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Community => Politics and Government => Topic started by: clockworkgirl21 on November 07, 2012, 05:48:57 pm

Title: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: clockworkgirl21 on November 07, 2012, 05:48:57 pm
I want to echo everyone's feelings about waking up this morning, and what we were all feeling. But there is something else that we need to keep in mind today... At least for myself, I no longer consider myself an American, and to be honest, I haven't been one for a long time. You see, ever since I became saved, the old me, the one that was an American, died. But I Thank God that He made me a new Creation, when I became born again. Ever since then, my citizenship went from being in America to being in Heaven. I am a citizen of Heaven, and I am living in this country as an ambassador of Heaven, waiting and praying for the time when my king shall call me home.

Like biting into a piece of chocolate cake! So yummy!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ironbite on November 07, 2012, 05:59:48 pm
More like biting into a nice looking piece of chocolate cake only to find that it's a facade and in reality you're eating THE WORLD'S BEST CHOCOLATE CAKE!

Ironbite-cry on RR...cry on.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 07, 2012, 06:00:05 pm
^Unfortunately Paul Ryan still keeps his seat in the house.
So does Akin.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ironbite on November 07, 2012, 06:05:31 pm
Yeah but after this election, Akin might be losing that seat come next election.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 07, 2012, 06:10:25 pm
Moar right wing tears:



Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Captain Jack Harkness on November 07, 2012, 06:31:34 pm
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: gyeonghwa on November 07, 2012, 06:46:37 pm

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 07, 2012, 06:48:56 pm
Yeah but after this election, Akin might be losing that seat come next election.


Given that the man has more or less become nothing more than a laughing stock, the probability of that is pretty high.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on November 07, 2012, 06:50:34 pm
MOAR (http://www.alternet.org/election-2012/5-unhinged-right-wing-reactions-romneys-defeat), MOAR (http://www.yourblackbloggers.net/2012/05/black-news/republican-group-calls-armed-revolution-obama-reelected/), MOAR (http://theweek.com/article/index/235974/president-obama-wins-re-election-17-hysterical-gop-reactions#) Republican tears!



Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 07, 2012, 07:05:34 pm
My Brother in law voted for Romney, and he's really pissed off, and my sister(his wife) is loving all the republican tears coming from him. :D
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 07, 2012, 07:28:28 pm


You call that a riot?

Smashed windows, dozens of thrown objects, and a bit of arson is my personal definition of a riot.

I find the lack of rage pathetic.


According to Niccolo Machiavelli, a leader should either be feared or loved. I can see why and I can see the displays of fear.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Morgenleoht on November 07, 2012, 08:09:52 pm
But what about that welfare queen that has 8 kids with 8 different fathers, who abuses the system, the GOP and teabaggers are always talking about?? That person must surely exist...

My mother was the three-kid, three-man version of that. Pity she's Australian.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 07, 2012, 08:19:39 pm
Moar tears:

Death Wish:
We’re not crying, not a one, but you will be… you… will… be! -Bob Roberts

To Chris Christie…die of a massive heart attack on the crapper, like Elvis. (Yes. I went there. Eff him and his size 56 pants.)
To the Paulbots and Johnson voters…please stick your heads in ovens. You handed at least three critical states to Obama with your childish antics.
To Mitt Romney…John McCain called. He wants his campaign back. There’s a reason why Ford, Dole and McCain lost.
To Todd Akin…please get eaten by a pack of wolves. Same goes for your buddy Richard Mourdock. Next time you clowns want to utter something stupid, remember that you do have the right to remain silent and that anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion.
To any other idiot trying to run for Senate in ’14…stay on the message, and STFU otherwise. You make us all look bad. I’m looking at you, Christine O’Donnell.
To the young people…congratulations. Gay people can get married and you can blaze away recreationally. But in between that, try to learn Mandarin when you’re trolling for a non-existent job.
To my former neighbors in Pennsylvania and Ohio…elections have consequences. You’re about to learn why now. Maybe power plants can run on Soylent Green. -Sam

Delusions of Self-Importance/Classism:
The Porn Belts have spoken. We are slaves of smut and socialism. The immoral producers of nothing will continue rule over the moral producers of goods and services. Non-earners will continue domination of the earners; demanding we work harder so they can take more.

What does this mean for me? I quit. I will no longer support filthy lazy liberal bastards. I’ll be taking an early retirement within a year or so. The liberal scum will no longer get any $ from me. Let the scum starve. And when all the producers finally quit (as always happens with socialism), and the grocery shelves are empty, and the scum shows up on my doorstep begging for a handout, or try to steal from my garden or take my game, I’ll blow their stupid communist heads plumb off.

America committed suicide yesterday. Arm yourselves. -Jimbo

Sad sad day for an America that now plunges irrevocably into the darkness of government tyranny. Will be going Galt myself and doing everything within my power to screw those who have screwed us. -Drury

The American EMO socialist don’t even know what they’re wishing for. They’re sheltered ignorant wannabes that are in for a rude awaking.

Reap what you sow. -born in 76

These exact fucking liberal peasants that voted this shit fuck back into office will soon reap the rewards of their poor judgement. Fuck e
 ‘Em all. -Backbone 76

When the USA goes bankrupt and assholes like burt stop getting their free shit, their free phones, etc, they’ll whine like little bitches asking how it happened.

Let us prep for the worse, and when the shit hits the fan and the NE states need help and the Rust Bowl needs help, fuck em. Let them starve. Let them freeze. Le them de in riots.
I no longer recognize them as Americans and I am damn sorry I served 21.5 years in the Corps. This nation is not worth my blood, sweat, and pain. -Gunny G

Fuck you. If I had my way, the West would secede from you shitbags in the New England States and the Rust Bowl. You’re morons who reelect a criminal, a nutbag named Jesse Jackson Jr, and a fake Indian.
As I said, y’all can fucking rot. I live in the FREE STATE of Alaska and we have everything we need to be our own nation. We need you parasitic fuckwads like Massachusetts needs more assholes. -Gunny G

You’re under the impression I give a fuck about you NE staters, I don’t. I have relatives as stupid as you, voting Demotard since Christ was a Corporal and they’re just as dumb as you. The NE states, have been parasites since the 80′s and you’re parasites now. Enjoy your free shit asswipe because it will run out soon and may you end up like Detroit.
BTW, secession is a growing theme in this nation because we 53%ers are sick of you parasitic 47%ers. -Gunny G

Only way to fix this now; we all stop paying our taxes – or – as Ayn Rand put it ‘heading to Galt’s Gulch’. We cut off their life blood, the socialism, illegal immigration and welfare problems all solve themselves. I for one will no longer be a willing participant in my own victimization by supporting these monsters. I’m also not listening to any more Fox News, Rush, Savage or anyone else who supported and helped force RINOmney on us. My tolerance of this bullshit ends NOW. -ArtBell

Obama has created a new class of people in America, white Negros. These are white people who have been reduced to Democrat dependancy to survive. -oldguy

I’m done posting after this. Hope you all can find a way to hang on to freedom for a little while longer. We tried, but they have the numbers. The last great hope of mankind is now officially over.
Sorry John Doe. The game has been called on account of darkness.
Over and out. -Anon-Y-Mouse

The American people will now find out the true cost for their weakness and stupidity…..

Today, 11/6/12, America died. -Spider

Goodbye America…. -Michelle

Now the userper can give amnesty to all the illegal aliens and have another 25 million dem voters. We’re fucked. I will need to make this my last comment on forums on the net, before(if I’m not already) I get on the political desident list. Were going to get higher gas, electric, oil, lower dollar. Fuck it..Evil mother fucker will finish his job of trashing America. -Cooter

The word for today is “quadrillion.”
 The word for tomorrow is “hyperinflation.”
 Buy gold and guns while it is still legal to do so.
 Study medicine to treat yourself and your family.
Government of the people, by the people, and for the people has perished from the earth. President (for Life?) Obama will make Robert Mugabe look like Winston Churchill. -Geeknerd

For whatever reason, our Nation has decided to slit it’s other wrist and re-elect a mad man.
It’s all fun and games until Uncle Sugar runs out of free cell phones and food stamps.
Then we will finally learn what the word unsustainable really means. -Bloodless Coup

fuck it, I quit
For decades I have done what little I could to support the GOP and push conservative pols and ideas. Once again the GOP falls on its ass, but more importantly, the entire country has gone blind and stupid and opted for a Euroweenie welfare state from which we will never get back.
I was shocked and disappointed last time when Obysmal won, but at least I could understand that with the LSM pimping for him. They made him a rock star and all the starry eyed morons and blacks voted for his celebritiness and empty promises.
This time around there is no excuse whatsoever. The leeches, baby killers, and surrender monkies have finally reached critical mass. Like the Gunny says – fuck ‘em. Alpha Delta Mike Foxtrot -chuck in st paul

Since you seem to be the head gloater and don’t see Obama as a threat to our future, but you see him as a “moderate meddler” along the lines of Clinton and Bush, I’d like to ask you a few questions.
Did Clinton or Bush retain a large cadre of personal friends and white house visitors who once belonged to the infamous Students for a Democratic Society who called for outright war with the United States and who bombed over forty structures, including the Pentagon, military recruiting centers, and police stations?
Did Clinton or Bush have the moral support during their elections, of the Communist Party USA, the Socialist Party, La Raza, Castro, Hugo Chavez, the violent New Black Panther Party, Code Pink, most all of the large Muslim organizations in America, Hamas, and Muslim Brotherhood advocates around the US and in the Mideast?
Did those presidents nearly double the national debt by multiple trillions?
Did those presidents pass 137 executive orders which gave them the possibility of unlimited executive power, which would include bypassing Congress in any and all emergencies, were they so inclined?
Did those presidents declare they would like to create a homeland security force larger than our combined military?
Upon their elections did those presidents call for the fast tracking of hundreds of Muslims into their administration?
Did those presidents promise to bankrupt the coal industry and raise the price of gas to $10 a gallon – as we’ve now seen coal mines closed, miners out of work, and gasoline prices halfway to the $10.
Did those presidents refuse to allow America to drill for oil, build a major oil pipeline, build a nuclear plant, or develop natural gas in a way that would absolutely rescue us?
Did those presidents alienate our closest ally in the Middle East – Israel – and ask her to return to 1967 borders (insuring her demise), and refuse to declare Jerusalem as their capital as it has essentially been for thousands of years?
Did those presidents have a “total gun ban” background and did they hire an attorney general and chief of staff who are vehemently against the Second Amendment?
Were those presidents sued by a multitude of individual states for a multitude of reasons?
Did those presidents have Muslim roommates in college?
Did those presidents have a confessed Communist mentor?
Did those presidents leave the black community with a realistic 20% unemployment rate?
Did those presidents reduce our military and suggest the continuing reduction of our military to the point where over 200 retired admirals and generals of the armed services declared they would vote against him, and, both the Soviet and Chinese navies have increased subversive nuclear submarine operations off both our coasts due to that reduction?
Did those presidents have the government take over an auto industry (GM) and then give the proceeds to the unions as well as the government, leaving guaranteed company stockholders in the lurch?

Did those presidents say they would create jobs, and then hold a jobs summit where unions and governmental agencies were invited, but the Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business were not?

Did those presidents say they would not give medical care to an unborn child who was in the process of surviving an abortion?
Did those presidents say persons who helped the border patrol, who put Ron Paul stickers on their bumpers, who flew a Gadsden flag, who were fluent in short wave radio, or who were ex-members of the military who might question the motives of Homeland Security, should be considered for placement on the terror watch list?
Did those presidents constrain and endanger our frontline military members by hampering them with deadly self-defeating “rules of engagement?”
Did free government entitlements such as EBT, cell phones, disability claims, and Section 8 outflow, skyrocket under Clinton and Bush?
Did those presidents divide America with a constant stream of accusatory divulsive speech, which has not been seen since the Civil War?
Did those presidents alienate American Christians – which includes Catholics – with anti-Christian rhetoric, anti-nonprofit suggestions, and the forcing of believers to go against their beliefs?
Did those presidents take multiple billions of hard-earned taxpayer money and use it to invest in personal-preference alternative energy projects which then miserably failed?
I could go on and on, but if you think Obama is a moderate, and the people here are blathering idiots, I feel desperately sorry for you.
Gloat all you want.

You have no idea what’s in store and we do.
Pray. -Alphamail

I agree. The sheeple pulled the lever on their gallows with this election. The media has become whores of an administration that is lawless. There has not been a budget in four years, just wreckless spending. To show how uneducated the Obama sheeple are, the numbers don’t add up with the economy, in both inflation and unemployment and yet they are allowed to fudge numbers and not be held accountable.
 The murder of an Ambassador and three other Americans, support and help denied and American people lied to and again the media is chirping crickets. Fast and Furious with US Border agents killed and 300+ Mexicans dead and again nothing.
 The media has become the enemy of the American people and freedom in general. Just as Pravda was in the Soviet Union, the media here has become whores. Dirty, infected, and diseased whores. -nobarack08

The people have not spoken. DICTATORS DO NOT WIN ELECTIONS. Accept this. Realize this. The masses, the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA did not vote for this guy. Simply did not happen.
Now, onto what are we going to do about it. How willing and how much will you do as a CITIZEN OF AMERICA? There is NO Rule of Law in this country and has not been in place since the Regime came into office. Those not aware of this, get busy learning about it! So, what to do?

