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Community => Religion and Philosophy => Topic started by: Meshakhad on May 30, 2013, 11:34:48 am

Title: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Meshakhad on May 30, 2013, 11:34:48 am

A mosque has been praised for serving tea and biscuits to English Defence League supporters after the far-right group arranged a demonstration there.

About six people turned up to protest at the mosque in Bull Lane, York, on Sunday and were invited inside to play football with worshippers.

More than 100 supporters of the mosque had gone there after learning of the planned EDL protest.

Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu said the mosque's response was "fantastic".

He said: "Tea, biscuits, and football are a great and typically Yorkshire combination when it comes to disarming hostile and extremist views."

Father Tim Jones, who went to the Bull Lane mosque, which is situated in his parish, said: "I've always known they were intelligent and compassionate people and I think this has demonstrated the extent to which they are people of courage - certainly physical courage and also a high degree of moral courage.

"I think the world can learn from what happened outside that ramshackle little mosque on Sunday."

Hull Road ward councillor Neil Barnes said it had been a "proud moment for York".

He said: "I don't think I'll ever forget the day that the York Mosque tackled anger and hatred with peace and warmth - and I won't forget the sight of a Muslim offering a protester tea and biscuits with absolute sincerity."

Fears over a demonstration grew after Yorkshire EDL Scarborough Division posted a message on its Facebook page calling for supporters to gather outside the mosque.

Imam Abid Salik said: "We did have a few people who did come to protest but when they came some of the members of the mosque went over and they engaged in a conversation.

"Some people went over with cups of tea and biscuits, they were talking for about 30 or 40 min

That is absolutely brilliant.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Art Vandelay on May 30, 2013, 11:43:57 am
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: RinellaWasHere on May 30, 2013, 12:08:48 pm
This is the most British thing I've read all week.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on May 30, 2013, 12:45:45 pm
Yeah, more like terrorist tea, amirite? :P

But yeah, while it doesn't take much to look better than the fascist EDL this was still a very good move, especially in light of that Woolwich decapitation.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: mellenORL on May 30, 2013, 03:07:58 pm
The culture of hospitality, in offering assistance, shelter, refreshment, and entertainment to strangers goes back

thousands of years longer in the Middle Eastern traditions than it does even in polite and courteous Britain.

EDL does not represent the UK ethic, the mosque members know that, and I think they also know they gave the

majority of their fellow countrymen in Britain something to grin about.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: JohnE on May 30, 2013, 03:14:52 pm
They loved and tolerated the shit outta those trolls.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Barbarella on May 30, 2013, 03:38:16 pm
They loved and tolerated the shit outta those trolls.

Sometimes, it's best to "Kill them with kindness".

Likewise, "Success is the best revenge".

Besides, we need more love and understanding in the world. If folks practiced "random acts of kindness" and were civil & tactful to even enemies (even when going up against them), we would grow as society & perhaps turn some bad folks to the "Light Side".

I hope I don't sound cliché but these sentiments shouldn't even be cliché.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Dakota Bob on May 30, 2013, 03:41:02 pm
That's pretty fucking British.

"Fuck you m8 i swear on me mums life I'll punch ya in the gob"

"Care for some Tea & Biscuits"

"Oh, 'ta very much!"
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Witchyjoshy on May 30, 2013, 03:58:10 pm
I'm just gonna say that... this was a triumph.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Sigmaleph on May 30, 2013, 05:03:12 pm
[inner_conpiranoid]Clearly the tea had a slow-acting poison. The biscuits had the antidote. A small number of them will drop dead weeks from now and it will never be traced back to the mosque.[/inner_conspiranoid]

But seriously though, well played.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: davedan on May 30, 2013, 06:55:31 pm
I saw this on facebook and thought it was brilliant
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: ironbite on May 30, 2013, 07:04:39 pm
Also invited them inside to participate in a football match.

Ironbite-which they accepted!
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Art Vandelay on May 30, 2013, 10:24:48 pm
I'm just gonna say that... this was a triumph.
In fact... I'm making a note here: Huge success.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Radiation on May 30, 2013, 10:49:04 pm
Most of the Muslims that I have ran into are very hospitable and kind.  We have a pretty large Muslim population here and the people are very charitable and holds some activities for the community.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Some random Homo sapiens on May 31, 2013, 04:42:53 am
I'm just gonna say that... this was a triumph.
In fact... I'm making a note here: Huge success.
Indeed,... it's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on May 31, 2013, 07:13:58 am
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: starseeker on May 31, 2013, 10:25:31 am
Go York, go Northern hospitality (I used to live less than a mile from that mosque when I was at uni).
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: wrightway on May 31, 2013, 02:12:12 pm
This is so wonderfully brilliant. I wonder if this would work on the WBC...
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Sigmaleph on May 31, 2013, 03:05:59 pm
This is so wonderfully brilliant. I wonder if this would work on the WBC...
"God Hates Tea!"
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Cerim Treascair on May 31, 2013, 03:42:13 pm
This is so wonderfully brilliant. I wonder if this would work on the WBC...
"God Hates Tea!"

Watch that be the final straw... hell, it wouldn't surprise me.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Barbarella on June 01, 2013, 10:33:14 am
I'd actually like to see that. Offer cookies & tea, coffee & milk to the WBC. I'd love to see the little WBC children's little faces smile with cute little milk mustaches. Those little one's must be totally abused. It's sad how they brainwash innocent little kiddos so they grow up to be nasty, hateful adults. Nothing takes away corruption like chocolate chips!

However, the WBC would probably not accept & act like idiots, as usual.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on June 01, 2013, 10:50:35 am
Kill 'em with kindness = win.

Can't see this working on the WBC, though.

Most of the Muslims that I have ran into are very hospitable and kind.  We have a pretty large Muslim population here and the people are very charitable and holds some activities for the community.

Of all the Muslims I've known (which is quite a few; I've worked several jobs where many of the employees were Muslim, along with people I've met and/or befriended over the years), there was only one guy who I ever had any issues with, and even then, he wasn't pro-terrorism or anything like that -- he was just your garden-variety misogynist.
Title: Re: Mosque's Response To EDL Protestors: "Care for some tea and biscuits?"
Post by: Osama bin Bambi on June 03, 2013, 08:00:31 pm