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Community => Society and History => Topic started by: R. U. Sirius on October 26, 2014, 01:00:32 am

Title: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: R. U. Sirius on October 26, 2014, 01:00:32 am
We spend a lot of time on this forum talking about how the prejudices and stereotypes people hold influence society. Something that I rarely see, though, is an examination of our own prejudices, though I admit I may just be reading the wrong threads. I think it would be worth it to have a thread devoted to the subject, so I'll start.

1) If someone is heavy into "traditional" sports like baseball and football, I tend to assume they have lower intelligence. Wrestling and MMA score even lower on my mental IQ-meter. On the other hand, I tend to assume that people who enjoy less mainstream sports like fencing and traditional martial arts are more intelligent.

2) Related to the above, if someone actively participates in football or wrestling, I tend to assume they're more likely to be aggressive and bullying, even if I've only just met them.

3) If someone shares my tastes in movies, books and music, I tend to assume they're more intelligent. I don't have an opinion on most other genres, but I tend to assume those who enjoy crime dramas, war movies  and country and rap music are politically conservative and more likely to have violent, hawkish attitudes.

4) When I hear that someone is a Christian, I tend to assume they're less intelligent and more likely to be hateful and intolerant, even while I'm willing to give many other religions and philosophies a pass on their vocal (or violent) minorities.

5) I tend to assume people with pets are more intelligent and compassionate than they may actually be.

6) I tend to assume that people who are politically conservative are greedy, hateful and/or stupid without any other cause.  By the same token, I tend to assume that liberals are more intelligent and compassionate, even though our side can be just as loud and vitriolic, just for different reasons.

Anyone else care to comment or contribute?
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on October 26, 2014, 01:25:24 am
I've flung the epithet "neckbeard" recently and I know it's a lazy and dehumanizing stereotype, I should know better.

I'm often a little sus when I see people dressed in tracksuits, part of me just associates that with petty criminal or junkie.

I used to have this weird prejudice against goths but I challenged it as silly and I think I successfully got rid of it.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Eiki-mun on October 26, 2014, 01:57:35 am
If someone's from Idaho, I tend to assume they're the worst kind of conservative. You know the type. Naturally, this caused problems when I was living there. Nothing overt though.

People who publicly admit to liking shooter games above other genres worry me. I assume they're more violent and less intelligent than the norm.

A roleplaying stereotype, so you probably won't understand, but if someone has autoplay or uses Walfas icons, their blog is probably not that good. So I avoid it.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Sleepy on October 26, 2014, 09:28:13 am
Going along with #5 in the OP, one of the biggest assumptions I make is animal-related. If a person doesn't like certain animals, then I view them as more heartless, less intelligent, potentially violent, and overall someone I don't want to associate with. I understand bad experiences with certain animals, like if you're around someone else's dog who's not trained well, but even then you should be able to recognize that such an occurrence is not representative of all animals.

When it comes to religion, I try not to view the person as less intelligent or intolerant unless they're very out-and-proud about it. In that case, I have no problem with viewing them as assholes or calling them out on their hatred.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Dakota Bob on October 26, 2014, 09:52:24 am
I think dyed hair in goofy bright colours is the female version of the fedora.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on October 26, 2014, 10:28:11 am
This may sound a bit odd, but if somebody lives in a gated community, I tend to assume they're a milquetoast.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Vypernight on October 26, 2014, 11:17:18 am
If they drive a big truck, they have a small brain.

If they smoke, they're a uncaring piece of ****.

If they refer to Jesus more than once when talking about their faith, they're a fundie.

If they have a "Pro Life" bumper sticker, they're a fundie, far-right ***hole.

Unfortunately, too many people where I live tend to live up to their stereotypes, making it a rare gem when someone actually shows depth.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Eiki-mun on October 26, 2014, 12:05:26 pm
Going along with #5 in the OP, one of the biggest assumptions I make is animal-related. If a person doesn't like certain animals, then I view them as more heartless, less intelligent, potentially violent, and overall someone I don't want to associate with. I understand bad experiences with certain animals, like if you're around someone else's dog who's not trained well, but even then you should be able to recognize that such an occurrence is not representative of all animals.

