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Community => Society and History => Topic started by: mellenORL on April 24, 2013, 10:13:11 am

Title: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: mellenORL on April 24, 2013, 10:13:11 am
Yet another tragedy unfolding. Because of exchange rates, your dollar, pound or euro goes very far indeed in helping the injured factory workers. I wish they would force the factory owner to dig through that rubble with his bare hands. Nobody was supposed to be in there after the building inspector's order Tuesday.

http://www.bdrcs.org/ (http://www.bdrcs.org/)

Site is busy, and online donation pathway for this specific disaster not set up yet. Below is info for bank wire transfers. The numbers can be verified as legitimate by your bank branch manager if you want to ACH a donation today, but there will be a fee for sending an ACH - so, only worth the trouble if you want to send a 50 dollar equivalent or more donation. Otherwise, I guess just wait until the site gets it set up for online payment.

Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
 A/C No. 01-1336274-01
 Standard Chartered Bank
 Dhaka Bangladesh

http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/24/17890506-almost-100-dead-after-building-with-2000-people-inside-collapses-in-bangladesh?lite (http://worldnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/24/17890506-almost-100-dead-after-building-with-2000-people-inside-collapses-in-bangladesh?lite)

Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: ThunderWulf on April 24, 2013, 12:17:21 pm
Just goes to show with this after the fertilizer plant explosion in Texas that negligence is a universal language unfortunately.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: mellenORL on April 24, 2013, 02:58:40 pm
Randian capitalism taken through to it's inevitable extreme. Humanity just =/= humane.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: KZN02 on April 24, 2013, 05:16:29 pm
I was really hoping bad news would stop at last week, but ...
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: mellenORL on May 10, 2013, 09:09:23 am
Here it is, 16 days later, the death toll ten times that of the original reports. I looked through a photoblog on Bangladeshi garment factory disasters over the last decade, just one tragedy after another. Then I dared to read the comments, which were not as horridly stupid as usual for an MSN article. Below is a copy paste of one I thought out standing in it's "typical ordinary person outraged by it all" tone. Well said and heartfelt. In the EU, agencies and pols and journalists are focusing pressure on the clothing importers and retailers. Same needs to happen here in the US, now.
http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/09/18108815-ever-present-danger-looms-for-bangladeshi-workers?lite (http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/05/09/18108815-ever-present-danger-looms-for-bangladeshi-workers?lite)

The cost of cheap clothing? How about the expensive stuff?

For budget reasons, as a young mom-to-be, I never shopped the likes of Lord & Taylor, etc. My good ol' grandma, rest her soul, took me into L&T for a 'treat shop' just before the birth of my first son. She cited higher prices, but better quality and made in USA, for the most part.

Guess what? We were taken aback! The EXACT same sh*t on the racks as at WM--'made in Korea', made in Pakistan', and, yes, 'made in Bangladesh'...We read tags for nearly an hour in the baby section and found NOT ONE made-in-USA garment!!!

So, does it solve the problem for us westerners to stop buying $10 jeans at WM, and start buying the SAME crap at L&T for $70? No.

Maybe be we should stop buying clothes altogether, and make our own...now, where's that fabric manufactured...retailers want to keep THAT as cheap as possible, too...

Or maybe, we should move all the jobs back home, and FORCE everyone, REGARDLESS of income, to buy 4 or 5 pairs of $70 jeans (IF they could be kept down to $70 a pair being manufactured here...) a season PER CHILD for their schoolkids who outgrow and outblow them in the course of a couple months? PERFECT solution...IF your income is in the top 5 or 10%...

Or maybe, just MAYBE (until the ridiculousness of out-of-control, artificial inflation puts on the brakes and starts making living on and working for a little less a bit easier here in the good ol' US--ha ha) we should let companies hire whom they will to make the clothes they sell...but hold THEM accountable 100% for tragedies such as these.

The US companies, middleguys, and the Bangladeshi building owners should all sit shoulder-to-shoulder on trial.

Let's face it--laws over there won't protect these workers. Not really our issue (though we'd love things to be different). But when US companies sign on to do business with them, those factories BECOME a part of their company--a 'Bangladesh branch'. They are then culpable if things are not run safely there.

They're just as accountable as McD's for their bad eggs and horsemeat hamburgers. They didn't produce these things firsthand, but they signed an AGREEMENT to buy from the guys who did. It is then up to McD's to fix things. Just like it's up to the US co's that buy clothes from countries that don't protect their workers to make sure things are run safely and smoothly. I mean, if all the garments from a factory were shipped over here with gaping holes in them, that business relationship would be history.

Same should go if there are gaping holes in worker safety. These are real, hard-working folk, after all, just like us, with families, friends, loves, and lives that they deserve to live.

I mean, holey garments put up for sale would ruin a US co's rep...but what do you think something like this is gonna do?

Maybe, instead of another trip to Cancun, France, or Hawaii, the CEO's of these US co's should book an annual trip to wherever it is that they get their clothing from...then demand changes if they see that they are needed...and switch suppliers if they are not carried out. Stamped paperwork never really certifies ANYTHING--seeing IS believing.

