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Community => Society and History => Topic started by: Lt. Fred on October 15, 2013, 03:21:54 am

Title: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Lt. Fred on October 15, 2013, 03:21:54 am
Two thirteen year old girls were raped by 17 year old men. Obviously the men were not punished, as usual. As various esteemed members of society carefully lay out, they did nothing wrong, since paedophilia is merely a man's due and not a crime. The punishment for being the mother of a raped child (or perhaps for reporting it? I'm not sure) included being fired from her job, run out of town, probable arson, public humiliation, ect. The child, likewise, is guilty of being raped and has been severely punished.

“Just because we don’t like the way teenagers act doesn’t necessarily make it a crime.”

“F--- yea. That’s what you get for bein a skank : ),”

“I guess they’re just going to have to get over it.”

“If her name begins with A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, she wants the D.”

Edit to add: The person who said "Our boys deserve an apology, and they haven’t gotten it yet" should die very, very, very slowly.

So, what do we do? Barricade the roads and napalm the place? Or perhaps just string up everyone in a position of authority by their thumbs? Obviously the mayor, entire judiciary, sheriff and so on cannot remain in power for another minute.


On a lighter note, bloody great job, Kansas City Star. Pulitzer for you. Pulitzer for Mr Arnett. This is in the finest traditions of journalism. Please, take one million barrels of kudos from me.

If someone else has posted this and I've missed it, I apologise. Also, I feel that it fits here, under the rubric of Society.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Random Gal on October 15, 2013, 03:35:37 am
I'd like to give this to the citizens of Maryville, Kansas:

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Lt. Fred on October 15, 2013, 03:39:02 am
Missouri, even.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 15, 2013, 03:47:52 am
Hey, Cataclysm, you said how there's no rape culture in the USA?


As for the people of this town?

May the dicks of those rapists shrivel and rot until they die a terrible and painful death which resists all forms of pain relief.

May the people who called in the favors suffer from that one disease that turns their muscle to bone until they die a horrible, stationary death.

As for everyone else who sided with these fucknuggets...

May they all be inflicted with medicine-resistant fibromyalgia and arthritis.  For the rest of their lives.

Oh, and may the government deny them disability as well.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: largeham on October 15, 2013, 08:13:12 am
Ooh I wanna kill someone. A bit like the Steubenville case.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Osama bin Bambi on October 15, 2013, 09:36:41 am
Also, the rapist is the grandson of former US Rep. Rex Barnnet (R-MO). He was allowed to go free despite a confession to police.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: dpareja on October 15, 2013, 09:40:17 am
Plus, they were football stars. Everyone knows they can do no wrong.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: rageaholic on October 15, 2013, 10:27:17 am
I haven't read the whole thing, but from the looks of it, this is considerably worse than Stupidville. 
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: gomer21xx on October 15, 2013, 11:03:57 am
At least Steubenville didn't burn down the victim's former house, as well.  At least, as far as I know.

House burning or not, though, what the fuck?!

You know who should be able to get away with rape?  I'll give you a hint:  Take the population of the entire planet, then multiply that by zero.  That's how many people should get away with rape.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 15, 2013, 11:26:15 am
(http://25.media.tumblr.com/c811d4ce76a32baa1f5b3d78b9645f93/tumblr_mu7ii6jZ1G1r219jqo1_500.gif)  The plant is the town  it took me forever to find a good reaction gif
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Askold on October 15, 2013, 11:34:32 am
I said this before, but until I read about this case I thought that "rape culture" was just a hyperbole or exaggeration.

...If we're going to attack the town could we at least do it the old fashioned way and send kill teams?

"Why are you doing this? OH GOD HERLP!"
"Did you write this internet comment?"
"...Well yes, but that's no reason to-"
"You said that the rapists deserve an apology! Get up against the wall!"
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Canadian Mojo on October 15, 2013, 11:57:42 am
I said this before, but until I read about this case I thought that "rape culture" was just a hyperbole or exaggeration.

...If we're going to attack the town could we at least do it the old fashioned way and send kill teams?

"Why are you doing this? OH GOD HERLP!"
"Did you write this internet comment?"
"...Well yes, but that's no reason to-"
"You said that the rapists deserve an apology! Get up against the wall!"

How about we ask the Beliye Kolgotky if they would like to take care of it.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Cerim Treascair on October 15, 2013, 12:01:25 pm
... I have a few favors I could call in... my dear Darkness, this is disgusting...
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Dakota Bob on October 15, 2013, 12:03:51 pm
Of course the rapists were football players, why wouldn't they be? With luck, they've got some devastating concussions coming their way.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Art Vandelay on October 15, 2013, 12:07:39 pm
The most disturbing part of this is that this sort of things is only starting to become controversial now. Only a naive idiot would think that small town football players are only just starting to get away with rape. How frequently did this happen in the past without anyone batting an eyelid?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ghoti on October 15, 2013, 12:56:50 pm
*reads article*
*reads comments*

Edit: scratch that. I'm not going to nope myself into the sun, I'm going to pick up a sniper rifle and show these reprehensible sacks of horseshit what "small-town justice" should look like. Anyone want to be my spotter?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: gomer21xx on October 15, 2013, 01:17:56 pm
The most disturbing part of this is that this sort of things is only starting to become controversial now. Only a naive idiot would think that small town football players are only just starting to get away with rape. How frequently did this happen in the past without anyone batting an eyelid?

I think if I knew the answer to that, I'd probably masticate the next fifty people I see.

Bear in mind, I'm posting this in New York City.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Kain on October 15, 2013, 01:36:13 pm
My thoughts on reading that:

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: MadCatTLX on October 15, 2013, 02:03:53 pm
At least in my town the football players had the decency to keep the raping to within the team and only shoved objects up each others asses, wank into gloves, pissed in cleats and so on.

Guys, what's it say when the kids at my old school look like they were acting mildly acceptable in comparison?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: niam2023 on October 15, 2013, 02:04:42 pm
Matthew Barnett deserves nothing less than all of the pain and suffering humanly possible. I wish him nothing but misery, nothing but the primest of miseries. I hope that his son is born deformed and barely alive, I hope that his family name is dragged through the mud and grime, and I hope that his penis shrivels and is infected by bloodthirsty worms.

These people and their entire football community deserve nothing less.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 15, 2013, 02:40:07 pm
Cute.  You're acting like you care.

As for this kid, I really hope he makes it.  I do.  Then, his first game, he gets destroyed by somebody, hit so god damn hard, it blows out both his knees and his dreams and career are over.

Ironbite-there's no pain like the pain of lost dreams.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Random Gal on October 15, 2013, 02:45:01 pm

My thoughts on what should be done.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: niam2023 on October 15, 2013, 02:56:57 pm
Fundamentally, on my standards, this Barnett individual is utterly repulsive. He and his friend did something horribly wrong to someone who could not have ever deserved it.

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 15, 2013, 03:16:41 pm
At least this did not require an internet leak at least the whistle blower won't get jailed
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Askold on October 15, 2013, 03:30:23 pm
Wait, this isn't about the Steubenville case?

Oh, man I just thought this was about that trainwreck and didn't realize that there would be yet another horrible case like that.

In that case I am going to have to upgrade my rage mode.

We are going to need fire. Alot of fire. Release the Alot!
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: niam2023 on October 15, 2013, 03:35:33 pm
I can bring a lot of fire. Have not felt this angry about something in a very long time.

Dammit, what is it with that part of the United States and their football teams being so rapey?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 15, 2013, 03:38:38 pm
I can bring a lot of fire. Have not felt this angry about something in a very long time.