I do want to ask, and I hope you don't mind if I do, but what exactly do you mean by "certain animals"? Like, if a person likes some animals but not others, does that count? Just to give an example, I'm not exactly a dog person. I don't hate them, but I don't really like them either. But I am a huge fan, a huge fan of cats. So it makes me curious.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Sleepy on October 26, 2014, 05:33:55 pm
Going along with #5 in the OP, one of the biggest assumptions I make is animal-related. If a person doesn't like certain animals, then I view them as more heartless, less intelligent, potentially violent, and overall someone I don't want to associate with. I understand bad experiences with certain animals, like if you're around someone else's dog who's not trained well, but even then you should be able to recognize that such an occurrence is not representative of all animals.

I do want to ask, and I hope you don't mind if I do, but what exactly do you mean by "certain animals"? Like, if a person likes some animals but not others, does that count? Just to give an example, I'm not exactly a dog person. I don't hate them, but I don't really like them either. But I am a huge fan, a huge fan of cats. So it makes me curious.

I say certain animals because I can understand people disliking some of them. Like snakes. I don't dislike snakes, but I can understand why people may find them creepy or generally don't want to be around them (although I might view some of those people as dumb in their reasoning for their fear). Other animals like dogs and cats tend to be more universally pleasant and bring endless joy to people's lives. I've also met people whose hatred goes beyond pets and extends to any animal, from wolves to jaguars to giraffes, and everything in between. Having hatred for such beautiful animals blows my mind.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Radiation on October 26, 2014, 06:11:43 pm
I posted this in the Gamergate thread and while I am not trying to spam, I really would like others' input on this and this thread seems to be a good place to put it. I am focusing on this particular stereotype of the fat neckbeard gamer for this article. So if you have time you can head over to this link:

http://fqa.digibase.ca/index.php?topic=6135.0 (http://fqa.digibase.ca/index.php?topic=6135.0)
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: guizonde on October 26, 2014, 10:17:33 pm
If they are big on "drug culture", I tend to assume people as immature.

If they say "depression is not a real sickness", I tend to assume they don't know what they're talking about.

If they are big on firearms, I tend to flinch.

If they think that morality is dictated by religion, I tend to think they suffer from cultural myopia.

Oh, and I hate goths. No apologies. Bunch of hypocrites who enjoy wearing lace and bragging about bdsm without actually practicing it (too many true stories to succinctly write them down here)...
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 26, 2014, 10:31:45 pm
If they say "depression is not a real sickness", I tend to assume they don't know what they're talking about.

Isn't that less of a stereotype and more of a cause and effect?
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: R. U. Sirius on October 26, 2014, 11:38:52 pm
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on October 26, 2014, 11:41:24 pm

BRB, crossposting that.

By the way, I tend to assume that anti-theists are less intellectually rigorous.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 26, 2014, 11:49:53 pm
People who roll Chaotic Evil characters tend to make me believe that they don't know how to play evil characters.

People who roll Chaotic Good characters tend to make me believe that they're boring and want to go for a standard vigilante.

People who never roll Lawful Good unless they're Paladins make me think that they suck at roleplaying lawful anything without having a stick stuck up their arse.

People who roll True Neutral characters tend to make me worried at what they'll do with it.

People who roll Lawful Evil characters, or an alignment with only one neutral in it, tend to make me think they're more imaginative players.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: davedan on October 27, 2014, 12:13:20 am
I tend to think less of people who are potheads or stoners. To me they seem selfish, obnoxious, self-righteous, and immature.

Your Dad's a stoner isn't he? paging Dr Freud...
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ghoti on October 27, 2014, 01:28:39 am
If someone likes or defends the Twilight series, Fifty Shades of Gray, or anything by Ayn Rand I automatically avoid them whenever possible.