Samll business unite, get prepared to live without those business. Get ducks in row for yourself and employees. Then, in unity, no longer be IRS agents and stop collecting taxes to send to government. Pay straight to employee and let them file themselves. The first business fined or bullied, and all just walk away from the business. Remember, you and employees are ready and prepared for this. No more monies generated. No more taxes. Add to this as many as willing of privately held, large corporations and business; they do the same. The economny is going to fall under the Marxists. Let it be on our terms that will give us control and power on the rebuild. What is left of America, of American Citizens, must walk away from being slaves to the government. And, yes, we are slaves. We work for their survival. They get more from our fruit of labor than we do. They own our fruits of labor. The only way the last thread of America is going to be weaved into a full bolt of material, so to speak, Is to cut the money off to the Masters. All walk away and start rebuilding with Americans. Think about it. What other choice do we have?
Companies and Corporations UNITE and do not comply to healthcare. Who has the power here? Remember there is no rule of law. No law to break. It will not be Justice the Regime will try to enforce; it WILL be thuggary and oppression and worse. History tells us so. The only way to not let it get as bad and as evil as in past times is to not let it happen in onsie-twosies. They cannot be successful thugging ALL when ALL walk away.

Talk to your employers, the business owners, Business Associations, etc., It can happen. We can get American Back. BUT we must not play their game. -facebkwallflower

The “it’s all free on yo’ ebt” culture won this. The independent, self-sufficient people lost and will now be made to foot the bill for the free loaders. It’s not worth running a small business now because anyone who does will be the enemy. I’m closing my small business at the end of the year. I have just two employees, me and a part-timer, but this will be repeated in spades in the near future to millions. -Son of Taz

Woooooo keep grinning. You and your faggots will not get the last laugh no matter how the country crumbles. I still have my God and you still have your demon. Enjoy your demise. -IslandLifer
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Radiation on November 07, 2012, 08:28:05 pm
Well I hope everyone rested easy after staying up and watching the elections last night. Though I think many of you will like these pictures of people reacting across the world (http://www.voxxi.com/world-reaction-barack-obama-re-election/) to the news that Obama was reelected. Seems they all loved the guy and are happy.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ironbite on November 07, 2012, 08:29:06 pm
The sheer egocentralism of these idiots is amazing.  Hey, didn't they tell us to suck it up when Bush got reelected?

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Lt. Fred on November 07, 2012, 08:37:20 pm
The immoral producers of nothing will continue rule over the moral producers of goods and services. Non-earners will continue domination of the earners; demanding we work harder so they can take more.

What does this mean for me? I quit. I will no longer support filthy lazy liberal bastards. I’ll be taking an early retirement within a year or so

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 07, 2012, 08:45:46 pm

Ok I kind of feel bad for Romney now. Anyone who has the determination to run for president get some level of respect from me.

According to the article Donald Trump was Romney's albatross.

And now Trump doesn't even want to acknowledge Romney.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 07, 2012, 08:53:30 pm
To Chris Christie…die of a massive heart attack on the crapper, like Elvis. (Yes. I went there. Eff him and his size 56 pants.)
To the Paulbots and Johnson voters…please stick your heads in ovens. You handed at least three critical states to Obama with your childish antics.
To Mitt Romney…John McCain called. He wants his campaign back. There’s a reason why Ford, Dole and McCain lost.
To Todd Akin…please get eaten by a pack of wolves. Same goes for your buddy Richard Mourdock. Next time you clowns want to utter something stupid, remember that you do have the right to remain silent and that anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion.
To any other idiot trying to run for Senate in ’14…stay on the message, and STFU otherwise. You make us all look bad. I’m looking at you, Christine O’Donnell.
To the young people…congratulations. Gay people can get married and you can blaze away recreationally. But in between that, try to learn Mandarin when you’re trolling for a non-existent job.
To my former neighbors in Pennsylvania and Ohio…elections have consequences. You’re about to learn why now. Maybe power plants can run on Soylent Green. -Sam

To be fair Sam has a point, the world would be a better place without the Paulbots, but maybe someone should tell Sam about the republicans blocking those 17 job bills.

Fuck you. If I had my way, the West would secede from you shitbags in the New England States and the Rust Bowl. You’re morons who reelect a criminal, a nutbag named Jesse Jackson Jr, and a fake Indian.
As I said, y’all can fucking rot. I live in the FREE STATE of Alaska and we have everything we need to be our own nation. We need you parasitic fuckwads like Massachusetts needs more assholes. -Gunny G

You know that's great idea, I say we give Alaska back to Russia

You’re under the impression I give a fuck about you NE staters, I don’t. I have relatives as stupid as you, voting Demotard since Christ was a Corporal and they’re just as dumb as you. The NE states, have been parasites since the 80′s and you’re parasites now. Enjoy your free shit asswipe because it will run out soon and may you end up like Detroit.
BTW, secession is a growing theme in this nation because we 53%ers are sick of you parasitic 47%ers. -Gunny G

You know, I'm part of the 47%, and I agree you should secede, I'll be laughing my ass off when you realize you're the "parasite".
 Love A New Yorker who's sick of ungrateful welfare moochers in the South and Midwest.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: davedan on November 07, 2012, 09:13:07 pm
The immoral producers of nothing will continue rule over the moral producers of goods and services. Non-earners will continue domination of the earners; demanding we work harder so they can take more.

What does this mean for me? I quit. I will no longer support filthy lazy liberal bastards. I’ll be taking an early retirement within a year or so


There is an even deeper irony to this, as this fellow's heroes, don't really produce anything either. They are essential rent seeking landlords, or coporate profiteers, living of the wealth of the rest of the nation and paying less tax than the average worker. This is as ironic as Alanis Morissete's song wasn't.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 07, 2012, 09:15:52 pm
The Porn Belts have spoken. We are slaves of smut and socialism. The immoral producers of nothing will continue rule over the moral producers of goods and services. Non-earners will continue domination of the earners; demanding we work harder so they can take more.

What does this mean for me? I quit. I will no longer support filthy lazy liberal bastards. I’ll be taking an early retirement within a year or so. The liberal scum will no longer get any $ from me. Let the scum starve. And when all the producers finally quit (as always happens with socialism), and the grocery shelves are empty, and the scum shows up on my doorstep begging for a handout, or try to steal from my garden or take my game, I’ll blow their stupid communist heads plumb off.

America committed suicide yesterday. Arm yourselves. -Jimbo

If I wanted your stuff I'd set your house on fire then snipe you as you escape the inferno.

But then I'd be without a house. So I'll probably just run a car through your house and hopefully squish you into a bloody messy.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Canadian Mojo on November 07, 2012, 09:18:59 pm
I am getting a kick out of the people saying they are going to move to Canada since Obama won. Either they are fucking morons who don't know anything about this place despite Fox holding us up as the great evil socialist empire, or they are fucking morons because it was never about policy, it was about color (which, by the way, is spelled colour up here -- but that is the least of the things you are going to have learn to get used to).
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: RinellaWasHere on November 07, 2012, 09:33:51 pm
The Porn Belts have spoken. We are slaves of smut and socialism. The immoral producers of nothing will continue rule over the moral producers of goods and services. Non-earners will continue domination of the earners; demanding we work harder so they can take more.

What does this mean for me? I quit. I will no longer support filthy lazy liberal bastards. I’ll be taking an early retirement within a year or so. The liberal scum will no longer get any $ from me. Let the scum starve. And when all the producers finally quit (as always happens with socialism), and the grocery shelves are empty, and the scum shows up on my doorstep begging for a handout, or try to steal from my garden or take my game, I’ll blow their stupid communist heads plumb off.

America committed suicide yesterday. Arm yourselves. -Jimbo

If I wanted your stuff I'd set your house on fire then snipe you as you escape the inferno.

But then I'd be without a house. So I'll probably just run a car through your house and hopefully squish you into a bloody messy.

That's a little messed up, dude. Actually, a lot messed up.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on November 07, 2012, 09:40:33 pm
^^ Just wait until you hear about his left-wing, pro-government militia idea.

I am getting a kick out of the people saying they are going to move to Canada since Obama won. Either they are fucking morons who don't know anything about this place despite Fox holding us up as the great evil socialist empire, or they are fucking morons because it was never about policy, it was about color (which, by the way, is spelled colour up here -- but that is the least of the things you are going to have learn to get used to).

If it is about colour, I'm sure they're going to love the official policy of multiculturalism.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 07, 2012, 09:48:28 pm
Jekyll and Hyde.

Golden Rule.

I'm only extreme towards extremists.

Have to be weary of He who fights monsters.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: RinellaWasHere on November 07, 2012, 09:58:25 pm
Jekyll and Hyde.

Golden Rule.

I'm only extreme towards extremists.

Have to be weary of He who fights monsters.

This site is based wholly on the idea that lunacy and violent rhetoric like that are wrong, no matter who they come from.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 07, 2012, 09:59:54 pm

Ok I kind of feel bad for Romney now. Anyone who has the determination to run for president get some level of respect from me.

According to the article Donald Trump was Romney's albatross.

And now Trump doesn't even want to acknowledge Romney.
The Donald is such an ass he makes Romney look sympathetic by comparison.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 07, 2012, 10:02:53 pm
Jekyll and Hyde.

Golden Rule.

I'm only extreme towards extremists.

Have to be weary of He who fights monsters.

This site is based wholly on the idea that lunacy and violent rhetoric like that are wrong, no matter who they come from.

I'll do my best not to blurt them out then.

Besides, just ask me "Really?" and I would say "Nah just yanking chains and venting out".
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: RinellaWasHere on November 07, 2012, 10:06:02 pm
Alright, fair enough. Here's an F Yeah to mark the deal.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Id82 on November 07, 2012, 10:10:59 pm
These conservative tears are delicious!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 07, 2012, 10:11:37 pm
Alright, fair enough. Here's an F Yeah to mark the deal.
I wanted an F yeah...

Also Richard Belzer sums up (http://current.com/shows/joy-behar/videos/richard-belzer-donald-trump-is-a-vapid-piece-of-human-detritus/) Donald Trump.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Thejebusfire on November 07, 2012, 10:12:11 pm

You’re under the impression I give a fuck about you NE staters, I don’t. I have relatives as stupid as you, voting Demotard since Christ was a Corporal and they’re just as dumb as you. The NE states, have been parasites since the 80′s and you’re parasites now. Enjoy your free shit asswipe because it will run out soon and may you end up like Detroit.
BTW, secession is a growing theme in this nation because we 53%ers are sick of you parasitic 47%ers. -Gunny G

I don't think this person understands what happened to Detroit.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 07, 2012, 11:47:56 pm
Mod's asleep, post Obama.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Radiation on November 08, 2012, 01:23:44 am
Thought that you might enjoy this very butthurt right winger from Youtube. She seems to be quite mad. I have to warn you it is 24 mins long though it is quite hilarious.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoqti0lzAw&list=PLU-dNsxVL4kghy6uGV2rwc18t_rKXnn9g&feature=g-all-a (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoqti0lzAw&list=PLU-dNsxVL4kghy6uGV2rwc18t_rKXnn9g&feature=g-all-a)

Edited, apparently she doesn't allow embedding.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Alehksunos on November 08, 2012, 01:53:11 am
Yesterday morning (where I am), I've read one of my mother's Facebook notifications and one of the posts reads "Well, this is a huge let-down" or something like that.

A huge let-down? Really? I mean two anti-choice/anti-women rape-apologists (Todd Akin of Missouri and Richard Mourdock of Indiana, also a Tea-Party favorite) got crushed, a victory for the first openly gay senator (Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin), two states have legalized gay marriage in the first election to offer a such ballot, and the Republican "Neoconservative" Party lost influence, making anything Obama tries to pass to the house more successful and any unconstitutional bills are more likely to be defeated. The only thing I'm pissed off about (local matters, keep in mind) is the victory of Ted Cruz. Words cannot describe how much I hate him. As a favorite with the Tea Party, he's definitely a Teabagger extraordinaire and I hope the rest of the House scoff at any proposals he makes up (i.e. disestablish taxation, the IRS, the Board of Education, Medicare, Planned Parenthood, etc.).

Ted Cruz, would you kindly, fuck off and move to your new home:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: FirsthandTuna on November 08, 2012, 01:55:07 am
Thought that you might enjoy this very butthurt right winger from Youtube. She seems to be quite mad. I have to warn you it is 24 mins long though it is quite hilarious.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoqti0lzAw&list=PLU-dNsxVL4kghy6uGV2rwc18t_rKXnn9g&feature=g-all-a (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoqti0lzAw&list=PLU-dNsxVL4kghy6uGV2rwc18t_rKXnn9g&feature=g-all-a)

Edited, apparently she doesn't allow embedding.

Wow, that was hilarious. "You want to call me unhinged? I am!"

EDIT: Also, inviting people to find her address so they can come over so she can kill them while being too much of a coward to show her face on a youtube video.
Title: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: tempus on November 08, 2012, 03:58:16 am
...Unfriend every known Democrat on your Facebook page and disown any family members who voted Democrat.  At least according to Randroid Eric Dondero: (http://www.libertarianrepublican.net/2012/11/the-end-of-liberty-in-america-only.html)

Express your hatred, shame, and outright disgust with anyone you know who voted Democrat. However, for me, I'm choosing another rather unique path; a personal boycott, if you will. Starting early this morning, I am going to un-friend every single individual on Facebook who voted for Obama, or I even suspect may have Democrat leanings. I will do the same in person. All family and friends, even close family and friends, who I know to be Democrats are hereby dead to me. I vow never to speak to them again for the rest of my life, or have any communications with them. They are in short, the enemies of liberty. They deserve nothing less than hatred and utter contempt

I strongly urge all other libertarians to do the same. Are you married
to someone who voted for Obama, have a girlfriend who voted 'O'.
Divorce them. Break up with them without haste. Vow not to attend
family functions, Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas for example, if there
will be any family members in attendance who are Democrats.

Do you work for someone who voted for Obama? Quit your job. Co-workers
who voted for Obama. Simply don't talk to them in the workplace, unless
your boss instructs you too for work-related only purposes. Have
clients who voted Democrat? Call them up this morning and tell them to
take their business elsewhere's.

Have a neighbor who votes for Obama? You could take a crap on their lawn. Then again, probably not a good idea since it would be technically illegal to do this. But you could have your dog take care of business. Not your fault if he just happens to choose that particular spot.

And start your boycott of your Democrat friends and family today. Like this morning. First thing you can do, very easy, is to un-friend all Democrats from your Facebook account.