Dammit, what is it with that part of the United States and their football teams being so rapey?

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: mellenORL on October 15, 2013, 03:44:28 pm
niam, I'll pick you up on the way there. Be nice to have a Dexter type on the case...<nonexistent uber-rage emoti>
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ghoti on October 15, 2013, 04:07:17 pm
Have room for one more? I've been looking to practice my kill-you-from-the-next-county skills. I've got my own gun and ammo, I just need a ride.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: MadCatTLX on October 15, 2013, 05:24:33 pm
I'll come as well. What should I bring? I got a shotgun, a new AR, plenty of knives, a box of old fireworks, and I can probably jery-rig a flamethrower together.

Off-topic, but what kinda gun you got SD?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: chitoryu12 on October 15, 2013, 05:45:22 pm
Edit: scratch that. I'm not going to nope myself into the sun, I'm going to pick up a sniper rifle and show these reprehensible sacks of horseshit what "small-town justice" should look like. Anyone want to be my spotter?

Buddy, YOU can be MY spotter.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: mellenORL on October 15, 2013, 06:51:25 pm
All I'm using is a 5 million volt 18 inch long stun baton...that crackles blue hell fire all up and down it's length. I'll stick 'em, you guys plug and (ka)plow 'em. Any one wanna use my chainsaw? If so, I'll bring it along, and I've got a 6 foot long 30 pound iron wrecking bar. Some little boy bitches' homes and cars need remodeling, I hear.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: RavynousHunter on October 15, 2013, 07:06:21 pm
I'll just use my bare hands, thank you.  I've always wanted to shove my fingers thru some shitstain's orbital sockets.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: solar. on October 15, 2013, 07:07:27 pm
I'll bring a blowtorch and pliers.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: niam2023 on October 15, 2013, 07:52:39 pm
I've got good old fashioned knives. Its amazing what you can do with something like that and a little creativity.

Positively amazing.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: The Illusive Man on October 15, 2013, 08:50:52 pm
Anonymous is on the case! #OPMaryvile (http://pastebin.com/G0ahgG6Q)

Pics of the rapists and their tweets bragging about the rapes. (https://twitter.com/search?q=%23Jordanandmattarefree&src=hash&mode=photos)

Lots of info! (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=228978800599646&set=a.204793096351550.1073741828.198077740356419&type=1)

Archive of the Republican Rep. Rex Barnett, grandfather of Matthew Barnet. (http://web.archive.org/web/20120320020706/http://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/spec01/member01/mem004.htm) Good thing he was(?) on the Criminal Law committee right? (http://web.archive.org/web/20120320020706/http://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/spec01/commit01/com012.htm)
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 15, 2013, 11:33:01 pm
I'll use my conscience and reason, because vigilante justice isn't my thing...
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Damen on October 16, 2013, 12:45:28 am
Once again, my desires for these people are simple.

I just want them to die. I don't give a crap about their suffering, I just want them to not be alive anymore.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: gyeonghwa on October 16, 2013, 12:56:57 am
And you know what, people are going to play this off as though the real victim here is the football team and the town, but no thought will be put about the girl or her family. The did it with Steubenville. That ices the hell out of my cupcake.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 11:18:56 am
Welcome to Steubenville Part II.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Iczerfour on October 16, 2013, 12:17:15 pm
I need to find my soul stealing poisoned blade.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ironchew on October 16, 2013, 12:34:32 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: mellenORL on October 16, 2013, 12:36:50 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.

How about no? We're all just venting, not serious, okay?


Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ironchew on October 16, 2013, 12:39:40 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.
How about no? We're all just venting, not serious, okay?

And yet rape jokes would be condemned like they should be. Why treat murder any differently?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 16, 2013, 12:44:06 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.
How about no? We're all just venting, not serious, okay?

And yet rape jokes would be condemned like they should be. Why treat murder any differently?

Because Internet Tough Guys FTW!!!
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 16, 2013, 01:07:17 pm
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: RavynousHunter on October 16, 2013, 01:45:02 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.

"Murder is worse than rape."  This is debatable.  At least if you're dead, you're not alive to suffer, like you are with rape.

Also, does anyone else notice a pattern here that, when people vent their spleens, someone inevitably comes along and is all "u guise shud nut b so angry!"?  Its a horrifying case regarding something completely detestable happening to innocent people and ruining their lives.  Or, did you conveniently NOT read the article and how one of the victims has attempted suicide multiple times since the incident?  Of course people are going to be pissed off, let us be pissed off for a while.  Which would you prefer, that we let our frustrations out here where it can't hurt anyone, or go do something IRL that we might regret later?

Honestly, much of the town's populace, law enforcement notwithstanding, has acted in a way that ought to be fucking criminal, as they've led to at least one girl trying to kill herself several times.  The "law enforcement" personnel that allowed this farce of justice?  They should be imprisoned, or at least fired with no chance of attaining public office or a position within education or law enforcement ever again.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 01:53:23 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.
Brings us down to whose level? Rapists? People who commit acts of vigilantism? How is that?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 01:55:35 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.
How about no? We're all just venting, not serious, okay?

And yet rape jokes would be condemned like they should be. Why treat murder any differently?

Because Internet Tough Guys FTW!!!
I thought an Internet Tough Guy was when you were actually making threats? Like, "If you were here I'd kick your ass!" Not cracking jokes about how someone perhaps ought to die.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: RavynousHunter on October 16, 2013, 01:57:30 pm
Honestly, the "brings [us/you] down to their level" argument doesn't really work in this case.  We're talking.  Nothing more.  Nothing has been done by any of us that'd be considered vigilantism or even so much as illegal or morally reprehensible.  We haven't acted on our more...undesirable impulses.  To be frank, that makes us much better than the people responsible for this; they thought with their cocks first and acted on their disgusting desires.  We're still better than much of the town, too, because at least we're pissed off at the right fucking people.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 16, 2013, 02:02:18 pm
How about we tone down the vigilante justice angle? Murder is worse than rape, and fantasizing about it brings us down to their level.
How about no? We're all just venting, not serious, okay?

And yet rape jokes would be condemned like they should be. Why treat murder any differently?

Because Internet Tough Guys FTW!!!

Come back to Virginia and I'll show you how much of a tough guy I am.

Ironbite-I think there's a Tough Guy competition I could enter.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 16, 2013, 02:31:17 pm
I thought an Internet Tough Guy was when you were actually making threats? Like, "If you were here I'd kick your ass!" Not cracking jokes about how someone perhaps ought to die.

I hate to be a pedant, but these jokes are threats*. Threats to shoot the kids, stab the kids, or even to rape them with a cattle prod.

I mean, raping a rapist with a cattle prod? Are we really going back to Hammurabi's code...

*Threat is defined as "a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done."
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 02:47:38 pm
I thought an Internet Tough Guy was when you were actually making threats? Like, "If you were here I'd kick your ass!" Not cracking jokes about how someone perhaps ought to die.

I hate to be a pedant, but these jokes are threats*. Threats to shoot the kids, stab the kids, or even to rape them with a cattle prod.

I mean, raping a rapist with a cattle prod? Are we really going back to Hammurabi's code...

*Threat is defined as "a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done."
But if there's no intention to inflict pain then it isn't a threat. I doubt anyone here has the intention of doing anything other than posting in this thread.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 16, 2013, 02:48:41 pm
I thought an Internet Tough Guy was when you were actually making threats? Like, "If you were here I'd kick your ass!" Not cracking jokes about how someone perhaps ought to die.

