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Community => Politics and Government => Topic started by: KZN02 on March 09, 2014, 07:48:39 pm

Title: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: KZN02 on March 09, 2014, 07:48:39 pm
So as if the knife attack in China wasn't bad enough, we have a missing airplane on the way to China (http://gawker.com/what-we-dont-know-about-the-still-missing-malaysia-air-1539824142). This could be potentially be terrorism, possibly by the same Xinjiang people from before.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: ironbite on March 09, 2014, 08:33:55 pm
Yeah they're saying 2 of the people listed onboard had their passports stolen.

Ironbite-also jets don't just fall out of the sky and yet...
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 12, 2014, 01:19:44 am
This is really weird. There's stuff that doesn't make sense. And, if it's a terrorist attack, why aren't some goons claiming responsibility? All theories seem to go nowhere.

If terrorists were involved, probably some Tsarnev-style lone wolves.

It's all confusing. Stolen passports, oil slicks but no sign of wreckage, other stuff leads to a dead end. It's weird.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 12, 2014, 01:54:02 am
This is really weird. There's stuff that doesn't make sense. And, if it's a terrorist attack, why aren't some goons claiming responsibility? All theories seem to go nowhere.

If terrorists were involved, probably some Tsarnev-style lone wolves.

It's all confusing. Stolen passports, oil slicks but no sign of wreckage, other stuff leads to a dead end. It's weird.
Or perhaps they were more "Kill people because we can" types.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 12, 2014, 03:40:05 am
This is really weird. There's stuff that doesn't make sense. And, if it's a terrorist attack, why aren't some goons claiming responsibility? All theories seem to go nowhere.

If terrorists were involved, probably some Tsarnev-style lone wolves.

It's all confusing. Stolen passports, oil slicks but no sign of wreckage, other stuff leads to a dead end. It's weird.
Or perhaps they were more "Kill people because we can" types.

Possibly. Weird.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 12, 2014, 09:12:59 am
This is really weird. There's stuff that doesn't make sense. And, if it's a terrorist attack, why aren't some goons claiming responsibility? All theories seem to go nowhere.

If terrorists were involved, probably some Tsarnev-style lone wolves.

It's all confusing. Stolen passports, oil slicks but no sign of wreckage, other stuff leads to a dead end. It's weird.
Or perhaps they were more "Kill people because we can" types.

Possibly. Weird.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Dakota Bob on March 12, 2014, 09:15:36 am
Damn, this is the kind of shit conspiracy theorists dream of
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 12, 2014, 09:20:48 am
Damn, this is the kind of shit conspiracy theorists dream of
Funded by the government.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Askold on March 12, 2014, 09:57:09 am
I'm just suprised that the plane supposedly didn't send any warning or mayday calls before disappearing. Whatever (accident or attack.) it was must have either been sudden or struck the communications first.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: RavynousHunter on March 12, 2014, 11:12:48 am
It was honey badgers.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Dakota Bob on March 12, 2014, 01:46:17 pm
This guy thinks god prevented him from getting on that flight (http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2014/03/12/greg-candelaria-is-very-important-to-god-unlike-the-239-people-who-were-on-the-ill-fated-malaysian-flight/)
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: mellenORL on March 12, 2014, 02:00:07 pm
Fantasy Justice; Greg Candelaria gets tied to post in Beijing Int'l Airport with a video monitor above him playing that interview, translated into Mandarin.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Flying Mint Bunny! on March 12, 2014, 02:10:46 pm
This guy thinks god prevented him from getting on that flight (http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2014/03/12/greg-candelaria-is-very-important-to-god-unlike-the-239-people-who-were-on-the-ill-fated-malaysian-flight/)

That's an incredibly tactless thing to say when you consider that one of his co-workers was on that flight.

It's not even like he was a solo traveller and all the people on that flight are strangers.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Radiation on March 12, 2014, 05:09:07 pm
Ok, I don't get the news so what is going on?

Edit: Read the link, yeah that is weird. If it was terrorism then why would they be going after China, unless it wasn't meant to be landed there. Also, it may be that they (the pilots) were forced to turn off their transponders so that they couldn't be tracked and if there was a mechanical problem we would know of it as the pilots would have made radio contact.

Again I reiterate that this is pretty damn weird and conspiracy theory-ish.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: KZN02 on March 12, 2014, 09:35:42 pm
Ok, I don't get the news so what is going on?