The more often someone brings up any one particular thing in a conversation, the less likely I am to believe they know anything about it.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 27, 2014, 01:30:59 am
The more often someone brings up any one particular thing in a conversation, the less likely I am to believe they know anything about it.

This is true.  I constantly bring things up in conversations, things I know jack shit about.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Art Vandelay on October 27, 2014, 01:35:45 am
If someone complains about a thing because they find it offensive, I assume they're drooling morons. Same goes for anyone who uses Tumblrina speak unironically.

Say what you will about heuristics, but it tends to be right on the money far more often than it's not.

Also, anyone who's an active part of a fandom (especially a fandom for something aimed at children) is a manchild until proven otherwise.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Cerim Treascair on October 27, 2014, 02:06:52 am
Being from Oregon (born and raised), living in Michigan for 8 months at one point, and now living in New York for the last five years or so, mine are all over the map.

- Californians are, by and large, speed demon idiots.
- Oregonians don't know how to drive in snow.  Looking at you, Clackamas.
- Washingtonians need a fucking reality check, especially Seattle sometimes.  I've been to the bad parts of Seattle, fuckers, you ain't as pristine as you think.
- No one in Michigan drives the fucking speed limit.  This goes double in the dead of winter.  Also, Ann Arbor fucking sucks.
- New Jersey is populated with assholes.
- So is NYC, for that matter.
- NYC is also made of bullshit for trying to get around without a GPS.
- Also, Times Square is over-rated as all fuck.
- Really, the whole city is made of absolute suck and fail.  I don't know where the attitude comes from that they live in an amazing city.  Must all be from Queens.
- Lastly, any fucker that comes up here from the city can fuck all kinds of off, because these jackasses are inevitably from the city.  You don't get to ride my ass and tailgate me with your high beams on at 11:45 at night when I'm already doing 5 above the speed limit.  Go to hell and learn some gorram patience.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: I am lizard on October 27, 2014, 02:20:51 am
I generally figure anyone who says they're "anti-political correctness" to be a self-righteous asshole.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on October 27, 2014, 02:45:13 am
Now this is political discrimination, when I come across someone online who describes themselves as a "libertarian" I hear "douchnozzle".
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Askold on October 27, 2014, 02:47:59 am
When a Finnish person explains that politically the Republican party of USA is closest to their ideals I assume that either they do not know anything about the Republicans or they are just a horrible person.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: davedan on October 27, 2014, 03:01:50 am
Now this is political discrimination, when I come across someone online who describes themselves as a "libertarian" I hear "douchnozzle".

I usually wait to find out if they are over 15. Then I assume douchenozzle.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Svata on October 27, 2014, 03:30:19 am
This may sound a bit odd, but if somebody lives in a gated community, I tend to assume they're a milquetoast.

What if its a gated apartment complex?
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Askold on October 27, 2014, 03:33:23 am
This may sound a bit odd, but if somebody lives in a gated community, I tend to assume they're a milquetoast.

What if its a gated apartment complex?

What if the "gated community" is in fact a prison?
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ghoti on October 27, 2014, 04:09:32 am
The more often someone brings up any one particular thing in a conversation, the less likely I am to believe they know anything about it.