I hate to be a pedant, but these jokes are threats*. Threats to shoot the kids, stab the kids, or even to rape them with a cattle prod.

I mean, raping a rapist with a cattle prod? Are we really going back to Hammurabi's code...

*Threat is defined as "a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done."
But if there's no intention to inflict pain then it isn't a threat. I doubt anyone here has the intention of doing anything other than posting in this thread.

But an intention is simply a plan. Are these not plans for torture? Hollow threats, but threats nonetheless.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 02:59:45 pm
I thought an Internet Tough Guy was when you were actually making threats? Like, "If you were here I'd kick your ass!" Not cracking jokes about how someone perhaps ought to die.

I hate to be a pedant, but these jokes are threats*. Threats to shoot the kids, stab the kids, or even to rape them with a cattle prod.

I mean, raping a rapist with a cattle prod? Are we really going back to Hammurabi's code...

*Threat is defined as "a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done."
But if there's no intention to inflict pain then it isn't a threat. I doubt anyone here has the intention of doing anything other than posting in this thread.

But an intention is defined as a plan. Are these not plans for torture?
I would say no. A plan is a "scheme, program, or method worked out beforehand for the accomplishment of an objective." I am not seeing this here. Here are some of the comments:

May the dicks of those rapists shrivel and rot until they die a terrible and painful death which resists all forms of pain relief.

May the people who called in the favors suffer from that one disease that turns their muscle to bone until they die a horrible, stationary death.

How about we ask the Beliye Kolgotky if they would like to take care of it.

With luck, they've got some devastating concussions coming their way.

Matthew Barnett deserves nothing less than all of the pain and suffering humanly possible. I wish him nothing but misery, nothing but the primest of miseries. I hope that his son is born deformed and barely alive, I hope that his family name is dragged through the mud and grime, and I hope that his penis shrivels and is infected by bloodthirsty worms.

As for this kid, I really hope he makes it.  I do.  Then, his first game, he gets destroyed by somebody, hit so god damn hard, it blows out both his knees and his dreams and career are over.

None of these has any statement of intent or planning.

The only thing I see that even closely resembles an intention to act is this exchange:
I'm not going to nope myself into the sun, I'm going to pick up a sniper rifle and show these reprehensible sacks of horseshit what "small-town justice" should look like. Anyone want to be my spotter?

I'll come as well. What should I bring? I got a shotgun, a new AR, plenty of knives, a box of old fireworks, and I can probably jery-rig a flamethrower together.

All I'm using is a 5 million volt 18 inch long stun baton...that crackles blue hell fire all up and down it's length. I'll stick 'em, you guys plug and (ka)plow 'em. Any one wanna use my chainsaw? If so, I'll bring it along, and I've got a 6 foot long 30 pound iron wrecking bar. Some little boy bitches' homes and cars need remodeling, I hear.

I'll just use my bare hands, thank you.  I've always wanted to shove my fingers thru some shitstain's orbital sockets.

And even then I would not categorize them as true threats in the legal sense, as I doubt they actually have a real intent or plans to do anything they say they will. I guess because of a lack of genuine intent I cannot call these "plans."

EDIT: This is in no way an endorsement of rape via cattleprod or any other backwards punishment.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 16, 2013, 03:29:01 pm
None of these has any statement of intent or planning.

The only thing I see that even closely resembles an intention to act is this exchange:

I'm not going to nope myself into the sun, I'm going to pick up a sniper rifle and show these reprehensible sacks of horseshit what "small-town justice" should look like. Anyone want to be my spotter?

I'll come as well. What should I bring? I got a shotgun, a new AR, plenty of knives, a box of old fireworks, and I can probably jery-rig a flamethrower together.

All I'm using is a 5 million volt 18 inch long stun baton...that crackles blue hell fire all up and down it's length. I'll stick 'em, you guys plug and (ka)plow 'em. Any one wanna use my chainsaw? If so, I'll bring it along, and I've got a 6 foot long 30 pound iron wrecking bar. Some little boy bitches' homes and cars need remodeling, I hear.

I'll just use my bare hands, thank you.  I've always wanted to shove my fingers thru some shitstain's orbital sockets.

And even then I would not categorize them as true threats in the legal sense, as I doubt they actually have a real intent or plans to do anything they say they will. I guess because of a lack of genuine intent I cannot call these "plans."

EDIT: This is in no way an endorsement of rape via cattleprod or any other backwards punishment.

Ah, but now I think you're making some mistakes. If you read my first comment I explicitly allude to these comments (shoot them, stab them, rape them with a cattle prod), so the first set of quotes (which I excluded for space) would not apply.

Second, I never said they were threats in the legal sense. I specifically went with the dictionary definition for a reason (criminal definitions require more factors which aren't present). For a threat to be a criminal act in the state of Missouri (the jurisdiction these kids are in), the kids would have to be "reasonably put in fear." These kids have never read these threats, and TBH, I wouldn't be intimidated if these were directed at me. Next, I feel you're confusing the legal sense of intent (knowledge that an action will cause a result) with the dictionary definition of intent (plan/plot).

Finally, I would argue these are plans, not serious plans, but plans regardless. I can plan to go home and kill my roommate, I'm not actually gonna do that (she's sweet). But I can still plan such a course of events out. Stating these mentally depraved ideas through any medium, including internet is where the plan become a threat.

I mean, last time the forum went on this spat of how depraved they could be to the rapists (Stuebenville), I took the same stance. Personally, I won't take you seriously as a person if you're posting such tough guy and sadistic statements.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 04:00:14 pm
None of these has any statement of intent or planning.

The only thing I see that even closely resembles an intention to act is this exchange:

I'm not going to nope myself into the sun, I'm going to pick up a sniper rifle and show these reprehensible sacks of horseshit what "small-town justice" should look like. Anyone want to be my spotter?

I'll come as well. What should I bring? I got a shotgun, a new AR, plenty of knives, a box of old fireworks, and I can probably jery-rig a flamethrower together.

All I'm using is a 5 million volt 18 inch long stun baton...that crackles blue hell fire all up and down it's length. I'll stick 'em, you guys plug and (ka)plow 'em. Any one wanna use my chainsaw? If so, I'll bring it along, and I've got a 6 foot long 30 pound iron wrecking bar. Some little boy bitches' homes and cars need remodeling, I hear.

I'll just use my bare hands, thank you.  I've always wanted to shove my fingers thru some shitstain's orbital sockets.

And even then I would not categorize them as true threats in the legal sense, as I doubt they actually have a real intent or plans to do anything they say they will. I guess because of a lack of genuine intent I cannot call these "plans."

EDIT: This is in no way an endorsement of rape via cattleprod or any other backwards punishment.

Ah, but now I think you're making some mistakes. If you read my first comment I explicitly allude to these comments (shoot them, stab them, rape them with a cattle prod), so the first set of quotes (which I excluded for space) would not apply.
I know, I just started from the beginning of the thread and started taking any statements that wished death upon the rapists in order to look at them. Just consider it being thorough ^_^

Second, I never said they were threats in the legal sense. I specifically went with the dictionary definition for a reason (criminal definitions require more factors which aren't present). For a threat to be a criminal act in the state of Missouri (the jurisdiction these kids are in), the kids would have to be "reasonably put in fear." These kids have never read these threats, and TBH, I wouldn't be intimidated if these were directed at me. Next, I feel you're confusing the legal sense of intent (knowledge that an action will cause a result) with the dictionary definition of intent (plan/plot).