Edit: Read the link, yeah that is weird. If it was terrorism then why would they be going after China, unless it wasn't meant to be landed there. Also, it may be that they (the pilots) were forced to turn off their transponders so that they couldn't be tracked and if there was a mechanical problem we would know of it as the pilots would have made radio contact.

Again I reiterate that this is pretty damn weird and conspiracy theory-ish.
As I said earlier, there are those who don't like China. Still, I feel like something else could have gone wrong.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Art Vandelay on March 12, 2014, 11:45:20 pm
At this point, there's really nothing to be gained from speculation. Just have to wait for them to find where exactly the plane went down, dredge up the black box and then hopefully that'll shed some light on the situation. Assuming that oil slick is from the plane, well, that should narrow down the general area it's in quite nicely.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on March 13, 2014, 01:48:31 am
The oil slick was composed of fuel used for ships, so that's out, but Chinese satellites have spotted debris that could potentially be from the missing aircraft: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/what-happened-to-malaysia-airlines-flight-mh370/article17449451/
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Sleepy on March 13, 2014, 07:03:04 am
They recently noted that they looked in that location, and they found nothing.

http://news.yahoo.com/malaysia-no-debris-spot-shown-china-images-045340150.html (http://news.yahoo.com/malaysia-no-debris-spot-shown-china-images-045340150.html)
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 13, 2014, 03:04:33 pm
I wonder if there's some nefarious stuff going on waaaaay behind the scenes? Contradicting reports, phantom plane parts, confusion, a slick that means nothing. It's like someone doesn't WANT it to be found.

Even if pieces were quickly taken by the ocean currents all over the Pacific and/or Indian Oceans, something would at least been found by now.

If it was a terrorist attack, a group would've claimed responsibility by now.

The place was very new, super-safe, top-of-the line and very high-tech. It had a stellar safety record. It's couldn't have just fallen apart. No terrorists claimed any bombing. No pieces anywhere. The plane could be whole.

I have a theory of what possibly MIGHT have happened.

The plane's almost perfectly whole and at the bottom of the ocean a bit off course from when the plane was last scene.
The pilots had a history of letting passengers in the cockpit (much to the chagrin of authorities & regulations).
The two guys with the passports were probably lone-wolf nutsos like the Tsarnev brothers. The two guys waited until the pilots did the "open cockpit" thing, they quickly ran in, shut & locked the door, slashed the pilot's throats, turned off the stuff that made the plane detectable then flew out to open, deeper water & dove in! The end.

It was fast, no one could stop it. This is why no "Maydays" or pilot's sending any distress signals....they were already dead!

Hey, no one ever thought that a bunch of guys would hijack four planes with nothing but box cutters and destroy a major NYC Landmark, put a huge hole in The Pentagon & kill 3000 or so people! But it happened.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 13, 2014, 03:45:12 pm
I wonder if there's some nefarious stuff going on waaaaay behind the scenes? Contradicting reports, phantom plane parts, confusion, a slick that means nothing. It's like someone doesn't WANT it to be found.

Even if pieces were quickly taken by the ocean currents all over the Pacific and/or Indian Oceans, something would at least been found by now.

If it was a terrorist attack, a group would've claimed responsibility by now.

The place was very new, super-safe, top-of-the line and very high-tech. It had a stellar safety record. It's couldn't have just fallen apart. No terrorists claimed any bombing. No pieces anywhere. The plane could be whole.

I have a theory of what possibly MIGHT have happened.

The plane's almost perfectly whole and at the bottom of the ocean a bit off course from when the plane was last scene.
The pilots had a history of letting passengers in the cockpit (much to the chagrin of authorities & regulations).
The two guys with the passports were probably lone-wolf nutsos like the Tsarnev brothers. The two guys waited until the pilots did the "open cockpit" thing, they quickly ran in, shut & locked the door, slashed the pilot's throats, turned off the stuff that made the plane detectable then flew out to open, deeper water & dove in! The end.

It was fast, no one could stop it. This is why no "Maydays" or pilot's sending any distress signals....they were already dead!

Hey, no one ever thought that a bunch of guys would hijack four planes with nothing but box cutters and destroy a major NYC Landmark, put a huge hole in The Pentagon & kill 3000 or so people! But it happened.
If they are terrorists then they most likely left something saying what there "thing" is.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Old Viking on March 13, 2014, 04:01:16 pm
Planes that crash into the ocean leave floating debris.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: KZN02 on March 13, 2014, 04:25:42 pm
I wonder if there's some nefarious stuff going on waaaaay behind the scenes? Contradicting reports, phantom plane parts, confusion, a slick that means nothing. It's like someone doesn't WANT it to be found.