This is true.  I constantly bring things up in conversations, things I know jack shit about.
Yeah, I could have explained what I meant better. What I meant is that if someone mentioned they climed Mt. Everest, once, because it's relevant, I believe them. If someone constantly brings the conversation back to "I climed Mt. Everest! I climed Mt. Everest!!" I begin to question their ability to find Mt. Everest on a map.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: I am lizard on October 27, 2014, 11:28:46 am
If someone complains about a thing because they find it offensive, I assume they're drooling morons.
Shouldn't you wait to see if they find it offensive for stupid reasons or not? ("I find this offensive bcuz it is very triggering to sherlockkin UWU" vs. "I find Vox Day's continued existence offensive.")
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Art Vandelay on October 27, 2014, 09:41:51 pm
If someone complains about a thing because they find it offensive, I assume they're drooling morons.
Shouldn't you wait to see if they find it offensive for stupid reasons or not? ("I find this offensive bcuz it is very triggering to sherlockkin UWU" vs. "I find Vox Day's continued existence offensive.")
I suppose I should clarify. Merely expressing offense at something is fine, it's when they say "X is offensive, therefore you can't/shouldn't say/do that" that I file that person away under the "whiny crybaby" category.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: I am lizard on October 27, 2014, 10:52:44 pm
If someone complains about a thing because they find it offensive, I assume they're drooling morons.
Shouldn't you wait to see if they find it offensive for stupid reasons or not? ("I find this offensive bcuz it is very triggering to sherlockkin UWU" vs. "I find Vox Day's continued existence offensive.")
I suppose I should clarify. Merely expressing offense at something is fine, it's when they say "X is offensive, therefore you can't/shouldn't say/do that" that I file that person away under the "whiny crybaby" category.
Ah yes, that kind of shit.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Second Coming of Madman on October 27, 2014, 10:55:29 pm
Guys who wear overly elaborate helmets, spiky armor and hold wickedly serrated weapons are evil overlords who want to stomp on my puppies.

People who sell strange-tasting meat are cannibals and must be repeatedly shot.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on October 27, 2014, 11:29:45 pm
I assume that anybody who puts fake testicles on their car has a massive inferiority complex.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Random Gal on October 28, 2014, 12:12:54 am
I assume that anybody who puts fake testicles on their car has a massive inferiority complex.

Size of truck is inversely proportional to size of dick.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Søren on October 28, 2014, 12:29:18 am
People that dont listen to music are fucking weird
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: davedan on October 28, 2014, 12:30:57 am
When I've had enough acid I see the music
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on October 28, 2014, 01:47:31 am
Grumpy old man stereotype here. Anyone who gets nostalgic about the eighties but was too young to remember them is so full of it they could hold down a second job as a sewage farm.

Completely hideous decade. Horrible.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ghoti on October 28, 2014, 02:05:32 am
Nineties nostogia whores who are younger than 23-24 can fuck right off as well. Jesus Christ I hate it when some fucking fifteen year old girl shows up talking about how she was born in the wrong generation or someshit. YOU'RE FIFTEEN YEARS OLD! YOU WERE IN DIAPERS BACK IN THE NINETIES!

Someone who uses a fan nickname (Sherlockian, Ringer, etc) are teenage girls who replace their personality with fandom and hope nobody notices. Bronies are exempt, if only because they're another kettle of fish altogether.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Eiki-mun on October 28, 2014, 01:43:45 pm
To be fair, though, Washington is the only state in the country with a minimum wage law tied to inflation. And to top it off, we were also, I believe, the first state to approve gay marriage by popular vote. Washingtonians are special.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ironchew on October 28, 2014, 02:04:40 pm
To be fair, though, Washington is the only state in the country with a minimum wage law tied to inflation. And to top it off, we were also, I believe, the first state to approve gay marriage by popular vote. Washingtonians are special.

Gonna chime in and plug NM and Washington for being on the right side of history when it comes to assisted suicide as well:

(http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Map_of_U.S._states_that_allow_physiian-assisted_suicide.png/320px-Map_of_U.S._states_that_allow_physiian-assisted_suicide.png) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_suicide_in_the_United_States)

It's a small boat right now but the other states will come around.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: niam2023 on October 29, 2014, 06:34:07 am
White, texan and owns a gun to me equals secessionist / sovereign citizen.

Ever since that No Tip bunch showed up, I have considered most bodybuilders to be arrogant bastards who constantly talk about how good they think they look.