Whiny bitch much?

Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: largeham on November 08, 2012, 04:03:39 am
I don't like Obama, but anyway:
Deal with it  8)
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Sylvana on November 08, 2012, 04:12:44 am
I cant help but feel this person is inconveniencing themselves more than anyone else.
Then again if they are this rabidly against Obama they probable only have republican friends to begin with so I doubt they will end up boycotting many people they know.

I know politics is important, but to become this obsessed over it is pretty pathetic. When politics rules your social life you officially have no personality.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Art Vandelay on November 08, 2012, 04:15:32 am
Do you work for someone who voted for Obama? Quit your job. Co-workers
who voted for Obama. Simply don't talk to them in the workplace, unless
your boss instructs you too for work-related only purposes. Have
clients who voted Democrat? Call them up this morning and tell them to
take their business elsewhere's.
I always thought one of the biggest problems the neo-cons had with Obama was that he "destroys jobs". Interesting that they're willing to sabotage their own jobs as a form of impotent protest.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on November 08, 2012, 04:19:29 am
When I'm at the Wal-mart or grocery story I typically pay with my debit card. On the pad it comes up, "EBT, Debit, Credit, Cash." I make it a point to say loudly to the check-out clerk, "EBT, what is that for?" She inevitably says, "it's government assistance." I respond, "Oh, you mean welfare? Great. I work for a living. I'm paying for my food with my own hard-earned dollars. And other people get their food for free." And I look around with disgust, making sure others in line have heard me.

Is this guy for real?
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: tempus on November 08, 2012, 04:31:48 am
And another hit in our schadenfreude parade:  shellymicAB would like her subscribers to know she blames each and every one of them for the Obama victory:


Edit:  Hell, post more here if you find 'em.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Lt. Fred on November 08, 2012, 04:37:11 am
When I'm at the Wal-mart or grocery story I typically pay with my debit card. On the pad it comes up, "EBT, Debit, Credit, Cash." I make it a point to say loudly to the check-out clerk, "EBT, what is that for?" She inevitably says, "it's government assistance." I respond, "Oh, you mean welfare? Great. I work for a living. I'm paying for my food with my own hard-earned dollars. And other people get their food for free." And I look around with disgust, making sure others in line have heard me.

Is this guy for real?

He also refuses to go to hospitals that serve Medicare patients. And, of course, he never uses the disgusting government welfare program called the internet.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on November 08, 2012, 04:42:08 am
shellymicAB's video is the funniest thing I've listened to all day.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: syaoranvee on November 08, 2012, 05:52:35 am
She sounds like she was close to a heart attack.

After listening to the entire thing, she does make a valid rant by the end about how the birthers and 'obamas a muslim!!1' lot in their camp are a bunch of morons that hurt their cause. 
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Søren on November 08, 2012, 06:22:51 am
And another hit in our schadenfreude parade:  shellymicAB would like her subscribers to know she blames each and every one of them for the Obama victory:


Edit:  Hell, post more here if you find 'em.

Holy....crap. She sounds like a charmer.

"I'll give you my FUCKING address, better yet, google my GODDAMN name, find it out for yourself and SHOW UP ANNOUNCED. Ill be happy to FUCKING greet you at my door, I'll be happy to find you in my bedroom in the middle of the night you assholes. COME ON OVER, ILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND I'LL ENJOY IT YOU GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKERS."

I'm so tempted to type out this entire thing, because I'm just pissing myself laughing listening to the huge...huge...HUGE amounts of butthurt
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Vypernight on November 08, 2012, 06:46:50 am
My coworkers' friends aren't talking to her because they're mad she didn't vote for Romney, even though they have no cluse who she voted for.  They also blame me for 'brainwashing her with my liberal bias.'  Somehow that's their interpretation of my not yelling at her every day about whom to vote for and sending her links to several sites from both sides after she asked for them.

Then we get a rare few on the right like this:

/me salutes President Obama.

Congrats to America and President Obama! Can't say it is the outcome I wanted, but America has spoken and it is time to rally around our President and congratulate him and hope the best for him and our country.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Lt. Fred on November 08, 2012, 06:57:42 am
She sounds like she was close to a heart attack.

After listening to the entire thing, she does make a valid rant by the end about how the birthers and 'obamas a muslim!!1' lot in their camp are a bunch of morons that hurt their cause.

I'm far weaker than you and therefore find myself incapable of watching the video- does she call them what they are, liars?
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: ThunderWulf on November 08, 2012, 07:25:01 am
This kinda reminds me of a two year old who didn't get their way and is pouting about it.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ThunderWulf on November 08, 2012, 07:30:23 am
This is even funnier now that Romney lost.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 08, 2012, 07:59:26 am
To the Paulbots and Johnson voters…please stick your heads in ovens. You handed at least three critical states to Obama with your childish antics.

While I am not sure there were enough "Paulbots and Johnson voters," this does bring up an interesting point about third-parties.
To Todd Akin…please get eaten by a pack of wolves. Same goes for your buddy Richard Mourdock. Next time you clowns want to utter something stupid, remember that you do have the right to remain silent and that anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion.

To any other idiot trying to run for Senate in ’14…stay on the message, and STFU otherwise. You make us all look bad. I’m looking at you, Christine O’Donnell.

100% correct. Akin was winning until he opened his mouth.
When the USA goes bankrupt

From paying for unfunded wars in two countries? Oh wait, Obama ended one and will end the other before the end of his second term.

From cutting taxes on the rich? Wait, that was Bush, wasn't it..?

NE states need help and the Rust Bowl needs help,

Who said "let Detroit go bankrupt?" And who acted when the Big 3 were going under? And what was the end result..?

Oh, and where are hurricanes more likely to hit - the NE or the SE?

As I said, y’all can fucking rot. I live in the FREE STATE of Alaska and we have everything we need to be our own nation.

Except crops...

Only way to fix this now; we all stop paying our taxes – or – as Ayn Rand put it ‘heading to Galt’s Gulch’. We cut off their life blood, the socialism, illegal immigration and welfare problems all solve themselves. I for one will no longer be a willing participant in my own victimization by supporting these monsters. I’m also not listening to any more Fox News, Rush, Savage or anyone else who supported and helped force RINOmney on us. My tolerance of this bullshit ends NOW. -ArtBell

Wait, what..? I completely understand the RINO comment, but who forced Romney on you? Wasn't it the people who voted in Republican primaries, who are likely to be REPUBLICANS? So didn't Republicans pick their own candidate?

The people have not spoken. DICTATORS DO NOT WIN ELECTIONS. Accept this. Realize this. The masses, the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA did not vote for this guy. Simply did not happen.

So what, pray tell, did happen? How Obama win both the EC and the popular vote?
Samll business unite, get prepared to live without those business.

So you promote massive job loss by closing small businesses?

Pay straight to employee and let them file themselves.

Making it harder for employees, making it more likely they will look for jobs at a more supportive company, thereby futher reducing the number of small businesses. Oh, and I thought you said all small business should close their doors...

The independent, self-sufficient people

You mean the ones who travel on publically-financed roads, depend on publically-financed first responders, use banks that were proped up by the government, and use the Postal Service (just to name a few). Those "independent, self-sufficient people?"
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Blood God Nipso on November 08, 2012, 08:25:28 am
Puts things into perspective as to how backwards the US is considering this result was ever in doubt: (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A6-F0ymCIAA18Lq.jpg)
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Dakota Bob on November 08, 2012, 08:28:18 am
Joe Biden has released an official response:
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: MisterMuncher on November 08, 2012, 08:43:31 am
Pram tipped over, toys everywhere.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 08:46:55 am
I don't like Obama, but anyway:
Deal with it  8)
Same here.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ironbite on November 08, 2012, 09:07:28 am
Man I hope you're not Gunny G.

I think ArtBell needs to wake up and smell the moose shit.  His state is a toilet.  Ever since all the gold and oil was removed from it, it's one of the worst places to live.  Pretty to look at, shit to live in.

Ironbite-What with Palin running the show for 2 years.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Vypernight on November 08, 2012, 09:29:32 am
Ironically, it seems Kenya had the higest support for Romney.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 10:27:06 am
And another hit in our schadenfreude parade:  shellymicAB would like her subscribers to know she blames each and every one of them for the Obama victory:


Edit:  Hell, post more here if you find 'em.
"I'm totally FUCKING unhinged right now!"

Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: armandtanzarian on November 08, 2012, 11:02:13 am
I cant help but feel this person is inconveniencing themselves more than anyone else.
Then again if they are this rabidly against Obama they probable only have republican friends to begin with so I doubt they will end up boycotting many people they know.

I know politics is important, but to become this obsessed over it is pretty pathetic. When politics rules your social life you officially have no personality.
He/she's a Randroid. These people think that, contrary to popular belief, every good hardworking man can be an island, and I can Go Galt all the fuck I want except because I pity all you fucking moochers who are living off MY paycheck and MY hard work, I won't.

Or, to the rest of us, just a big mouth that keeps bragging about his own modest business or job like its the greatest thing to happen to us. Who lives in the fantasy world of Atlas Shrugged and imagine themselves as Midas Mulligan, or Hank Rearden. They rage and rage, but they never do it partially because, while they say they're waiting for their John Galt, asking most of them to rid themselves of their creature comforts and live in some god-forsaken corner without assistance is something they just cannot do. Just like most of us can't survive on our own. If they do choose to remain among society, it'll just turn out to be early retirement, which is quite costly.

But a few do delude themselves into actually going "on strike". This idiot emailed an Atlantic author and professor about his intention to shut down his business of 10 employees and fuck off somewhere.
I will tell you what happens, I close my business of 10 years and lay off my employees. I am done. Thats what happens. You might consider me one of those know nothings but I am highly educated, run a high technology company with several very high paying positions and am very much steeped in US History and am a stalwart in the notion of individual liberty and self reliance.  Freedom and liberty built this nation, not parasites like Obama and ilk. Obama has never produce anything in his life. Nothing, zero. Yet he is qualified to lead? Really? I have worked for leaders and he is no leader.

The economy picking up is a joke. Really? Where? 100% debt to GDP and counting and for every job created 75 food stamp recipients?  I have never seen it this slow and a second Obama term will spell the end. The tax increases alone are enough for me to call it quits. Why, I make to much so pay more of my fair share? Maybe you should attempt to understand the concept of a S Corp and how it's income becomes, for tax reasons, my income. Hence while my income may look very good on paper the vast majority of my income stays as operating revenue. So much for the fat cat theory, no?

Why should I continue to work myself into the dirt just to have it confiscated to transfer wealth to a parasite class? The work requirement for welfare gutted, Obamaphones, the taxes in Obamacare alone are enough to throw in the towel.


The whole story (start here (http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/11/what-if-the-gop-loses-atlas-shrugged-vs-the-fire-next-time/264556/) and follow James Fallows' later posts) is engaging for the sheer ego for the guy. Not a single word uttered about the ten he's laying off, or his actual business, or his customers and vendors who may be relying on him also. Not one word. It's just him, him, and FUCK YOU I'M TALKING ABOUT ME. Makes me sick.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: VirtualStranger on November 08, 2012, 11:13:38 am
You’re under the impression I give a fuck about you NE staters, I don’t. I have relatives as stupid as you, voting Demotard since Christ was a Corporal and they’re just as dumb as you. The NE states, have been parasites since the 80′s and you’re parasites now. Enjoy your free shit asswipe because it will run out soon and may you end up like Detroit.
BTW, secession is a growing theme in this nation because we 53%ers are sick of you parasitic 47%ers. -Gunny G

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Distind on November 08, 2012, 11:26:37 am
Thought that you might enjoy this very butthurt right winger from Youtube. She seems to be quite mad. I have to warn you it is 24 mins long though it is quite hilarious.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoqti0lzAw&list=PLU-dNsxVL4kghy6uGV2rwc18t_rKXnn9g&feature=g-all-a (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoqti0lzAw&list=PLU-dNsxVL4kghy6uGV2rwc18t_rKXnn9g&feature=g-all-a)

Edited, apparently she doesn't allow embedding.

Wow, that was hilarious. "You want to call me unhinged? I am!"

EDIT: Also, inviting people to find her address so they can come over so she can kill them while being too much of a coward to show her face on a youtube video.

This is glorious. I've been snickering for quite some time.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 12:21:59 pm
This is even funnier now that Romney lost.

Obama at the end is what cracked me up.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 12:26:27 pm
The most common response here seems to be, "I'M a producer, and the 47% are PARASITES and MOOCHERS. I've decided to GO GALT and close up my small business and let's see how long you all last without ME."

Yes, we shall see how long you last after abandoning your job. You realize you need to pay for food, water, electricity, clothing, gas, etc. as well, right? And unless you can defecate gold bricks I'm not certain where you are going to get the money to pay for that. So fine, quit your job, close up shop and try to hurt welfare recipients in the process. Let's see how long YOU last before you realize that we live in a society and that we all depend on one another.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 08, 2012, 12:30:01 pm
Alaska is one of the biggest "welfare moochers" when it comes to the States:
They also have a system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska_Permanent_Fund) where all the citizens receive some money. I have a feeling that Gunner G, probably didn't contribute to the profits, sort of reeks of a form of "socialism" doesn't it??
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: nickiknack on November 08, 2012, 12:58:47 pm
Oh look at the widdle cry baby...
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: rookie on November 08, 2012, 01:03:11 pm
Here (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181620-Gay-marriage-supporters-declare-victory) is RR's reaction to SSM being approved by popular vote.
For those who like schienfreuda (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181426-Romney-wins!).
Fear (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181596-Next-Gun-Control) and wackiness (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181536-Future-Ramifications-with-Obama) abound!

Rapture Ready at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 01:21:13 pm
A lot of people who promote perversions are atheists and evolutionists. The amazing thing in this is that if evolution were true, there would be no homosexuals. Evolution is survival of the fittest and were it true, evolution would show that the human 'species' survives by procreation between a man and a woman. Even the fallacy of evolution does not allow for a homosexual model. If all those apelike ancestors of evolutionists had been homosexuals, there would be no mankind today.

