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Community => Politics and Government => Topic started by: Itachirumon on June 26, 2013, 09:27:22 am

Title: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Itachirumon on June 26, 2013, 09:27:22 am
I'm jumping out in front of the fury by 35 minutes or so and making a thread - I'll update with links at 7 PST when the decision comes out.

Fingers crossed based on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-buckwalterpoza/antonin-scalia-gay-marriage_b_3498029.html that we're about to win in a big big way.

In case anybody's wondering, no, I haven't slept tonight. Not just out of nerves, but to celebrate in a weird spiritual kind of "I open at the close" type way. I was pulling all-niters back during the original Prop 8 early months and even up to the election. Only fitting that I honor that time and our undoubtable victory by staying up all night again.

Edit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/26/supreme-court-gay-marriage_n_3455001.html?ref=topbar here, a liveblog, join in the fun!
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on June 26, 2013, 09:50:12 am
Everybody just watch SCOTUSblog's live discussion. That's the easiest way.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Itachirumon on June 26, 2013, 09:56:57 am
Thaaaat.....works too. -grumbles about his thunder being stolen and sulks in the fabulous corner-
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: cheese007 on June 26, 2013, 10:05:19 am
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Itachirumon on June 26, 2013, 10:09:13 am
Ding-dong, DOMA's dead~

Not just dead, fucking BURIED! Broad ruling. Hopefully they carry that broadness to Prop 8 and we get marriage equality across the land.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Veras on June 26, 2013, 10:10:28 am
Hell, yes.

Though they're saying that the dissent in this case implies that the Prop 8 case will be dismissed for lack of standing.  It will be legal in California, but won't have meaning farther than that.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Itachirumon on June 26, 2013, 10:13:29 am
So I'm hearing. Feh. Not the Trojan Horse we wanted....but we got our wins.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Barbarella on June 26, 2013, 10:16:43 am
YES! GOOD NEWS! Thank you, Lady Liberty! JAI MAA!

See, guys? We're not doomed! There is hope for the good ol' US of A!
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ThunderWulf on June 26, 2013, 10:19:44 am
It's definitely a large step in the right direction.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: BrandonL337 on June 26, 2013, 10:35:39 am
hang on, shouldn't DOMA being struck down make gay marriage legal in the US? what would prop 8 have to do with that?
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 26, 2013, 10:37:35 am
hang on, shouldn't DOMA being struck down make gay marriage legal in the US? what would prop 8 have to do with that?

DOMA says nothing about what marriage is or isn't. It just bars the federal government from extending benefits to couples in same-sex marriages. (And perhaps also something about states not having to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.)

A sweeping ruling on Prop 8, which is a ban on same-sex marriage, could invalidate every same-sex marriage ban in the country.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: mellenORL on June 26, 2013, 10:39:05 am

Now, if only IRS will return all those inappropriate estate taxes that left grieving widows and widowers broke.

That makes for a good NEXT on the Gay Agenda.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: BrandonL337 on June 26, 2013, 10:43:52 am
well, shit, looks like i have some twitter corrections to do, note to self, don't tweet on two hours of sleep, it makes you stupid.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on June 26, 2013, 10:47:02 am
Prop 8 case was dismissed for lack of standing. The District Court opinion is therefore upheld and Prop 8 is unconstitutional. Watch for fundies' heads exploding.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: BrandonL337 on June 26, 2013, 10:49:51 am
Prop 8 case was dismissed for lack of standing. The District Court opinion is therefore upheld and Prop 8 is unconstitutional. Watch for fundies' heads exploding.

wait, so gay marriage is legal? goddamnit, now i have to correct my correction.

Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: shykid on June 26, 2013, 10:50:12 am
I can't wait to taste those delicious fundie tears.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on June 26, 2013, 10:50:46 am
Prop 8 case was dismissed for lack of standing. The District Court opinion is therefore upheld and Prop 8 is unconstitutional. Watch for fundies' heads exploding.

wait, so gay marriage is legal? goddamnit, now i have to correct my correction.

It's legal in California.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: kefkaownsall on June 26, 2013, 10:56:05 am
Apparently Scalia and Sotomayor have weird opposite things when it comes to state federal standards. 
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 26, 2013, 11:00:10 am
Ah, I got one thing wrong about the DOMA challenge...

(from here (http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/story/2013/06/26/supreme-court-us-gay-marriage.html))

Another provision not being challenged for the time being allows states to withhold recognition of same-sex marriages from other states.

So there's the next target...

