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Community => Politics and Government => Topic started by: Witchyjoshy on September 18, 2013, 08:49:12 pm

Title: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Witchyjoshy on September 18, 2013, 08:49:12 pm

France's Senate has voted to ban beauty pageants for children under 16 in an effort to protect girls from being sexualized too early.

Anyone who enters a child into such a contest would face up to two years in prison and 30,000 euros in fines. A pageant organizer lamented that the move was so severe.

The Senate approved the measure 197-146 overnight, as an amendment to a law on women's rights. The legislation must go to the lower house of parliament for further debate and another vote.

That's all I'm quoting, if you want to read more you can click on the link.

My opinion on this?



That's something worth banning.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Id82 on September 18, 2013, 08:52:03 pm
That's one thing I don't understand. Child pornography is illegal as it should be. But parading your underage daughter around in skimpy clothes and whore make up is perfectly fine.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Sigmaleph on September 18, 2013, 09:12:18 pm
That's one thing I don't understand. Child pornography is illegal as it should be. But parading your underage daughter around in skimpy clothes and whore make up is perfectly fine.

...seriously? I'm no fan of beauty pageants, but they are hardly comparable to child porn.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Witchyjoshy on September 18, 2013, 09:14:38 pm
Dressing your child in a skimpy/sleazy outfit, giving them lots of make-up, and having them parade in front of creepy old men isn't comparable?
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Her3tiK on September 18, 2013, 09:17:50 pm
Dressing your child in a skimpy/sleazy outfit, giving them lots of make-up, and having them parade in front of creepy old men isn't comparable?
Of course not. That only counts if you're planning on marrying them off to said men.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: RavynousHunter on September 18, 2013, 09:22:57 pm
I still think they're horridly fucked up, even if they aren't comparable to child porn.  We're still sexualizing and parading around children like things meant to amuse us, instead of the future of our entire species.

Teenagers get enough sexualization in the media, we don't need the age bar being set any LOWER.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: wrightway on September 18, 2013, 10:22:46 pm
Didn't PT Barnum start the first child beauty pageant? Or is that an urban myth?
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: kefkaownsall on September 19, 2013, 12:03:36 am
Comparable in acts yes but the degree CP is worse is infinite
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Leafy on September 19, 2013, 12:07:20 am
I'm kinda split here. While I hate these pageants with the fiery passion of a thousands suns, I'm not sure they should be banned.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Lady Evil on September 19, 2013, 12:23:48 am
The first child beauty pageants were about being cute. Contestants were made up to look like Shirley Temple or Hayley Mills. Now, they're made up to look like Lady Gaga or Madonna.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: mellenORL on September 19, 2013, 12:36:07 am

Yup. Do an image search of "child beauty pageants"...and prepare yourself for a huge dose of creepy.

Let the girls be little kids for fucks sake. The whole pageant circuit life is too time and energy demanding and it's at core all about the big egos of the moms, anyway. What two year old just spontaneously demands to go on that pageant road, huh?
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: The Illusive Man on September 19, 2013, 12:39:56 am

Yup. Do an image search of "child beauty pageants"...and prepare yourself for a huge dose of creepy.

Let the girls be little kids for fucks sake. The whole pageant circuit life is too time and energy demanding and it's at core all about the big egos of the moms, anyway. What two year old just spontaneously demands to go on that pageant road, huh?
Lol, that is no longer the purpose of beauty pageants. The purpose is not beauty of the kids it is MONEY! Mothers and fathers will psychologically abuse and effectively turn their own child into a Barbie Doll for that cold, hard cash. An effective screening measure for weeding out persons unfit for parenting.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Askold on September 19, 2013, 12:44:40 am
I definitely want this ban to spread to every single country.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Dakota Bob on September 19, 2013, 07:58:13 am
Fuck yeah, down with this sort of thing!
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Søren on September 19, 2013, 08:03:09 am
Honestly, i dont like the idea of banning the pageants.

But the ick factor of the pageants overrides that, so fuckin A.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: MadCatTLX on September 19, 2013, 08:15:31 am
Here's some videos related to these pageants.



Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Raymond Dullaghy on September 19, 2013, 08:38:37 am
For once, I agree with the French.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Flying Mint Bunny! on September 19, 2013, 08:46:15 am
I don't think that child beauty pageants should be banned, they just need to stop dressing kids like strippers.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: RavynousHunter on September 19, 2013, 09:36:43 am
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Art Vandelay on September 19, 2013, 09:47:11 am
I don't know about you lot, but I don't think I'll be crying myself to sleep over this anytime soon.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: ironbite on September 19, 2013, 09:48:21 am
I don't know about you lot, but I don't think I'll be crying myself to sleep over this anytime soon.

What Art said.

