been a huge fan on pokemon. I am also of the crowd that preferred it when there were only 150 of the little buggers. I also love to make jokes about how trapping wild animals and then forcing them to fight is cruel in a cock fight ring kind of way. However when I make those comments I do so knowing that pokemon is a game. The origin of the games design was supposed to be about collecting specifically, like collecting butterflies or stamps, hence the catch phrase "gotta catch them all". The fighting component is there to make that collection process more interesting and involving.

For PETA to get bent out of shape about pokemon is just pathetic. There are some real issues hidden in the game about responsible pet care but the just get overshadowed by the horrible game play and overblown self righteous PETA abuse horn blowing.

I cant help but feel that PETA is a group that could in theory achieve a lot for animal rights if they actually focused on realistic goals and not random garbage like this. While they continue to pull stunts like this and all their other stunts that get them into the news they just end up being a group that I loath more than the people who they fight against.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Art Vandelay on October 09, 2012, 06:38:08 am
Why is the that idiots who can't even tell the difference between a fucking video game and real life are always the loudest when it comes to serious issues?
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 09, 2012, 06:49:40 am
Why is the that idiots who can't even tell the difference between a fucking video game and real life are always the loudest when it comes to serious issues?


Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: KZN02 on October 09, 2012, 12:09:40 pm
Related (http://matsu-sensei.deviantart.com/art/What-have-I-become-331432553)

I'll be slightly fair on something, remember the Safari Zone had you throwing rocks at Pokemon, and there was Team Plasma kicking a Muuna.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: TigerHunter on October 09, 2012, 12:28:03 pm
I'll be slightly fair on something, remember the Safari Zone had you throwing rocks at Pokemon, and there was Team Plasma kicking a Muuna.
To be even more fair, the entire game is based on forcing animals to fight for fun and profit. Which is illegal in real life.

Also, remember that episode of the anime where Team Rocket rigged up the ring so that a trainer felt all the pain their pokemon felt?
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Art Vandelay on October 09, 2012, 12:31:34 pm
Also, remember that episode of the anime where Team Rocket rigged up the ring so that a trainer felt all the pain their pokemon felt?
I get the feeling that a Numel would sweep absolutely anything in that particular fight.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: KZN02 on October 09, 2012, 01:53:20 pm
I'll be slightly fair on something, remember the Safari Zone had you throwing rocks at Pokemon, and there was Team Plasma kicking a Muuna.
To be even more fair, the entire game is based on forcing animals to fight for fun and profit. Which is illegal in real life.
Of course, the problem with some people is that they can't distinguish fiction from reality.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: niam2023 on October 09, 2012, 04:56:40 pm
The only difference between this game and Ghetsis' sickening vision is we can see the blood this time around.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Saturn500 on October 09, 2012, 05:26:59 pm
And, ya know, the fact that
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Yaezakura on October 09, 2012, 06:28:29 pm
I'll be slightly fair on something, remember the Safari Zone had you throwing rocks at Pokemon, and there was Team Plasma kicking a Muuna.
To be even more fair, the entire game is based on forcing animals to fight for fun and profit. Which is illegal in real life.

Also, remember that episode of the anime where Team Rocket rigged up the ring so that a trainer felt all the pain their pokemon felt?

To be even more-more fair, Pokemon are generally shown to be intelligent creatures, capable not only of actually understanding humans on a level far above that of dogs, but also capable of having actual discussions with each other, even between different species. In the anime, at least, Pikachu often translates the words of other Pokemon for Ash--Ash isn't able to understand most Pokemon, but has been with Pikachu so long he's able to understand Pikachu. Careful viewing actually shows Pikachu has a distinct language--using the same string of sounds to refer the same thing repeatedly, such as referring to Ash as "Pikapi", which could be said to be a mimicking of his Japanese name "Satoshi". Added to this, in Pokemon Black and White, the character N is shown to be able to talk with Pokemon.

The simple truth is, the relationship between Pokemon and People cannot be easily drawn to that between Animals and People. Pokemon are intelligent and actively seek out human contact--the act of catching a Pokemon is about earning the Pokemon's respect by defeating it in battle, proving that you have what it takes to help make it stronger. Pokemon enjoy battling each other, and humans help facilitate that. In fact, Pokemon are often so desperate for human contact, they attack travelers, hoping to provoke them into trying to capture them--this is why it's always forbidden to enter tall grass before you have a Pokemon of your own.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Random Gal on October 09, 2012, 08:35:44 pm
Also, remember that episode of the anime where Team Rocket rigged up the ring so that a trainer felt all the pain their pokemon felt?
I get the feeling that a Numel would sweep absolutely anything in that particular fight.

I wonder what would happen if Self Destruct or Explosion was used.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Mechtaur on October 09, 2012, 08:49:44 pm
Also, remember that episode of the anime where Team Rocket rigged up the ring so that a trainer felt all the pain their pokemon felt?
I get the feeling that a Numel would sweep absolutely anything in that particular fight.

I wonder what would happen if Self Destruct or Explosion was used.

The show just shows it as mostly a giant sonic blast that leaves the user unconscious.

In Pokemon Special however...
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Stormwarden on October 10, 2012, 12:27:52 am
So PETA decided to rip off Pokemon, and do so in a horrible fashion. Really, PETA? You're so desperate for attention that you use a bad imitation of Pokemon to try to send your message. I mean, REALLY, PETA?! You use the strategy of shock sites to try to send your message out, I mean REALLY? Have you no shame, or imagination PETA?!

Okay, can't do that as well as Seth Meyers, so I'm gonna get to the point. Is blood and gore the only arguments they have to work with? Because I can argue that they kill far, far, more animals themselves than they save, the hypocrites. IIRC, it was something like 50k+ animals killed to 10 or so adopted out?

I think I'll keep sticking with the Humane Society or the ASPCA. Both do a much better job than these hacks, and without the hypocricy.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 15, 2012, 12:39:34 pm
Best response:
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: StallChaser on October 16, 2012, 05:57:16 am
If they're going to do a pokemon parody, they should do it right:

Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Art Vandelay on October 16, 2012, 03:51:33 pm
If they're going to do a pokemon parody, they should do it right:

I see your Pikachu on Acid and raise you PokeAwesome.
I love Egoraptor.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: Saturn500 on October 16, 2012, 04:24:20 pm
I see your Pikachu on Acid and raise you PokeAwesome.
I love Egoraptor.

Damn. Ninja'd.
Title: Re: PETA is definitely Plasma
Post by: rookie on October 16, 2012, 04:43:24 pm
I mean, REALLY, PETA?! You use the strategy of shock sites to try to send your message out, I mean REALLY?

No, they are also quite fond of sex.