(I don't think that the IRS can be made to return the estate taxes collected from same-sex widow(er)s because it was perfectly legal to collect them at the time, and retroactive application of the law is dicey at best. It might not have been right, but it was legal.)
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: mellenORL on June 26, 2013, 11:07:05 am
Oh yeah, I know it was legal. Just bitter as all hell about it. My brother is in poverty now. He got married in MA to his partner of 32 years, who passed away recently. The taxes wiped him out clean. SS and going back to restoring the occasional piano , and renting out a room or 2 in the house...though I doubt he'll earn enough to keep up on the real estate taxes, as it's in an expensive neighborhood. He really just needs to unload the house and invest the proceeds. Just sucks that a 59 year old with severe Lupus has to go through all that.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: wrightway on June 26, 2013, 11:07:57 am
Gawd, I wish I could drink right now. This deserves a toast.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: BrandonL337 on June 26, 2013, 11:08:08 am
Prop 8 case was dismissed for lack of standing. The District Court opinion is therefore upheld and Prop 8 is unconstitutional. Watch for fundies' heads exploding.

wait, so gay marriage is legal? goddamnit, now i have to correct my correction.

It's legal in California.

*sigh* and now I have to correct the correction to my correction.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: mellenORL on June 26, 2013, 11:13:52 am
Maybe we should start calling Twitter, "Brain Farter" or "Hair Trigger"....or "Faux Pas Popper". ;D
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Radiation on June 26, 2013, 11:15:16 am
I just woke up so I am not understanding this

Is gay marriage legal now or not?
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Askold on June 26, 2013, 11:18:12 am
One step forwards, one step back and one step back averted or at least delayed.

(DOMA taken down, Voting rights act taken down partially and the Texas abortion law change stopped.)
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Yaezakura on June 26, 2013, 11:20:34 am
I just woke up so I am not understanding this

Is gay marriage legal now or not?

DOMA's portion about the federal government defining marriage as a man and a woman is gone. So, it must now recognize all legal marriages. However, states can still refuse to acknowledge same-sex marriages from other states.

Prop 8 was thrown out on standing, and sent back to a lower court with orders to dismiss the appeal, meaning gay marriage should be legal in California.
Title: Re: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ThunderWulf on June 26, 2013, 11:58:23 am
Oh yeah, I know it was legal. Just bitter as all hell about it. My brother is in poverty now. He got married in MA to his partner of 32 years, who passed away recently. The taxes wiped him out clean. SS and going back to restoring the occasional piano , and renting out a room or 2 in the house...though I doubt he'll earn enough to keep up on the real estate taxes, as it's in an expensive neighborhood. He really just needs to unload the house and invest the proceeds. Just sucks that a 59 year old with severe Lupus has to go through all that.

That sucks dude. Hopefully things start going his way soon.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on June 26, 2013, 11:59:28 am
I just woke up so I am not understanding this

Is gay marriage legal now or not?

DOMA's portion about the federal government defining marriage as a man and a woman is gone. So, it must now recognize all legal marriages. However, states can still refuse to acknowledge same-sex marriages from other states.

Prop 8 was thrown out on standing, and sent back to a lower court with orders to dismiss the appeal, meaning gay marriage should be legal in California.
Yes, this.

Also, told y'all that Kennedy was our guy ;D
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ironbite on June 26, 2013, 12:02:16 pm
And boom goes the dynamite
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on June 26, 2013, 12:18:23 pm
Time for tears from Free Republic:

As “natural” as 2 faggots producing and giving birth to a child...oh wait, they can’t do that, can they? -max americana

Male queers are coprophiliacs. This hallmark of deep perversion has been demonstrated over and over as these deviants smear themselves, rim each other, and seek hookups with other queers in filthy public restrooms where the stench serves as their aphrodisiac. Appropriate sanitation is completely lacking in their makeup. -Neoliberalnot

I think the push for polygamy is already underway. Polygamy will be even easier to sell and move along quite quickly.

Then it may be animals.... my dog looks nervous, but I know he loves me. LOL -Gator113

Roberts is a HUGE closet case, I think we all know that by now. He’s got a beard wife he used for political ladder climbing. You know, before it was “in” to be a homo.

Perverts have always infiltrated the ruling elite class of every society.
 Of course the Supreme Court is going to come down in their favor because that’s who they surround themselves with on a daily basis. These are their friends, clerks, intellectuals etc.