Gosh, it's almost as though there's a genetic benefit (http://www.medicaldaily.com/articles/10287/20120613/homosexuality-gene-mother-reproduction-evolution.htm) linked to homosexuality or something...
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Material Defender on November 08, 2012, 01:35:05 pm
I mean, I don't get these folks. My boyfriend's strongly libertarian and I'm strongly democrat with a few exceptions on both sides. But we love each other and agree on most things, just mostly disagree how much of a role of government should have.

Though my boyfriend also believes in universal healthcare because he equates it to cops and firemen, it's something needed for the basic functioning of society.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 08, 2012, 02:02:04 pm
For those who like schienfreuda (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181426-Romney-wins!).

RR said before the 2008 election that Obama winning then would be a sign of the end. Now it's 2012, and they are saying it again. Don't ya think that if god was going to take them "home," it would take less than 4 years to do it?

All these years studying God's glorious word and I missed the parts that said killing infants,

"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass." (1 Samuel 15:3)

"Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up." (Hosea 13:16)

and stealing money from one man to enslave another are moral precepts handed down by God.

But god does support slavery...

Just goes to show that fundies don't read their own "holy text."
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Radiation on November 08, 2012, 02:10:07 pm
A lot of hilarious stuff...especially the response coming from the right wingers. I am considering splitting this thread and titling it "Butthurt Repulicans and Right Wingers."
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: SpaceProg on November 08, 2012, 02:14:10 pm
Do eeeet!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 02:15:00 pm
Do eeeet!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 08, 2012, 02:28:25 pm
From RR...
There is no way a child of the Living God can lose today

I think that sums it up well. :)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Random Gal on November 08, 2012, 02:44:15 pm
From RR...
There is no way a child of the Living God can lose today

I think that sums it up well. :)

Well now they'll just blame Romney's loss on him being Mormon.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: The Illusive Man on November 08, 2012, 02:58:34 pm
From RR...
There is no way a child of the Living God can lose today

I think that sums it up well. :)

Well now they'll just blame Romney's loss on him being Mormon.

Did someone mention "true christian" yet?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Meshakhad on November 08, 2012, 03:02:15 pm
Actually, by some definitions, Obama was the only Real Christian on the ticket - both Biden and Ryan are Catholic. In fact, Biden is the first Roman Catholic to become Vice President.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: The Illusive Man on November 08, 2012, 03:05:36 pm
The most common response here seems to be, "I'M a producer, and the 47% are PARASITES and MOOCHERS. I've decided to GO GALT and close up my small business and let's see how long you all last without ME."

Yes, we shall see how long you last after abandoning your job. You realize you need to pay for food, water, electricity, clothing, gas, etc. as well, right? And unless you can defecate gold bricks I'm not certain where you are going to get the money to pay for that. So fine, quit your job, close up shop and try to hurt welfare recipients in the process. Let's see how long YOU last before you realize that we live in a society and that we all depend on one another.

What ever happened to that libertarian ocean platform anyway?

[Sarcasm]But..but…depending upon one another is socialism and that’s EBIL![/Sarcasm]
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Random Gal on November 08, 2012, 03:05:56 pm
Actually, by some definitions, Obama was the only Real Christian on the ticket - both Biden and Ryan are Catholic. In fact, Biden is the first Roman Catholic to become Vice President.

Aren't you forgetting that Obama is secretly a Muslim? :P
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: nickiknack on November 08, 2012, 03:35:25 pm
I mean, I don't get these folks. My boyfriend's strongly libertarian and I'm strongly democrat with a few exceptions on both sides. But we love each other and agree on most things, just mostly disagree how much of a role of government should have.

Though my boyfriend also believes in universal healthcare because he equates it to cops and firemen, it's something needed for the basic functioning of society.

The problem is that libertarians over have moved so far into batshit insane "fuck the poor" social Darwinism territory, it leaves the more sane ones without a place to call home, and I say this as someone who is  very much a left/ progressive libertarian.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Random Gal on November 08, 2012, 04:10:04 pm
Oh look at the widdle cry baby...

I would say that's an accurate portrayal of the conservatives' response to Obama winning.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 04:24:59 pm
Actually, by some definitions, Obama was the only Real Christian on the ticket - both Biden and Ryan are Catholic. In fact, Biden is the first Roman Catholic to become Vice President.

Aren't you forgetting that Obama is secretly a Muslim? :P
And atheist.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: rookie on November 08, 2012, 04:36:03 pm
From RR...
There is no way a child of the Living God can lose today

I think that sums it up well. :)

Well now they'll just blame Romney's loss on him being Mormon.

Did someone mention "true christian" yet?

Someone did. I'm not going into all that crazy fertilizer to find it, but someone there did say it was as ungodly to vote for a Mormon as it was to vote for a Muslim.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Material Defender on November 08, 2012, 04:42:08 pm
I mean, I don't get these folks. My boyfriend's strongly libertarian and I'm strongly democrat with a few exceptions on both sides. But we love each other and agree on most things, just mostly disagree how much of a role of government should have.

Though my boyfriend also believes in universal healthcare because he equates it to cops and firemen, it's something needed for the basic functioning of society.

The problem is that libertarians over have moved so far into batshit insane "fuck the poor" social Darwinism territory, it leaves the more sane ones without a place to call home, and I say this as someone who is  very much a left/ progressive libertarian.

I'd say you're probably in a similar place as him. I'm a bit more authoritarian because people are very bad at looking long distance goal type stuff. I might go more libertarian if education wasn't horrible... and prone to mismanagement by states.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Material Defender on November 08, 2012, 04:55:48 pm
I keep wanting to go onto Rapture Ready as a Teutonic Crusader (Who are Catholic!), but their rules say you'll get banned for believing in the Eucharist. Not that Catholics believe in the rapture as seperate from the end of time. Catholics consider the current date and age the Physical Kingdom of God.

More people know about Jesus and God than ever before, more people believe than ever before, and people live longer, healthier, and happier lives than ever before. SO... it makes sense.

I think when protestants get angry at Catholics and Orthodox people, they are just getting angry because they have two dads. :D
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: wrongfrog on November 08, 2012, 06:32:18 pm
When I'm at the Wal-mart or grocery story I typically pay with my debit card. On the pad it comes up, "EBT, Debit, Credit, Cash." I make it a point to say loudly to the check-out clerk, "EBT, what is that for?" She inevitably says, "it's government assistance." I respond, "Oh, you mean welfare? Great. I work for a living. I'm paying for my food with my own hard-earned dollars. And other people get their food for free." And I look around with disgust, making sure others in line have heard me.

Is this guy for real?
Funny, because my family would be so screwed without our EBT card.

Have there been any hard statistics proving that SO MANY people on welfare are just abusing it? Because I know plenty of people on it, and they all legitimately need it.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: worlder on November 08, 2012, 06:50:02 pm
Hmm, suppose someone deliberately exploits welfare.

What would be the quality of life for such a person? I would say still pretty crappy.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: ScrappyB on November 08, 2012, 07:06:57 pm
Got another one for you folks:

Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Radiation on November 08, 2012, 07:40:02 pm
I am going to merge this thread to the Butthurt Republicans and Rightwingers thread. That one was split off from the Election thread and this one is pretty much the same as the Butthurt one.

It's just for the sake of brevity as the P&G section doesn't get clogged with schendenfraude threads from conservatives.
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 08:01:42 pm
Got another one for you folks:

Why the fuck did I read the comments?

So some unknown employer (if this is correct) became butthurt over Obama's victory and fired 22 employees out of spite because of the forthcoming "taxes and regulations". Yup, we won't say what those taxes and regulations are, but...they're coming! Just like the rapture!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: VirtualStranger on November 08, 2012, 08:08:50 pm
Here are the tears in video form:

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: kefkaownsall on November 08, 2012, 08:17:46 pm
That sea of white crying people delicious. 
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: syaoranvee on November 08, 2012, 08:32:46 pm
For those who like schienfreuda (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181426-Romney-wins!).

RR said before the 2008 election that Obama winning then would be a sign of the end. Now it's 2012, and they are saying it again. Don't ya think that if god was going to take them "home," it would take less than 4 years to do it?

I've come to wondered what would happen if Israel was attacked or attacks and loses, or worst case scenario, ceases to exist and how they would react to the rapture not happening.  Their belief of the rapture is so strongly tied to Israel and it winning any battle that I just can't imagine them shrugging that off.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Thejebusfire on November 08, 2012, 08:36:20 pm
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: ScrappyB on November 08, 2012, 08:38:57 pm
Got another one for you folks:

Why the fuck did I read the comments?

So some unknown employer (if this is correct) became butthurt over Obama's victory and fired 22 employees out of spite because of the forthcoming "taxes and regulations". Yup, we won't say what those taxes and regulations are, but...they're coming! Just like the rapture!

Yeah, the comments are a special brand of stupid. Seems like every Free/Tee-tard in the country showed up. I also liked how the guy goes out of his way to point out most of the people he's firing are Hispanic, presumably since the polls show most Hispanics voted for Obama.

You and your communist sympathizers will be purged and you will find out what misery will be like when your asked to choose freedom or communism at the end of a barrel of a gun.

And People never lie, do they? Because they'd admit after polishing Obama's turds for the last four years that his policies were ruining their bottom line. "book smart" and liberal often go together, "Real life smarts" and "Humble" don't usually. Why would they eat crow--better to just tough it out til the last minute and get "revenge" and "stick it to the man." Yay them.

Unlike parasites, many business owners operate very close to the line of profit or no profit and have to do a few things most employees don't. (1) they have to anticipate the future of government intrusion (2) they are legally required to make payroll *before* they pay themselves and (3) they have to make a profit in order to survive. Obama scares many business folks (including me) more than our stiffest competition. This guy is just the tip of the spear. Atlas indeed is going to shrug. Have a great 4 years.

Obviously you don't own a small business... "...Wait things out..." ?? WHAT DO YOU THINK WE'VE ALL BEEN DOING UNTIL NOV 6, Einstein ?
What do you think that PUNK in the whitehouse is going to do as soon as he can get his "Executive Order-signing-pen" warmed up, Einstein ?
There's MORE layoffs coming, Einstein...
IDIOTS, unfortunately are going to have to get to the point where they can't even buy food before they realize that BILLS DON'T PAY THEMSELVES...
Irresponsible pig ???
It's not your money or business, SSA-hole...

From some idiot with the title TheRealObamaCoverUpClickHere:

Our government has declared war on our Constitution, our elections, and free speech people. Skip the propaganda and learn the truth about this last rigged election you're being sold on. My profile exposes what the media CANNOT for "national security" purposes.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 08, 2012, 08:43:59 pm
Speaking of Teh Blaze, who wants to see Glenn Beck cry (http://www.video.theblaze.com/media/video.jsp?content_id=25474235)?
Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: Xander Zzyzx on November 08, 2012, 10:54:30 pm
Got another one for you folks:


I just read about that story before coming by here, I wanted to see if it was brought up yet. I don't know what to make of that story, but I know I wouldn't put it past these assholes to start firing their staff because Obama won. This employer was even quoted as saying "elections have consequences". So yeah, you obviously do not believe in free democracy then.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: kefkaownsall on November 08, 2012, 11:33:53 pm
They might be able to sue wrongful termination.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 08, 2012, 11:35:25 pm
The weight of the heavens is infinite. If you can't stand the pressures of operating a business in a changing world, then you do not deserve to call yourself Atlas!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: TheUnknown on November 08, 2012, 11:43:11 pm
I don't think it's been posted yet, but apparently there's now a tumblr for this.

http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/ (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ThunderWulf on November 08, 2012, 11:59:26 pm
I don't think it's been posted yet, but apparently there's now a tumblr for this.

http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/ (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Random Gal on November 09, 2012, 12:08:15 am
I don't think it's been posted yet, but apparently there's now a tumblr for this.

http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/ (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 09, 2012, 12:10:35 am
I don't think it's been posted yet, but apparently there's now a tumblr for this.

http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/ (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)

God, it reminds me of those pitiful people who took pictures of themselves weeping and holding up signs apologizing to the rest of the world when Bush won re-election.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Thejebusfire on November 09, 2012, 12:17:04 am
From the link:

Title: Re: The Mature Response to an Obama Win?
Post by: nickiknack on November 09, 2012, 12:19:36 am

I'd say you're probably in a similar place as him. I'm a bit more authoritarian because people are very bad at looking long distance goal type stuff. I might go more libertarian if education wasn't horrible... and prone to mismanagement by states.
I tend to go back and forth on education, I would like to see education tried on a more regional basis (Northeast, Southeast, West and so forth) rather than State by State basis. It seems like nice compromise to me.

Anyway, this is for the tea party:
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: TheUnknown on November 09, 2012, 12:24:07 am
From the link:


What if your dearest grandson turns out to be gay?  Will you still fight for his freedom and liberty, or just try to "fix" him?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 09, 2012, 12:26:09 am
Also, is Nate Silver a witch? (http://isnatesilverawitch.com/)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 09, 2012, 12:28:20 am
Are they concerned about their jobs? That they will get laid off due to higher taxes on the business?

Or were they just betting on some dream of a paradise that never will be?

The former can express some concern, but the latter will only elicit from me words of contempt.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 09, 2012, 12:33:39 am



The Internet is my anti-drug.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Smilodon on November 09, 2012, 02:08:46 am
Take a look at the "Tales from the Derp Side" blog (http://freep-impact.blogspot.com/) (which collects Free Republic posts). The nuttery there is absolutely astonishing.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: largeham on November 09, 2012, 02:46:15 am

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 09, 2012, 03:02:46 am

I always get a kick out of the right wingers threatening to move to another country. All of the other English speaking nations have political climates even more leftist than the Democrats.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 09, 2012, 03:16:17 am
Their pain...its delicious. I know its evil and wrong to love the look of people in pain...but its so good. Just soaking it all in.