Even if pieces were quickly taken by the ocean currents all over the Pacific and/or Indian Oceans, something would at least been found by now.

If it was a terrorist attack, a group would've claimed responsibility by now.

The place was very new, super-safe, top-of-the line and very high-tech. It had a stellar safety record. It's couldn't have just fallen apart. No terrorists claimed any bombing. No pieces anywhere. The plane could be whole.

I have a theory of what possibly MIGHT have happened.

The plane's almost perfectly whole and at the bottom of the ocean a bit off course from when the plane was last scene.
The pilots had a history of letting passengers in the cockpit (much to the chagrin of authorities & regulations).
The two guys with the passports were probably lone-wolf nutsos like the Tsarnev brothers. The two guys waited until the pilots did the "open cockpit" thing, they quickly ran in, shut & locked the door, slashed the pilot's throats, turned off the stuff that made the plane detectable then flew out to open, deeper water & dove in! The end.

It was fast, no one could stop it. This is why no "Maydays" or pilot's sending any distress signals....they were already dead!

Hey, no one ever thought that a bunch of guys would hijack four planes with nothing but box cutters and destroy a major NYC Landmark, put a huge hole in The Pentagon & kill 3000 or so people! But it happened.
If you mean the Iranian guy, I've heard he was seeking asylum in Germany and his flight had to go through Beijing. And I don't think Iranians have any bad relationship with China.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Veras on March 13, 2014, 06:10:30 pm
They're saying that it is extremely unlikely that either of the two people with stolen passports had any connection to terrorism.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on March 13, 2014, 08:07:45 pm
I wonder if there's some nefarious stuff going on waaaaay behind the scenes? Contradicting reports, phantom plane parts, confusion, a slick that means nothing. It's like someone doesn't WANT it to be found.

None of that is particularly surprising in a situation where multiple agencies in several different nations are trying to sort out what happened, especially when there's no lead agency to keep everything organized. It's a guaranteed clusterfuck.

Even if pieces were quickly taken by the ocean currents all over the Pacific and/or Indian Oceans, something would at least been found by now.

It's a big ocean. If the plane went off course, as suspected, we're left with a very large search area to cover.

The plane could be whole. [...]

The plane's almost perfectly whole and at the bottom of the ocean a bit off course from when the plane was last scene.

Very unlikely. A plane dropping from a cruising altitude of 30,000 or so feet would hit the water with more than enough force to rip it apart. At the very least, I'd expect it to snap in half on impact.

The pilots had a history of letting passengers in the cockpit (much to the chagrin of authorities & regulations).

There are allegations that the co-pilot was once involved in an incident where two women were allowed inside the cockpit, but this was (as far as anyone knows) an isolated event. It's not like he's famous for opening the doors and throwing a cockpit party on every flight.

The two guys waited until the pilots did the "open cockpit" thing, they quickly ran in, shut & locked the door, slashed the pilot's throats

As others have pointed out, there's no reason to suspect that either of them were involved in this, nor does it make much sense for them to hijack a plane just to sneakily crash it in the middle of the ocean. I also find it hard to believe that these two would have any knowledge of the pilot's identities, much less the rumours and allegations spread about them.

Not to mention that's it's rather irresponsible to make such serious accusations against people who could, for all you know, be innocent victims of a horrible tragedy, with nothing but wild speculation to back it up. These are real human beings we're talking about here, not characters in a suspense film.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 13, 2014, 09:30:48 pm
They're saying that it is extremely unlikely that either of the two people with stolen passports had any connection to terrorism.

Yeah, I guess I was being a bit of a jerk. I don't want to pull a "NY Post-Bag Men" thing. Forgive me.

It's just so baffling. Nice strong, safe, state of the art plane, no terrorists, no pieces, no nothing! THIS IS MEGA FRIGGIN' WEIRDOSVILLE!