Finally, I would argue these are plans, not serious plans, but plans regardless. I can plan to go home and kill my roommate, I'm not actually gonna do that (she's sweet). But I can still plan such a course of events out. Stating these mentally depraved ideas through any medium, including internet is where the plan become a threat.
But I'm not convinced that these are plans, or that there are non-serious plans. Plans are:

: a set of actions that have been thought of as a way to do or achieve something

: something that a person intends to do

At least according to Merriam-Webster. And I don't think these ideas (even if one thinks they qualify as actions) are actually being thought of as a way to achieve something or something anyone here intends to do. But let's say for all intents and purposes that you're right. These things meet the strict dictionary definition of a threat, without meeting the actionable, legal definition. So then what? As you acknowledged, they are at the very least hollow threats. No one here is going to do anything whatsoever, it's all anger and exaggeration and frustration. No one says they're actually going to do anything illegal.

I mean, last time the forum went on this spat of how depraved they could be to the rapists (Stuebenville), I took the same stance. Personally, I won't take you seriously as a person if you're posting such tough guy and sadistic statements.
Exactly! I don't take them seriously and neither should you.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 16, 2013, 04:04:19 pm
Rabbit, you have been a formidable opponent :)

/me shakes Rabbit's hand
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 04:05:36 pm
Rabbit, you have been a formidable opponent :)

/me shakes Rabbit's hand
It was a pleasure ^_^
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Cerim Treascair on October 16, 2013, 05:12:38 pm
Rabbit, you have been a formidable opponent :)

/me shakes Rabbit's hand
It was a pleasure ^_^

... reasonable debate in a RAPE THREAD?

... what the fuck did I come home to? Did you guys toke up or something?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 16, 2013, 05:25:46 pm
Don't tell anyone but I put tranq darts in their asses.

Ironbite-now let's watch as they fuck.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: RavynousHunter on October 16, 2013, 05:40:19 pm
Don't tell anyone but I put tranq darts in their asses.

Ironbite-now let's watch as they fuck.

Sounds like some weird nature documentary.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: largeham on October 16, 2013, 06:17:06 pm
Don't tell anyone but I put tranq darts in their asses.

Ironbite-now let's watch as they fuck.

What is this weird obsession with you wanting forum members to fuck each other?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 16, 2013, 06:17:52 pm
Don't tell anyone but I put tranq darts in their asses.

Ironbite-now let's watch as they fuck.

What is this weird obsession with you wanting forum members to fuck each other?

Maybe it's an elaborate ruse so that he can fuck y-

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 16, 2013, 08:23:18 pm
Rabbit, you have been a formidable opponent :)

/me shakes Rabbit's hand
It was a pleasure ^_^

... reasonable debate in a RAPE THREAD?

... what the fuck did I come home to? Did you guys toke up or something?
And then we listened to Bob Marley.

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Damen on October 17, 2013, 03:37:37 pm
I just saw on CNN that this case is being reopened. I'm just hoping justice will be done now.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: RavynousHunter on October 17, 2013, 04:24:41 pm
Good, reopen that whole town and cut out the damned cancer infesting that place.  No, I don't want 'em fired into the sun, just fired and barred from public office.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Sleepy on October 17, 2013, 04:32:53 pm
It damn well better be reopened. I haven't been able to comment on this because it's so enraging. People ought to feel far more than ashamed.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 17, 2013, 04:53:12 pm
Bet the case gets closed again due to Statue of Limitations.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: dpareja on October 17, 2013, 04:56:02 pm
Bet the case gets closed again due to Statue of Limitations.



Time limitations.

556.036. 1. A prosecution for murder, forcible rape, attempted forcible rape, forcible sodomy, attempted forcible sodomy, or any class A felony may be commenced at any time.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 18, 2013, 12:35:05 pm
I'm assuming if convicted his grandfather will go on Fox and CNN and mourn the imprisonment of his son
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Rabbit of Caerbannog on October 18, 2013, 05:30:49 pm
I'm assuming if convicted his grandfather will go on Fox and CNN and mourn the imprisonment of his son
If this is anything like Steubenville I'm sure CNN will mourn with him.

And as for FOX, there's this awfulness (http://www.thenation.com/blog/176736/maryville-rape-case-reopened-fox-news-guest-blames-victim)...
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 18, 2013, 05:59:03 pm
Once again, the defense attorney in this case is just...awful.

Ironbite-hope this kid knows that even if he avoids jail time, he's going to be branded for life
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: largeham on October 18, 2013, 08:13:01 pm
Once again, the defense attorney in this case is just...awful.

Ironbite-hope this kid knows that even if he avoids jail time, he's going to be branded for life

How so? Sure defence lawyers do defend many unsavoury people, however the right to a fair trial is a basic human right and should be afforded to everyone. Also, the moral hysteria around defence lawyers defending rapists, murderers, etc is usually used as an excuse to attack defence lawyers in general and cut funding to public defence services. E.g. the 'scandal' around Legal Aid and Adrien Bailey.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 18, 2013, 08:17:55 pm
Once again, the defense attorney in this case is just...awful.

Ironbite-hope this kid knows that even if he avoids jail time, he's going to be branded for life

How so? Sure defence lawyers do defend many unsavoury people, however the right to a fair trial is a basic human right and should be afforded to everyone. Also, the moral hysteria around defence lawyers defending rapists, murderers, etc is usually used as an excuse to attack defence lawyers in general and cut funding to public defence services. E.g. the 'scandal' around Legal Aid and Adrien Bailey.

I think there is a bit of a difference. It is one thing to defend an unsavory individual, it is another thing to play to cultural biases of the potential jury and to society. Saying "this girl was asking for it" speaks nothing to the innocence of the defendant (if anything, it kind of concedes he did it) while playing off the victim-blaming cultural misogyny of "she's a slut."

You can say "my client didn't do it" or "my client should be found innocent on this platform" but the aforementioned approach is unethical (not speaking from lawyer terms of ethics which I have not the slightest clue to, but to ethics in a generic sense).
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 18, 2013, 08:21:02 pm
The lawyer is awful, not because of who he's defending, but because he is an awful person.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 18, 2013, 09:00:49 pm
Everyone deserves their day in court and to be defended by someone who has the ability to get them off.  However!, this guy is guilty as sin.  There's footage, there's confessions, there's everything painting this idiot guilty.  His lawyer gets on Faux Noise and says a 13 year old girl was asking for it because she allowed herself to drink booze?

Ironbite-hence the stupid part.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 18, 2013, 09:04:20 pm
She was heavily pressured by a whole bunch of older (but not old enough) teenage guys to drink booze.

One could even argue that she could have reasonably inferred threat because of that.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: largeham on October 18, 2013, 09:08:03 pm
Ah, yes I agree. I didn't bother reading the article which covered his turdiness.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Canadian Mojo on October 18, 2013, 10:01:36 pm
So how much victim blaming do you think there would be if a couple boys on the senior football team snuck out of their homes to go to a college party where a bunch of older girls gave them alcohol and then sodomized them with a broomstick when they were too drunk to resist?

I'm going to go with not a lot.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 18, 2013, 10:07:44 pm
So how much victim blaming do you think there would be if a couple boys on the senior football team snuck out of their homes to go to a college party where a bunch of older girls gave them alcohol and then sodomized them with a broomstick when they were too drunk to resist?

I'm going to go with not a lot.

Actually, people would probably just crack jokes about it, show absolutely no concern, and treat it like it's a joke.

So... probably a lot, actually.  Turns out male rape victims are taken even less seriously than female rape victims.