Maybe they should move SCOTUS to a building in Kansas to get away from the decay of leftest city thinking. -snarkytart

What does the Supreme Court have against sexually normal persons?? Why do they discriminate against straights?? I would never allow a chilld to use the restroom in the courthouse. -elpadre

Next up, animals and harems - it’s all good says SCOTUS. -NonValueAdded
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 26, 2013, 12:30:02 pm
I just woke up so I am not understanding this

Is gay marriage legal now or not?

DOMA's portion about the federal government defining marriage as a man and a woman is gone. So, it must now recognize all legal marriages. However, states can still refuse to acknowledge same-sex marriages from other states.

Prop 8 was thrown out on standing, and sent back to a lower court with orders to dismiss the appeal, meaning gay marriage should be legal in California.
Yes, this.

Also, told y'all that Kennedy was our guy ;D

Sort of. Partially striking down DOMA is one thing, but he stopped short of issuing a sweeping ruling on same-sex marriage bans... which is more or less what he said he'd do in Lawrence.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Veras on June 26, 2013, 12:35:13 pm
I don't think that the IRS can be made to return the estate taxes collected from same-sex widow(er)s because it was perfectly legal to collect them at the time, and retroactive application of the law is dicey at best. It might not have been right, but it was legal.

Law isn't my strongest area of politics, so I could be wrong here, but I don't see why not.  The law wasn't repealed, it was struck down as being unconstitutional, and therefore illegitimate.  I was under the impression that Edith Windsor, the original plaintiff in the DOMA case, was suing to get back the $363,000 in estate taxes that she wouldn't have had to pay if her partner had been a man.  If I understand correctly, the court has agreed that the law was discriminatory, and she shouldn't have had to pay, implying that the money will be reimbursed.  If I'm right, other gay couples who have been negatively financially affected would have to bring suit to request that their money be reimbursed.

Can anybody with a law degree verify/invalidate this?
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Meshakhad on June 26, 2013, 12:49:07 pm
It seems to me that what we do now is move the Prop 8 legal team to a state with a ban on gay marriage, and start all over again. Someplace with a hardcore anti-gay government that will fight tooth and nail.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: shykid on June 26, 2013, 01:03:30 pm
Male queers are coprophiliacs. This hallmark of deep perversion has been demonstrated over and over as these deviants smear themselves, rim each other, and seek hookups with other queers in filthy public restrooms where the stench serves as their aphrodisiac. Appropriate sanitation is completely lacking in their makeup. -Neoliberalnot

Already attributing their sick fantasies to others, I see.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: EvilEdwin on June 26, 2013, 01:07:22 pm
It's the end of the world over at Rapture Ready...Well they'd like it to be!
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: shykid on June 26, 2013, 01:19:00 pm
It's the end of the world over at Rapture Ready...Well they'd like it to be!

Nothing new there.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 26, 2013, 01:45:53 pm
From http://rr-bb.com/showthread.php?187252-DOMA-has-been-defeated

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: shykid on June 26, 2013, 01:50:41 pm
I just cannot believe we are at this place in history. I am just shocked. I am so upset about where we have come. The Lord's words are in my heart...take heart for I have overcome the world. Praise the Lord that He is still on the throne and none of this has come as a surprise.

"None of this comes as a surprise to me, but I am shocked by what happened."

Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: mellenORL on June 26, 2013, 02:56:10 pm

What we will see come to fruition:

~The Supreme Court's decision will have an impact like as Roe v Wade and will not be overturned.
~Churches will be forced to perform same sex marriages.
~First responders will be forced to attend Gay Pride parades.
~Employees will be forced to attend sensitivity training or lose their job.
~Pastors will be jailed for preaching against homosexuality.
~Christians will feel the scorn of this culture unlike any time in the US history.
~Christians will be scrutinized by insurers and will be denied benefits.
~Christians will be unfairly taxed through an IRS audit of the church.

Remember that Noah had to face his tormentors for 100 years before God sent the flood.

~Christians will be disappointed when nuthin' like that happens. Must feel like the end of the world, to be ignored.

Emo drama queens.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Barbarella on June 26, 2013, 02:56:44 pm
Delicious, like Amrita of the Devatas!

I used a different version because, IMHO, these Tea-brains are about as "Republican" as Ghengis Khan (and others belong to parties like 'Constitution' & 'Libertarian').
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Her3tiK on June 26, 2013, 03:14:46 pm

What we will see come to fruition:

~The Supreme Court's decision will have an impact like as Roe v Wade and will not be overturned.
~Churches will be forced to perform same sex marriages.
~First responders will be forced to attend Gay Pride parades.
~Employees will be forced to attend sensitivity training or lose their job.
~Pastors will be jailed for preaching against homosexuality.
~Christians will feel the scorn of this culture unlike any time in the US history.
~Christians will be scrutinized by insurers and will be denied benefits.
~Christians will be unfairly taxed through an IRS audit of the church.