I also feel like dirt accusing two innocent victims of a horrible air mishap of some godawful nastiness.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Radiation on March 13, 2014, 09:35:26 pm
As strange as it is, there has to be some logical sense behind what happened. My guess is that there might have been a mechanical thing that could have happened fast enough that the pilots couldn't respond with a mayday signal. As for the debris, I'm sure it's floating around somewhere in that big body of water known as the Pacific Ocean and we just haven't found it yet.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 13, 2014, 10:39:44 pm
Another theory is one of the pilots just decided to kill a bunch of people.
Yeah, I know it makes know sense but nothing about this does.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: SkyTrekTower on March 13, 2014, 11:02:27 pm
^It's happened before, and as of now, that is what I'm leaning towards.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Veras on March 13, 2014, 11:26:46 pm
They're saying that it is extremely unlikely that either of the two people with stolen passports had any connection to terrorism.

Yeah, I guess I was being a bit of a jerk. I don't want to pull a "NY Post-Bag Men" thing. Forgive me.

It's just so baffling. Nice strong, safe, state of the art plane, no terrorists, no pieces, no nothing! THIS IS MEGA FRIGGIN' WEIRDOSVILLE!

I also feel like dirt accusing two innocent victims of a horrible air mishap of some godawful nastiness.

There are millions of commercial flights each year, and even things that are extremely statistically unlikely have to happen at some point.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 14, 2014, 07:06:34 pm
Now, some more crazy stuff.....MIGHT involve foul play. There's been a whole bunch of new theories & reports. Unsure, however they're searching the Indian Ocean, now.

Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on March 15, 2014, 06:42:36 pm

Looks like the hijacking theory is back on the table:

The communications systems of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 were deliberately disabled, Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak has said.

According to satellite and radar evidence, he said, the plane then changed course and could have continued flying for a further seven hours.

He said the "movements are consistent with the deliberate action of someone on the plane".

The plane disappeared a week ago with 239 people on board.

Mr Razak stopped short of saying it was a hijacking, saying only that they were investigating "all possibilities".

He said the plane could be anywhere from Kazakhstan to the Indian Ocean.

The flight left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing at 00:40 local time (16:40 GMT) on 8 March and disappeared off air traffic controllers' screens at about 01:20.

Mr Razak told a news conference that new satellite evidence shows "with a high degree of certainty" that the one of the aircraft's communications systems - the Aircraft and Communications Addressing and Reporting System - was disabled just before it had reached the east coast of Malaysia.

Shortly afterwards, near the cross-over point between Malaysian and Vietnamese air traffic controllers, the plane's transponder - which emits an identifying signal - was switched off, he said.

According to a military radar, the aircraft then turned and flew back over Malaysia before heading in a north-west direction.

A satellite was able to pick up a signal from the plane until 08:11 local time - more than seven hours after it lost radar contact - although it was unable to give a precise location, Mr Razak said.

He went on to say that based on this new data, investigators "have determined the plane's last communication with a satellite was in one of two possible corridors":
  • a northern corridor stretching from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan through to northern Thailand
  • a southern corridor stretching from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean

Mr Razak said that in light of the new evidence, the investigation had "entered a new phase" and would focus on the crew and passengers on board.

Graphic to give an idea of how huge a search area we're talking about here:

Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 15, 2014, 09:32:17 pm

Looks like the hijacking theory is back on the table:

The communications systems of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 were deliberately disabled, Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razak has said.

According to satellite and radar evidence, he said, the plane then changed course and could have continued flying for a further seven hours.

He said the "movements are consistent with the deliberate action of someone on the plane".

The plane disappeared a week ago with 239 people on board.

Mr Razak stopped short of saying it was a hijacking, saying only that they were investigating "all possibilities".

He said the plane could be anywhere from Kazakhstan to the Indian Ocean.

The flight left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing at 00:40 local time (16:40 GMT) on 8 March and disappeared off air traffic controllers' screens at about 01:20.

Mr Razak told a news conference that new satellite evidence shows "with a high degree of certainty" that the one of the aircraft's communications systems - the Aircraft and Communications Addressing and Reporting System - was disabled just before it had reached the east coast of Malaysia.

Shortly afterwards, near the cross-over point between Malaysian and Vietnamese air traffic controllers, the plane's transponder - which emits an identifying signal - was switched off, he said.

According to a military radar, the aircraft then turned and flew back over Malaysia before heading in a north-west direction.

A satellite was able to pick up a signal from the plane until 08:11 local time - more than seven hours after it lost radar contact - although it was unable to give a precise location, Mr Razak said.

He went on to say that based on this new data, investigators "have determined the plane's last communication with a satellite was in one of two possible corridors":
  • a northern corridor stretching from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan through to northern Thailand
  • a southern corridor stretching from Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean

Mr Razak said that in light of the new evidence, the investigation had "entered a new phase" and would focus on the crew and passengers on board.