I mean, these fat-cat top .1%'ers probably LOVE it when the blame shifts to the US population for buying cheaply-manufactured clothes...but they don't stop selling them, do they...at $10 or $70?

We should train our beams onto the ones behind all this in the first place...the ones with the REAL buying power...and the means to get up-close-and-personal with the clowns who own these unsafe factories.

When a multimillion-dollar contract's on the line, 'shape up or ship out' takes on a WHOLE new meaning...
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: ironbite on May 10, 2013, 03:10:49 pm
...that's...that's ....

Trihorn-well thanks, you broke his CPU.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: kefkaownsall on May 10, 2013, 05:12:54 pm
This will actually cause Islamic terrorism. Think about it those 1000 people had lovers etc. 
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: ironbite on May 10, 2013, 05:24:11 pm
...what?  No seriously explain how this will cause a wave of Taliban/Al Qaeda style bombings Kef.

Ironbite-I really want to know how you got to that conclusion.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: mellenORL on May 10, 2013, 05:45:51 pm

I think these bereaved and raging young men would very much like a chat with all of the following: the factory owners, the corrupt officials, the retail buying agents who push such penny pinching contracts. That would not be terrorism, though. Al Qaeda might very well cite these virtual death camp garment factories as justification for future acts of terrorism. As much as I loathe terrorists, still I believe that all that rage and hatred of the West does not come out of a vacuum, and it really shouldn't surprise us that this is one of the prices we pay for allowing the unscrupulous exploitation of poor people in the developing world. That blind eye we turn to these peoples' suffering in the name of profit has caused more people to become radicalized Islamo-zealot militants than any propaganda put out by the terror organizations.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: kefkaownsall on May 10, 2013, 07:07:20 pm
this basically
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: wyvern999 on May 10, 2013, 08:45:52 pm
The cost of cheap clothes.

(click to show/hide)
This picture of a couple cuddled together in their last moments, illustrates the full human tragedy of the Dhaka factory disaster.

Photographer Taslima Akhter captured the image of the so-far ­unidentified pair in the rubble of the collapsed building.

Taslima, who was working alongside rescue teams in Bangladesh, said: “When I saw them, I felt I knew them.

"They felt very close to me. It’s as if they’re saying, ‘We are not a number – not only cheap labour and cheap lives. We are human beings like you’.

“Every time I look back to this photo, I feel uncomfortable — it haunts me.”

Student Taslima hopes her harrowing image will aid her campaign to improve working conditions in her native city.

Yesterday 94 more bodies were found as the death toll hit 950 and another 2,500 were injured.[/quote]

Thanks to the Daily Mirror.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Sleepy on May 10, 2013, 11:10:37 pm
Someone spoiler that, please. Seriously fucking disturbing.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Søren on May 11, 2013, 12:42:41 am
Edited your post. It was a bit much
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: wyvern999 on May 11, 2013, 08:00:17 pm
Edited your post. It was a bit much

It was meant to be. It was in a national newspaper here and it was a lot bigger. They should make it into a poster and put it opposite every stockmarket on the planet so everyoe knows the real price of capitalism and who's paying it.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Witchyjoshy on May 11, 2013, 08:47:19 pm
Edited your post. It was a bit much

It was meant to be. It was in a national newspaper here and it was a lot bigger. They should make it into a poster and put it opposite every stockmarket on the planet so everyoe knows the real price of capitalism and who's paying it.

Because using shock tricks makes us so much better than the anti-choicers with their images of dead fetuses everywhere, doesn't it?
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Sleepy on May 11, 2013, 08:47:29 pm
Edited your post. It was a bit much

It was meant to be. It was in a national newspaper here and it was a lot bigger. They should make it into a poster and put it opposite every stockmarket on the planet so everyoe knows the real price of capitalism and who's paying it.

Yes, post pictures of the deceased everywhere in an attempt to be anti-capitalist. Because that's not being an asshole at all.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: mellenORL on May 12, 2013, 12:14:39 am
wyvern999 has a right to post their opinion expressing hatred of capitalism. The picture is graphic, yes, and the spoiler tag is standard for this forum outside of the disturbing images thread, but the fact that this photo was on the front page of a major newspaper says something in itself; the people who died no longer can speak for themselves, yet their image conveys just how serious this problem that lead to the tragedy is. It's an ugly, disturbing image, but it has to be seen to wake people up to action.

As a socio-economic system, capitalism has as many serious faults as state communism, as feudalism, as theocracy, as dictatorship, as plutocracy, as really any system that gets over-centralized with too much power in the hands of too few people. It's as old as humanity; the powerful take advantage of the "weak", and justify it with w/e their personal brand of relativistic justification may be.

I've been a small business owner, and an employee. I appreciate the system, but I don't defend the extreme tactics and callousness that seem to go hand-in-hand with the rise in size and scope of companies, especially when they deem themselves too big to fail, and too important to not have direct influence in politics for their own benefit, at the expense of workers and consumers.