It feels so wonderful seeing that blond guy hugging his little girlfriend, both sobbing and choking in their loss. They're obviously in emotional turmoil, they so wished for their candidate to win, put in all their youthful energy.

That it was all wasted, all for naught...its incredible.

But, rejoice, Republicans, in four years, you may try again for the White House. And I will enjoy it even more thoroughly next time.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: largeham on November 09, 2012, 03:58:15 am
I always get a kick out of the right wingers threatening to move to another country. All of the other English speaking nations have political climates even more leftist than the Democrats.

I more wanted to point out the fact that our prime minister is an atheist, unmarried woman. But I agree, the Democrats are quite far to the right of most other Western countries.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: armandtanzarian on November 09, 2012, 08:29:45 am

I always get a kick out of the right wingers threatening to move to another country. All of the other English speaking nations have political climates even more leftist than the Democrats.
If it helps, half of Australia went after her for these tweets.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: CaseAgainstFaith on November 09, 2012, 01:33:48 pm
a new thread today on RR about the elections etc
http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181675-Election-News-Burnout (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181675-Election-News-Burnout)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 09, 2012, 01:47:03 pm
I remember 4 years ago (in the Yahweh era), we had a thread for people to write tongue-in-cheek accounts of the Rapture occurring because of Obama's election and inauguration. With all the angst coming out of RR, I feel like we should do that again.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Smurfette Principle on November 09, 2012, 02:52:51 pm
Best. Blog. Ever. (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Witchyjoshy on November 09, 2012, 03:24:25 pm
I remember 4 years ago (in the Yahweh era), we had a thread for people to write tongue-in-cheek accounts of the Rapture occurring because of Obama's election and inauguration. With all the angst coming out of RR, I feel like we should do that again.

I honestly don't think we could outdo them.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 09, 2012, 03:31:34 pm
I remember 4 years ago (in the Yahweh era), we had a thread for people to write tongue-in-cheek accounts of the Rapture occurring because of Obama's election and inauguration. With all the angst coming out of RR, I feel like we should do that again.

I honestly don't think we could outdo them.

Sorry, I phrased what I meant poorly. Members here wrote accounts of the Rapture happening. I remember the thread because I wrote about an RR-member who watched the staff at Planned Parenthood, the lesbian couple down the street who had adopted children, and a few other RR-hated groups were Raptured while she stood on the ground and tried to jump to Heaven.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: rookie on November 09, 2012, 03:36:06 pm
a new thread today on RR about the elections etc
http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181675-Election-News-Burnout (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181675-Election-News-Burnout)
From Reynaldo at RR:
"I am writing this with tears in my eyes. I feel so miserable today. Where is God? How long is this going to last? People are celebrating the demise of this great nation and there is nothing I can do. My faith is shaken, I have never felt this way. I fear for the future. I fear for my family. How come nobody understand this? How come they can't see it? Even God saved Lot and his daughters. Are we going to hell? There is no just man left? Where do we turn to? They are mocking my faith and my God! I am not perfect, I am a sinner, but I believe! Where is my God today? "

Oh, how I wish I had something to add to this. But it really kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 09, 2012, 03:52:11 pm
a new thread today on RR about the elections etc
http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181675-Election-News-Burnout (http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?181675-Election-News-Burnout)
From Reynaldo at RR:
"I am writing this with tears in my eyes. I feel so miserable today. Where is God? How long is this going to last? People are celebrating the demise of this great nation and there is nothing I can do. My faith is shaken, I have never felt this way. I fear for the future. I fear for my family. How come nobody understand this? How come they can't see it? Even God saved Lot and his daughters. Are we going to hell? There is no just man left? Where do we turn to? They are mocking my faith and my God! I am not perfect, I am a sinner, but I believe! Where is my God today? "

Oh, how I wish I had something to add to this. But it really kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: SpaceProg on November 09, 2012, 04:53:38 pm
Looks like the Conservative Republican fear machine has a lot of people convinced we're going to hell in a handbasket.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 09, 2012, 05:36:04 pm
Best. Blog. Ever. (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)

This is way better than white whine... ;D
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ironbite on November 09, 2012, 06:07:24 pm
I don't...get it.  It's just an election.  People lost.  This is not th eend of the world so why act like it?  I understand party loyalty and all but this is just insane.

Ironbite-I really have no idea why people are acting like this.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: starseeker on November 09, 2012, 06:25:49 pm
I don't...get it.  It's just an election.  People lost.  This is not th eend of the world so why act like it?  I understand party loyalty and all but this is just insane.

Ironbite-I really have no idea why people are acting like this.

Because the Right Wing Media told them it would be the end of the world.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 09, 2012, 06:32:10 pm
I don't...get it.  It's just an election.  People lost.  This is not th eend of the world so why act like it?  I understand party loyalty and all but this is just insane.

Ironbite-I really have no idea why people are acting like this.

If I had to guess...

These people truly believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ. They really do think that the rapture is coming and everything that is going on is a sign of the end time.

And yet, Jesus has not yet come back. So they are stuck in this world (living under the "rule of Satan"), wondering why their god had forsaken them. (Think about it. Jesus only had to suffer for a few hours on the cross. They've had to "suffer" for 4 years with no end in sight.)

I pity them. They are so closed in their little world that they cannot see the large world around them. Who hasn't had a time of depression, when you believed everything was horrible and there was no end to the pain in sight? Now imagine living like this for years at a time, when there is nothing you can do to solve it. No medication. No lifestyle change. Just day after day of grinding emotional pain.

The fact that they have brought it upon themselves, and there actually is a solution, is lost on them. They are so brainwashed into thinking that the world is evil and the only out is the Second Coming that actually making the effort to look around and think is beyond them.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 09, 2012, 07:29:54 pm
I think it's sad in a way. They're so focused on fretting over things that don't matter and waiting for a miraculous event that will never happen, they can't enjoy the time they have. I get this mental image of someone digging a hole until it's so deep they can't throw the dirt out. But they just keep digging at the bottom of a dark, miserable pit, throwing the dirt up and having it land on their head.

My problem with them is instead of joining the rest of us out in the sunshine, they think everyone should be digging a pit and having crap land on their head too.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: CaseAgainstFaith on November 09, 2012, 07:43:24 pm
I don't...get it.  It's just an election.  People lost.  This is not the end of the world so why act like it?  I understand party loyalty and all but this is just insane.

Ironbite-I really have no idea why people are acting like this.

I blame Fox News.  I do mean that seriously.  I think Fox News fear mongered and brainwashed its' viewers into thinking that Obama was a completely weak president barely holding on.  Which back when Clint Eastwood did his speech with the empty chair that had more truth to it than you want to believe.  Fox News created a imaginary Obama that is evil, socialist, hellbent out to destroy America.  So the Fox News viewers just can't rationalize that Obama won because to accept that the US re-elected him would be the equivalent of when you finally accepted the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny wasn't real when you were little. 
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: VirtualStranger on November 09, 2012, 07:43:36 pm
I don't...get it.  It's just an election.  People lost.  This is not th eend of the world so why act like it?  I understand party loyalty and all but this is just insane.

Ironbite-I really have no idea why people are acting like this.

Because Obama is black, you see...
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: mellenORL on November 09, 2012, 08:09:53 pm
Whipping the religion addicts up to get their vote is cold blooded. I really think anybody who is zealously religious has an addiction. It really is an adult santa claus fixation, and the churches make a lot of money on that, too.

I do feel sorry for these people. They are basically harmless and ordinary, law abiding and productive. They are naive enough to be exploited by any con man who knows all their buttons to push. Fucked up abusive con men like Glenn Beck and all his ilk. I don't care if they actually believe their own spiels or not. They're criminals, abusing all these people.

The plutocrats behind the "value voter" PACs and corporate lobbyists just laugh all the way to the bank at these folks.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 09, 2012, 08:22:48 pm
I don't...get it.  It's just an election.  People lost.  This is not th eend of the world so why act like it?  I understand party loyalty and all but this is just insane.

Ironbite-I really have no idea why people are acting like this.
Because there's a black guy in the White House.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 09, 2012, 08:29:39 pm
Except, there will be no liberation.

They will continue to suffer through another four years. There will be no salvation. There will be no abrupt end of the world to let them have what they want.

So, yes, day after day of grinding, emotional pain, crying tears and hoping beyond hope the (imaginary) secret police won't come and take them away. Or in blondy boy's case, take his little bitch. (http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8477/8165208709_6f2904185e_z.jpg)

In the end, this happened because they put too much stock in tradition, in old prejudices, in what mommy and daddy told them was the right thing.

As enjoyable as this is, for our country to get out of this...mess...they will need to come back, and make a party based on facts.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Old Viking on November 09, 2012, 08:49:56 pm
It was a long, long time ago, but there were once American citizens who expressed their disappointment at political defeat, then wished the winners well.  They were called ... what the hell was that word?  Oh, yeah.  Adults.  They were called adults.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Random Gal on November 09, 2012, 09:09:19 pm
It was a long, long time ago, but there were once American citizens who expressed their disappointment at political defeat, then wished the winners well.  They were called ... what the hell was that word?  Oh, yeah.  Adults.  They were called adults.

"I didn't vote for him but he's my president, and I hope he does a good job." -John Wayne after JFK was elected
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Id82 on November 09, 2012, 09:09:54 pm
I remember feeling a huge disappointment after Kerry lost to Bush in 04. I remember saying how could people be so stupid as to elect a bumbling idiot back into office. But I had to accept it and it wasn't long before I realized that Kerry was a pretty shitty boring candidate, the youth most likely didn't give a shit about him so they didn't go out and vote. I hope these people can realize this over time.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 09, 2012, 09:57:54 pm

You know the ironic thing about this post is this guy's profile pic, given that he's the one that seems to be butthurt about the election.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 09, 2012, 10:02:45 pm
It was a long, long time ago, but there were once American citizens who expressed their disappointment at political defeat, then wished the winners well.  They were called ... what the hell was that word?  Oh, yeah.  Adults.  They were called adults.

"I didn't vote for him but he's my president, and I hope he does a good job." -John Wayne after JFK was elected
Hell, even Clint Eastwood had similar sentiments in 2008:

"Obama is my president now and I am going to be wishing him the very best because it is what is best for all of us."

Peter Morrison (http://www.salon.com/2012/11/09/texas_gop_official_maggots_re_elected_obama/), on the other hand...
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 09, 2012, 10:10:15 pm
I was poking around on Rapture Ready looking for quites to submit for the main page and ran across this:

I wish I had the money to not be affected by what he is going to do but I'm retired and unable to even try to go back to work. I may end up selling my home that is paid for due to upkeep getting to expensive in the end I will probably end up in some government program once I run through my money due to inflation plus having to rent and still pay utilities. I thought I protected myself enough but being forced to retire early due to a lay off and not finding work when I was 61 and having to go in the hospital when I was laid off with no insurance because I couldn't afford the cost of my old works insurance when laid off which was $650 a month. I never ever got sick on my insurance just went in for check ups but the minute I was without insurance I rack up a bill of close to $75,000 just for the hospital there were also $5,000 in doctor bills and my meds were bad but a few of them I could get at walmarts which helped. That took a big wack of my savings then came my car breaking down and another 10,000 and every household problem that comes up costs money just recently I had the fan go on my furnace another $520. Even with insurance now I had co pays and deductables that have cost me dearly. I was hoping for a Romney win so my medicare supplement that went up so high would be lowered due to getting rid of Obamacare. and I hoped the inflation could be controlled. I guess I really lose don't know how glad I am to watch as prophecy comes true.

If we had Obamacare at the time, maybe this person wouldn't be saddled with so much debt and have to sell their home.

I really have to congratulate whatever manipulative right wing con artist convinced people like this to vote for the party that would rather see them starving out in the cold. Imagine if they used those powers of persuasion for good.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 09, 2012, 10:18:22 pm
Time for some racist asshattery, courtesy of Gawker:

Obama effigy in Alabama (http://gawker.com/5959368/obama-effigy-with-the-words-pray-4-assassin-spotted-in-alabama?tag=election-2012)

Woman calls for assassination of the "nigger", claims she isn't racist (http://gawker.com/5959209/woman-who-called-for-nigger-obamas-assassination-in-viral-facebook-post-confronted-by-news-crew-is-officially-the-worst-person-in-the-world?tag=election-2012)

Idiot teenagers in trouble for Obama Tweets (http://gawker.com/5958993/racist-teens-forced-to-answer-for-tweets-about-the-nigger-president?tag=election-2012)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: armandtanzarian on November 09, 2012, 11:53:51 pm
Cameron Diaz is simply talking about being happy about Obama's election.

EDIT: Jesus they're not even trying to hide it anymore.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Lt. Fred on November 10, 2012, 12:07:14 am
Yes, please turn on Chris Christie. He's hardly a likely threat to Hillary/Warren, but he is an asshole.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 10, 2012, 12:20:48 am

EDIT: Jesus they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

Bwahaha! Here's the source for that caption. Full of wingnut butthurt it is.


At the moment,I am convinced America is doomed beyond all hope of redemption,and any talk of the future fills me with dread and horror.

Good, why don't you do us all a favor and leave, you collossal asshat?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: largeham on November 10, 2012, 12:25:46 am
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 10, 2012, 01:04:39 am
Yes, please turn on Chris Christie. He's hardly a likely threat to Hillary/Warren, but he is an asshole.
He is an asshole but...is it wrong that I actually kind of like the guy? Maybe it's because most of the other Republicans are so God-awful that he looks good by comparison, but he doesn't take crap and doesn't seem like he lets himself get pushed around by the more extreme elements in the GOP.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 10, 2012, 01:09:20 am
I like him for cursing out Faux Noise when they tried to politicize Hurricane Sandy with him, and congratulating Obama and saying good things about the help he received.