Graphic to give an idea of how huge a search area we're talking about here:


*HUH BOY!* They have to search a massive chunk of the freakin' planet!

If it's a hijacking, who'd do it and why. Okay, we have Malaysia, China, Some Europeans. If it's terrorists, there's usually a reason for picking a target that involves some personal animosity. Is there any animosity between China & Malaysia? Is it some Malaysian Wahabi kooks? Something with the pilot?

If this is a hijacking of some sort it seems pretty sophisticated.

Now they are saying that maybe the pilots were up to something.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: KZN02 on March 15, 2014, 10:53:11 pm
Has anyone considered the possibility the hijackers only want the plane? In that case, I hope they release the passengers.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: ironbite on March 15, 2014, 11:02:37 pm
Maybe they already did release the passengers.

Ironbite-and that's a scary thought.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 15, 2014, 11:37:58 pm
You'd think that if it was a hijacking someone would announce it and demand something.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 16, 2014, 01:21:44 am
Somehow I'm thinking it's another "pilot suicide". Forgive me if I'm wrong. I hope they find SOMETHING soon.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 16, 2014, 01:31:08 am
Somehow I'm thinking it's another "pilot suicide". Forgive me if I'm wrong. I hope they find SOMETHING soon.
You'd think he'd have just gone into the ocean though.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 16, 2014, 03:08:28 pm
This case is too weird. In various comments sections (yeah, that den of scum & villainy) I often read this type of exchange:

PERSON 1: "If it was terrorism, someone would have took credit by now."

PERSON 2: "Not necessarily. What if this is 'Phase 1'?"

*bleh* I hope not.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on March 16, 2014, 05:24:38 pm
If it is a terrorist attack, who's behind it?  What's the motive?
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: MadCatTLX on March 16, 2014, 08:06:02 pm
If it is a terrorist attack, who's behind it?  What's the motive?

The motive might be to acquire a large, long range cruise missile. It's more than big enough to carry any nuclear device that they could acquire. The question is what the target would be.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 16, 2014, 08:13:13 pm
If it is a terrorist attack, who's behind it?  What's the motive?

The motive might be to acquire a large, long range cruise missile. It's more than big enough to carry any nuclear device that they could acquire. The question is what the target would be.
I'm pretty sure if you wanted to detonate a nuke you'd just drive a car into a major city a kablooie. A plane would be used to ram into a skyscraper.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: RavynousHunter on March 16, 2014, 09:15:30 pm
That's assuming you can get the nuke into your target country in the first place.  A plane might make such a delivery easier.  Plus, if I remember correctly, an air burst with a nuke would actually be far worse than a ground detonation, since it'd be able to cover a greater area.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 16, 2014, 09:18:09 pm
That's assuming you can get the nuke into your target country in the first place.  A plane might make such a delivery easier.  Plus, if I remember correctly, an air burst with a nuke would actually be far worse than a ground detonation, since it'd be able to cover a greater area.
That would make sense I suppose. It's not a pleasant thought though.

Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Art Vandelay on March 16, 2014, 10:05:52 pm
Since we're all blindly speculating, I may as well throw in my best guess. I'd say the most likely scenario is that it went tits up for the hijackers. Some time after they cut communications and left radar range, something or other went wrong (passenger riot, a la that would-be 9/11 attack that crashed in Pennsylvania?) and the plane went down before it could reach its destination. Hence why nothing whatsoever has happened, no demands, no 9/11 repeat and nobody taking credit.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: I am lizard on March 16, 2014, 10:19:07 pm
Since we're all blindly speculating, I may as well throw in my best guess. I'd say the most likely scenario is that it went tits up for the hijackers. Some time after they cut communications and left radar range, something or other went wrong (passenger riot, a la that would-be 9/11 attack that crashed in Pennsylvania?) and the plane went down before it could reach its destination. Hence why nothing whatsoever has happened, no demands, no 9/11 repeat and nobody taking credit.
That would make the most sense.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 16, 2014, 10:26:35 pm
Since we're all blindly speculating, I may as well throw in my best guess. I'd say the most likely scenario is that it went tits up for the hijackers. Some time after they cut communications and left radar range, something or other went wrong (passenger riot, a la that would-be 9/11 attack that crashed in Pennsylvania?) and the plane went down before it could reach its destination. Hence why nothing whatsoever has happened, no demands, no 9/11 repeat and nobody taking credit.
That would make the most sense.