Remember that Noah had to face his tormentors for 100 years before God sent the flood.

~Christians will be disappointed when nuthin' like that happens. Must feel like the end of the world, to be ignored.

Emo drama queens.
I really want to tase them every time they whine about being persecuted, just to make 'em honest.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Alehksunos on June 26, 2013, 03:19:20 pm
Since when had Christians ever experience scorn in US History?
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Askold on June 26, 2013, 03:27:50 pm
Since when had Christians ever experience scorn in US History?

Have you forgotten? There was a time when yankees were vary of catholics. In fact when JFK was on his presidential campaign he had to reassure the voters that just because he is a catholic it does not mean that the pope would rule the country through him.

It wasn't quite opression but there was an underlying resentment. (Which apparently still remains in some regions of USA.)
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Damen on June 26, 2013, 03:31:37 pm
DOMA shot in the face and Prop 8 dismissed?


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Their tears please me as well.

Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: mellenORL on June 26, 2013, 03:36:28 pm
Since when had Christians ever experience scorn in US History?

Have you forgotten? There was a time when yankees were vary of catholics. In fact when JFK was on his presidential campaign he had to reassure the voters that just because he is a catholic it does not mean that the pope would rule the country through him.

It wasn't quite opression but there was an underlying resentment. (Which apparently still remains in some regions of USA.)
RR's don't count "papists", IIRC.

And you are right about the anti Catholic history here. I have one of those prototypical Catholic girl names, my mother was a Mary Elizabeth, my aunt was a Ann Marie....but the family on that side were Methodists, for some strange reason. A little digging around in some ancient family photos and letters and old family bible birth/death entries, and voila! The truth. My mother's great grand parents converted, so as to avoid social shunning before moving to south Georgia, and so assure the success of their rail shipping service company.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: R. U. Sirius on June 26, 2013, 04:22:37 pm

I'll just leave this here...
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Vypernight on June 26, 2013, 04:25:49 pm
Of course, Bachmann's bitching in ways that defy logic, even for her:

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/26/michele-bachmann-doma_n_3504640.html?1372270916&icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl2%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D336539 (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/26/michele-bachmann-doma_n_3504640.html?1372270916&icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl2%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D336539)

Also, I wish this could count Amendment 2 in FL, which is basically Prop 8 with a different name.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Askold on June 26, 2013, 04:27:37 pm
RR's don't count "papists", IIRC.

I wasn't sure if they were catholics or not, but I'm not suprised that they aren't. They have never faced any type of opression but they keep imagining it because of their weird martyr complex.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: R. U. Sirius on June 26, 2013, 04:44:20 pm
You're missing a bracket there, Vyper
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: EvilEdwin on June 26, 2013, 04:45:40 pm
RR's don't count "papists", IIRC.

I wasn't sure if they were catholics or not, but I'm not suprised that they aren't. They have never faced any type of opression but they keep imagining it because of their weird martyr complex.

It takes having a persecution complex to a whole new level when you think you're being persecuted because someone disagrees with your opinion.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Vypernight on June 26, 2013, 04:48:50 pm
You're missing a bracket there, Vyper

Thanks, fixed.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: mice34 on June 26, 2013, 04:49:24 pm
Not to harsh anyone's joy, but I'm spectacularly unimpressed it was a 5-4 ruling. (I'm looking at you Roberts, you know better.) SCOTUS is completely pathetic and decades behind most countries on human rights.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ironbite on June 26, 2013, 05:24:35 pm

What we will see come to fruition:

~The Supreme Court's decision will have an impact like as Roe v Wade and will not be overturned.
~Churches will be forced to perform same sex marriages.
~First responders will be forced to attend Gay Pride parades.
~Employees will be forced to attend sensitivity training or lose their job.
~Pastors will be jailed for preaching against homosexuality.
~Christians will feel the scorn of this culture unlike any time in the US history.
~Christians will be scrutinized by insurers and will be denied benefits.
~Christians will be unfairly taxed through an IRS audit of the church.

Remember that Noah had to face his tormentors for 100 years before God sent the flood.

~Christians will be disappointed when nuthin' like that happens. Must feel like the end of the world, to be ignored.

Emo drama queens.