Also, singing his own praises at the RNC...not really being that keen on showing in Romney's campaign...is Christie trying to say something?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Lt. Fred on November 10, 2012, 01:14:09 am

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 10, 2012, 01:34:27 am

Petroleum can be used to make plastics. Natural gas can be harvested from landfills.

Coal? Life expectancy is currently short.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 10, 2012, 01:45:09 am




Please share this link to as many conservative outlets as you can. Have them believe it, get pissed off, then share it and be made fools.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 10, 2012, 01:56:43 am




Please share this link to as many conservative outlets as you can. Have believe it, get pissed off, then share it and be made fools.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: clockworkgirl21 on November 10, 2012, 05:04:49 am
Woman calls for assassination of the "nigger", claims she isn't racist

If you use nigger in any other way than a quote or historical context, you're a racist.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Smurfette Principle on November 10, 2012, 11:29:52 am
I remember feeling a huge disappointment after Kerry lost to Bush in 04. I remember saying how could people be so stupid as to elect a bumbling idiot back into office. But I had to accept it and it wasn't long before I realized that Kerry was a pretty shitty boring candidate, the youth most likely didn't give a shit about him so they didn't go out and vote. I hope these people can realize this over time.

This. I was ten when Kerry ran, and I remember wondering if Americans were all morons, to elect someone with a track record like Bush's (and Katrina and the economic collapse hadn't even happened yet). But I've realized that Kerry had basically the same problems Romney did: boring, reputation for flip-flopping, young VP candidate picked to strike up the young people, and ultimately being a pretty weak candidate. But goddamn, neither I nor any of my Democrat friends thought about assassinating Bush, or talked about how the world was coming to an end, or the mindless suffering we would endure blahblahblah. Just. Jesus Christ. Get a grip, people.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: mellenORL on November 10, 2012, 12:39:43 pm




Please share this link to as many conservative outlets as you can. Have them believe it, get pissed off, then share it and be made fools.

Oh fuck me that is the funniest trollin' trigger bait blog post i ever read. The comments to it are a riot! He had those ballots SNAFU'ed like the keystone cops were in charge :) . Shoulda added; "and then forward ops supply accidently stocked a bunch of ballots for TP in the latrines at Base Delta". Fuckin' tards don't read the whole post anyway - STILL woulda got the same hysterical responses.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: KZN02 on November 10, 2012, 02:46:38 pm




Please share this link to as many conservative outlets as you can. Have them believe it, get pissed off, then share it and be made fools.
Just in case people actually believe it. (http://www.snopes.com/politics/satire/absentee.asp)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: DrFishcake on November 10, 2012, 05:37:30 pm
Unless the US now has a military as large as China's...
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 10, 2012, 09:29:08 pm
Jezebel has a gallery of racist tweets, for those who want to savor more bigot butthurt:

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 10, 2012, 10:28:12 pm
Jezebel has a gallery of racist tweets, for those who want to savor more bigot butthurt:

Yeah in the Gawker link I posted they actually tracked down the students who posted many of these Tweets.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: armandtanzarian on November 11, 2012, 09:33:40 am
Oh I got a few. Allen West, the crazy motherfucker in Florida, got beat by 2000+ votes or 50.4% to Murphy his opponent. Legally this means Murphy won, but because absentee votes are still coming in, he's not conceding.

Also anyone from Louisiana?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Zygarde on November 11, 2012, 11:06:46 am

Also anyone from Louisiana?

For fuck sake people from my state why is it when something really stupid happens it comes from here I swear my state is becoming a second Florida, but gods I hope these idiots don't succeed or if they do at least become part of France again cuss Louisiana will probably die as a sovereign nation with all the corruption running amok in our local governments and all the problems that plague this damn state. (Financial instability, almost a good bit of its inhabitants live below the poverty line and require welfare programs Including myself to live, Rampant corruption on a local and state level etc... . )
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Smurfette Principle on November 11, 2012, 12:41:53 pm
Best. Blog. Ever. (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)

This is way better than white whine... ;D

I knooooow.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Danarth on November 11, 2012, 02:39:44 pm
While I am not going to say that British politics is free of this sort of bile and angry, The level of it that seems to coming from the republican side in America is rather astounding...

So I have to ask....where does it all come from?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Smurfette Principle on November 11, 2012, 02:50:53 pm
While I am not going to say that British politics is free of this sort of bile and angry, The level of it that seems to coming from the republican side in America is rather astounding...

So I have to ask....where does it all come from?

Fear, mostly, according to science (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/8228192/Political-views-hard-wired-into-your-brain.html). This fear is then fed by media and politicians using xenophobia, misogyny, and homophobia, combined with realistic fears like the economy being warped into fear of communism through ignorance and misinformation, plus extremely rigid adherence to what you consider core values to the exclusion of contradictory opinion or proof.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 11, 2012, 03:50:16 pm
Not really buthurt per se, but how full of crap do you have to be before even the FOX talking heads can't take it anymore? Now we know:


Don't you just love Republican math?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 11, 2012, 04:55:02 pm
Now this is butthurt


I signed Texas for the lulz.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: SpaceProg on November 11, 2012, 05:13:09 pm
Because it worked oh so well the first time.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 11, 2012, 05:20:30 pm
Lets hope that this time, the Federal Government is a lot less forgiving of their transgressions, should they withdraw.

These treacherous swine deserve naught less than annihilation.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Yla on November 11, 2012, 06:00:30 pm
Lets hope that this time, the Federal Government is a lot less forgiving of their transgressions, should they withdraw.

These treacherous swine deserve naught less than annihilation.
You have a little, uh, foam on your face. There.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 11, 2012, 06:11:36 pm
Time for some more RR tears of impotent rage. Literal tears this time.

It's taken me awhile to be able to post my thoughts on the election here. I've been reading and reading intermittently with prayer.

Tuesday night when things started to swing O's way I was dumbfounded. I hit the floor, face down and begin to pray. My husband saw me and joined me face down on the floor and we poured our hearts out to God, as we lifted Romney/Ryan up. I was trying to be so careful in what I prayed for and told Father if it was His will for O to win that I would accept it graciously.

He knows me well enough to know I'm still waiting on the "graciously" part to hit me. Sometimes I find myself shamelessly trying to bargain with Him when I really want something, then I have to ask forgiveness for it.

I have to admit, as soon as the race was called for O, I couldn't take it and went straight to bed and cried myself to sleep, praying. I had all this hope that Romney/Ryan would be able to stop our country from plummeting off this cliff we are on. My disappointment overwhelmed me and I hit the floor again Wed morning and this morning with a pool of tears and am all cried out. I just had so much hope for this country under new leadership.

I haven't watched the news since the election was called Tuesday night and my tv was on FOX news 24/7 for a couple of years now (you should have seen my grandchildren's eyes glaze over from having to watch FOX news nonstop.) I told my husband, O may have won the election, but I won't see his face or hear his voice in my home. Evil won Tuesday night, but I'm taking my joy back! And if that means stepping away from the tv and digging more into the Word and visiting here with you all, then so be it.

You sure that wasn't brain damage causing your grandkids' eyes to glaze over, lady?

How unhinged do you have to be for an election result to make you fall on the floor and cry for two days?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 11, 2012, 06:17:41 pm
^^ No, I most certainly don't. You assume my harsh language is the result of frothing, foam on mouth insanity. I would appreciate it if you didn't demean me in such a way.

I am very glad I am not given to such displays of emotion or mania.

^ I...would really like to bottle those tears, and save them for a rainy day.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: mellenORL on November 11, 2012, 06:36:28 pm
None of the red states have enough business or agricultural momentum or development to be viable independent nations....add 'em all together, ya get EXACTLY what the Confederacy was in the Civil War; a third class, third rate, disorganized and incompetent opponent to the Union. Unlike the Confederacy, hardly any foreign nations will be keen to trade with them or aid them this time.

"The Confederated Fly-Over States of America": that's what they'd be no matter the title they gave themselves.

If no actual warfare were to break out between the USA and this Nation of Gideon, they will still fail as after the initial rush, the people will come to terms with real poverty, boredom and hopelessness...and sneak over the border back to modern civilization.

I am fairly confident all this hysterical waaaaaaaa-waaaaaaing about seceding will calm down soon enough. Sure hope so. The Civil War was the deadliest in our history, costing us ten percent of our total population at that time, from direct casualities, the collateral damage, disease and starvation that went with it. The lion's share of deaths were suffered by the Confederacy.

Imagine a group of people right now who are so ignorant of history that they think their hissy fit is worth risking the loss of 31.5 million American lives?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Jack Mann on November 11, 2012, 07:17:10 pm
Keep in mind, these are petitions put forth by a few citizens.  It's not accurate to say the States themselves have decided to secede.  I mean, one of them's New York for crying out loud.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 11, 2012, 07:18:38 pm
In the event that a state actually wants to secede (as in most people and civil servants want it to) I doubt our government would be willing to wage another war.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 11, 2012, 07:20:35 pm
Allen West is, predictably, a sore loser (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/10/rep-allen-west-finally-loses-reelection-still-refuses-to-concede/).
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: gomer21xx on November 11, 2012, 07:26:26 pm
Now this is butthurt


I signed Texas for the lulz.


*dope slaps Cataclysm*

Dude, on the off chance that this thing actually gains momentum, would you really want to end up being at least partially responsible for it, just so you can have a few lulz?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: wrongfrog on November 11, 2012, 07:31:14 pm
Allen West is, predictably, a sore loser (http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/11/10/rep-allen-west-finally-loses-reelection-still-refuses-to-concede/).
What's sad is that there are actually people out there who were devastated to know that Allen West lost the election, despite him being certifiably insane.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Zygarde on November 11, 2012, 07:33:59 pm
Now this is butthurt


I signed Texas for the lulz.


*dope slaps Cataclysm*

Dude, on the off chance that this thing actually gains momentum, would you really want to end up being at least partially responsible for it, just so you can have a few lulz?
i signed the Texas one too (mostly cause I hate Texas)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Alehksunos on November 11, 2012, 07:49:26 pm
Hey guys, don't do this to me. I don't want to live in an unintentional social experiment.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 11, 2012, 07:52:24 pm
Hmm, I suppose so. These are just petitions signed by a few unfortunate idiots.

However, we cannot turn a blind eye to something that looks harmless and inconsequential. Yes, it is just a few people currently. That is how I do hope it stays.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Alehksunos on November 11, 2012, 08:04:43 pm
Hmm, I suppose so. These are just petitions signed by a few unfortunate idiots.

However, we cannot turn a blind eye to something that looks harmless and inconsequential. Yes, it is just a few people currently. That is how I do hope it stays.
Me too.

Seriously guys, I don't have the money or anything (including proof of confidence on my own) to get the fuck out of this state when it actually does "Succeed from the Union" (which again I hope remains an asinine fantasy for consie ghouls like Rick Perry, Ted Cruz, etc.).
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: rookie on November 11, 2012, 08:26:05 pm
Well, if any Texans here need an American sponsor, send me a PM. We'll get you immigrant visas for political asylum and everything.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 11, 2012, 08:36:57 pm
I have to wonder about those who would sign a petition like that except for the lulz. I'd think they would be too paranoid, since the whitehouse.gov site makes you register to sign. Why not tattoo "Attention FBI! I'm a secessionist traitor!" on your forehead?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 11, 2012, 08:51:19 pm
They are simply fools.

They believe that, somehow, by virtue of having pale skin, this grants them great abilities and instantaneous advantages against the Army, the Navy, the Marines and the Air Force, that somehow, a Randian Utopia's Selfish Warriors would be better equipped to handle an established army with a record like the United States' military.

They live in a world where they could just secede and face no problems, as if somehow Barack Obama is holding them down, when in reality his programs are most likely the only thing that holds them afloat.

They wish they were back in the late 1800's, and see a rosy picture of the Confederacy, as if it were a noble government fighting oppression, when in reality, it was the oppressor, who could never get enough of appeasement and only struck back because they couldn't get exactly what they want.

What the United States would be dealing with would be more or less a group of pathetic Manchildren who think their gun stash and hunting has prepared them for real war. Ideally, the "war" would be over before it began, as the FBI would track down each sincere individual who signed these documents, and had them detained as traitors to the country, together with the ring leaders.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ironbite on November 11, 2012, 09:24:46 pm
So...you're ok with the government oppressing people's right to petition?

Ironbite-good to know.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 11, 2012, 10:03:15 pm
So...you're ok with the government oppressing people's right to petition?

Ironbite-good to know.

There is a difference between submitting a petition and actively supporting secession. I got the impression niam was referring to those who support the latter.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 11, 2012, 10:21:40 pm
Can we send the baggers from NY to Texas or some other red state?? I don't want them in my state. If they to secede from there go,  but don't drag me into some third world fuck hole, and I think most other NYers will side with me, given the 169 sigs, compared to the huge number of residents of NY, is laughable. Also I happen to live in a somewhat conservative county, and find some of the people outside of the liberal areas to be asshats, every so often you'll see some asshole with a NO OBAMA bumper sticker or the like, but they're not a common sight in the City of Poughkeepsie, Beacon, or Rhinebeck.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Canadian Mojo on November 11, 2012, 10:34:51 pm
So...you're ok with the government oppressing people's right to petition?

Ironbite-good to know.

There is a difference between submitting a petition and actively supporting secession. I got the impression niam was referring to those who support the latter.
Isn't the real difference supporting secession through legal means and supporting secession through illegal (i.e. violent) means, or is any talk of separation illegal?

Canada allows our separatists to exist quite openly and even hold office. As long as it is not violent it is not suppressed.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Jack Mann on November 11, 2012, 11:14:30 pm
Honestly, even in Texas, I doubt the majority of the citizens want to secede.  If it ever came down to an open vote, they'd get shot down.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 12, 2012, 01:59:15 am
If these kinds of people seceded, I very much doubt the results would be very peaceful for any ethnic minorities caught in there, or any homosexuals in seceded states.