Same, here.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on March 17, 2014, 12:06:22 am
Since we're all blindly speculating, I may as well throw in my best guess. I'd say the most likely scenario is that it went tits up for the hijackers. Some time after they cut communications and left radar range, something or other went wrong (passenger riot, a la that would-be 9/11 attack that crashed in Pennsylvania?) and the plane went down before it could reach its destination. Hence why nothing whatsoever has happened, no demands, no 9/11 repeat and nobody taking credit.

A hijacking gone wrong is really the only reasonable guess at this point, at least based on the information that has been made public. I doubt the plane is still intact, much less carting around stolen nukes or anything crazy like that.

Authorities currently believe the southern arc, through the Indian ocean, is more likely than the northern one. Makes sense, based on what we know -- if the plane kept flying for 5+ hours and passed over land, you would think that it would have turned up on local radars. CNN also mentioned that the pilots are under increased scrutiny, with searches being executed on their homes (although I'd imagine that's just desperate scrambling for clues rather than evidence that they're guilty of wrong-doing).
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 17, 2014, 01:05:04 am
So far, about the pilots:
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: RavynousHunter on March 17, 2014, 08:50:13 am
Since we're all blindly speculating, I may as well throw in my best guess. I'd say the most likely scenario is that it went tits up for the hijackers. Some time after they cut communications and left radar range, something or other went wrong (passenger riot, a la that would-be 9/11 attack that crashed in Pennsylvania?) and the plane went down before it could reach its destination. Hence why nothing whatsoever has happened, no demands, no 9/11 repeat and nobody taking credit.
That would make the most sense.

To quote Penn, "Yeah, but that's not a very sexy answer."
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Old Viking on March 17, 2014, 02:07:25 pm
It would be fun if they discovered that the plane has been sitting all this time at the Teterboro, NJ, airport and was just overlooked.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on March 19, 2014, 08:28:20 pm
Rapture Ready has weighed in on the subject:

This is what I was saying other. I think the Lord loves to give clues by foreshadowing events. I think this may be a foreshadowing of the rapture and I think that the way Russia invaded Ukraine with the only response so far being diplomatic is a foreshadowing of the invading armies of the Gog-Magog War or Battle of Ezekiel The diplomats will ask if they have come to take a spoil, but they won't really do anything of any worth.

Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 20, 2014, 01:29:53 am
Rapture Ready has weighed in on the subject:

This is what I was saying other. I think the Lord loves to give clues by foreshadowing events. I think this may be a foreshadowing of the rapture and I think that the way Russia invaded Ukraine with the only response so far being diplomatic is a foreshadowing of the invading armies of the Gog-Magog War or Battle of Ezekiel The diplomats will ask if they have come to take a spoil, but they won't really do anything of any worth.


So, the RR idiot's saying that other nations handled the whole Russian thing in a apparently peaceful, saner fashion (apparently a bad thing) therefore, The Big Guy In The Sky "raptured" the plane?

Now I've heard it all! Sneak Peak Rapture Previews!
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 20, 2014, 10:57:45 am
Found this article, an interesting perspective and a look into the mess that is Malaysian politics.
Could the Malaysian govt. be hindering things for whatever reason?
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: The Right Honourable Mlle Antéchrist on March 20, 2014, 07:50:01 pm
Apparently the Aussie's have spotted two objects on satellite that could possibly be wreckage, though shit weather conditions are making it tough to investigate.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: niam2023 on March 20, 2014, 10:59:05 pm
I am not saying its aliens...

Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Søren on March 25, 2014, 05:40:03 am

Officials have concluded that the plane crashed in the indian ocean.All dead
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 25, 2014, 09:17:40 pm

Officials have concluded that the plane crashed in the indian ocean.All dead

Well, it seems the mystery's solved, as far as the "where's the plane" caper is concerned. Hopefully they'll find the black box and figure out what the heck happened.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Id82 on March 26, 2014, 01:15:11 am
Yeah this shits not over. There's going to be conspiracies about this for years.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: ironbite on March 26, 2014, 01:21:48 am
China's not helping this.
Title: Re: Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
Post by: Barbarella on March 26, 2014, 09:55:23 am
My heart goes out to the grieving families.

Hopefully, the weather will clear up & they'll be able to salvage at lease some of the plane bits, occupants, black box, etc.