......First Responders ALREADY GO TO PRIDE PARADES!
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Auri-El on June 26, 2013, 05:37:36 pm
Her condemnation was dismissed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

"Who cares?" Pelosi asked when questioned about the statement.

I love this. :D
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ironbite on June 26, 2013, 05:43:10 pm
I know.  That's a great responce.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Sleepy on June 26, 2013, 05:46:05 pm
This is great to see. Now we need a law preventing states from banning same-sex marriage.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Alehksunos on June 26, 2013, 06:08:50 pm
This is great to see. Now we need a law preventing states from banning same-sex marriage.

That would be wonderful, but my cynical mind sees this as something that will take as long if not longer than it took to finally repeal the Attack on Defense of Marriage Act.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: wrightway on June 26, 2013, 06:26:48 pm
Her condemnation was dismissed by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

"Who cares?" Pelosi asked when questioned about the statement.

I love this. :D

I have so much love for that woman right now.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: The Illusive Man on June 26, 2013, 07:16:46 pm
Hooray for progress! It is long past due for those bigoted against homosexuals to be countered. Though the bigots will try to fight this on the state level and by voting out representatives, we must match and contain them.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Radiation on June 26, 2013, 07:18:44 pm
Michigan has banned same-sex marriage back in '06 so I am wondering if a challenge from that will eventually go up to the SCOTUS.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Shane for Wax on June 26, 2013, 08:04:01 pm

Sit down, Huckabee.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Lady Hylia on June 26, 2013, 09:59:14 pm
This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!  :P
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Stormwarden on June 26, 2013, 10:15:24 pm
This is getting better and better. Glad to see the fundies have so many reasons to weep today. Little early to celebrate, considering the Wharrgarbl already in progress.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: nickiknack on June 26, 2013, 10:51:44 pm
Fundie tears, what a feast it makes.  :D

Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ThunderWulf on June 26, 2013, 10:53:50 pm
See'n loooooooots of bestiality quotes from fundies today.  So many slippery slopes, so little time.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: The Illusive Man on June 26, 2013, 10:59:53 pm
Have they started to describe same sex marriage as in gay sex in false yet disturbing detail? Because that obsession is always funny.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Stormwarden on June 26, 2013, 11:03:22 pm
The rub is, more states have legal bestiality than states have legal gay marriage. Maybe they shouldn't be so eager to compare the two.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Alehksunos on June 26, 2013, 11:08:33 pm
And the funny thing is that bestiality isn't a homosexuality-only thing either. Same thing applies to pedophilia and coprophagy.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: lord gibbon on June 26, 2013, 11:17:41 pm
Wow, I spend one day away from the computer to work on schoolwork, and I come back to this? This is wonderful. Watching the fundies meltdown is hilarious, and it really does warm my heart to see that love has defeated hate.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: The Illusive Man on June 26, 2013, 11:30:16 pm
Welp, looks like we might have a new this is an outrage pic.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Her3tiK on June 27, 2013, 12:11:09 am

Sit down, Huckabee.
Hehehehehehe this has damn near made my night.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: JohnE on June 27, 2013, 12:45:18 am
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on June 27, 2013, 01:13:34 am
I just woke up so I am not understanding this

Is gay marriage legal now or not?

DOMA's portion about the federal government defining marriage as a man and a woman is gone. So, it must now recognize all legal marriages. However, states can still refuse to acknowledge same-sex marriages from other states.

Prop 8 was thrown out on standing, and sent back to a lower court with orders to dismiss the appeal, meaning gay marriage should be legal in California.
Yes, this.

Also, told y'all that Kennedy was our guy ;D

Sort of. Partially striking down DOMA is one thing, but he stopped short of issuing a sweeping ruling on same-sex marriage bans... which is more or less what he said he'd do in Lawrence.
Um, but that wasn't an option here. DOMA only affected the federal recognition of same-sex marriages. In Perry it was determined that Hollingsworth did not have standing to appeal the case; there was no ruling on the merits. Kennedy did, however, dissent, implying that he would have liked to have ruled on the merits and may very well have given us a pro-gay marriage decision.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 27, 2013, 02:13:07 am
I just woke up so I am not understanding this

Is gay marriage legal now or not?

DOMA's portion about the federal government defining marriage as a man and a woman is gone. So, it must now recognize all legal marriages. However, states can still refuse to acknowledge same-sex marriages from other states.

Prop 8 was thrown out on standing, and sent back to a lower court with orders to dismiss the appeal, meaning gay marriage should be legal in California.
Yes, this.

