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Community => Religion and Philosophy => Topic started by: the_ignored on April 28, 2015, 08:45:12 pm

Title: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: the_ignored on April 28, 2015, 08:45:12 pm
Check this (http://creation.com/angkor-saw-a-stegosaur) out.  This is an article by Creation Ministries International, the Aussie branch of AiG.

The complete and humiliating take down, if I were the author of that shit, is given by Aron Ra here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5kckGxwJr4) at the 28:41 mark.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on April 28, 2015, 08:51:46 pm
This idiot deserves a gold medal in cherry-picking.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Ironchew on April 28, 2015, 11:09:47 pm
Check this (http://creation.com/angkor-saw-a-stegosaur) out.  This is an article by Creation Ministries International, the Aussie branch of AiG.

The complete and humiliating take down, if I were the author of that shit, is given by Aron Ra here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5kckGxwJr4) at the 28:41 mark.

Mind giving a brief summary?
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Sigmaleph on April 29, 2015, 12:36:06 am
There's a carving in Angkor Wat that kinda looks like a dinosaur and creationists think it proves that dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Vypernight on April 29, 2015, 05:50:57 am
So they're attempting to use a Hindu/Buddhist temple to prove Creationism, which is only based on Christianity.

I wonder if they realize how stupid they sound, but they figure any attention is good.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Askold on April 29, 2015, 06:21:03 am
So they're attempting to use a Hindu/Buddhist temple to prove Creationism, which is only based on Christianity.

I wonder if they realize how stupid they sound, but they figure any attention is good.

Actually, the point they are making is not contradicted by the fact that their "evidence" is from a Buddhist temple. If that was actually an image of a dinosaur drawn by people who saw a live dinosaur, then it does not matter what religion (if any) those people belonged to. If they could somehow prove that Stegosaurs (if that is what it is, I can't remember all the dinosaur names) coexisted with humans it would be a massive discovery. And there is no contradiction with other religions coexisting alongside Christianity (depending on your branch of Christianity either those religions are simply false or they worship minor gods and demons.)

Although they would need to dig up some rather impressive evidence to prove that their Creationism is true and all the scientific evidence against it is either false or misinterpreted.

...But I still think that in this case that image is not of a dinosaur and it just looks like one by coincidence.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: mellenORL on April 29, 2015, 10:31:03 am
Baby Asian rhino. The YouTube debunking lecture by Aron Ra was worth a watch. Downright amusing.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: ironbite on April 29, 2015, 11:53:37 am
Wow.  Any port in a storm I guess.

Ironbite-then again look who's trying to provide the proof.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Barbarella on May 01, 2015, 08:31:33 pm
Took a gander at that AronRa video. I love his take down of creationists.

LATER EDIT: AronRa thinks it was a pig and he jokingly dubbed it "Pigasaurus". Personally, I...along with many others...see a rhino.

One part that was hilarious is when he tackled how Creationists would look at paredolia in cave walls and pass them off as "Cave paintings of dinosaurs"....especially the part about some discolored cave lumpiness that Creationists pass off as "The epic battle between Tyrannosaurus Rex & Wooly Mammoth!" (which he states looked more like crude hand puppets of Barney & Dumbo).
To drive the point home, he compares these blobs and stains to real cave paintings which are quite visible, impressive, unambiguous, beautiful & very detailed.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on May 04, 2015, 05:46:29 am
Kinda reminds me of this.

(click to show/hide)

Same basic reasoning.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Barbarella on May 04, 2015, 12:14:26 pm
Kinda reminds me of this.

(click to show/hide)

Same basic reasoning.

If you still don't get it after "Aliens!", some folks believe this sarcophagus lid art depicts a guy (either an E.T. or the ancient Mayan king who's buried in said sarcophagus)...at the controls of a space ship. In reality, he's lying down and all that stuff is some mythical 'Tree Of Life' iconography & animal totems. It depicts said king entering the hereafter.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Ultimate Paragon on May 04, 2015, 12:32:34 pm
Is it just me, or do most of the "ancient aliens" theories seem to involve non-white civilizations?
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Nemo on May 04, 2015, 01:14:46 pm
Really? You haven't heard of people who think Stonehenge is somehow connected to aliens (this is also the topic of the most recent Thor movie, if I'm not mistaken)?
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Barbarella on May 04, 2015, 01:32:03 pm
Is it just me, or do most of the "ancient aliens" theories seem to involve non-white civilizations?

I've been thinking the same.

There is one Greek temple, though, that gets weird "Von Daanken" silliness tossed at it. Stonehenge & Norse sites sometimes enter the fray.

I'm not against the concept of aliens or aliens visiting us per se...but all the alleged evidence has been proven to be bogus plus the very concept is insulting to us humans.

It's like they're saying, "It wasn't human ingenuity that built the Pyramids....It was little green men named Zork & Pinfob from Planet Blorzarg-5!".

This bellow is the best takedown of this "Ancient Astronaut" stuff. Sadly & ironically, the guy doing it is also a ChristoFrum who believes in creationism. However, until the last 15 minutes, it's a pretty secular documentary that does an awesome job at debunking. Shame that last 15 minutes ruins it......

But I made a re-edited version without the stupid part. It ends before the Frumminess begins.......
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: ironbite on May 04, 2015, 05:11:32 pm
Really? You haven't heard of people who think Stonehenge is somehow connected to aliens (this is also the topic of the most recent Thor movie, if I'm not mistaken)?

I will hit you so hard your brain will think you're watching Ghostbusters.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Tolpuddle Martyr on May 04, 2015, 09:52:03 pm
Is it just me, or do most of the "ancient aliens" theories seem to involve non-white civilizations?

Not always, but there is a consistent theme of thinking that people NotLikeUs(tm) couldn't possibly have been smart enough to make sturdy buildings or good art.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: Nemo on May 05, 2015, 12:26:01 am
Really? You haven't heard of people who think Stonehenge is somehow connected to aliens (this is also the topic of the most recent Thor movie, if I'm not mistaken)?

I will hit you so hard your brain will think you're watching Ghostbusters.
So..... you either really liked Thor 2, or hated it. In either case, I was joking.
Title: Re: Angkor Wat and Dinosaurs...CMI's stupidity.
Post by: davedan on May 05, 2015, 02:09:27 am
Really? You haven't heard of people who think Stonehenge is somehow connected to aliens (this is also the topic of the most recent Thor movie, if I'm not mistaken)?

I will hit you so hard your brain will think you're watching Ghostbusters.
So..... you either really liked Thor 2, or hated it. In either case, I was joking.

I fucking love ghostbusters, the last two times I've been at the movies, I was sitting there wishing I was watching Ghostbusters.