Unless the perpetrator is also a man, in which case, "OMG GAY PANIC GAY PANIC"

ETA: Actually, probably not even then.  They would just accuse the victim of being gay.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Sigmaleph on October 19, 2013, 12:16:50 am
So how much victim blaming do you think there would be if a couple boys on the senior football team snuck out of their homes to go to a college party where a bunch of older girls gave them alcohol and then sodomized them with a broomstick when they were too drunk to resist?

I'm going to go with not a lot.

Actually, people would probably just crack jokes about it, show absolutely no concern, and treat it like it's a joke.

So... probably a lot, actually.  Turns out male rape victims are taken even less seriously than female rape victims.

Cultural attitudes towards rape are seriously fucked up, is the message to take home here
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 19, 2013, 01:16:57 am
So how much victim blaming do you think there would be if a couple boys on the senior football team snuck out of their homes to go to a college party where a bunch of older girls gave them alcohol and then sodomized them with a broomstick when they were too drunk to resist?

I'm going to go with not a lot.

Actually, people would probably just crack jokes about it, show absolutely no concern, and treat it like it's a joke.

So... probably a lot, actually.  Turns out male rape victims are taken even less seriously than female rape victims.

Cultural attitudes towards rape are seriously fucked up, is the message to take home here

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Thejebusfire on October 19, 2013, 01:25:21 am
In a later interview, Rice called it a case of “incorrigible teenagers” drinking alcohol and having sex. “They were doing what they wanted to do, and there weren’t any consequences. And it’s reprehensible. But is it criminal? No.”

Robert Sundell, who represented Barnett, echoed that sentiment: “Just because we don’t like the way teenagers act doesn’t necessarily make it a crime.”

I'm pretty certain rape is a crime regardless of who does it.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 19, 2013, 02:31:57 am
TBH I am surprised any defense lawyer or defendant in a high profile rape case goes on TV after Sandusky incriminated himself on air
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: chitoryu12 on October 19, 2013, 03:49:05 am
In a later interview, Rice called it a case of “incorrigible teenagers” drinking alcohol and having sex. “They were doing what they wanted to do, and there weren’t any consequences. And it’s reprehensible. But is it criminal? No.”

Robert Sundell, who represented Barnett, echoed that sentiment: “Just because we don’t like the way teenagers act doesn’t necessarily make it a crime.”

I'm pretty certain rape is a crime regardless of who does it.

The problem is that a lot of people don't want to admit that rape even occurred. Even outside of people who simply shrug and suggest that the victim was "asking for it" for being drunk or whatnot, there's a lot of folks who handwave away rape accusations by suggesting that the victim may have consented (possibly under the influence), felt bad about it, and cried rape to make herself feel better.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: MadCatTLX on October 19, 2013, 03:57:53 am
So how much victim blaming do you think there would be if a couple boys on the senior football team snuck out of their homes to go to a college party where a bunch of older girls gave them alcohol and then sodomized them with a broomstick when they were too drunk to resist?

I'm going to go with not a lot.

Actually, people would probably just crack jokes about it, show absolutely no concern, and treat it like it's a joke.

Canadian Mojo, have you been reading my old F&B thread?

I've seen almost this exact scenario happen. I mean, there was no booze and the girls were replaced with other football player in the locker room. The broomstick incident was joked about quite a bit and possibly led my classmate M to do what he did out of some kind of stockholm syndrome.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: chitoryu12 on October 19, 2013, 04:08:28 am
So how much victim blaming do you think there would be if a couple boys on the senior football team snuck out of their homes to go to a college party where a bunch of older girls gave them alcohol and then sodomized them with a broomstick when they were too drunk to resist?

I'm going to go with not a lot.

Actually, people would probably just crack jokes about it, show absolutely no concern, and treat it like it's a joke.

Canadian Mojo, have you been reading my old F&B thread?

I've seen almost this exact scenario happen. I mean, there was no booze and the girls were replaced with other football player in the locker room. The broomstick incident was joked about quite a bit and possibly led my classmate M to do what he did out of some kind of stockholm syndrome.

I'm pretty sure this is more related to you living in what is literally the most insane and depraved horror story prologue on Earth.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Cloud3514 on October 19, 2013, 01:25:53 pm
I can bring a lot of fire. Have not felt this angry about something in a very long time.

Dammit, what is it with that part of the United States and their football teams being so rapey?

As someone who lives in that part of the country, its a combination of conservative values and excessive enforcement of masculine gender roles. Hell, the high school I went to actually laid off three math teachers to afford to hire a single football coach because all they cared about were test scores to get the government off their backs and football so they could have a good reputation to fit their ideal masculine image.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 19, 2013, 05:15:54 pm
I can bring a lot of fire. Have not felt this angry about something in a very long time.

Dammit, what is it with that part of the United States and their football teams being so rapey?

As someone who lives in that part of the country, its a combination of conservative values and excessive enforcement of masculine gender roles. Hell, the high school I went to actually laid off three math teachers to afford to hire a single football coach because all they cared about were test scores to get the government off their backs and football so they could have a good reputation to fit their ideal masculine image.


Why is this shit allowed to happen?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 19, 2013, 05:49:18 pm
Because of not then they lose what defines their town. 
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Canadian Mojo on October 19, 2013, 08:04:46 pm
So how much victim blaming do you think there would be if a couple boys on the senior football team snuck out of their homes to go to a college party where a bunch of older girls gave them alcohol and then sodomized them with a broomstick when they were too drunk to resist?

I'm going to go with not a lot.

Actually, people would probably just crack jokes about it, show absolutely no concern, and treat it like it's a joke.

Canadian Mojo, have you been reading my old F&B thread?

I've seen almost this exact scenario happen. I mean, there was no booze and the girls were replaced with other football player in the locker room. The broomstick incident was joked about quite a bit and possibly led my classmate M to do what he did out of some kind of stockholm syndrome.
Now that you mention it I do recall something like that in your thread. The problem is that it kind of blurred with all the other ridiculously abhorrent things going in you your little corner of hell.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Lt. Fred on October 20, 2013, 03:09:12 am
Once again, the defense attorney in this case is just...awful.

Ironbite-hope this kid knows that even if he avoids jail time, he's going to be branded for life

How so? Sure defence lawyers do defend many unsavoury people, however the right to a fair trial is a basic human right and should be afforded to everyone. Also, the moral hysteria around defence lawyers defending rapists, murderers, etc is usually used as an excuse to attack defence lawyers in general and cut funding to public defence services. E.g. the 'scandal' around Legal Aid and Adrien Bailey.

Obviously there are limits to the legitimate defences a lawyer can attempt can morally use to avoid prosecution for his/her client. For instance, a lawyer may not argue "the victim was Jewish and therefore deserved it". This would make him or her a terrible person. Likewise, a lawyer must not argue that rape is not a crime, as this one has. Obviously, he should be disbarred, mocked mercilessly by decent people, and then join the remaining people who have attempted to cover up this evil in their own special planet somewhere, preferably a dangerous one.

In a later interview, Rice called it a case of “incorrigible teenagers” drinking alcohol and having sex. “They were doing what they wanted to do, and there weren’t any consequences. And it’s reprehensible. But is it criminal? No.”

Robert Sundell, who represented Barnett, echoed that sentiment: “Just because we don’t like the way teenagers act doesn’t necessarily make it a crime.”

I'm pretty certain rape is a crime regardless of who does it.

The problem is that a lot of people don't want to admit that rape even occurred. Even outside of people who simply shrug and suggest that the victim was "asking for it" for being drunk or whatnot, there's a lot of folks who handwave away rape accusations by suggesting that the victim may have consented (possibly under the influence), felt bad about it, and cried rape to make herself feel better.