Also, told y'all that Kennedy was our guy ;D

Sort of. Partially striking down DOMA is one thing, but he stopped short of issuing a sweeping ruling on same-sex marriage bans... which is more or less what he said he'd do in Lawrence.
Um, but that wasn't an option here. DOMA only affected the federal recognition of same-sex marriages. In Perry it was determined that Hollingsworth did not have standing to appeal the case; there was no ruling on the merits. Kennedy did, however, dissent, implying that he would have liked to have ruled on the merits and may very well have given us a pro-gay marriage decision.

Okay, yes, that's a fair point.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ScrappyB on June 27, 2013, 04:20:55 am
I think Pelosi said all that needed to be said. "Who cares?" is the reaction everyone should have to this issue. Don't like gay marriage? Don't have one.


Sit down, Huckabee.
Hehehehehehe this has damn near made my night.

I literally laughed out loud at this one.

Fundie tears, what a feast it makes.  :D


I see Mr. Fischer has never actually read the Bible. Why am I not surprised?


Here's another link for some first-rate fundie bawling in the comments:


Seems some of the more Christ-like denominations are celebrating the ruling, and the fundie fuckwits don't like it.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Barbarella on June 27, 2013, 09:59:20 am

Sit down, Huckabee.

J.C., marry me! I'll be the Magdalene.


I love this graphic.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 27, 2013, 04:38:11 pm
So having read through the Windsor and Perry decisions, I'm left with one impression:

Scalia is right on the following point:

Kennedy is chomping at the bit to say, essentially, this: "Fuck y'all, same-sex marriage is legal, SO SAITH JUSTICE ANTHONY KENNEDYTHE SUPREME COURT." Whatever his assurances in Lawrence and Windsor that his reasoning there wouldn't apply to such a case (though he did use Lawrence in Windsor), I have a very strong inclination that when that case (brought by someone whom everyone can agree has standing) comes before the Court, his decision will a) depend on Lawrence and Windsor and b) boil down to the above.

I'm not entirely sure I like that.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Radiation on June 27, 2013, 06:39:20 pm
So having read through the Windsor and Perry decisions, I'm left with one impression:

Scalia is right on the following point:

Kennedy is chomping at the bit to say, essentially, this: "Fuck y'all, same-sex marriage is legal, SO SAITH JUSTICE ANTHONY KENNEDYTHE SUPREME COURT." Whatever his assurances in Lawrence and Windsor that his reasoning there wouldn't apply to such a case (though he did use Lawrence in Windsor), I have a very strong inclination that when that case (brought by someone whom everyone can agree has standing) comes before the Court, his decision will a) depend on Lawrence and Windsor and b) boil down to the above.

I'm not entirely sure I like that.

Can you elaborate on that because I am not sure I am following?
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 27, 2013, 06:48:24 pm
So having read through the Windsor and Perry decisions, I'm left with one impression:

Scalia is right on the following point:

Kennedy is chomping at the bit to say, essentially, this: "Fuck y'all, same-sex marriage is legal, SO SAITH JUSTICE ANTHONY KENNEDYTHE SUPREME COURT." Whatever his assurances in Lawrence and Windsor that his reasoning there wouldn't apply to such a case (though he did use Lawrence in Windsor), I have a very strong inclination that when that case (brought by someone whom everyone can agree has standing) comes before the Court, his decision will a) depend on Lawrence and Windsor and b) boil down to the above.

I'm not entirely sure I like that.

Can you elaborate on that because I am not sure I am following?

It's the impression I got from reading all of the following:

Kennedy's majority opinion, and Scalia's dissent, in Lawrence.
Kennedy's majority opinion, and Scalia's dissent, in Windsor.
Kennedy's dissent in Perry.

Kennedy really wants to get a case in front of the Court where he can get right to the issue of "should same-sex marriage be legal or not", but has put language in both Lawrence and Windsor saying he won't use those cases (and then Scalia called him on it in both dissents, predicting that when an actual SSM case comes in front of the court, he'll ignore that language, and further in his Windsor dissent for using Lawrence). I get the feeling that, as Scalia has predicted, Kennedy will just ignore said caveats when he does get that case, and will unashamedly use Lawrence and Windsor in an opinion that will be, at its heart, what I said above. And as much as I'd applaud such a finding, I wouldn't like his coming at it in that way.

All that's needed is a case brought in a state where the Executive will vigorously defend its law (or Constitutional amendment) banning SSM. Then the standing issue evaporates and Kennedy can make his pronouncement.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: erictheblue on June 27, 2013, 06:54:39 pm
All that's needed is a case brought in a state where the Executive will vigorously defend its law (or Constitutional amendment) banning SSM. Then the standing issue evaporates and Kennedy can make his pronouncement.