What I am against is people who are blatantly seceding simply because they're spoiled brats who didn't get what they wanted, so they want to throw the system down the toilet.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: cheese007 on November 12, 2012, 02:11:25 am
The Texas petition has 15,200 signatures out of the 25,000 needed, and it was only created two days ago. It's also well ahead of the other states.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on November 12, 2012, 05:59:40 am
If Texas and the 15 other states went the way of the loonies wishes a la Give Me Liberty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Washington_%28comics%29) dystopia wouldn't that put them in a much weaker position re: dealing with Mexico?

I don't see California or the north eastern states lining up to pay for some bible-thumping rednecks anti brown people fence if the stupid bastards actually seceded!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Distind on November 12, 2012, 07:51:22 am
So yeah, mainpage was going to be the conservative tears edition today. There's plenty of it, but with these last couple I've gone over I'm considering changing it to the Hyper Cunt Edition.

Here's to hoping their full of shit.

And I'll note that New York is one of those '15' states. We're not going anywhere. It's just a bunch of whining bastards filing petitions which will never go anywhere significant.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 12, 2012, 08:01:11 am
Can we send the baggers from NY to Texas or some other red state?? I don't want them in my state. If they to secede from there go,  but don't drag me into some third world fuck hole, and I think most other NYers will side with me, given the 169 sigs, compared to the huge number of residents of NY, is laughable. Also I happen to live in a somewhat conservative county, and find some of the people outside of the liberal areas to be asshats, every so often you'll see some asshole with a NO OBAMA bumper sticker or the like, but they're not a common sight in the City of Poughkeepsie, Beacon, or Rhinebeck.

For that matter, could we sent the progressives in Texas and Louisiana up North? People have jobs and families, so it's probably unrealistic, but it would be nice.

If these kinds of people seceded, I very much doubt the results would be very peaceful for any ethnic minorities caught in there, or any homosexuals in seceded states.

So basically not much would change.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: kefkaownsall on November 12, 2012, 09:01:55 am
Not true the only thing stopping Texas etc from bringing back sodomy laws is the Supreme Court.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: mellenORL on November 12, 2012, 11:51:30 am
I read up on secession, and it seems (no surprise here, when you see the source) that Texas really DOES NOT have a special clause allowing them to secede easily from the Union. This Urban Fundie Myth was started by Rick Perry...who heard it from jeebuz in a dream, I guess.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secession (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secession)

The wiki page is actually really fun reading....all kinds of oddball secession movements besides the Civil War. Some are downright goofy.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Witchyjoshy on November 12, 2012, 12:28:22 pm

I think Jerk with a Mouth is my hero.

There's being a condescending jerkass and then there's being deliciously harsh.  This guy is deliciously harsh.

...And kind of a condescending jerkass but double standards being what they are, I'll forgive him for it because quite frankly, I'm actually really sick of all the butthurt, the drama, the incessant whining, and the lies and misinformation flying around like angry africanized bees.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Material Defender on November 12, 2012, 01:32:52 pm

What sort of self-absorbed jackass to think that World war 2, Pearl harbor, civil war, American Independence, great depression, other depressions, and civil war thinks this is worse?

This is why, my friends, history is super important.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Her3tiK on November 12, 2012, 03:13:28 pm
Realistically, they won't be able to secede. It came up the first time Obama won and, even with the increased numbers of open racists in the South, there won't be enough support for anything like this to happen. The petitions might get looked at, but nobody will take them seriously unless at least one gathers a number of signatures equal to a considerable percentage of the state's population. Without that, I'm not expecting more than for these fools to be completely ignored, until and unless one of them does something stupid like shoot up a Planned Parenthood out of frustration.

And even then, Fox will spin it as government being evil, so nothing will change.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: TheUnknown on November 12, 2012, 06:13:11 pm
According to Yahoo, now there are 20 states with secession petitions.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 12, 2012, 06:17:33 pm
And even then, Fox will spin it as government being evil, so nothing will change.



According to Yahoo, now there are 20 states with secession petitions.

Some nut on facebook is keeping track

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Old Viking on November 12, 2012, 06:37:17 pm
Might I suggest that the vast majority of those signing the secession petition couldn't "secess" themselves from the back porch to the privy without a road map and a guide?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: cheese007 on November 12, 2012, 06:40:47 pm
The Texas petition has already garnered enough responses to be taken up by the WH, and then some.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 12, 2012, 06:45:21 pm
If I were Obama, I would peacefully grant Texas their independence.

But I said I would grant them their independence. I never said what I was going to do AFTERWARDS.

-Queue to a mega-ton of Drones flying over Texas and annihilating the new government's infrastructure, chief buildings, and governing center.-
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Smurfette Principle on November 12, 2012, 06:52:31 pm
If those states succeeded in their succession, I would be willing to take in refugees.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 12, 2012, 06:53:24 pm
The Texas petition has already garnered enough responses to be taken up by the WH, and then some.
"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about the butthurt level?"

"It's over 9000!!!"
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: DiscoBerry on November 12, 2012, 06:55:00 pm
If I were Obama, I would peacefully grant Texas their independence.

But I said I would grant them their independence. I never said what I was going to do AFTERWARDS.

-Queue to a mega-ton of Drones flying over Texas and annihilating the new government's infrastructure, chief buildings, and governing center.-

So had to plus 1 that
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: TheUnknown on November 12, 2012, 07:02:08 pm
Then they can make all the theocratic, racist, and anti-gay laws they want while still claiming to be a paragon of freedom (because you know that's what's most likely gonna happen if they succeed).

If I were Obama, I would peacefully grant Texas their independence.

But I said I would grant them their independence. I never said what I was going to do AFTERWARDS.

-Queue to a mega-ton of Drones flying over Texas and annihilating the new government's infrastructure, chief buildings, and governing center.-

Someone on Yahoo comments said Texas would be able to make it as a country because they have agriculture, oil, and their own state military along with a bunch of citizens that own guns.  Also, another said that if Texas succeeds, they won't have to give up government programs stationed on their land, like NASA.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 12, 2012, 07:06:55 pm
If those states succeeded in their succession, I would be willing to take in refugees.
Yeah I mean...fuck me, NY is on there... :-\
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Saturn500 on November 12, 2012, 07:18:53 pm
If NY secedes, I'm not leaving. Instead, I'll start a rebellion, and force whoever the new leader is to take back the secession.

Who cares if zie will probably have armed guards? I have the ability to go from calm to homicidally pissed in seconds. I can just scare zir into doing my bidding. [/internettoughguy]

Of course, NY is a blue state, so that probably isn't gonna happen.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: nickiknack on November 12, 2012, 07:20:45 pm
If those states succeeded in their succession, I would be willing to take in refugees.
Thanks, but I don't think the idiots from NY realize they're surrounded by evil liberals (http://www.politico.com/2012-election/results/president/new-york/). Fun Fact: My county(Dutchess) actually went blue, this has to be the first time in ages when Dutchess went blue.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: TheUnknown on November 12, 2012, 07:22:17 pm
Here's someone's response form Tumblr: (http://jimicowan.tumblr.com/post/35588275798/to-those-who-are-supporting-this-secession-bit)

To those who are supporting this secession bit
You need to pull your heads from your asses and wake up.

I find it a little bit grody and disheartening to read the libertarian (some, not all, of course) support of this schtick, which at this point is clearly typical GOP bullshit pandering. This is a decent example why I will never call myself a libertarian. This adherence to the republican standard is gross. I mean, I read a post earlier about record gun sales and the obligatory “THIS” response. What a fucking joke, people. This isn’t change. This is asinine, knee jerk, tittybaby reaction because of sour election results. And THIS is why people don’t take your movement seriously. A 100% complete break from the GOP is what’s needed and what IS NOT happening!

Once again, a bunch of butt hurt republicans can do nothing but bitch and gripe? How’s about you work to make positive change? How’s about you step away from your Kristol/Limbaugh/Hannity neocon, whack-ass, way-too-far right ledge and come back to reality. Fucking neat, Texas now has >26K signatures. Now what, we can secede and have more little Rick Perry/George Bush spawns running a totalitarian GOP state? I mean, my representative is Lamar Smith! Lamar fucking Smith, people! What’s he going to do to a separate Texas? That wording of “our” secession petition is completely laughable. How many Texas republicans supported GW? A black man gets elected for two terms and now they’re all up in arms about NDAA and the TSA; FUCK YOU! Where were you in 2001? Where were you over the last four years?

Look, like I said before, I’m all for making changes and I support secession where fundamental structural changes will be made afterwards. This aint it, folks. You people seriously need a reality check.

Tell me where I’m wrong.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Zygarde on November 12, 2012, 07:24:51 pm
If these numnuts do actually get Louisiana to secede please get me and any family/friends  I point out, out of here POST HASTE!!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 12, 2012, 07:50:44 pm
To sign or not to sign that is the question.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: TheUnknown on November 12, 2012, 08:06:25 pm
When the idiot conservatives on tumblr say "even if we don't secede, this just shows how many problems there are with Obama," they don't seem to realize that petitions like this mean jack shit.  Seriously, conservatives in every single state could start a petition in their state, and then, with the way this shit is being reported, they could say that all 50 states are requesting secession.  Despite the fact that Obama won the popular vote as well.  The last I looked at the number of signatures, none of the signatures even come close to half the population of that state.

One even said, "Lol you can't say that it's just butthurt republicans because even liberal states are asking for secession."  No, the state didn't ask for secession.  A group of angry people who claim "American doesn't work anymore" because it's not going how they want it to go started a petition.  Seriously, some states only have signatures in the hundreds (last I looked).  They're like those bratty children who throw a screaming tantrum, say their parents are evil and horrible, and threaten to run away forever until they get what they want.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: worlder on November 12, 2012, 08:09:38 pm
I actually want to see Texas handle foreign relations.

I want them to handle Israel and China. Oh the chaos!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 12, 2012, 08:33:11 pm
Oh you guys, this is rich. Karl Rove accused President Obama of "supressing the vote" in order to win the election. And just how did Obama supposedly do this? By running negative ads (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/08/karl-rove-obama-suppressing-vote_n_2094459.html)!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Agni on November 12, 2012, 10:06:40 pm
Oh god if Texas secedes I will high-tail it out of there as fast as possibe, it'd only be a matter of time before they made homosexuality/atheism a crime.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on November 12, 2012, 10:56:20 pm
So I overheard something at the game store tonight. One of the regulars, while we were discussing 40k claimed that the Imperium was socialist, I stated that they're more fascist than anything. He claimed that fascism was a form of extreme socialism. Of course, this is just context for some of the kind of people that frequent that store.

Why I'm posting here is because of what he was saying to the guy working there afterward. He claimed that the way ACA works is the wrong way to handle healthcare reform because he claims it will cost everyone about $2000 a year and will have the following process to get it paid: Take what it can from your tax return, try to take the rest from your bank account, then say you owe taxes if you still don't have enough and eventually send you to prison for tax evasion. Does any healthcare system in the entire fucking world work that way?

EDIT: He also claimed that companies are laying off workers not as a childish reaction to make the president look bad, but because they have to due to ACA.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Alehksunos on November 12, 2012, 10:59:24 pm
Ugh, I absolutely loathe it when people misuse the word "Socialist." I swear, it is one of the most misapplied words in the English language, next to "Ironic."
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: TheUnknown on November 12, 2012, 11:03:11 pm
Ugh, I absolutely loathe it when people misuse the word "Socialist." I swear, it is one of the most misapplied words in the English language, next to "Ironic."

Didn't you know?  Socialist = communist, because everything not capitalist = communist, therefore it's evil.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Osama bin Bambi on November 12, 2012, 11:05:07 pm
http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/ (http://whitepeoplemourningromney.tumblr.com/)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Material Defender on November 12, 2012, 11:09:27 pm
So I overheard something at the game store tonight. One of the regulars, while we were discussing 40k claimed that the Imperium was socialist, I stated that they're more fascist than anything. He claimed that fascism was a form of extreme socialism. Of course, this is just context for some of the kind of people that frequent that store.

Why I'm posting here is because of what he was saying to the guy working there afterward. He claimed that the way ACA works is the wrong way to handle healthcare reform because he claims it will cost everyone about $2000 a year and will have the following process to get it paid: Take what it can from your tax return, try to take the rest from your bank account, then say you owe taxes if you still don't have enough and eventually send you to prison for tax evasion. Does any healthcare system in the entire fucking world work that way?

EDIT: He also claimed that companies are laying off workers not as a childish reaction to make the president look bad, but because they have to due to ACA.

You from Kansas, right? I feel like I know you or something.

Anyways, trying to just understand his logic at all made my brain hurt.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cloud3514 on November 12, 2012, 11:18:32 pm
So I overheard something at the game store tonight. One of the regulars, while we were discussing 40k claimed that the Imperium was socialist, I stated that they're more fascist than anything. He claimed that fascism was a form of extreme socialism. Of course, this is just context for some of the kind of people that frequent that store.

Why I'm posting here is because of what he was saying to the guy working there afterward. He claimed that the way ACA works is the wrong way to handle healthcare reform because he claims it will cost everyone about $2000 a year and will have the following process to get it paid: Take what it can from your tax return, try to take the rest from your bank account, then say you owe taxes if you still don't have enough and eventually send you to prison for tax evasion. Does any healthcare system in the entire fucking world work that way?

EDIT: He also claimed that companies are laying off workers not as a childish reaction to make the president look bad, but because they have to due to ACA.

You from Kansas, right? I feel like I know you or something.

Anyways, trying to just understand his logic at all made my brain hurt.

I think you may know me from elsewhere on the interwebs, ever been to Snafu forums?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Material Defender on November 12, 2012, 11:24:58 pm
Well, I'll be damned. Yeah, I was there. I was the first to get over 40K posts there.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: mellenORL on November 13, 2012, 10:32:43 am
This incident is more BATSHIT than butthurt:
http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting (http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting)

This woman has me absolutely stunned.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Material Defender on November 13, 2012, 10:41:55 am
This incident is more BATSHIT than butthurt:
http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting (http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting)

This woman has me absolutely stunned.