The truly awful part about this case is that it's statutory rape. Consent is irrelevant. Those locals who were pretending the rape of a child isn't illegal just because their legal system doesn't work should all be held culpable, in my view.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: RavynousHunter on October 20, 2013, 12:56:44 pm
Because of not then they lose what defines their town. 

Honestly, I feel like some towns need to die off and be replaced.

I can bring a lot of fire. Have not felt this angry about something in a very long time.

Dammit, what is it with that part of the United States and their football teams being so rapey?

As someone who lives in that part of the country, its a combination of conservative values and excessive enforcement of masculine gender roles. Hell, the high school I went to actually laid off three math teachers to afford to hire a single football coach because all they cared about were test scores to get the government off their backs and football so they could have a good reputation to fit their ideal masculine image.


Why is this shit allowed to happen?

Because motherfucking FOOTBALL!
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 20, 2013, 01:13:08 pm
speaking of rape 
“Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.”

Paul Elam, the author of the above quote and one of the major voices of the men’s rights activism movement, will be featured on 20/20 today (Friday, October 18) at 10pm Eastern on ABC.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 20, 2013, 02:10:36 pm
Congrats ass...you'll never be called for a rape trial then.

Ironbite-cause they kinda frown upon that in jury selection.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 20, 2013, 02:20:25 pm
Maybe he's gaming the jury system to be fair now everyone knows he's a douchebag (this was on 20/20 so MRA's are hardly an underground threat
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 20, 2013, 05:06:14 pm
Because motherfucking FOOTBALL!

I'm starting to think that American Football is worse for guys than Twilight is for girls.

Yes, I went there.  I think American Football is an outright plague on our society.  And so far, all evidence points towards this being true.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: mellenORL on October 20, 2013, 09:33:39 pm
Turning a fine sport like football into a big money and big fame business with all the uber hyped machismo and masculine sex appeal thing is what started this crap. When you look back just a couple or three decades, high school foot ballers had to toe the line, keep their grades up, be innocent as choirboys to stay on the team. A football player was an archetype role model just like a cowboy or a firefighter of rugged, wholesome and honorable masculinity back then.

Nowadays, talent scouts are scoping these high schoolers for college teams and let's face it, if your high school program is soaked in money and hires top notch training coaches, it leads to all kinds of schwag and bribes and spin off money even at that level, when they are signing 16 and 17 year olds early for big money university teams, which earn shed loads of licensing fees from team logo merchandise royalties and TV game broadcast rights fees. It's all stinking of lots of shady god damned money, all the way down to hick town high school teams.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Random Gal on October 20, 2013, 10:43:29 pm
Because motherfucking FOOTBALL!

I'm starting to think that American Football is worse for guys than Twilight is for girls.

Yes, I went there.  I think American Football is an outright plague on our society.  And so far, all evidence points towards this being true.

Except that Twilight in and of itself is terrible, while the actual game of football is not. Just because people act like dicks about a particular game doesn't mean that the game itself sucks.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Sleepy on October 20, 2013, 10:49:53 pm
Because motherfucking FOOTBALL!

I'm starting to think that American Football is worse for guys than Twilight is for girls.

Yes, I went there.  I think American Football is an outright plague on our society.  And so far, all evidence points towards this being true.

Except that Twilight in and of itself is terrible, while the actual game of football is not. Just because people act like dicks about a particular game doesn't mean that the game itself sucks.

I agree with this, but football has a far more noticeable affect on our society.  I don't think Twilight has done much damage, in comparison. Some people have unhealthy obsessions with it, but the worst it's done is probably giving them creepy, unrealistic relationship expectations.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: largeham on October 20, 2013, 10:51:04 pm
I'm inclined to agree with mellenORL. The fact that there is so much money and prestige(which =money) in football in the US (IIRC college football is more popular than NRL, but I am probably wrong) is one of the roots of such scandals. Football stars bring money and fame to their school and town, and are obviously going to be highly regarded. Set in a sexist society, throw in some rape culture and general old fashioned misogyny and the outcome is somewhat predictable.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Cloud3514 on October 20, 2013, 10:51:24 pm
Turning a fine sport like football into a big money and big fame business with all the uber hyped machismo and masculine sex appeal thing is what started this crap. When you look back just a couple or three decades, high school foot ballers had to toe the line, keep their grades up, be innocent as choirboys to stay on the team. A football player was an archetype role model just like a cowboy or a firefighter of rugged, wholesome and honorable masculinity back then.

Nowadays, talent scouts are scoping these high schoolers for college teams and let's face it, if your high school program is soaked in money and hires top notch training coaches, it leads to all kinds of schwag and bribes and spin off money even at that level, when they are signing 16 and 17 year olds early for big money university teams, which earn shed loads of licensing fees from team logo merchandise royalties and TV game broadcast rights fees. It's all stinking of lots of shady god damned money, all the way down to hick town high school teams.

However, that doesn't explain why schools pretend their football players (and other student athletes, but not to the level of football) are saints. That, I theorize is because if they were honest about their players being little shits, their reputations would go down the damn toilet. And if their reputation goes down the toilet, then parents looking to move into the town won't want to send their kids to the schools and, by extension, not want to move into the town, stunting the town's growth. What I don't get is why these schools prefer their reputations being based on their athletics programs as opposed to actually academic reputations.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ironchew on October 20, 2013, 11:16:34 pm
What I don't get is why these schools prefer their reputations being based on their athletics programs as opposed to actually academic reputations.

1) Athletics brings in more money by far than any other school activity. It's smart business to keep athletics programs competitive and well-funded.
2) It's not cool to be smart in our anti-intellectual society. For the people who do care, there are plenty of smart people overseas that will work for far less money doing the same job.

Hence why everyone leaps to the defense of football players, the cherished icons of their local community, and why it's cool to hate math. We've got seriously screwed up priorities as a nation.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: dpareja on October 21, 2013, 12:26:57 am
Also because people who really care about academic reputation won't just look at test scores to draw conclusions, whereas people who care about athletic reputation will just look at win-loss records or something like that, so it's easier to draw people on the basis of the latter than the former.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: chitoryu12 on October 21, 2013, 02:52:22 pm
Turning a fine sport like football into a big money and big fame business with all the uber hyped machismo and masculine sex appeal thing is what started this crap. When you look back just a couple or three decades, high school foot ballers had to toe the line, keep their grades up, be innocent as choirboys to stay on the team. A football player was an archetype role model just like a cowboy or a firefighter of rugged, wholesome and honorable masculinity back then.

Nowadays, talent scouts are scoping these high schoolers for college teams and let's face it, if your high school program is soaked in money and hires top notch training coaches, it leads to all kinds of schwag and bribes and spin off money even at that level, when they are signing 16 and 17 year olds early for big money university teams, which earn shed loads of licensing fees from team logo merchandise royalties and TV game broadcast rights fees. It's all stinking of lots of shady god damned money, all the way down to hick town high school teams.

However, that doesn't explain why schools pretend their football players (and other student athletes, but not to the level of football) are saints. That, I theorize is because if they were honest about their players being little shits, their reputations would go down the damn toilet. And if their reputation goes down the toilet, then parents looking to move into the town won't want to send their kids to the schools and, by extension, not want to move into the town, stunting the town's growth. What I don't get is why these schools prefer their reputations being based on their athletics programs as opposed to actually academic reputations.