If I hear you attend a fraternity, I have already decided you're just waiting to do something really, really messed up.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on October 29, 2014, 07:05:07 am
I dunno if this has changed with time but back in my student days I just knew a potential employer was going to be an abysmally shitty boss if they had daytime talkback AM radio going in the background when I popped along for the interview, particularly if the person on the other end of the mic sounded like they were about to have an aneurysm and they were complaining about the country going to pot.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Witchyjoshy on October 29, 2014, 09:56:45 pm
Anyone who complains about "political correctness" in any capacity is completely self-absorbed and has the empathic range of Ebenezer Scrooge at the beginning of the story.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: SpaceProg on October 30, 2014, 09:33:01 pm

Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Alehksunos on November 04, 2014, 01:23:36 am
Sites like 4Chan and Reddit, etc. are hopelessly shrouded by violently racist, misogynist, homophobic and transphobic sociopaths. Said people also cannot cope with reality the same way the worst of Tumblr cannot cope with reality.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Witchyjoshy on November 06, 2014, 02:22:11 pm
The more loudly someone proclaims and takes pride in the fact that they're a skeptic, the less likely they are to be anything but arbitrary skeptics.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Askold on November 06, 2014, 05:06:44 pm
Sites like 4Chan and Reddit, etc. are hopelessly shrouded by violently racist, misogynist, homophobic and transphobic sociopaths. Said people also cannot cope with reality the same way the worst of Tumblr cannot cope with reality.

On one hand I've seen intellegent conversations and debates on some parts of 4chan, on the other hand even those threads usually draw in a few racists, misogynists, homophobics and transphobic sociopaths who may or may not be simply trolling...
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on November 06, 2014, 06:29:48 pm
The more loudly someone proclaims and takes pride in the fact that they're a skeptic, the less likely they are to be anything but arbitrary skeptics.

In other words, you're skeptical of skeptics :P

Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Second Coming of Madman on November 06, 2014, 06:34:54 pm
People who spend their time getting riled about pointless internet scandals everybody will forget in a year on the outside are the embodiment of "first world problems".
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: I am lizard on November 12, 2014, 01:40:31 pm
I'm suspicious who overuses words and phrases like "Social justice warrior" "Radflake" "tumblrina" and "nipple-waffler"

The best way to judge a someone in a fandom is how well they take sly digs at there fandom.
Those who go into "Not all fans" mode when they hear a joke at their fandom's expense are gonna be assholes.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Sigmaleph on November 12, 2014, 11:04:26 pm
Anyone who overuses words and phrases like "Social justice warrior" "Radflake" "tumblrina" and "nipple-waffler"

I'd be impressed to find anyone who overuses "radflake", considering there's like five people who have ever used it at all.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: I am lizard on November 12, 2014, 11:25:15 pm
Anyone who overuses words and phrases like "Social justice warrior" "Radflake" "tumblrina" and "nipple-waffler"

I'd be impressed to find anyone who overuses "radflake", considering there's like five people who have ever used it at all.
Well, true.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Art Vandelay on November 12, 2014, 11:28:47 pm
Won't someone please think of the social justice warriors?!
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: I am lizard on November 12, 2014, 11:43:55 pm
Won't someone please think of the social justice warriors?!
No. No one must think about them ever.

I suppose I should clarify my earlier point. I wasn't saying anyone who mocks "Superwholocks4socialjustice" is scum, I was referring to people who call anyone who challenges their sexist, transphobic worldview an "SJW"

Now that I think of it I already covered this before.
Title: Re: What are your stereotypes?
Post by: Alehksunos on November 13, 2014, 01:18:45 am
Sites like 4Chan and Reddit, etc. are hopelessly shrouded by violently racist, misogynist, homophobic and transphobic sociopaths. Said people also cannot cope with reality the same way the worst of Tumblr cannot cope with reality.

Reading me rag on 4Chan in this post is amusing now because of my current avatar, being the unofficial mascot of the site.

It is also amusing that - said this before and will say it again - the titular little girl from a sweet, inoffensive little series of slice of life manga (and the very few I consider worth reading because it's the very few I can even bear touching and not want to gag) is the unoffical mascot of a site usually full of said "shut-in sociopaths".