As far as wyvern999's comment about placing that billboard in front of every stock market? Actually, a good idea. Why? Because this is the twenty first century, and it's about time that we stopped ignoring the Victorian Era/Randian Romanticist business practices of a huge number of companies and their owners. There are too many Kochs in this world, and they are still untouchable it seems, even when their choice of how to conduct their business directly or indirectly leads to tragedies like Dhaka, Bhopal and the frightening decimation of the polar ice caps.

It's funny that we use the internet to post pet shaming pictures, but the idea of posting a picture of horrible consequences to shame the truly awful, disdainful, egomaniacal business people is bad? Okay...let's put a billboard with a picture of a Gates Foundation vaccination project next to it, along with a billboard congratulating Elon Musk for his all-electric car, the Tesla S sedan, getting a Consumer Reports rating of 9.7. It has a 200 mile range, with a base price of an average Lexus, and he has plans for an economy priced car with even better range in the very near future. Capitalists that want to get rich making things that are of good quality, useful and needed still exist, thankfully, and they generally manage not to get anybody killed in the process.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Sleepy on May 12, 2013, 01:15:40 am
It's not about whether he has the right to post such a thing. You can convey a point without using pictures of dead bodies.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Stormwarden on May 12, 2013, 01:44:35 am
Gotta agree with Magus. We need to have standards or we're no better than the filth we post on the quotes.

That said, I wouldn't complain if those who put those people in that situation ended up with life in front of the firing squad, at least.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: wyvern999 on May 12, 2013, 08:59:11 am
It's not about whether he has the right to post such a thing. You can convey a point without using pictures of dead bodies.

(click to show/hide)

What has most impact a description of the picture above or the picture itself? Why do you think photographers take these pictures in the first place? Convey a point? WTF is that supposed to mean? We're talking about a thousand dead people here not peoples delicate sensibilities. We have to see the results of what we do and not censor it because we don't like what we are seeing.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Askold on May 12, 2013, 09:55:01 am
Do you know why we have things like NSFW tag and trigger warnings?

We put them as a courtesy because the images/text might shock someone or simply be too visceral for the current location they are in. And that image of corpses you posted certainly fits that.

What you did was basically "HEY LOOK AT THESE BLOODY CORPSES!" and even if you were well intentioned it was a bit shocking and also immoral. You are basically using those bodies as a tool to push your agenda, exploiting the dead. I am not denying that what happened in Bangladesh was a tragedy or that the company involved is responsible due to their lack of concern and safety as they focused on profits. I am simply saying that your way of trying to combat that amoral capitalism is also wrong.

Showing pictures of bloody corpses in other peoples faces without a warning is no different from what PETA and some anti-abortion groups do.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Witchyjoshy on May 12, 2013, 11:20:13 am
Wyvern?  I'm getting tired of your shit.

You were specifically asked to stop doing so and blatantly did so again to prove a point.  I had to put that one behind a spoiler, just like Hof did for the last one.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Sleepy on May 12, 2013, 11:21:46 am
Way to be totally mature and post another picture after your first one was fucking spoiler'd by a mod, you asshole. Like askold said, I'm not denying that the building collapse was an utter tragedy. Of course the company should be held accountable for it, and measures should be taken to prevent such an occurrence in the future. But using dead bodies to convey your point (you know damn well what that means) is pretty fucking low, and you should be ashamed.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: Radiation on May 12, 2013, 12:23:05 pm
Wyvern, you were lucky that Magus and Hof were being light on you, so be happy that you didn't get an official warning for this. We are not going to put up with shit like this for too long; so stop and I mean STOP posting pictures (without putting them behind a spoiler tag at least) like the ones that you posted because not everyone wants to see that. It is too disturbing for others and there may be people on this board where such images can trigger something due to an event that happened to them. Understand?
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: dpareja on May 13, 2013, 01:09:31 am
So now the Bangladeshi government is planning to raise the minimum wage for garment factory workers: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/05/12/bangladesh-garment-worker-pay-raise.html (http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/05/12/bangladesh-garment-worker-pay-raise.html). (Warning: some may find the images in the article disturbing.)

Bangladesh's government plans to raise the minimum wage for garment workers after the deaths of more than 1,100 people in the collapse of a factory building focused attention on the textile industry's dismal pay and hazardous working conditions.

A new minimum wage board will issue recommendations for pay raises within three months, Textiles Minister Abdul Latif Siddiky said Sunday. The Cabinet will then decide whether to accept those proposals.


Working conditions in the US $20 billion industry are grim, a result of government corruption, desperation for jobs, and industry indifference. Minimum wages for garment workers were last raised by 80 per cent to 3,000 takas ($38) a month in 2010 following protests by workers.

On the other hand, there was the one woman they found alive.

On Friday, the search teams received a much-needed morale boost when they found a seamstress who survived under the rubble for 17 days on dried food and bottled and rain water.

More than 2,500 survivors were rescued soon after the collapse, but until 19-year-old Reshma Begum was found the crews had gone nearly two weeks without discovering anyone alive.
Title: Re: Bangladesh building collapses in Dhaka - 100 + dead
Post by: kefkaownsall on May 13, 2013, 02:21:05 am
The problem with raising min wage sadly is race to the bottom kicks in  :-\
 American business will then say fine and set up in an even shittier country.