That's exactly it. It's the same thing that leads parents to refusing to admit that their children are bullies or criminals even in the face of evidence: they can't admit that their precious babies are bad. Not only do they not want to believe it, they don't want anyone else to believe it because it reflects badly on them. So just like parents fly off the handle when their kids get accused of things and try to punish the accusers in retaliation, schools cover up their star performers' rapes and bullying to avoid making the school look bad.

Still didn't stop two junior varsity players from my old high school from getting tossed in jail a few years back when they not only started mugging people, but began bragging about it. Even bragging about the one that got them eventually caught (they tried to rob a guy who only had some change in his pocket, got a cup of water thrown at them, and pistol whipped the guy and ran).
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: rageaholic on October 22, 2013, 12:06:33 am
I made the mistake of reading the comments on Glenn Beck's website (the blaze).  SO MUCH FAIL!!


Whoa, whoa, whoa………
Didn’t the girls SNEAK out of their house – where were the parents and why were the girls not warned about consequences – like rape.

Weren’t the girls DRINKING (underage)? Did the parents tell the girls about that being a BIG NO NO ?

There are Parents at fault (1), a couple of stupid girls (2) plus some irresponsible guys that probably knew the law but let their D*cks do their thinking for them.

The parents were absentee parents, the girls were stupid little girls and the guys were (well – rapists.

The parents should be punished, the girls already have been (hope they learned a hard lesson) and the guys need to be arrested and jailed for a few years.

It ain’t just the guys that were wrong. It was everyone involved……………………!

*bolded for emphasis*

I'm speechless so I'm going to let the Nostalgia Critic react for me.

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 22, 2013, 02:44:55 am
Trigger Warning
Yeah you know rape is a natural consequence you get drunk you vomit you get raped you get a hangover.  t
This comment is bad
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ironchew on October 22, 2013, 03:11:26 pm

Not re-posting this TW is a hate crime.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 22, 2013, 03:46:43 pm
You know we have some rape survivors here and even if though this is a rape thread those comments were really bad
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ironchew on October 22, 2013, 04:10:19 pm
The thread says "rape" in the title. Let the reader beware, no TWs necessary.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: kefkaownsall on October 22, 2013, 05:48:11 pm
The comments were triggering even for a rape thread was the point i was making troll
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: mellenORL on October 22, 2013, 07:12:25 pm
'Chew, you might as well complain about someone saying "please" and "thank you". TW's are just a courtesy. And you are well aware that we criticize SJW snowflakes.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Cloud3514 on October 23, 2013, 04:41:20 pm
Whoa, whoa, whoa………
Didn’t the girls SNEAK out of their house – where were the parents and why were the girls not warned about consequences – like rape.

Weren’t the girls DRINKING (underage)? Did the parents tell the girls about that being a BIG NO NO ?

There are Parents at fault (1), a couple of stupid girls (2) plus some irresponsible guys that probably knew the law but let their D*cks do their thinking for them.

The parents were absentee parents, the girls were stupid little girls and the guys were (well – rapists.

The parents should be punished, the girls already have been (hope they learned a hard lesson) and the guys need to be arrested and jailed for a few years.

It ain’t just the guys that were wrong. It was everyone involved……………………!

*bolded for emphasis*

#Invalid YouTube Link#
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 23, 2013, 05:09:20 pm
Whoa, whoa, whoa………
Didn’t the girls SNEAK out of their house – where were the parents and why were the girls not warned about consequences – like rape.

Weren’t the girls DRINKING (underage)? Did the parents tell the girls about that being a BIG NO NO ?

There are Parents at fault (1), a couple of stupid girls (2) plus some irresponsible guys that probably knew the law but let their D*cks do their thinking for them.

The parents were absentee parents, the girls were stupid little girls and the guys were (well – rapists.

The parents should be punished, the girls already have been (hope they learned a hard lesson) and the guys need to be arrested and jailed for a few years.

It ain’t just the guys that were wrong. It was everyone involved……………………!

*bolded for emphasis*


Fixed that for you.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Barbarella on October 27, 2013, 02:51:28 am
I can bring a lot of fire. Have not felt this angry about something in a very long time.

Dammit, what is it with that part of the United States and their football teams being so rapey?


In other words, they are weak & inferior...unlike the nice proper gentlemen Real Men who respect women.

I'm amazed that the entire town is against these two innocent girls & supporting those evil males (they're not worthy to be called 'men'). Surely there's people in the town who find rape repulsive. It's like a weird pro-rape collective hive-mind masquerading as a community of separate people with different lives, minds & personalities. I don't get it. Is it peer pressure? Are the good citizens intimidated & drowned out by the bad citizens? I hope something is done soon. Marches, vigils, protests, etc. I know Anonymous is getting in on this.

We need to destroy machismo. Give the machismo-maggots the ridicule that they deserve! Make a joke out of them! Let's start a trend of "Dumb Jock" jokes. Laugh at these big, stupid oafs! Create goofy characters in stories & cartoons. Show these macho-meatheads as the biggest rejects & morons possible! MAKE IT CULTURALLY SHAMEFUL TO BE MACHO!

Why wait for Hollywood or whatever to do it? Let's do it ourselves! Let's write our blogs, crack the jokes, write the songs, etc.

And now, there are protests! Good! The People are PISSED!


Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 27, 2013, 03:12:36 am
You scare me, Spuki.

That being said, good to hear that people are rallying for her cause.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Barbarella on October 27, 2013, 03:22:01 am
You scare me, Spuki.

That being said, good to hear that people are rallying for her cause.

Yup! At least I'm being scary in a good way...no cattle prods necessary. I understand the urge to inflict grievous bodily harm but I need to take the higher ground while still seeking a more ethical retribution.

Change the culture...ridicule the macho-buffoons...elevate the gentlemen.

Again, with this town & Stubenville, are these places a hive-mind or what? It's like a "Pro-Rape Borg" or something. You'd think that there would be some citizens who are just as disgusted with this injustice as we are. Rape is a disgusting crime. It's hard to believe that an entire town of several thousand different, individual personalities/temperaments would be so 100% in agreement with the violent crime of rape. Must be something in the water.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 27, 2013, 05:39:47 am
Scary in a good way?

That's up for debate... :/
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 27, 2013, 11:22:22 am
Scary in a good way?

That's up for debate... :/

My head is swimming with punchlines...
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 27, 2013, 03:37:12 pm
Scary in a good way?

That's up for debate... :/

My head is swimming with punchlines...

And you didn't have the decency to share one of them with us?

Shame on you! :P
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: ironbite on October 27, 2013, 04:05:07 pm
I'll get the cat-o-nine tails.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: solar. on October 28, 2013, 03:49:38 pm
Spuki does have a point. She's just saying what I was too afraid to articulate.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: mellenORL on October 29, 2013, 01:36:18 am
And while this thread is briefly steered back in Spuki's direction, You know what would be just lovely? If those few of you here who habitually jump all over Spuki like a cliche of middle schoolers would just do what everybody else does if they don't care for her enthusiasm. What is that, you ask? Well, just skim over the parts of her posts that you are annoyed by. Her style of expressing herself is just that; it's her style, she puts her emotions out there, and that's all fine. It's free expression. On a forum hosted in a free, first world country. Please, consider just posting what you wanted to anyway about the topic at hand, and maybe consider Not ganging up on her with series of snark shots and derailing the thread as if you feel obligated to, to keep up some forum image or street cred or "face" or whatever the fuck your problem is. If you actually cannot discipline yourself to just skim over anything that annoys you, if you just must read it all and froth up a flakey annoyed rage about Spuki's post writing style, well, that's just fucking pathetic. This BS is the only thing I dislike about this forum community, and I know from numerous PM exchanges that I am far from being the only forumite who feels this way.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 29, 2013, 01:45:02 am
...Uh.  The point is that she will go into a frothy rage and it scares the rest of us.  And last I checked, we're... actually allowed to voice our opinions too.