And your problem with this is..?
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 27, 2013, 07:12:08 pm
All that's needed is a case brought in a state where the Executive will vigorously defend its law (or Constitutional amendment) banning SSM. Then the standing issue evaporates and Kennedy can make his pronouncement.

And your problem with this is..?

I have no problem with such a case being brought, or with Kennedy writing a majority opinion negating all bans on SSM. I have a problem with how I suspect he'd do it.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: nickiknack on June 27, 2013, 11:35:53 pm
Someone call the whambulance, Chick-Fil-A has a problem over the DOMA/Prop-8 decision


http://aattp.org/chick-fil-a-ceo-sends-bigoted-doma-tweet-then-spinelessly-deletes-it-video/ (http://aattp.org/chick-fil-a-ceo-sends-bigoted-doma-tweet-then-spinelessly-deletes-it-video/)
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Meshakhad on June 28, 2013, 03:21:23 am
Someone call the whambulance, Chick-Fil-A has a problem over the DOMA/Prop-8 decision


http://aattp.org/chick-fil-a-ceo-sends-bigoted-doma-tweet-then-spinelessly-deletes-it-video/ (http://aattp.org/chick-fil-a-ceo-sends-bigoted-doma-tweet-then-spinelessly-deletes-it-video/)

You know, I wouldn't have paid this much attention if he had just made the tweet. Sure he's a bigot, but that's his right.

But deleting it? That proves he's a coward who's unafraid to stand up for his beliefs.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: ironbite on June 28, 2013, 01:44:35 pm
afraid...being unafraid he'd have left that up there.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: worlder on June 28, 2013, 01:47:07 pm
Hey can we have some Chinese fast food company buy out Chick-Fil-A. I much rather hear nationalist argument crap than this kind of whining and stupidity.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Veras on June 28, 2013, 04:50:45 pm
Hey can we have some Chinese fast food company buy out Chick-Fil-A. I much rather hear nationalist argument crap than this kind of whining and stupidity.

They'd have to change the name to Cat-fil-A.

(Don't judge me, I know that joke was awful).
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Dakota Bob on June 28, 2013, 06:05:48 pm
Delicious tears.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: R. U. Sirius on June 28, 2013, 06:22:29 pm
I love how none of these fundies arguing that "the will of the people should be supreme" realize that the exact same arguments were used to deny black Americans voting rights.

I'm also amused that the one woman in that video was arguing that putting social justice ahead of social traditions was a bad thing.

In other words, "I know that denying gay people the right to marry is unjust, but I want to anyway because that's how it's always been done."
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: MadmanJohnson on June 29, 2013, 09:20:39 am
Tasty,tasty tears.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Askold on June 29, 2013, 09:29:26 am
"The will of the people should be supreme"

What if it is the will of the people to allow same-sex marriages? I'm gonna bet that they will just move on to the next excuse.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Lachrymose on June 29, 2013, 10:27:10 am
"It was never about love and marriage. It is about the destruction of Christianity."


Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: mellenORL on June 29, 2013, 02:35:52 pm
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: JohnE on June 29, 2013, 03:13:41 pm
"It was never about love and marriage. It is about the destruction of Christianity."


"It seems to me that we are far beyond what Sodom and Gommorah ever were!"

Sodom and Gommorah must have been pretty tame places.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Meshakhad on June 29, 2013, 03:56:45 pm
"It was never about love and marriage. It is about the destruction of Christianity."


"It seems to me that we are far beyond what Sodom and Gommorah ever were!"

Sodom and Gommorah must have been pretty tame places.

Besides, Sodom and Gommorah did other reprehensible things. For instance, in keeping with the teachings of Ayn Rand, they prohibited charity.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Alehksunos on June 29, 2013, 04:29:36 pm
"It was never about love and marriage. It is about the destruction of Christianity."


"It seems to me that we are far beyond what Sodom and Gommorah ever were!"

Sodom and Gommorah must have been pretty tame places.

Besides, Sodom and Gommorah did other reprehensible things. For instance, in keeping with the teachings of Ayn Rand, they prohibited charity.

I will never understand Christians who support Free-market Capitalism. Let alone the quote "It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of an needle than it is a rich man* to enter Heaven."