I doubt this man didn't vote because he didn't care, but because that woman would have done something even more batshit if he voted for obama.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Damen on November 13, 2012, 10:48:55 am
This incident is more BATSHIT than butthurt:
http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting (http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting)

This woman has me absolutely stunned.

Wow. Woman hits her husband with an SUV because he didn't vote and Obama won the election.

Holly Solomon, 28, apparently believed her family was going to face hardship as a result of President Barack Obama's re-election.

Well they are now, dumbass, but it ain't because of Obama.

Solomon's husband, Daniel Solomon, told police his wife "just hated Obama" and was very angry he was re-elected and blamed the President for problems her family is going through.

You mean like huge hospital bills from your hubby getting hit by an SUV? But there's good news!

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 13, 2012, 10:52:15 am
Ugh, I absolutely loathe it when people misuse the word "Socialist." I swear, it is one of the most misapplied words in the English language, next to "Ironic."
I don't know if you're a Futurama fan but it reminded me of this...

Fry: Robot Devil? I get your hands? Zam!

Robot Devil: Oh, what an appallingly ironic outcome.

Bender: It's not ironic, it's just coincidental. Now fork over those lady-fingers, Cookie!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Canadian Mojo on November 13, 2012, 10:55:45 am
http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting (http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_southeast_valley/gilbert/gilbert-pd-man-run-over-by-wife-for-not-voting)

Holly Solomon, 28, apparently believed her family was going to face hardship as a result of President Barack Obama's re-election.

You put your husband in critical condition and yourself in jail; I think Obama is the least of your family's problems.

Holly was taken into custody and booked into jail for domestic violence charges of aggravated assault.

How the hell is this not an attempted murder charge?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Her3tiK on November 13, 2012, 11:13:44 am
I realize this kind of reaction is kind of a minority event, but the fact that so many people are reacting like this (or bursting into tears all week, claiming the world will end, calling for secession, etc.) from one party is absurd. It speaks of an underlying problem that should be addressed, if not by the party in question, than by society as a whole. This is far from a healthy response to a presidential election.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Thejebusfire on November 13, 2012, 11:51:14 am
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: clockworkgirl21 on November 13, 2012, 12:01:32 pm
No one has mentioned several states wanting to secede.


That's an impressive temper tantrum.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: SpaceProg on November 13, 2012, 12:10:01 pm
I don't see how some folks can be so blind that they WILL NOT see.  The world is not ending for crying out loud.  Not any more than it did when their guy W was elected President. 
Things just... are.   Live your lives, folks.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: rookie on November 13, 2012, 12:29:21 pm
No one has mentioned several states wanting to secede.


That's an impressive temper tantrum.

There's one thing I'm not 100% clear on. Are the states themselves petitioning? Or is it people or groups in the state petitioning?  Because here I think semantics makes all the difference.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 13, 2012, 12:36:20 pm
No one has mentioned several states wanting to secede.


That's an impressive temper tantrum.
I think it was discussed a few pages back. Still plenty stupid though.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 13, 2012, 12:37:02 pm
No one has mentioned several states wanting to secede.


That's an impressive temper tantrum.

There's one thing I'm not 100% clear on. Are the states themselves petitioning? Or is it people or groups in the state petitioning?  Because here I think semantics makes all the difference.
Just people. Stupid, stupid people. (Most likely stupid, racist people.)
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 13, 2012, 02:13:41 pm
No one has mentioned several states wanting to secede.


That's an impressive temper tantrum.

There's one thing I'm not 100% clear on. Are the states themselves petitioning? Or is it people or groups in the state petitioning?  Because here I think semantics makes all the difference.

I doubt any of the state governments are crazy enough to even consider it. Just a bunch of whiny butthurt losers throwing a fit because the election didn't go the way they wanted. The petitions show which state the signer is in (provided they told the truth) and if you look at the one for Texas, most of the people who signed aren't even in Texas.

Anyone can petition the government for just about any reason. It's covered under the First Amendment. You could petition to close the military base near your house because the aircraft taking off keeps you up at night. Doesn't mean the government will actually do anything to address your petition. So basically nothing is going to come of this secession crap.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 13, 2012, 02:22:11 pm
How the hell is this not an attempted murder charge?

Attempt is a specific intent crime, meaning you have to mean to commit the crime. In this case, if she did not mean to kill her husband, it isn't attempted murder.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: RinellaWasHere on November 13, 2012, 05:30:50 pm
Oregon, what the fuck? We're liberal as fuck here!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: booley on November 13, 2012, 05:44:56 pm

So Romney losing means it wil hard to get a mormon elected to congress?

You mean besides the 15 already there?


Gods, this women is as bad that other oen that thought australia's "president" was christian. and a man. (and a President)

And RinellaWasHere, apparently Oregon is still pretty conservative in the boonies.

Remember this was the state that passed measure 8 that not only undid discrimination laws against gay peopel but said government employees couldn't be protected in the future.

Oregonian con s maybe dying off but they arent' quite gone yet
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Canadian Mojo on November 13, 2012, 06:19:29 pm
How the hell is this not an attempted murder charge?

Attempt is a specific intent crime, meaning you have to mean to commit the crime. In this case, if she did not mean to kill her husband, it isn't attempted murder.

She chased him around the parking lot in an SUV and ran him over.  ???
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: erictheblue on November 13, 2012, 08:29:03 pm
How the hell is this not an attempted murder charge?

Attempt is a specific intent crime, meaning you have to mean to commit the crime. In this case, if she did not mean to kill her husband, it isn't attempted murder.

She chased him around the parking lot in an SUV and ran him over.  ???

The question is "what was her mental state?" Did she actually intend to kill him, or just scare and/or injure him?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: mellenORL on November 13, 2012, 08:48:15 pm
How the hell is this not an attempted murder charge?

Attempt is a specific intent crime, meaning you have to mean to commit the crime. In this case, if she did not mean to kill her husband, it isn't attempted murder.

She chased him around the parking lot in an SUV and ran him over.  ???

The question is "what was her mental state?" Did she actually intend to kill him, or just scare and/or injure him?

She meant to kill him, but clearly she is batshit crazy. Batshit crazy takes away any meaningful intent. She'll get manslaughter if he dies. Since she stated the family is in bad financial shape, they probably don't have health insurance. The auto insurance (if they have that - don't know how broke they are) might possibly pay something for the husband's hospitalization, if the insurance adjustor can convince the claims division to go ahead and treat it as a freak accident, like when a parking brake fails and the car runs over the owner who was getting the groceries out of the rear. It would be good public relations if the insurer did something like that, anyway.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: RinellaWasHere on November 14, 2012, 02:19:53 am
The thing is, the vast majority of our population is here in Western Oregon, which is vastly liberal. Eastern Oregon is a desert, and very conservative. Normally, the west dominates local and national politics. Measure 8 is the first time I can recall where eastern Oregon suddenly woke up and voted, and promptly when right back to sleep. I'm hoping we can get gay marriage back on the ballot by next year, because I'm almost sure it will pass.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 14, 2012, 03:04:57 am
The thing is, the vast majority of our population is here in Western Oregon, which is vastly liberal. Eastern Oregon is a desert, and very conservative. Normally, the west dominates local and national politics. Measure 8 is the first time I can recall where eastern Oregon suddenly woke up and voted, and promptly when right back to sleep. I'm hoping we can get gay marriage back on the ballot by next year, because I'm almost sure it will pass.

I lived in Washington for over 30 years, and it's the same to the north. The Puget Sound area is very liberal, while the eastern part of the state is extremely red. It's just that approximately 3/4ths of the population lives near Puget Sound so the state almost always goes blue.

Now I live in Idaho, and I'm kinda surprised no one has made a petition for here yet. Nice place to live if you like the outdoors (which I do) but there's not enough population in Boise (which is generally blue) to make up for the conservative whackaloons in other parts of the state.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Thejebusfire on November 14, 2012, 04:45:52 pm
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Dakota Bob on November 14, 2012, 06:07:23 pm
Paul Ryan insists he didn't lose because of the issues, but because of "urban" voters. (http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/267481-rep-ryan-gop-ticket-didnt-lose-election-on-budget-issues-medicare)

I hope you're thirsty, because I'm sure these tears will keep coming for a while yet.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ironbite on November 14, 2012, 06:58:08 pm
Urban in this case means black.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: SpaceProg on November 14, 2012, 07:33:47 pm
I thought urban meant city people.  I'm so naive.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: armandtanzarian on November 14, 2012, 08:18:45 pm
Speaking of which:

The New Black Panther Party was there, on cue. Standing outside of the 4th precinct in Philadelphia’s 14th ward, there was Jerry Jackson, a member of the leather-loving fringe group who’d signed up to be a poll watcher for the Nov. 6 election.
Fox News was there, too. In 2008, the network spent hours playing and replaying a video of two Panthers glaring at a conservative poll-watcher as he filmed them. This year the network sent its own reporter, who tried to interview Jackson. “Have you been around a lot today? What's your purpose of being here?” He said nothing. The network switched to video of the 35th ward, where people waiting in a school to vote were walking past a mural of the president, even after Republicans sued to get it covered up. “This remained untouched for hours as people voted!” said reporter Eric Shawn.
Hours later, the network called Pennsylvania for Barack Obama. Days later, the network is still combing for evidence that Philadelphia—and by extension, the whole state—was stolen through Democratic chicanery. It was “mathematically impossible,” according to Sean Hannity, that 59 Philadelphia precincts had registered no votes for Mitt Romney. “There is cheating going on in our elections!” The story and the sentiment spread beyond Fox. Defeated Alaska U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller tweeted about the precinct story, and grumbled that it “sounds like western Alaska, circa 2010.”
Yesterday, as I checked into the flimsy “fraud” stories, I got an email from TheTeaParty.net. This is one of the more hard-to-classify groups that take the name of the taxpayer movement. I haven’t seen it in action in elections or local government, but I’ve seen it sponsor tables at conferences. Now, it was promising—without really saying how—that it would get to the bottom of the 59 Precinct Theory.
“Stand with us as we work to demand a full recount of ALL votes for the 2012 election,” read the letter. “In this fight, we are up against a well funded progressive, far left machine funded by the likes of George Soros. Any amount that you can contribute, whether $5 or $500 or anything above or in between, will assist us in the fight for the integrity of elections in this country!”
As Weigel explains, there is this constant insinuation that there is some sort of fraud, somewhere. But actual evidence is lacking. No dead people voting, no stuffed ballots, very little voter intimidation at the booths. Chalks it up to the fact that Republicans still refuse to see black urban areas as anything more than a single homogenous block... Something MUST be wrong.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: niam2023 on November 14, 2012, 10:37:51 pm
What in the hell did poor old George Soros do to these people to deserve being included in every single damn conspiracy theory!?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: armandtanzarian on November 14, 2012, 11:09:34 pm
What do you guys think about shaming racists?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 15, 2012, 12:40:20 am
What in the hell did poor old George Soros do to these people to deserve being included in every single damn conspiracy theory!?
He survived the Holocaust and gives money to Democrats. There. I just saved you the trouble of watching an entire Glenn Beck special.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on November 15, 2012, 12:49:50 am
What do you guys think about shaming racists?
I'm all for it ;D

This one was dumb enough to take a picture of his driver's permit:
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: ScrappyB on November 15, 2012, 01:03:49 am
What do you guys think about shaming racists?

Ugh. These racist whiners make me embarrassed I'm white.

I was surprised at how young most of them are. How much you want to bet they picked up their disgusting views from their parents?
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Material Defender on November 15, 2012, 01:15:01 am
Seems like they are focusing on them. They all look so normal. I could walk past them in the streets.

Ugh... racism.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 15, 2012, 08:45:02 am
Too much butthurt can kill you...

Henry Hamilton was found dead on Nov. 8, with his home littered with empty pill bottles. According to palmbeachpost.com a suicide note was found that said:

"Do not revive! F*ck Obama!"

Hamilton lived with his partner Michael Cossey, who was the first to find the body after returning home from an evening out with friends.

I don't know if there were other factors leading to the suicide, but I'm sure there were.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Shane for Wax on November 15, 2012, 09:02:42 am
My favorite thing is seeing how many racists use the term nig nog. I can take them even less seriously than I did before.

As for the majority on that tumblr being young... on the plus side there's time for them to learn and wise up once they get out into the world and away from their parents'/neighbors/school's/whatever influence
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: SpaceProg on November 15, 2012, 09:12:25 am
Nig nog?  Makes me think of egg nog... Mmmm Christmassy.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Shane for Wax on November 15, 2012, 09:13:08 am
A WHITE Christmas, I hope.

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: SpaceProg on November 15, 2012, 09:44:41 am
Is there any other kind?  Hurhurhurhur.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Material Defender on November 15, 2012, 11:12:23 am
Is there any other kind?  Hurhurhurhur.

I think there's a blue and urban christmas!
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 15, 2012, 11:20:55 am
Is there any other kind?  Hurhurhurhur.

Yellow. Hurhurhurhur.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Qlockworkcanary on November 15, 2012, 11:58:58 am
Apparently, the GOP Chairman in Maine has a new theory on how Obama surprisingly won his typically blue state:


I guess black folks work in mysterious ways there, Charlie Webster.

These GOP folks just keep digging deeper and deeper.
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: RinellaWasHere on November 15, 2012, 12:37:44 pm
"I just don't understand! A lot of people agreed with him, and somehow he won! How does I democracy?"
Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Cataclysm on November 16, 2012, 05:10:35 pm

Title: Re: Butthurt Republicans & Rightwingers Thread
Post by: Radiation on November 16, 2012, 07:14:59 pm
What do you guys think about shaming racists?
I'm all for it ;D

This one was dumb enough to take a picture of his driver's permit:

How much do you want to bet that this guy had some unsolicited pizzas delivered to his house? I am sure that the trolls out there are having the time of their lives making this guy miserable?