Quite frankly, she didn't this time, but she was close to.  ... But I didn't even make a big deal out of it.  Said my thoughts, and kept it pretty damn concise.

Nice to know people are talking behind our backs, though, like gossipy little school kids.  Or does the comparison not go both ways?
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: chitoryu12 on October 29, 2013, 01:54:10 am
If those few of you here who habitually jump all over Spuki like a cliche of middle schoolers would just do what everybody else does if they don't care for her enthusiasm.

"Enthusiasm" is a rather mild way of putting it.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: QueenofHearts on October 29, 2013, 08:54:10 am
And while this thread is briefly steered back in Spuki's direction, You know what would be just lovely? If those few of you here who habitually jump all over Spuki like a cliche of middle schoolers would just do what everybody else does if they don't care for her enthusiasm. What is that, you ask? Well, just skim over the parts of her posts that you are annoyed by. Her style of expressing herself is just that; it's her style, she puts her emotions out there, and that's all fine. It's free expression. On a forum hosted in a free, first world country. Please, consider just posting what you wanted to anyway about the topic at hand, and maybe consider Not ganging up on her with series of snark shots and derailing the thread as if you feel obligated to, to keep up some forum image or street cred or "face" or whatever the fuck your problem is. If you actually cannot discipline yourself to just skim over anything that annoys you, if you just must read it all and froth up a flakey annoyed rage about Spuki's post writing style, well, that's just fucking pathetic. This BS is the only thing I dislike about this forum community, and I know from numerous PM exchanges that I am far from being the only forumite who feels this way.

MellonORL has a point. This forum was not dedicated to laughing at absurdity, but founded on the premise that we should accept all people's beliefs and statements no matter how silly or irrational.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Art Vandelay on October 29, 2013, 09:00:34 am
...Uh.  The point is that she will go into a frothy rage and it scares the rest of us.  And last I checked, we're... actually allowed to voice our opinions too.
Then of course there's the times when she'll demand we all embrace her ideology and "be more positive/less cynical", usually with some "karma" or other new age woo woo thrown in for good measure. As in, not suggest or simply argue in favour of it, but outright demand we all do so. If anyone else did that, they'd be torn several new ones as well, and rightfully bloody so, might I add.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Sleepy on October 29, 2013, 09:58:15 am
Frankly, I'm more annoyed by the people complaining about her. Like MellonORL said, if you don't like her shit, then don't read it.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Ironchew on October 29, 2013, 01:46:21 pm
Please, consider just posting what you wanted to anyway about the topic at hand, and maybe consider Not ganging up on her with series of snark shots and derailing the thread as if you feel obligated to, to keep up some forum image or street cred or "face" or whatever the fuck your problem is. If you actually cannot discipline yourself to just skim over anything that annoys you, if you just must read it all and froth up a flakey annoyed rage about Spuki's post writing style, well, that's just fucking pathetic. This BS is the only thing I dislike about this forum community, and I know from numerous PM exchanges that I am far from being the only forumite who feels this way.

Spuki's posts don't always annoy me (in fact, I agree with many of the things she says). It's just that the enthusiasm bit brings out my trolling instincts, and it's hard not to poke fun at those posts sometimes.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: chitoryu12 on October 29, 2013, 03:05:51 pm
Please, consider just posting what you wanted to anyway about the topic at hand, and maybe consider Not ganging up on her with series of snark shots and derailing the thread as if you feel obligated to, to keep up some forum image or street cred or "face" or whatever the fuck your problem is. If you actually cannot discipline yourself to just skim over anything that annoys you, if you just must read it all and froth up a flakey annoyed rage about Spuki's post writing style, well, that's just fucking pathetic. This BS is the only thing I dislike about this forum community, and I know from numerous PM exchanges that I am far from being the only forumite who feels this way.

Spuki's posts don't always annoy me (in fact, I agree with many of the things she says). It's just that the enthusiasm bit brings out my asshole instincts, and it's hard not to poke fun at those posts sometimes.

Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 29, 2013, 05:10:33 pm
And while this thread is briefly steered back in Spuki's direction, You know what would be just lovely? If those few of you here who habitually jump all over Spuki like a cliche of middle schoolers would just do what everybody else does if they don't care for her enthusiasm. What is that, you ask? Well, just skim over the parts of her posts that you are annoyed by. Her style of expressing herself is just that; it's her style, she puts her emotions out there, and that's all fine. It's free expression. On a forum hosted in a free, first world country. Please, consider just posting what you wanted to anyway about the topic at hand, and maybe consider Not ganging up on her with series of snark shots and derailing the thread as if you feel obligated to, to keep up some forum image or street cred or "face" or whatever the fuck your problem is. If you actually cannot discipline yourself to just skim over anything that annoys you, if you just must read it all and froth up a flakey annoyed rage about Spuki's post writing style, well, that's just fucking pathetic. This BS is the only thing I dislike about this forum community, and I know from numerous PM exchanges that I am far from being the only forumite who feels this way.

MellonORL has a point. This forum was not dedicated to laughing at absurdity, but founded on the premise that we should accept all people's beliefs and statements no matter how silly or irrational.

I never knew deadpan snark could work so well in text format.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Sleepy on October 29, 2013, 05:32:29 pm
I don't want moronic beliefs to be accepted, but saying "You scare me" every time contributes nothing and gets really old. Argue for or against her shit with some sort of logic (I realize that people have in the past, but they say the aforementioned thing just as much).
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: lord gibbon on October 29, 2013, 06:46:21 pm
Yeah, to jump in on this topic, I realize it can get a bit weird, but you shouldn't just act immediately on her. take some time and think, and realize that emotions running high is the exact same thing that provoked you in the first place. I find the mystical stuff kinda weird too, but I'm a Rationalist, so I reject supernatural stuff like Gods, magic, spirits and psychics altogether.

As a side, I feel kinda uncomfortable talking about someone like this without their own input.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: Barbarella on November 01, 2013, 01:13:21 am
And while this thread is briefly steered back in Spuki's direction, You know what would be just lovely? If those few of you here who habitually jump all over Spuki like a cliche of middle schoolers would just do what everybody else does if they don't care for her enthusiasm. What is that, you ask? Well, just skim over the parts of her posts that you are annoyed by. Her style of expressing herself is just that; it's her style, she puts her emotions out there, and that's all fine. It's free expression. On a forum hosted in a free, first world country. Please, consider just posting what you wanted to anyway about the topic at hand, and maybe consider Not ganging up on her with series of snark shots and derailing the thread as if you feel obligated to, to keep up some forum image or street cred or "face" or whatever the fuck your problem is. If you actually cannot discipline yourself to just skim over anything that annoys you, if you just must read it all and froth up a flakey annoyed rage about Spuki's post writing style, well, that's just fucking pathetic. This BS is the only thing I dislike about this forum community, and I know from numerous PM exchanges that I am far from being the only forumite who feels this way.

 :D :D Thank you! You are the greatest! :D :D

To the rest of you guys, I may be weird but I mean well.
Title: Re: The wages of rape victimhood
Post by: RavynousHunter on November 02, 2013, 08:34:28 pm
Spuki, in general, is alright, and she does make salient points.  Her...exuberance can be a bit grating, at times, though.  Passion can be a good thing, but you know what they say about having too much of a good thing.