*Includes Pat Robertson, the richest Evangelical Christian in the world and a staunch supporter of Free-market Capitalism who also provided almost nothing to charity and owns a gold mine in an African nation.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Vypernight on June 30, 2013, 04:44:49 am
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238 (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238)

Apparently, even though conservatives lost and have absolutely ZERO valid arguments in favor of Prop 8, they're still fighting to keep it and DOMA.  The Supreme Court seems to be humoring them.

I never realized, "ew, it's icky!" was a valid argument.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Crystal-King on June 30, 2013, 08:01:25 am
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238 (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238)

Apparently, even though conservatives lost and have absolutely ZERO valid arguments in favor of Prop 8, they're still fighting to keep it and DOMA.  The Supreme Court seems to be humoring them.

I never realized, "ew, it's icky!" was a valid argument.

You've never been to grade school, have you?
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Itachirumon on June 30, 2013, 10:24:55 am
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238 (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238)

Apparently, even though conservatives lost and have absolutely ZERO valid arguments in favor of Prop 8, they're still fighting to keep it and DOMA.  The Supreme Court seems to be humoring them.

I never realized, "ew, it's icky!" was a valid argument.

I heard inklings of that but I thought it was just them bitching. Am I the only one that kinda hopes the Supremes allow the re-hearing? So they're all "okay, we'll grant you standing, now let's decide this one on the merits....oh, look at that, marriage equality is legal across the land!"

"We didn't want that when we asked you for the retrial" "we know you didn't...woopsie"
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Cerim Treascair on June 30, 2013, 01:37:21 pm
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238 (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238)

Apparently, even though conservatives lost and have absolutely ZERO valid arguments in favor of Prop 8, they're still fighting to keep it and DOMA.  The Supreme Court seems to be humoring them.

I never realized, "ew, it's icky!" was a valid argument.

I heard inklings of that but I thought it was just them bitching. Am I the only one that kinda hopes the Supremes allow the re-hearing? So they're all "okay, we'll grant you standing, now let's decide this one on the merits....oh, look at that, marriage equality is legal across the land!"

"We didn't want that when we asked you for the retrial" "we know you didn't...woopsie"

It's a nice thought, Itachi, but with Scalia on the court, he'd sooner commit political suicide than side with Kagan or Sotomayor.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: R. U. Sirius on June 30, 2013, 01:57:26 pm
According to a new article I saw earlier, Kennedy refused to stop the marriages.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: dpareja on June 30, 2013, 02:27:46 pm
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238 (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/29/proposition-8-supreme-court_n_3522957.html?icid=maing-grid7%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D338238)

Apparently, even though conservatives lost and have absolutely ZERO valid arguments in favor of Prop 8, they're still fighting to keep it and DOMA.  The Supreme Court seems to be humoring them.

I never realized, "ew, it's icky!" was a valid argument.

I heard inklings of that but I thought it was just them bitching. Am I the only one that kinda hopes the Supremes allow the re-hearing? So they're all "okay, we'll grant you standing, now let's decide this one on the merits....oh, look at that, marriage equality is legal across the land!"

"We didn't want that when we asked you for the retrial" "we know you didn't...woopsie"

It's a nice thought, Itachi, but with Scalia on the court, he'd sooner commit political suicide than side with Kagan or Sotomayor.

He sided with Kagan when both joined Roberts' opinion to deny standing in Perry.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: PosthumanHeresy on July 01, 2013, 07:57:22 pm
So having read through the Windsor and Perry decisions, I'm left with one impression:

Scalia is right on the following point:

Kennedy is chomping at the bit to say, essentially, this: "Fuck y'all, same-sex marriage is legal, SO SAITH JUSTICE ANTHONY KENNEDYTHE SUPREME COURT." Whatever his assurances in Lawrence and Windsor that his reasoning there wouldn't apply to such a case (though he did use Lawrence in Windsor), I have a very strong inclination that when that case (brought by someone whom everyone can agree has standing) comes before the Court, his decision will a) depend on Lawrence and Windsor and b) boil down to the above.

I'm not entirely sure I like that.
I do. Democracy only works when those with power are not douchewagons. Those with power are douchewagons. Therefore, democracy cannot work here.
Title: Re: The DOMA/Prop-8 Decision
Post by: Alehksunos on July 01, 2013, 08:03:05 pm
Those people want everything to go their way. And when it doesn't go their way, they would do something to make it their way until it finally happens. It's like taking all the ice cream and never giving any of it to anyone else and bitching and going apeshit when they do get "your" ice cream, then later, you hog the damn machine again when they're not there (possibly because you've done away with that person).

And then there's losing for good. God forbid the privileged one be a loser once. They'll claim it's the end of the world and other shit if that happens.