Ironbite-seriously this is barely a step up from child porn anyways so the more countries that ban this shit the better
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: mellenORL on September 19, 2013, 02:04:16 pm
Holey phuck!!! That third video above shows a little girl being coerced into a brow waxing and she screams and shakes in dread, terror, and pain. Documented child abuse goddammit.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Old Viking on September 19, 2013, 04:17:41 pm
On the positive side, the pageants do a fine job of instilling an important American value: your worth as a human depends exclusively on your appearance.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: MadCatTLX on September 19, 2013, 08:47:57 pm
Holy phuck!!! That third video above shows a little girl being coerced into a brow waxing and she screams and shakes in dread, terror, and pain. Documented child abuse goddammit.

It was only mentioned once at the beginning of the video, but in the first one the girl is apparently getting virgin Brazilian waxing. Let that sink in. An eight year old getting her junk waxed. I'm sorry, do they examine vaginae now in pageants?
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: RavynousHunter on September 19, 2013, 10:27:07 pm
Waitwaitwait...waxing an 8 year-old?  Of ANY gender?  WHAT THE FUCK IS THERE TO WAX?!

And, how is this fucking legal?!
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: mellenORL on September 20, 2013, 01:57:22 am
Yeah I don't get it. Remember Tan Mom, and how they busted her ass for taking her girl to the tanning salon? WTF. These videos document physical and emotional child abuse, plain as day. Where are the warrants?
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Dr. Weird on September 20, 2013, 03:17:03 pm
Child beauty pageants inflicted Honey Boo Boo on the world.

They need to be banned as punishment for that alone.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Thejebusfire on September 20, 2013, 04:34:49 pm
In America we make TV shows about them.


Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: starseeker on September 21, 2013, 01:40:31 pm
2 year olds in stripper dresses......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Flying Mint Bunny! on September 21, 2013, 01:50:40 pm
2 year olds in stripper dresses......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Or even worse, actually dressed as prostitutes:

Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Ghoti on September 21, 2013, 04:45:46 pm
Holy phuck!!! That third video above shows a little girl being coerced into a brow waxing and she screams and shakes in dread, terror, and pain. Documented child abuse goddammit.

It was only mentioned once at the beginning of the video, but in the first one the girl is apparently getting virgin Brazilian waxing. Let that sink in. An eight year old getting her junk waxed. I'm sorry, do they examine vaginae now in pageants?
*opens brain, inserts bleach*
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Witchyjoshy on September 21, 2013, 06:20:00 pm
And now you see why I support banning child beauty pageants.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: mellenORL on September 21, 2013, 11:20:56 pm
The moms and estheticians who perform botox injections and Brazilian waxing and brow waxing on little girls need to go to fucking jail. Dangerous, viciously insane child abuse. Think of how delicate a child's skin is. In that brow waxing scene, the eight year was terrified because the first time they waxed her brows...they fucking tore off her skin with one brow. ARRGGHHH! I wanna choke a bitch, ya know?
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Alehksunos on September 21, 2013, 11:37:05 pm
Here's some videos related to these pageants.



In America we make TV shows about them.


2 year olds in stripper dresses......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Or even worse, actually dressed as prostitutes:


White America, everybody. This is such a wonderful fucking country we all live in...
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on September 21, 2013, 11:58:04 pm
For the record, the Botox story turned out to be a hoax. Apparently the mom made it up in order to get rich off of television interviews.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: mellenORL on September 22, 2013, 12:01:47 am
Ah, at least that. Wish I could unsee that little girl screaming during her brow waxing though. Surely at least a few of these mommie dearest pageanteers saw that interview and thought to try it?
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Alehksunos on September 22, 2013, 12:12:06 am
For the record, the Botox story turned out to be a hoax. Apparently the mom made it up in order to get rich off of television interviews.

Oh thank god, except for the fact that her mother is clearly a nigh-irredeemable bitch whose whole focus on life is just MONEYMONEYMONEY.

Also, no, I have not seen any of the videos, and I never will. I do not want to hear the wailing from the girl who had to go through eyebrow waxing, just to look "pretty" to a bunch of cheap fucks who have nothing better to do with their lives.
Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: Thejebusfire on September 22, 2013, 12:46:17 am
Here's some videos related to these pageants.

In America we make TV shows about them.


2 year olds in stripper dresses......AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Or even worse, actually dressed as prostitutes:


White America, everybody. This is such a wonderful fucking country we all live in...

Although it's disappropriatly (sp?) white, that's not always the case:

Title: Re: France bans child beauty pageants
Post by: dpareja on September 22, 2013, 04:21:22 am
I watched the eyebrow waxing one. That mother and whoever's administering the waxing need to be thrown in jail for child abuse. The little girl was terrified out of her mind (the mother admitted that normally she'd just hold her down).